Lost in Histerianz

By MissCharybdis

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"To save the future of your confined life or settle down, face the danger on your adventure and save someone... More

Author's Note
〚 Prologue 〛
〚 I 〛
〚 II 〛
〚 III 〛
〚 V 〛
〚 VI 〛
〚 VII 〛
〚 VIII 〛
〚 IX 〛
〚 X 〛
〚 XI 〛
〚 XII 〛
〚 XIII 〛
〚 XIV 〛
〚 XV 〛
〚 XVI 〛
〚 XVII 〛

〚 IV 〛

47 11 1
By MissCharybdis

We continued our journey until we stopped on a meadow.

"Why do we stopped?" I asked while looking at Jilly and Nova behind us.

"Ssssh..." Artemis shushed me.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"A beast" Artemis replied as her right eye glowed and changed into golden eyes.

"B-be-beast?" I'm started to scared and looked around.

I don't saw or heard anything but it seems that Apollo and Artemis are guarded. About Jilly and Nova, they're just keep calm and started to looked around too.

Artemis shot an arrow into a bush. Wait, I don't remember that she brought a bow and an arrow?

Then Apollo went into the bush with his sword and a rope and not for a long time he appeared with a beast.

It looked like some kind of snake but it has a turtle's shell and a head of a snapping turtle.

"W-what is that?" I asked. It looked so creepy.

"A Tortslotake. Half snake, half snapping turtle"

Artemis replied. She's very knowledgeable especially about something related to animals.

"So that's a Tortslotake!! I only saw it in books! We hardly ever saw it's meat in the market!!" Jilly looked excited.

"Let's eat it!!" Apollo smiled. Oh wow, he looked so cute when he smiled.

"Wait, we can eat that thing?" I asked, still felt weird about that beast.

"Yea, it's not poisonous. Many people said that a Tortslotake's meat is delicious" Artemis replied.

"I'll cook it" Apollo said as she took out his knife and started to cut the Tortslotake.

It's scary so looked to another direction. So do Nova, I think she's also afraid of it.

Apollo began to separate the meat and the inner organs of the beast. Then I saw Artemis' playing with animals around her.

Jilly helped Apollo to make the spices for the meat.

"[y/n], Nova, Tem, could you guys please search for firewoods? We can't cook if we don't have some" Jilly asked us.

"Of course!" we answered and we walked into the woods.

We started to seek for branches and wood sticks. Then Artemis asked me.

"So, what do I like in your world? I mean, like my personality. And Jilly's too"

"Well, you and Jilly are my best friends. You're fun and hilarious person. You like to play games and Jilly's funny and like jokes, well you guys are the best"

"I see... Then I suppose we have a copy of each other in another world?" She asked.

"Well, as I knew, we don't only have 2 world. Maybe they're another world that lives peoples like us. We usually called it, alternate universe"

Nova replied as she took a branch and put it on her bag.

"I wonder if my parents and my friends are worried about me" I looked down.

"Nova, do you know what happened if someone traveled into another universe?" I asked.

"Well, I'm sorry I don't know. But soon, we'll know" she replied.

"Anyway, we're going to meet the other warriors, our friend, Amethyst and Sora might know something about it"

Artemis said as she told me that we've collected more than enough.

Then we walked back to Apollo and they started making a fire.

For the first time, I saw Jilly's magic. I know that they said Jilly's a witch but I haven't see her magic.

She can cast a blue fire and with that fire, it burns the wood and Apollo started to pierced the meat and put it on the buffer at the top of the fire.

A few moments later, we smelled a delicious smell from it.

The meat is ripe and ready to eat. I'm curious about the taste. No need to think from what it were.

"[y/n], do you want to try some?" Jilly gave me a stick with the meat in it.

"Well, maybe?" though I felt weird but when I saw Apollo and Jilly ate it with passion, so I bite the meat and it was...

Delicious!! The meat was soft and the spices were good!!

"Tem, take a bite!" Apollo offered the meat to Artemis.

"Nah bro, thanks I'm good" She refused, so do Nova.

"But Artemis, Nova, it tastes good!" I said that as I took a bite again.

"Aw c'mon" Apollo handed the stick of the meat to Artemis. She kept refused but Apollo made her took a one bite.

"Wow!! It's good!!" her face looked happy. Well, I wonder why this world's Artemis has a kinda different character from my world. In this world she always looked serious.

"I told you!" he laughed. I think Apollo is a good brother. By the way, I'm the only child in my family. I never felt like having a sibling.

But then I saw, Nova still don't want to eat that.

I sat beside Nova and asked,

"Why don't you eat the meat?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't meant not appreciate the food but I'm a vegetarian"

"Ah I see" I'm still thinking of what it feels like to have a sibling.

"[y/n], you okay?" the small girl asked me.

"Ah yes, I'm okay. By the way, how old are you?"

"I'm still 15 years old. I suppose you're at the same age as Artemis and Jilly? They're 17 and Apollo is 20" she explained.

"Ah yes. I'm 17" I'm still looking at Artemis and Apollo. What if I have a brother? Maybe one like Apollo?

"Do you have any siblings, [y/n]?"

What. She read my mind?

"Uh, in the matter of fact, no. I'm the only child"

"Nova, do you have a sibling?"

"Well, yes. A twin brother actually" she smiled.

"Wow! A twin? What's his name?"

"Solar Gallaxy"

"That's his nickname? Just like you?"

"Yes. His real name is Gan Sheng Long. Just call hin Solar. Soon we'll meet him"

"Why do you guys separated?"

"We don't separate. We just travelled. You know, warriors usually don't stay at their home and do chores. We even made a hideout instead of a house because we usually leave it and sometimes use it again for a short time" she explained.

"Oh I see. So who is this Amethyst?"

"She's the big sis of Nova's boyfriend" Artemis came and giggled.

"Artemis, stop it!!" Nova punched her arm.

Oh wow a 15 years old girl already has a boyfriend... Now I'm kinda jelly.

"She liked to search stuffs and all about chemistry stuffs" Temi explained as she dodged Nova's punches.

"Artemis, I heard that you have a boyfriend too. In my world you have one, older than you. Is that true?" I asked while Pollo and Jilly are still eating.

"Ahahah... Well..." she looked to another direction as Nova teased her.

"Aaww, come on Temi! Tell her about him!!"

"Him? Who?" suddenly Apollo appeared behind me.

"Oh, about your best bro ever" Temi said to Pollo.

"Best bro ever?" I'm confused.

"My best friend is my sister's boyfriend!" he put a big smile and I'm still confused.

"And my best friend is my brother's girlfriend!" Temi shouted back at him. Now I get more confused.

"Well, forget it. You guys finished you meal?" Artemis tried to switched the topic.

"Ohohoho, changing the topic? How classy~" suddenly Jilly came out of nowhere.

"Ooh... Well, we can talk about it when we meet him. Now we need to find Amethyst, okay" Nova said as she packed her stuffs and get into Jilly's horse and sat behind her.

"Okie dokie lets go!!" Jilly shouted. Then we continue our journey without knowing what danger that will come...

-To be Continued...

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