The Little Black Book for Gir...

By StStephensCH

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Check it out: not just a book about sex, but a look at girl culture by youth themselves. No stuffy school tex... More

Chapter 1 - Relationship
By night U were my friend
What Is Love?
What Is a Healthy Relationship?
Reading the Signs: Unhealthy Relationships
Cheating: What is it?
Relationship Fundamentals
True Friends
When in Heaven
Out, Gay, and Seventeen
I am 18 years old and bisexual
What's all the fuss about?
Once a Girl, Now a Boy
My skin's turned to driftwood tonight
To Jane, If You Care What I Was Thinking
Ugly Duckling Syndrome
Relationships: The Good, the Bad, and the Bumping Uglies
The Road of Life
Relationship Abuse
Reality TV
Chapter 2 - Periods
The Menstrual Cycle
Better than My Own
Period Interview
When your monthly visitor isn't a monthly visitor
Arghhh ... TAMPONS?!?!?
Tampons: A How-To
Chapter 3 - Sex
Sex Sex Sex
The first time I had sex
Sex Interview
Confessions of a Virgin
Sex Details
My First Time Sexing A Girl
How to talk to your partner about sex!
Letz Talk About Sex
Sexual Pressure
Sexual Stereotyping
Fun Alternatives to Intercourse
Masturbation Interview
Spirituality and Sex
Top 10 Questions We Had about Sex...
Chapter 4 - Birth Control
Birth Control - It's all up to YOU!
Birth Control
Plan B
AAHH ... The Joy and Bliss of Latex Allergies
The Pill
My Choice
Chapter 5 - Pregnancy/Miscarriage
My Choice
Pregnancy Interview
Ready or not?
Pregnant and Alone
Miscarriage Interview
Chapter 6 - Abortion
When I was 14, I met this guy.
Abortion Interview
Chapter 7 - STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Questions We Had about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)...
How are STIs spread?
Lying on My Back
Other Infections
The Pap Smear Breakdown
Chapter 8 - AIDS
Questions We've Had about HIV/AIDS and Answers We Found
A Young Woman who is HIV Positive
The Down Low: What You Should Know
Chapter 9 - Sexual Assault
That Night
Questions We Had about Sexual Assault
Ways Women Can Protect Themselves
What is sexual harassment?
All my life
I didn't know what to do
I guess one day
8 Red Bull Beers
Devoured innocence
Little Black Book for Girlz Resource Guide
About St. Stephen's Community House and the Drug-Free Youth Arcade program

What Is Safe Sex?

2.7K 43 2
By StStephensCH

The Group

Safe sex means a lot of things; there is emotionally safe sex and physically safe sex. I am going to focus on physically safe sex.

The safest thing to do is not to have sex. But the reality is that we often choose to have sex and most of the time we don't know what the risks are. When I first had sex, I was worried about getting pregnant but I didn't really think it would happen to me and

I didn't think about STIs or AIDS. Once I learned about these things and met young people who were my age and HIV positive, I changed my mind about sex. Now I insist on safe sex.

I have done a lot of reading and learning while working on this book, and to have the safest sex possible is the ideal, but I wonder how many people actually do have the safest sex they can? I think we should begin by talking about what safe sex is:

To ensure safer sex with a penis in a vagina, you need the following:

• latex or polyurethane condom OR a polyurethane female condom

• water-based lubrication (Oil-based lubes can cause condoms to break.)

To "go down on a woman,"you need the following:

• dental dam or a latex condom cut in half (A dental dam is a soft thin stretchy piece of latex that feels silky. You hold it between your partner's vagina and your tongue while giving her oral sex. It feels really good and also helps prevent the spread of STIs.)

To give a blow job to a guy, you need the following:

• a dry latex condom

To finger a woman, you need the following: • latex gloves or finger cots

So there you have it, your safest bet is LATEX CONDOMS!!!!! (But remember: even condoms aren't 100% effective—it says so right on the package.)

Now that you know you need to use condoms and all the other goodies, does that mean you will? 

Why don't some people use condoms?

I have heard so many guys say "it doesn't feel good" or "I'm too big, it doesn't fit properly" or "It ruins the mood".

So how can we respond to these statements? Here is a list of suggestions of what to say.

• "It may not feel good, but having a little swab stuck up inside your penis for an STI check feels even worse, don't ya think?"

• "It may not feel great, but green discharge coming out of your penis is not a such a good feeling either!"

• "I can see that you're big, but as you can see I can fit this entire condom on my fist so I think it will fit!" (Try it. You really can!)

• "Not to worry, I have the extra large condoms. Let's see if you really need them."

• "Yeah, you know what? Testing positive for HIV would ruin MY mood."

• "You know what ruins my mood? The fact that you don't care about my safety! And you say you love me!"

• "I understand that it could ruin the mood BUT if I put it on with my mouth like this, how does it feel?" (Try this one too.)

• There is this saying "no glove no love..." That works for me!

Another thing we have to keep in mind about condoms is that a lot of guys don't actually know how to put them on. If that thing is going in my body, I want to know the condom is on the right way!!! See the following picture for instructions.

A lot of friends say that they won't put them on a guy because they don't want him to think they are sluts. Well here is some news for you. If he thinks those types of things, then why are you about to sleep with him? I always put the condoms on and I make it a part of the foreplay.That way the so-called mood isn't ruined.

In the end, what did we learn? USE CONDOMS TO SAVE YOUR BODY, RELATIONSHIPS, and LIFE! 

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