
By QreenPaladin

104 14 94

Wip More

Bandits in the East
A little more about that girl
Scar and Marcoh make an apperance
Lab 5 + Team Elric = Chaos
Brothers Fight too
Miracle of Rush Valley & Izumi's Lesson
Devil's Nest
Fast Paced
A Minor Setback?
What a mess we are in
No more Bullshit, a lot of idiots
Physical Seperation...Souls intertwined.
Final battles. Part one.

A little bit more

5 1 10
By QreenPaladin


I had incidentally met Hohenheim, someone Naomi had told me about one night on the phone. "He's Ed's dad," She had said, "I'm not sure how to peg him, honestly." 

We were riding in a carriage when a woman asked him about his family. "Did you fight?" She asked. "Something like that. But I'll see him again someday. After all, he is a national alchemist." I hummed. A little while later, when we were under attack by bandits, he blocked the way to the passengers and talked to the perps. 

Then, he walked away. "Hey...!" I yelled, running after him. "Mister! Wait up!" I caught up with him. "Are you really Hohenheim? Edward Elric's dad?" He hummed, looking down at me. "Yes...? Do you know him?" I buzzed with confliction. "Yeah. My best friend's travelling with him." Hohenheim tilted his head. "Naomi?" "Rosenwall?" I tilted mine as well, "Yeah!! That's her!!" Hohenheim hummed. "Have you met?" I asked. 

"Briefly," He said, "She seems sweet, kind. A little hotheaded yet well-grounded." I hummed, smiling. "Yeah, that's her." 



Turns out if I hadn't caught Winry when I did, she may have went to find Ed and Al. Gracia called later to tell me that everyone was talking about Ed and Al fighting Scar. My stomach turned at the thought. 

A few hours later, Bradley came into Winry and Mine's room and talked to us. I had a bad feeling through it all. 


We were dropped off at our Inn, where Bradley was talking to Winry and Naomi. "Ah..." Winry breathed, looking at us. "You're okay." Naomi sighed, a relieved smile on her lips. I smirked. "Did you doubt us?" She shook her head, wiping her eyes. "No," She looked at me. "Not for a second." What a liar. 

"Nice to see you, Elric brothers." Bradley said, attracting my attention. "Why are you here?" I asked, quite shocked. "I asked about the disturbance and was lead here. Naomi told me you were protecting these two lovely ladies." I got the feeling that Naomi told Winry our plan when Bradley arrived, "You are very important, Elrics, Miss Rosenwall. I must treat your friend well." He stood up. "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you Miss Rockbell. I must get moving now, farewell." Winry bowed. "Ah...thank you." 

Bradley left, whispering to me as I stared at Naomi: "She's a good girl. Take care of her." Bradley left and Naomi coughed politely. "So," She said, jumping up leisurely, "how'd it go?" I hummed, looking at her. "We got the fat one." "Gluttony." "Yeah." We stared aimlessly for a bit. Then, I said: "What did you talk about?" Naomi hummed. "Just that you were attacked by Scar~" She said, walking to me. "However, I did tell Winry what you really planned once we got to the inn." Winry nodded. 

"Naomi said it'd be best not to let the higher ups know," Winry said, still sitting. "for whatever reason." I hummed. "Riza suspects the curroption-slash-relation to the homunculi is rooted in the high ranking staff." Naomi said. I nodded. "Okay. We'll be careful." Al said. I hummed. 


The afternoon came, and with it Winry's departure. "I told Naomi what I tweaked in your automail," She said, "So if you need repairs she should be able to do it. I will be pretty busy in Rush Valley, so I'm counting on you Neo!" Naomi nodded, cheeks tinged Pink. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought Winry winked, smirking at Naomi. That's ridiculous. 

"Don't forget to take care of your automail, Ed. I'll bring some better oil next time, Al." "Yes." "Thank you!" Winry frowned. "Don't die. Any of you." We nodded, "We won't." "Of course not." Naomi grinned. "Not a chance." 

The train left the station and I turned to Naomi. "Naomi," I said, "Please don't cry because of us anymore." She pursed her lips. "Don't die, and I won't have to." With that, we walked back to the inn. We didn't get far before Mustang caught us off and updated us on the current happenings: 

"Soldiers are stationed around the hotel, so if you go back you won't be leaving so soon." He also told us where Gluttony and Lan Fan were. We picked up a doctor and drove out to the shack. As Lan Fan got treated, I spoke to Ling. 

"I'm sorry." Ling scowled. "Are you about to tell me 'It's my fault you got caught in this'?" I looked at him, quite perplexed. "What kind of expression is that? Don't misunderstand." He furrowed his brows at me. "I said before that we're in the same boat, right? And I suggested the method. We're helping each other for our own purposes, so don't feel apologetic." He glanced at Naomi. "You too Naomi!" "Yes!!" 

Ling sighed. "I realized all the sacrifices coming from the wish for immortality, which is why I left my country. Ever since I started holding Xing's fate in my hands I began to understand. I'm too naive. Lan Fan understands much more than me." 

We were allowed to see Lan Fan soon after. "You alright?" Naomi asked. "Anything we can do?" I added. Lan Fan glanced at Naomi's exposed legs. "Automail..." she huffed, "this country has mechanical limbs. My arm is gone, so...I need a replacement." She sighed. "Ahh? Do you now?" Naomi smirked. I followed her gesture. "I know the perfect mechanic for the job." I said, smirking. 

We walked into the  hall, straight into Mustang and Ling talking about Homunculi. He revealed Greed's death and Maes', and so Ling came to Naomi realization. Or at least, some correlation. 

"King Bradley. That guy might be a homunculus!" Ling said. Roy, Al and I gaped, eyes wide, before shifting to disbelief. "Huh?" We said. Then, Ling recounted their fight with Bradley. 

"Selim is adopted," Naomi mused, "And Homunculi can't reproduce," Al added, "Haah..." Roy sighed. "Monster or Human, whatever it is, now it seems much easier to kick the fuehrer off his throne!" 

This however, evolved into a argument. 



From behind me, I heard a voice hiss as they argued: "Mustang..." I turned around. "...?" "Killed Lust...killed...Lust...Colonel..." Roy turned too, and Ed's eyes widened. "Colonel Mustang ROY MUSTANG!" The wires burst, and the room was swallowed whole. 

"ARGH!" I grunted, swinging my arms to cover my face. 

Riza stood outside, and Gluttony's eat-beam bit off her rifle. As Mustang shouted at her not to provoke it, my mind raced. "To make such monsters...." Ed mused, sweating pinballs, "What is Alchemy...." Mustang scoffed. "We have no choice but to kill it," He declared. "Colonel...!" Ed argued, "We just captured it!" "Survival comes first, Fullmetal," Roy stood tall, "Besides, it knows my name, it cannot live." Roy snapped, but the flames were eaten by the monster. "He ate them!" I yelled. 

Gluttony aimed again, forcing us to run off. "It's not working!!" Ed yelled, "You try then!!" Roy retorted, "Don't follow us, it's targeting you!" Al screamed hysterical and angry. "To the forest," I instructed. "Then scatter!" The boys did as they were told, with me staying back alongside Lan Fan. Soon, Ed, Roy, Riza and Al returned. 

Roy and Riza got into the car, and I joined AL and Ed. Ling allied with us. "I can't retreat now!!" Roy argued. "Forgive me sir, but--" I said, raising a hand, "you're useless." "You're a burden!!" Ed yelled. "You are pretty useless, colonel." Riza said. "Go away!!" Al insisted. Ed suddenly turned serious. 

"Just do what you have to. This country's Leader's a homunculus. You can't ignore that." The doctor cursed. "Just get in!! We can't stay here!" Ed smirked. "Looks full to me. Go on ahead." He said. Riza paled. "Bastards!!" The doctor yelled. "WE CAN'T LEAVE KIDS ON THE BATTLE GROUNDS!" Riza yelled. Ling smirked, "Hey, I don't know the details but don't you have something more important to do? Isn't your enemy the fuhrer?" 

I smirked. "We can deal with Gluttony. We're staying. The fact that we're children has nothing to do with it. This is our battle, one way or another." Ed nodded, "We'll finish what we started." He said. He smirked, and when I looked, Lang was too. Al seemed to be conveying the same emotion with his glowing eyes. "Thanks for your help." Ed said. "Naomi." 

Riza's  voice was serious. She loaded her gun and held it out. "Take it." She said. "Use it." I felt Ed stiffen. I stared at it. "You went through the training, you are trained for this." Riza said. "That's...a machine for killing." Al said. "It's a machine for survival." I took the gun, Ed and Al inhaling sharply. I bent down and put a card over the ground. I transmuted some dirt to cover the gun's tip. I slipped into the back of my belt. 

"I'll take it," I said, feeling Ed and Al burn gazes into my back, "But no promises on the use." Riza frowned. "Don't die." She commanded, "Lys might very well break." I nodded. "Right. I won't. I promise. " Ling flinched, then said: "Take care of Lan Fan!" And we were off. 

We hid behind some trees and began to freak. "I was lying when I told them we would battle it..." Ed said. I hummed. "Your voice changed." Ling said. "How do we do this?" Al asked. "Can't it at least revert to normal..?" Ed asked. "Maybe if we fed the Colonel to it?" I offered. "Good idea." Ed agreed slyly. 

Ed scowled as Gluttony aimed at us again. "WHERE DOES ALL THAT SWALLOWED STUFF GO ANYWAYS!!" Ling roared: "HOW WOULD I KNOW! A HOMUNCULI OR ALCHEMY PLACE!" I scowled. "WHAT DOES IT MATTER!?" I yelped. Suddenly, Ling and Al's weird cat turned. Al followed the motion, they all were looking at something behind me now. When I turned, there stood a horse. 

"A horse?" I said quizically. "Stop it gluttony..." It said, voice distorted slightly. "IT TALKED!?" Ling exclaimed. "You..." It hissed, "from before!" It turned into the green haired freak. "Long time no see, Full-metal-bean!! And the Card-handler-dwarf!!" I scowled. "You...? What the hell?" Ed asked. 

"who..." He stomped towards them, "" He aimed a kick: "CALL A PLANKTON FLEA SIZED ITTY BITTY LITTLE BEAN--!?" The green haired person waved their arms. "Wait!! I'm not planning on fighting you, bean!!" Ed punched again. "That's twice just now!!" The person shook. "Wha...what...what's your problem!!" Ed growled, "AND THREE TIMES IN THE FIFTH LABRORATORY! YOU CALLED ME A BEAN!! DON'T TELL ME YOU DON'T REMEMBER!" "Such a good memory..." They groaned. I huffed, scoffing. "Yeah...but for such trivial things." 

Ed grit his teeth in a smile. "I'M SO GLAD I FOUND YOU HERE TODAY!! ENVY!!" Ling gaped. "Monster..." He sighed. I chuckled. "Nah...just Ed." I tilted my head and smiled. "Silly...idiot...Edward." We ran after them, and Al held Ed down. Envy finally noticed Ling. "You again, squinty eyes." "Hi. Come to capture me?" "Not today. I'm just here to get him. But...if we don't get rid of you...Gluttony! You can't eat the flame colonel, the elrics, or silver over here, but you can eat squinty over there. Hungry? Swallow him whole!" 

Envy whispered to Gluttony, and we all scowled. "Oh? Things are looking better." Ed said. I nodded. "They won't be going after us right now." I added. AL agreed, buzzing. "And gluttony has calmed down somewhat." Ling licked his lips. "I see..." Ed clapped his hands and built a wall seperating the homunculi. Ed shouted at Ling and I, facing Envy: "YOU TAKE CARE OF HIM; LING! NAOMI!" I transmuted a rapier from my automail, and charged. Envy complimented Ling's fighting, acknowledging his on-par-ness with Bradley. "Thank you," Ling said, "you...are nothing compared to him!" He sliced through his stomach. Envy wrapped his arm around Ling's body. 

He rattled down possible deaths, which kept me at bay. Damn my hero-complex, for sure. Ling however, kicked dirt into Envy's eyes, distracting him. He was able to cut loose and joined my side. Ling began to tell how often people tried to assassinate him. He demanded the stone. "Ling..." I warned, but Envy was already shouting: "TRASH! DON'T YOU WEAKLINGS START GLOATING YET!" I hissed. "Don't underestimate humans," I scowled. "Homunculus." 

Ed got flung away. "Ed!!" I screeched. Envy turned into Lan Fan the next time I looked, and suddenly Ed was diving to Ling's side, yelling: "YOU'LL BE EATEN!!" 

Then, they were gone. Al began to thrash. "Alphonse!" I cried, tears running down my cheeks. "Calm down!" I screamed. "Al!!!!!" He turned, and his eyes glowed. "Please..." I begged, falling to my knees. "Don't give up on Ed quite yet..." "Naomi..." I swung my head up. "There's no proof he's dead!! No!! I won't believe it til' I've seen his dead corpse!!" 

Al huffed. "You're so stubborn..." I sobbed. "I...I get it from...Ri....Riza." 



I regained conciousness in Gluttony's belly. I yelled for my friends, "LING!!! AL!!! NAOMI!!! HEY!!! " I sighed. "Nao and Al'll be rioting...they'll kill me..." I huffed. "Naomi...I'm not dead..." I whispered. "Wait for me." 

After some minutes, Ling showed up. We began to talk about our situation. "Let's find a wall!!" Ling proposed hysterically, "Yes!! Lets!!" 


We hadn't walked far when Ling said: "So, are you anxious to show Naomi that you're alive?" I hummed. "Yeah. I can't have her crying over me." Ling hummed. "Understandable. After all, you are in love with her. I wouldn't want to see my crush cry either--" I coughed suddenly, face feeling incredibly hot. "WHAT!?!?" Ling rose his brows. "What? You're crushing on Naomi. So?" "WHAT NO I'M NOT!!!" "Oh." Ling smirked suddenly. "So you're an oblivious Prodigy, I see." "HUH!!!??!?!?!?!??! LING YOU BASTARD!!!! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!!!!??????" 


We met Envy, and when he said we'd die here, I immediately thought of Al and Naomi, trying desperately not to cry, somewhere out there. I felt immense rage boil inside me. 




Al, Gluttony and I shared hours of peace, until the sun rose. My tears had long since dried. "I swallowed Envy...and the Sacrifices...daddy will be mad." Al looked up. "You have a father?" I asked. Gluttony chirped: "I do~" "He created the homunculi?" Al mused. Gluttony nodded. Al tapped his stomach. "There must be something to it...there is a person who created the homunculi..." He balled his hands to fists. "Yes! Naomi you're right. There's no proof whether or not Ed is dead yet..." 



Gluttony led us to him. Or, to a certain point. "Brother will kill us when he finds out what we did to get him out..." Al said. I hummed. "Naomi, I think you should wait out here." "What!?" "Please..." He begged. "Gluttony!" I yelled. "Keep going." Al relented, thankfully. 

He's dealt with stubborness before. He should know when to give up. 


We were about to start, when Gluttony opened up. "Brot...!!" "Wha...!" Al and I said in synch. "BROTHER!" "Armor...that means...." Ed groaned. "we made it back." Ling declared. They fist bumbed, and Al cried: "YOU'RE HURT !! THERE'S BLOOD!!" "No problem, it's not ours. A slight fracture, nothing to worry about. " Just before Al hugged him I tackled him. 



Naomi ran at me, and I thought she was going to deck me with her metal hand, but instead she grabbed my shirt with that hand, and wrapped her flesh one around my neck. She pressed into me with force, her nails scratching against my automail. Her chest moved in deep breaths, and her heavy breath against my ear made me realize how hard she was holding back tears. Al came over and hugged us both. 

"You're alive..." He sighed. "Alive...yeah. I knew it." Naomi said. They let me go and kneeled. I tapped their heads. "Sorry. Won't happen again. I know it was hard on you two, sorry." 

Then, I looked around. And I saw him.

"Hohenheim...?" Naomi scowled next to me. "Is it though?" She questioned. "Isn't Hoh's hair...darker?" I huffed. He mused us. "Ah...Metal limbs...armored boy...silver eyes...the Elrics and Rosenwall?" He asked, coming up close. "You're not...?" Naomi mused confusedly. "Aren't you mistaking me for someone else? Hm...Hohenheim? VAN HHENHEIM?" His head titled creepily. 

"What is your relation to him?" He asked. "He's our father..." Al said. The man grabbed my face and exclaimed: "YOUR FATHER!" "QWAGHH!" 

"I'm surprised! So he's had children!! Your surname is Elric though...?" I grabbed his hand. "Elric is our mother's name, Hohenheim and Mom weren't entered in any registers! We have no connection to him!" He hummed. "So your mother....and? Where is he now?" "HOW SHOULD I FUCKING KNOW!?" "He's alive..mmm..mmmmm." "Wait! I don't understand!" 

The next things happened quickly, he repaired Al and healed my bones, as well as replacing the missing plate on Naomi's leg. Then, Ling exploded, and things escalated. I actually called Ling my friend and then Ling talked smack to him, I learned his name was 'Father'. 

Things got a little out of hand then, and a fight broke out. 



"Hohenheim?" I asked, "Is something wrong?" He shook his head. "No, it's nothing. Let's continue." He began to walk. "How much longer?" "Ah...not much. Though, there's nothing at this X mark." Hoho chuckled. "That's fine." 

I fell into line next to him and whispered: "What?" He frowned. "That man...I told you of him, well, he's used lots of Alchemy recently." I nodded. "Fair enough." 



When the Xingeese girl entered the scene, things got weirder. As if Greed's resurrection wasn't weird enough. 

"HOW YOU PLAY AROUND WITH A MAIDEN'S PURE HEART YOU GRAIN OF RICE BOY!!" She accused. I rose a brow. "What?" I deadpanned as Ed and Al argued. Her words made me feel kind of uncomfortable. Luckily Ed is an idiot when it comes to romantic feelings. At least right now. 

Less good for me, but, I can't really say anything now can I? 

Mei blasted Envy off us, and gave us a chance to fight, but our alchemy still went ineffective. Then, Ed did something truly stupid: he told Scar of Envy's action, starting the Ishvalan war. 

Another fight began, and Al ran off, leaving Ed and I to fight Greed. Again. "NAOMI STAY BACK!!" Ed called, attacking Greed--Ling. Greedling. 

"YOU STUPID PRINCE! GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF!" He yelled. "I'M GREED!" "LIKE I CARE!! GIVE LING HIS BODY BACK!!!!" "THAT I CAN'T DO!!" I felt helpless, and I knew a gun would be useless against Greed. 

This led to our capture, and Ed telling Al and I that Ling was still in there. "He's still in there." He said. "Ed," I said, "he is in there, you're sure?" He nodded. "Yeah. I'm sure." 


We were brought to Central command, and allowed to shower and change. I stood staring at the tiles as water ran down my body. "Damn..." I cursed. 

When I left the bathroom, Al, Ed and Envy were awaiting me. Ed was wearing a white blouse with his black shirt and pants. He had rebraided his hair. Together we walked to an office, and I found out that Mei was inside Al. I face palmed, face hot as I realized that Al was in the bathroom with Ed. I hope she couldn't see anything...what. 

We entered the office. "Mustang...!" I gasped. "Fullmetal, Silvertarot." Bradly buzzes. "Do sit down." We complied. "What happened?" Ed asked. "A lot of things piled high to the heavens." Roy replied. "Sergeant Major Feury to the south. Warrant officer Falman to the north, Second Lieutenant Breda to the west." I gaped. "They were reassigned?" He nodded. "And hawkeye is Bradley's assisstant." My jaw dropped. 

Ed flinched. "What the...?" Mustang growled. "And it's not just parts of the higher ups..."All" of it is pitch black." 

Mei coughed, and as cover up Ed began to question Bradley. "Just behave yourself," He commanded. "Until it becomes time." Ed scowled. "So, when the time comes," I said, "what will become of the civillians. Not-Sacrifices?" I asked. "I believe I warned the three of you not to meddle," He warned, "Silvertarot." 

Then, Ed tried to resign, but Bradley had it all figured it out. He mentioned Winry, and her being our friend alone was enough to keep me seated. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER." I growled, clutching my hands to fists until my knuckles turned white. 

Bradley discharged us soon after, after slicing through Al's armour, somehow missing mei. "MUSTANG!!" I said urgently. "We need Knox's adress!!" "Uh..." He stammered. "Su...sure?" 


We called Winry, who exploded upon hearing Ed worry (for once). "Give me the phone." I said before they hung up. 

"Winry, hey." 

"Oh! Hello Neo! Are you alright? You normally call once a day, I got worried."

"Ah no, s'no big deal. I'm okay." 


"Listen, Win,"


"Be careful. Promise me."


"Please, don't trust the military so easily." 

"....right. I'll watch my tongue."

"Good. Alright. See you." 



As Naomi talked with Winry, Al and I waited outside the closed booth. A informant came with a note, then. "Huh...from Bradley?" I echoed. "Yes!" He saluted. "For your eyes only, sir!" I unfolded the letter and paled. 

"Miss Naomi is just as much at risk as Miss Rockbell. If not, maybe more. We have many potential sacrifices you know." 


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