A little bit more

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I had incidentally met Hohenheim, someone Naomi had told me about one night on the phone. "He's Ed's dad," She had said, "I'm not sure how to peg him, honestly." 

We were riding in a carriage when a woman asked him about his family. "Did you fight?" She asked. "Something like that. But I'll see him again someday. After all, he is a national alchemist." I hummed. A little while later, when we were under attack by bandits, he blocked the way to the passengers and talked to the perps. 

Then, he walked away. "Hey...!" I yelled, running after him. "Mister! Wait up!" I caught up with him. "Are you really Hohenheim? Edward Elric's dad?" He hummed, looking down at me. "Yes...? Do you know him?" I buzzed with confliction. "Yeah. My best friend's travelling with him." Hohenheim tilted his head. "Naomi?" "Rosenwall?" I tilted mine as well, "Yeah!! That's her!!" Hohenheim hummed. "Have you met?" I asked. 

"Briefly," He said, "She seems sweet, kind. A little hotheaded yet well-grounded." I hummed, smiling. "Yeah, that's her." 



Turns out if I hadn't caught Winry when I did, she may have went to find Ed and Al. Gracia called later to tell me that everyone was talking about Ed and Al fighting Scar. My stomach turned at the thought. 

A few hours later, Bradley came into Winry and Mine's room and talked to us. I had a bad feeling through it all. 


We were dropped off at our Inn, where Bradley was talking to Winry and Naomi. "Ah..." Winry breathed, looking at us. "You're okay." Naomi sighed, a relieved smile on her lips. I smirked. "Did you doubt us?" She shook her head, wiping her eyes. "No," She looked at me. "Not for a second." What a liar. 

"Nice to see you, Elric brothers." Bradley said, attracting my attention. "Why are you here?" I asked, quite shocked. "I asked about the disturbance and was lead here. Naomi told me you were protecting these two lovely ladies." I got the feeling that Naomi told Winry our plan when Bradley arrived, "You are very important, Elrics, Miss Rosenwall. I must treat your friend well." He stood up. "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you Miss Rockbell. I must get moving now, farewell." Winry bowed. "Ah...thank you." 

Bradley left, whispering to me as I stared at Naomi: "She's a good girl. Take care of her." Bradley left and Naomi coughed politely. "So," She said, jumping up leisurely, "how'd it go?" I hummed, looking at her. "We got the fat one." "Gluttony." "Yeah." We stared aimlessly for a bit. Then, I said: "What did you talk about?" Naomi hummed. "Just that you were attacked by Scar~" She said, walking to me. "However, I did tell Winry what you really planned once we got to the inn." Winry nodded. 

"Naomi said it'd be best not to let the higher ups know," Winry said, still sitting. "for whatever reason." I hummed. "Riza suspects the curroption-slash-relation to the homunculi is rooted in the high ranking staff." Naomi said. I nodded. "Okay. We'll be careful." Al said. I hummed. 


The afternoon came, and with it Winry's departure. "I told Naomi what I tweaked in your automail," She said, "So if you need repairs she should be able to do it. I will be pretty busy in Rush Valley, so I'm counting on you Neo!" Naomi nodded, cheeks tinged Pink. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought Winry winked, smirking at Naomi. That's ridiculous. 

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