Brothers Fight too

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The next morning, Edward was once again faced with his arch nemesis: MILK. "So we meet again, you little bastard. I'm not gonna drink you." He hissed. I peacefully sipped mine. "Brother, you have a living body that needs nourishment." Al said urgently. It took me a little off guard, and I looked at him with wide eyes. 

Alphonse looked at himself and said: "you have to drink it." Edward huffed indigilantly. "I don't have to if I don't want to. It may not look like it, but I have grown some." He declared proudly. Then, he faltered. What he said next made me tense. "But everyone still call me a pipsqueak. I wish I was like you Al. You've got such a big body now." Of course, Al yelled back: " It's not like I asked for this body, brother!"

It escalated immediately. I covered my ears, but I still heard them. 

"Sorry. You're right. It's my fault that it happened. But I'll make it right. I'll get you back in your real body. You'll see, Al." "That's what you always say but you don't know that for sure." I closed my eyes as tears stained my eyes. " I promise I'm gonna get you back. Believe me, Al. I'll do it." 

"Believe you? How am I suppose to believe anything when I'm stuck in this body! What should I believe in? My memories? Memories are just scraps of information that can be made up as easily as anything else!" "Al, wha... what are you talking about?" I heard a door open. "Do you remember when you said there was something you were afraid to tell me?I think,I think I might know what it was. Maybe you wanted to say that my soul and my memories are really artificial constructions you created. You, Winry, and Granny, you've been lying to me all along, haven't you? What do you have to say for yourself, Brother!" 

"Is that what you really think? If you believed that all this time? So are you finished? Or is there more you wanted to say?" Nothing. I glanced up, shyly. "Okay." Ed left. 

"Don't go. Ed!" Winry called. I shot up and ran to Al. "YOU IDIOTIC BOY!" I screamed, chucking a nearby wrench at him. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT ED DEALS WITH?" I asked, outraged. "WHAT HE GOES THROUGH? WHAT HE SACRIFICES?" I screamed. "THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY YOU'RE FAKE ALPHONSE! You're real, damn it!" I cursed. I crumpled to the floor. "Real. Really stupid. Really kind. Really reckless. Really sassy. Really good." I rambled. Behind me, I heard Winry speak through tears. 

"Do you know what he was so afraid to talk to you about? He wants to know if you blame him for what happened to your body, Al!" She yelled. I saw Al flinch, and did so myself. I could only imagine what he said. 'It's all my fault. Al lost his body and it's all my fault! He can't eat anymore, he can't sleep, he can't feel cold or warmth. He's my little brother and I'm suppose to protect him and I did this! How could he ever forgive me!' "Damn it..." I hissed under my breath. 

"And then,... You idiot! You said that! Who'd ever do something like that. " Winry went on. I wiped the tears away and furrowed my brows as I looked up at the red eyes of my brother-in-spirit. "Go apologize already," I sobbed. "What are you waiting for! Go!" I ordered, causing Al to rise to his feet in a hurry. "Right!" He said, running off. 

"Naomi..." Winry said, wiping her own tears. "Let's follow them. Make sure they don't kill each other." I nodded, and we scurried off. 



As we walked back to the roof door, Winry, Hughes and Naomi were standing there, holding the door open and smiling. We walked back to our hospital room, and I watched her facial expression carefully. "How come only Al and I got slapped?" I mumbled, half-wishing she heard, half-hoping she didn't. 

She stiffened, then said with a sad smile: "Riza's going to give me a lecture tonight, don't you worry." She looked me in the eye, and I saw bounds of sadness behind her silver eyes. I wanted to reply, but no sound came out.  "Don't worry about me," She continued. "I'm not worth the time." The rest of the group dissappeared into the room, leaving us alone. 

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