Miracle of Rush Valley & Izumi's Lesson

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A few minutes later, Paninya came running with the news that Sadila was giving birth. I immediately stood up, knocking the chair over. "I thought she wasn't due for another 30 days, at least!" I yelled. Paninya was panicking, fumbling around her words. 

"I'm going to tell Winry and Dominique!" Ed said. I nodded. "Right! Paninya, where is Sadila?" 


Ed and I soon found out that the bridge across the moutain had collapsed, and despite our combined alchemical knowledge, the resources simply weren't sufficient. "There's another way," I said. "But that's longer." Dom nodded. "I know which way you mean. It's all we have unfortunately. I'm off!" He said, riding off. 

We went back inside to a panicked Paninya crying about Sadila bleeding lots of water. "Oh..." Winry sighed. "Her water broke." "WHAT!" I gasped. "ISN'T THAT BAD?!" Ed exclaimed. Winry grimaced. "Looks like she's going to give birth soon." Ed, Al and Paninya started to run around hysterical. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO??? THE DOCTOR'S NEVER GONNA MAKE IT IN TIME!" Ed panicked. Winry furrowed her brows and grabbed Paninya by her shirt, Al by his white hair thing, and Ed by his braid. 

"Mr. Lear! Come here!" She said, waving the to-be-father over. "What are you planning, Winry?" I asked. Winry gulped, pulling an apron over her figure and tying it in the back. "We're going to deliver it!" She declared. Of course, everyone's jaws dropped. "Ed, we need hot water! Paninya get some Towels! Mr. Lear, do you have alchohol for disinfectants?"  

I went with Paninya to get towels. "Do you think Winry knows what she's doing?" She asked. I shook my head. "I have no idea. But, she knows more than me, for one. We need to put our faith in her and simply pray." Ed nodded. "She grew up with doctors, and reading lots of medicine books." He said. "We have to trust in her memory. " 

We gave Winry what she asked for and held our breath. She murmured the list. "Winry!" I said. Then, Al, Ed and I said in unison: 

"Good luck!" 


The screaming was unbearable. I pulled my knees to my chest and held my ears closed. Poor Alphonse...couldn't even block his ears...

Ed and Al stood by the door. "OW OW OW!" Sadila cursed. "IT HURTS! ARGH I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE!" Ed and Al flinched. I tapped the floor beside me. Ed came and sat down on my right, Al next to him. "I'm actually really nervous..." I mumbled. Ed nodded in agreement. "All we can do now is "pray"..." He whispered. Al nodded. "You're right..."

Then, the door burst open. Paninya stumbled out of the room, panting. "Blood...blood...so much blood..." Ed and I ran to Winry's side. "Winry!" I called. "Hey! What's going on!" Ed asked. Winry pointed ahead, making us look up as well. 

I stumbled towards the bed, grinning. 


"The...baby..." I sighed. Naomi took the child and began to wash them. I walked up behind her and smiled. "Awesome," I sighed, pumping a fist into the air. "Awesome! Awesome!" Naomi scoffed. "Awesome? Is that all you can say about this?" She asked. "Of course!" I exclaimed. "It's the birth of a new life! Something not even Alchemists can achieve, a woman is capable of!" I reasoned. 

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