
By Tophat

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Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Sixty-Eight

110 17 0
By Tophat

Fox sat rigid, his eyes squeezed shut and ears rattling painfully from the gunshot. A screech was ringing around his head, making his senses crackle and throb, but he was alive. Somehow.

Blinking heavily, Fox turned his head, his swimming gaze flickering up to Sodden's face. To his surprise, he looked just as perplexed as Fox felt. He held the gun, still smoking slightly, but the bullet was hanging in the air, frozen in place.

Suddenly they weren't alone. Floating next to fox was the slippery cat, Spirit Bulwark. His face smiled, his eyes closing in glee.

Sodden frowned but there wasn't an ounce of anger in his tone. Nothing seemed to make the blind witch hunter mad. 'Lord Bulwark. I thought your job was to protect the Tower.'

'Yes. This one is meant to protect the Tower from intruders.' The cat's ears twitched. 'But this one also needs to protect it from falling.'

Sodden didn't try to stop Lord Bulwark as magic filled the room, making Fox's already aching head ache more. The world span, blurred, and then he found himself falling and collapsing on cold floor. He lay sprawled out, clutching at his head with bits of grit poking into his skin and the stink of thousands of herbs filling his nose.

'This one just got there in time.' Lord Bulwark cackled above him. 'One second longer and the red head's brain would be mush.'

Fox didn't have the focus to even attempt to feel an ounce of gratitude. Everything swam, churning his stomach and making his eyes throb. He wanted to throw up.

'Thank you, Lord Bulwark. Will you be able to return and survey?' A familiarly irritating voice said.

'Yes.' There was a gentle breeze as Bulwark vanished.

Abruptly, a large hand gripped Fox's shoulder tightly. 'Fox, are you alright?'

'No.' He groaned as he pushed himself onto his knees so he could get a better look at Lithgow. 'Nearly got shot, didn't I?'

Lithgow frowned. 'Where?'

'In the Tower. Sodden was going to just blow my head apart under that bitch's command.'

Lithgow's face darkened. 'Then I worry for the state of your companions.'

Fox shook his head as his focus returned. He thought of Denver's words, her adamant statement Esme was in love with him and only had the willpower to fight when he was nearby. His ears reddened a little and he ignored the odd fluttering in his chest. 'No, no they'll be fine for a bit, she'll trial 'em. She only did it to hurt Esme.'

Lithgow understood but his face was a mixed bag of feeling relief that no one else was being shot behind closed doors and anger that Esme was being put under more pain.

'Did you see Esme?'

'She's alive. She's fightin', Lithgow. She's tryin' to keep her head on straight.' Fox said as he sat cross-legged on the floor, gazing about the room, noting it seemed to be underground and some kind of laboratory. Herbs and plants grew from pots, dangled from ceiling and stored in jars and a vials, Bunsen burners, pots and glass tubes were clustered on a thick oak table. 'Where are we anyway?' His eyes snapped to Lithgow and glared. 'And where have you been while all this crap happened?'

'I've been trying to find an old friend.' He said he rose to the door opening. 'And I found her. This is her home.'

Shuffling into the room came an old woman. She had a leathery face with folds of flesh drooping from her cheeks, but she didn't look anything special. Just an average happy old woman. Not until Fox spied the whistles dangling from her round face.

'A Witch?'

The old woman's smile deepened. 'Aye, a Witch.' She said, her voice thick with the gruff accent of these lands.

'Fox, this is Madama Effie McGill. The Mother Witch of the Mossy Glen Coven.'

Fox didn't know what a mossy glen coven was but he knew what a Mother Witch was. A witch on par with the Grand Wizard; a very powerful, unpredictable and flighty leader. 'How's she meant to help Dupont?' Fox hissed at him irritably.

'You need a Spirit, don't you lad? Well, I know where all the Spirits are around these parts and are on good terms with them. I know a couple who would happily lend their judgement.' She said, her voice oddly powerful in comparison to her age. She smiled at his suspicious stare. 'Normally I don't get myself involved in Tower affairs, lad, but I was contacted by other members of my coven. You know the witches Glenna and Catriona?'

Fox froze, remembering Catriona's easy smile and hulking shape of Glenna. Those two witches, the ones guarding the plague Spirit. 'Yeah.'

'They told me of your plight and a little tid-bit of information. Glenna had a run in with your Sodden, you see. First he tried to pummel information out of her about where you had gone then tried to get her on side when he realised she was too strong.'

Fox felt alarm spread through him. 'They're okay right?'

Effie laughed. 'Of course. Glenna is experienced and Catriona is a very good healer. He also upset Spirit Nightshade and you don't want to fight a raw plague Spirit so their bought was cut short. She was only sorry she didn't break the law and end up killing him, especially when I informed her he found you after all. If he hadn't known your destination, Sodden may have never found you again. Catriona and Glenna had done too good a job erasing your scent in the area.'

Fox instantly felt a swell of gratitude and mentally noted he had to get Esme to send a letter of thanks to them; he'd force her if he had to. Her Wizard pride had caused her to be rude too many times to those two and they had done way more than they needed to help them out.

'Glenna did manage to get some information about who Sodden was as he tried to get her on side. He is a witch of a rogue coven. A druid collective. It seems his Druids are helping a Wizard called Denver, who seems to be enforcing her righteous ideology quite violently and forcefully. They want the Towers destroyed to protect Spirits like Glenna's Nightshade.'

Fox frowned. 'Protect them? But it's a Wizard's job to destroy Spirits that are dangerous, ain't it?' He said, glancing at Lithgow for confirmation. He was nodding. 'Then why? She's a Wizard.'

'That's what Grand Wizard Lithgow and I need to find out. We can't have the Towers being destroyed willy-nilly. I'm hoping it's nothing more sinister than misguided sense of righteousness.' Effie said, waving her hand.

Fox pressed his lips together, remembering the anger Denver had shown when he told her she was a Wizard. She really did hate Wizards.

'But wouldn't you want the Towers gone?' Fox asked curiously. 'It'll keep the Spirits safe.'

Effie just smiled a wide knowing smile and didn't utter a word.

Abruptly, Bulwark returned, his body twirling in the air with ease. 'This one has returned. The Wizard is moving. This one estimates that Spirits McGill and Lithgow have less than two hours to act. The little Bloxham Sprite will be taken into the skies soon.'

Effie's mouth drooped. 'It seems we're running out of time.'

Lithgow folded his arms and turned to the cat slipping through the air. 'Lord Bulwark, you're certain Esme is being deported within the next couple of hours?'

'This one has heard and seen the contraption that will take it, Spirit Lithgow. It is there now.' Bulwark confirmed, purring loudly.

'Not surprisin'.' Fox said, standing tall now and stable, the shock of the gunshot and teleportation faded. 'Denver's scared Esme's regaining her memories. She was hesitatin' when saying she was guilty.'

Fox was surprised to see Lithgow looking confused. 'She's regaining memories?'


'That shouldn't be possible. Even I was unable to lift that curse.'

'The Bloxham Sprite is stronger than the Spirit Lithgow is aware.' Bulwark purred. 'Much stronger.'

Lithgow furrowed his brow further, wrinkling his brow deeply. 'What do you mean? Esme has very little magic in her.'

'Wizard magic, yes.' Bulwark cackled then slipped over to Effie as she spoke.

'Lithgow, we must get there soon. This will ruin the balance if Denver succeeds.' Effie warned.

'But do you even have a plan?' Fox demanded.

'Not much of one.' Lithgow admitted. 'Mostly just try and expose Denver in front of the Tower. Those who aren't under her thumb, magically or otherwise, will then at least begin to question and support Esme's truth being tested by a Spirit. Once we have that, she'll be safe.'

'So, we're just goin' to turn up? Try to get her to spill her plans?'

Effie smiled widely. 'Precisely, lad.'

Fox stared at them both, incredulous. Were they serious? Was that the best idea the most powerful Witch and Wizard could come up with?

'That's a terrible plan!' Fox snapped. 'This is Esme's life we're tryin' to save here!'

'It's more than that, lad.' Lithgow said, gripping his shoulder. 'We must understand what Denver is trying to achieve and why. She's all but officially taken over my Granite Tower and Cassandra's Ivory. She's supported by both, including the Druids. We must reveal what she's up to of her own doing. She must be the one to reveal her game and murder, not us.'

Fox understood, but he didn't like how it felt like they were risking Esme's life. He wanted to make sure she was safe; screw the Tower's and Denver. He just wanted her out of the firing line and her head fixed.

'Effie, I'll be ready to move soon. Will you?'

'I just need to make sure our chosen Spirit is prepared and warn my companions. This may get messy and I need to know who's going to respond to me.' She said then disappeared out of the door.

Fox snatched at Lithgow's arm as he made to move. 'What can I do? There must be somethin'.'

Lithgow glanced at him. 'Eat and rest. I need you there to get Esme out of danger.' He said firmly and pulled away.

Fox let him go, pleased to hear he didn't need to fight to be involved in this, but his gut twisted. This was going to devolved into a fight, he knew it, and it made him nervous. Having all kinds of spells shooting about or Spirits summoned to fight with only a flimsy promise keeping them in line surrounding him made his gut hurt. But he did as Lithgow said. He slipped upstairs, entering deeper into Effie's home, and sought out a very normal kitchen attached to a very cosy looking lounge, decorated exactly for a little old lady living alone. He devoured bread, cheese and meat, downed water and a small bottle of cider he found and cleaned the blood from his mouth from Sodden's punch; all the while trying his best not to think of Esme. His mind was constantly skipping about; trying to figure out how he'd make sure she was safe, how'd he'd protect her and get her away from Denver's grasping hands, but then he'd skip to how she kissed him, how enjoyed the feel of her hand in his or how she would look at him so warmly. How Denver claimed she loved him.

'This one is very curious as to why the little thief's heart is beating oddly and it's ears are red.' Lord Bulwark asked, peering at upside down a he floated about.

Fox's face hardened sharply and all thoughts scattered like disturbed birds. 'No reason.'

Lord Bulwark tilted his head and his ears flicked. 'Humans are such strange creatures.'

Fox just scowled at the nosy cat, shoving more meat into his mouth and wondering if Absolon was going to grow into just as an annoying creature as this Spirit. He froze. Absolon. Where was he? He hadn't seen him since the attack and, as Fox snatched at his neck, the Whistles weren't there either. His face paled.

'Now it is white. Do share the reason.'

'Absolon, the little Sprite that's always around Esme. Have you seen him?'

'Yes, the little Sprite is floating about the Tower. It is never far from the Bloxham Sprite and this one watches it.'

'And does he have whistles on him?'

Bulwark nodded slowly then spun around abruptly, whizzing about in a circle in a desperate attempt to snatch at his tail.

Fox relaxed. At least the stupid Sprite and the whistles were safe and returned to eating, this time his mind focusing on what to expect from their rescue attempt. The thought of being in the middle of a magic-battle just made his stomach twist. It's not like he had his glove to be of much use.

Fox didn't have much longer to try and prepare. Lithgow came marching back into the house, his cloak gone and now only wore his suit with his Grimoire in his large hands.

'Fox, come here. We're leaving now.' He said as he fussed about the kitchen, pouring out some kind of green tea.

Fox stood, waving away Bulwark as he tried to settle on his head. 'How're we getting' there?'

'Bulwark is taking us.'

His stomach plummeted. Teleportation again and, this time, he actually had something in his stomach to hurl.

'Take this. It'll help you focus, give you energy and keep your stomach settled.'

Fox recalled how he had refused Lithgow's help before out of sheer stubbornness and pride. This time though, Fox begrudgingly accepted it. Esme needed him strong, not vomiting and unable to move.

Fox took the cool cup into his hands and downed in it an instant, regretting it fully. It was vile. Bitter, sour and much too sweet all at once and made his stomach churn uncomfortably.

'How do you feel?'

Fox wanted to snap out he felt like his insides had been turned into eels until it abruptly stopped. All of a sudden he felt energised, like he'd sleep incredibly well, and all the stress he felt, the worry, just melted away.

'I feel...better.' He admitted reluctantly.

Lithgow nodded approvingly just as Effie came in.

'Right, I have seven Spirits ready to respond to my calls. Are we ready to leave?' When both Fox and Lithgow nodded, she smiled. 'Right then. Let's get together. Lord Bulwark, are you sure this won't be too much for you, lad?'

'This one is certain.'

'Well, let's go get this mess sorted out, shall we?'

'Yes.' Lithgow growled then grasped Fox's shoulder. 'Just keep your head down, lad. Don't draw attention to yourself. I'm relying on you to slip Esme out and get her to safety.' Lithgow warned. 'Effie and I will do all the talking.'

Fox wondered how much 'talking' there was going to be and how much was going to be done with angry spells. He didn't voice that concern, just smiled grimly. 'Leave Esme to me. I'm the thief, remember?'

Lithgow smiled then inclined his head to Bulwark. The cat purred, opened his eyes widely, and magic swamped them. Fox found this time he felt sturdy, his feet rooted firmly in place and his stomach calm as a pond. Every wobbled and warped until it all popped, pinging them into place in the Tower grounds.

For the first time, Fox didn't feel nauseous and actually watched the world pop up around up, rising up like a pop-up book, its trees, wall and buildings growing more solid and dimensional the higher they rose. And then it was over. He had moved from Effie's house to the Tower's grounds, plonked right in front of Denver and her path to the prisoner airship.

Denver stared at them, her eyes flickering over their faces with such rage, which only increased when she saw Fox. Her eyes widened then snapped into a narrow, hateful glare, burning into him. Fox's eyes returned the baleful stare with ease, a sense of triumph as he realised she hadn't known he was alive and kicking.

Then his eyes flickered to Esme. She was huddled sadly between the shoulders of White Wizards, reaching out to a little Sprite being man-handled, the whistles he had been holding wrenched out viciously. Their eyes locked and he instantly saw the change in her. The miserable and submissive posture, the haunted gaze and broken frown, melted away. She rose, her shoulders widening, her back straightening, and the brightest, most relieved smile came over her face, her yellow eyes glowing with utter joy and her skin turned pink beneath the dirt. His inside melted at the sight while his face remained fixated into a glare. Knowing he was alive brought her such happiness. He never occurred to him she would care so much. Did she really love him? The thought made him happier than it should've.

'Hello, Suellen Denver.' Lithgow announced coolly. 'We have come to retrieve my niece.'

The look of sheer hate, anger and venom was all Fox needed to see to know this wasn't going to go well. The magic-fight he dreaded was going to happen was already cranking up. His eyes drifted back to Esme. Her gaze had never left his face and her smile was still there. It was like she could only see him. His back stiffened as his hands itched to hold her and wipe away the dirt tracked with tears smeared over her face. He had to get her out of this mess. He wasn't going to let her be put onto that airship, taken from him and be shot, not after everything they'd been through.

Fox was going to rescue her and drag Denver's murderous game into the light, even if it killed him.

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