The Story Remains the Same ~...

By jewelsTHEbatkid

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its about a girl named Hazel Cunningham shes from america, which means its gonna be written in americsaness a... More

The Story Remains the Same ~ A Led Zeppelin Story
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eightteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Authors Note....Sequel is Up

Chapter Two

928 18 1
By jewelsTHEbatkid

"Okay thats fine… Yes i know where to go… Great I’ll see you monday."

I hanged up the phone when I was done talking to Mr. Richards. He called me to see if I was ready and that he wishes me good luck on my trip. He was also surprised that I could come in on Monday.

All my stuff was packed and shipped to Saras flat which she should of got by now. Right now I only had a suitcase filled with a photo of my mom, dad, brother and sister, Another of my grandparents on both sides. My teddy bear, Mr. Bear, who I can’t live or sleep without. I had him since I was a baby. A pair of my favorite blue bell jeans, an Who shirt from the show i went to with Stella and Sally and my dads old green Cashmere sweater. It was like a safety blanket without it being a blanket. I had put some of my guitar tools in there such as a couple pics, my capo and extra strings. I also had my small little notebook full of songs. Also I had my records in there such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Jeffersons Airplane, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead, and The Mamas and The Papa’s. I had more in there just I couldn't remember them off my the back of my mind.

I carefully put my acoustic guitar in its case so it wouldn’t get damaged. One day I hope to make records and go on tour and make people happy when they hear my songs. Though that was far from happening nor or will I  make big.

I grabbed my suitcase, purse and guitar case and headed out of my old bedroom. im going to miss this place so much. I'm going to miss moms home cooking. Playing ball and fixing things with my dad. Reading comics with my brother. Mostly doing girly stuff, like painting nails and doing makeovers with my sister. Im going to miss them like crazy.

Saying bye to my family was heartbreaking and quite long. Never say goodbye till you absolutely have to. Like at a funeral or being done with a relationship. It was so sad but I’ll be seeing them during Christmas which was six months away but still it go bye quick.


The ride to the airport was long and super quiet. I wanted to try and have a conversation with Christopher, my brother, but nothing seemed to wanna come out of my mouth. It felt a little weird that  it was like this. We usually have conversations for hours. Soon we sadly got to the airport. Newark International Airport was crowded. Businessman getting out of their cars. Families going to god knows where for vacation. Families picking up their loved ones. It was all so much to take in. Christopher parked his car in the parking lot. We got out of the car, him grabbing my suitcase and me grabbing my guitar case.

We got to my gate when I realized I wont be seeing my favorite person for a while. I put my guitar down next to me while Chris put my suitcase down next to it. I just hugged him. I hugged him like we just seen each other in a while, like in those movies but as a brother-sister type of way. He rubbed his hand up and down my back in comfort telling me its gonna be alright.

“Hey Hazel dont cry, remember what mom use to say when you cried ‘You're too pretty to cry’” he was comforting me like he always did when I was down which made me feel a little better.

“You know you always know how to make me feel better” I sighed wiping away some tears.

“Well thats my job.” he chucked “Be doo for me. Dont get into any trouble and dont go fallen for a guy cause i wont be there to kick his ass when he hurts you”

“I promise; and if I do its my own fault” I told him. Hes the best and is always there for me. “Im going to miss you so much. Have fun, meet a girl I promise I wont do anything stupid”

“Flight 86 now boarding….flight 86 now boarding”

“Bye Hazel have fun and be careful” Christopher yelled out as I was going on the plane.

All I did was give him a little wave and turned around and went on the plane. Bye America. Hello England  

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