The Prince (Harry Styles)

By amandaJtommo

3.7M 124K 53.9K

Book #1 in the Kingdom of Ula Series In the kingdom of Ula, Prince Harry has come of age to look for his ne... More

Before You Read
World Confusion
To My New Readers....
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
2019 Acknowledgments

Chapter 9

91.7K 2.8K 1.8K
By amandaJtommo

The next day was hectic and I honestly didn't know my way from left or right. The palace had so much chaos I felt like I was in a constant state of nearing a panic attack. Maids were everywhere, cleaning the walls, the curtains, the floors, everything. I just kind of hung out in my room all morning not wanting to be in the way of anyone.

"Emerald," I heard a kind voice said as I watched some of the maids clean the portraits outside my door. I turned to see Queen Anne coming towards me with a smile. "I just wanted to run some stuff by you for tonight's ball. Do you mind if I come into your room?" 

"No, not at all," I smiled stepping off to the side for her to come in. "Sorry about the mess, Trish and her daughters have been in and out of here all day doing last minute fixes on my dress."

"It's no worries, Gemma's room is far worse than this," she laughed. "I just wanted to talk to you about how a ball typically goes. First things first, there will be a lot of important people so do try and be nice to them. You're a lovely girl, some of them just get the wrong impression off of people. The whole time, you will be with Harry as you are his date. If he were to ever leave your side, do your best at mingling with other people until he comes back. Oh, I must warn you about Sir Benjamin, he's a little handsy so if he were to come onto you like that, find one of us," she said with a smile. "I'm excited for tonight, my daughter finally is meeting her future husband. How exciting?"

"Very," I smiled. "May I ask if Gemma is in her room? I wanted to give her something," I said to the queen.

"She is, she is also very bored," Queen Anne laughed. "Her state room is down the hall, last door on this side. I'll be back in my quarters if you need anything, Emerald."

I nodded and picked up the paper bag Harry had placed the book in. I chuckled to myself as I thought of yesterday's events. I closed my door behind me and walked down the hall and knocked on Gemma's door a few times.

"The door is open," she said. I opened it and found Gemma lounging on her bed with a book propped up in front of her face. She set it down and smiled at me. "Well, well, well, look who is still here!"

"That I am," I smiled with a laugh. "Happy Birthday, Gemma."

"Thank you!" she grinned. "What's that? A present?"

"Yes, your brother wouldn't let me wrap it because he never wanted it taken out of this bag," I laughed and handed her the bag. Gemma was laughing as she opened the bag and took the book out. She looked at it and burst into laughter.

"Oh my god!" she laughed. "Harry was with you when you got this? How awkward!"

"I needed him to read me the title," I laughed. "He didn't understand why I had to get you that book. It reminded me of our talk from the other day."

"Thank you," she laughed wrapping me in a hug. "It will go on my good books shelf," she said with a smile. I watched as she sauntered over to her shelf and placed it on there. I smiled happily to myself watching her.

"I can't wait until your birthday," she grinned to me. "Hopefully you'll be thinking of my brother at that point in time," she laughed and made a buzzing noise with her tongue. I didn't fully understand what she meant by this, but I stifled a laugh.

"Emerald," Gemma said wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "What makes this even funnier is that you have no idea what I am talking about."

"Shut up," I laughed pushing her off of me. Gemma let out a loud laugh and smiled to me.

"You know, if you and my brother get together some time soon, I may give you your birthday present earlier than expected. What do you say to that?" 

"I don't think I want your gift," I blushed with a laugh. "I am frightened."

"And so you should be," Gemma said pointing her finger at me. "I can't believe my ball is tonight."

"Are you nervous?" 

"I am meeting my fiance, of course I am nervous!" She exclaimed. "I have to spend the rest of my life with this prince and I don't know how I feel about that. I want to fall in love, not be a royal merger with another kingdom. I don't like feeling used."

"I know," I nodded placing my hand on her shoulder. I knew what it was like to be a business deal, we were only worth money and trade.

"You get to fall in love, though," she said with a teary smile. "You and my brother—"

"We barely know each other, Gemma. I don't know Harry in his entirety," I said to her. "If this palace thing doesn't work out in my favor, I have to go home and my father already has a husband lined up for me. I don't want to go home and be forced to marry a farmer. You think I like living in the farming world? I hate it, more than you can possibly know."

"I can't imagine you as a farmer," she laughed wiping away her tears. "You're too pretty."

"Thank you," I smiled. "But today is not about me! It is all about you, birthday girl!" I said giving her a hug. "We are going to have fun tonight, Gemma! You are going to dance your ball gown off and have feet so sore, you'll have to be confined to this room tomorrow."

"That sounds like a brilliant night," Gemma laughed. "Maybe you and —"

"No," I said in a warning tone. "You keep your dirty mind to yourself, Gemma."

"Well then, have fun," she smiled to me in a genuine answer. "I can't wait to see your dress."

"I can't wait to wear it," I smiled. "It's... different. I love it."

"It better not be better than my dress."

"I'm sure it won't be," I smiled. "No one can look more beautiful than the princess. After all, one cannot be dressed more beautifully than the princess. It's simply a rule, isn't it?" I asked. Gemma nodded smugly. "Then I can't look as good as you."

"You're lying, you're stunning," Gemma gushed. "You look like royalty."

"I'm not, I am the most normal girl you will get. So go and get ready while I do the same."

"I want to get a photograph with you before my brother sees you! Leila, my maid, she takes photos for me all the time. I assigned her to take photos tonight, and I want a few photos for you and me."

"That sounds lovely," I smiled to her. "What time should I come to your room."

"An hour before the ball. Daddy comes to get me fifteen minutes before we have to be there and I am sure Harry will do the same," she smiled. "We are going to be the most beautiful people there."

"Question. How do I act around other royalty?"

"Oh, engage in gossip," she shrugged. "I'll try and help you out if my brother leaves you."

"Thank you," I smiled. "I should probably go and get ready. Happy Birthday, Gemma."

"Thanks, remember, five o'clock, then we go to the dining hall."

"Yes ma'am," I grinned and exited her room. I walked back to my room with a smile on my face. I had a feeling today would be a great day. Maybe even magical.


"Hold still, Ms. Price!" Trish laughed as I sat down on the stool. 

"I can't help it, I want to see the dress in the mirror!" I said running my hands over the fabric of the large dress that was secured to my body. When I first saw the finished dress, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was and still remains the most beautiful thing I have seen.

Trish was working on my hair at this moment. She was twisting pieces of my hair and pinning them to the right side. My hair was resting on my shoulders and dangling on my bare upper back. I think she was making sure all of my hair stayed on the left side. I loved whatever she was doing with my hair, she always makes it look beautiful.

"For every princess, they need a hair accessory," she smiled to me. "For good measure."

I watched as Doniya walked up to us with a box and opened it. Trish took the box and smiled to it. She turned the box towards me. I gasped in awe as I saw the silver hair piece. It was a butterfly with blue jewels placed in the wings. 

"My son is the best," Trish said taking the butterfly out of the box. "He knows jewelry and making someone happy. He also was happier that he was paid for this."

"It's beautiful," I said touching it after it was placed in my hair. "I'll be sure to share your son's name tonight if anyone talks about it. Tell Zayn thank  you. It truly is art."

"I'll be more than happy to," she smiled running her hands across my shoulders. "If he saw you wearing it, I'm sure he'd be breathless."

"I can't guarantee that, but it is a beautiful piece of work. I—your son is truly gifted. How he isn't well known is beyond me," I gushed. "I need to meet your son time, my telling you to give him my thanks is quickly becoming pointless. I'd love to thank him in person at some point in time."

"I am sure than can be arranged," she smiled. "His pieces usually aren't known because I'm not anyone's maid but yours," she smiled. "You giving his art a name, it will bring in some business for him."

"I'm going to wear this everyday if I have to," I laughed. "It's beautiful."

"Well, he will make more I'm sure," she smiled. "If you ever need a painting, don't be afraid to ask."

"I haven't any money, but thank you," I smiled to her. "I'd be honored by anything he gifted me such as this. It— I am still speechless at its beauty."

Trish gave me a thankful smile and extended her hands and lifted me out of my chair. One of her daughters, Safaa, put silver colored heels in front of me. I held onto Trish as I stepped into them. I grinned at her and turned around and let out a gasp at my reflection. I almost didn't recognize myself. Honestly.

My dress trailed just above the ground and it was a rather poofy turquoise dress. It was sparkle on the corset area. I didn't have any sleeves, but the silver necklace Trish's son had also made for me hung beautifully on my neck. My hair was done in tight curls and hung down the left side of my body as I had mentioned earlier.

"What do you think?" Trish asked with a smile.

"It's.... I have no words how beautiful I feel," I breathed. 

I played with the bracelet that hung loosely on my wrist. I couldn't stop staring at my reflection, I was afraid that if I looked away everything would turn out differently. That I wouldn't be as beautiful as I am right now. I felt like one of those girls that was important and wanted everyone to know she was important. I was proud of Trish for making me feel so beautiful.

"Right, it's almost five, Princess Gemma is expecting you," Trish reminded me. I nodded with a smile and gave Trish a huge hug.

"Thank you," I smiled to her. "I have no way to express my gratitude for how I feel."

"Go be a teenager," she smiled to me. "You should know how to do that."

"I am going to try my best," I laughed. "Thank you again."

She waved me out of the room. I picked up my skirt and walked down the hall to Gemma's room. Her door was open. I peeked inside and saw the Queen smiling at her daughter. I knocked on the door hesitantly and poked my head inside.

"Emerald!" Gemma squeaked with a wide smile. "You look amazing!" she gushed as I stepped inside of her room. "That dress, oh my gosh! It is so pretty!"

"Thanks," I smiled running my hands over the skirt. "My maids are amazing if I do say so myself."

"Why can't I have them?" she laughed. "The bead work on your corset is so pretty. Your hair piece is so cool!"

"My maids son Zayn made it. He makes most of my jewelry," I smiled to her. 

"Mum, I need some of that," she said turning to her mother. "His jewelry."

"Indeed," Queen Anne smiled as she too examined my hair clip. "Are those jewels placed to match the dress?"

"I believe so," I nodded. "I am still in awe of how beautiful it is."

"I'm quite jealous," Gemma grinned. "Leila, come here. I want to introduce you to my ladies maid."

"Alright," I nodded with a smile. I watched as a blonde woman with a camera strapped around her neck came out of the adjoining room with a smile.

"Leila, this is Emerald. You've probably heard of her," Gemma laughed. "Could you take our photo, please?"

"Absolutely," she said, her accent thicker than the others I had heard. 

Gemma wrapped me in a hug and smiled to the camera, I copied her doing the same. After the two flashes, we changed poses so we were standing side by side and smiling at the camera. Following the photos Gemma wanted, Gemma began to gush about her own dress. It was large like mine and pink, very pink. She definitely looked like a princess, the silver tiara on top of her head proved just that.

"You know, I had trouble choosing which tiara to wear," Gemma noted to me. "It's hard to choose. They're all beautiful."

"You have more than one?" I asked, my fingers playing with my necklace. "How many?"

"At least twenty," she said. "Some of them were from when I was little so they don't fit me anymore. Daddy gets me one every other year or if he feels I need a new one. Sometimes jewelers make me one just because."

I heard a snap as I glanced down at the floor. Both Gemma and I looked to see Leila smiling at her digital camera. She was taking photos and I wasn't even aware she was doing so. Her face was so wide with smiles as she looked at the photos.

"Leila," Gemma gasped. "Taking photos of me without me knowing?"

"It was of Ms. Price, actually. It's a beautiful photo actually," she said turning the camera to us. 

Glancing at the photo, my jaw dropped. The lighting was dim, but it seemed to show it in a beautiful way. I was glancing down as my fingers played with the necklace. I also had a smile placed on my lips. The top part of my dress was visible, my dress wasn't the main focus.

"That is so pretty, Leila," Gemma raved. "You look beautiful, Emerald!"

"It is lovely, thank you," I said to her. 

"I'll be sure to give you a few copies," Leila smiled. "One for you and then one for your parents. I'm sure they would love to know how beautiful their daughter looks."

"Of course," I smiled thinking of my mother. "It really is beautiful."

"Photography is a passion of mine, it ought to be beautiful," she laughed sticking her tongue out in a joking manner. "I'm sure Prince Harry will find you beautiful as well."

"No kidding," Gemma said. "You'll be the star of the ball."

"How can I be the star if you're the birthday girl?" I asked her seriously. "I'm not looking to take your ball from you."

"Quite honestly, Emerald," Queen Anne said placing her cool hands on my shoulder. "You will be taking the ball by storm tonight. It's your first public appearance with my son. The kingdom knows there has been a girl in the palace, but no one knew who it was. Tonight, they will be surprised to see such a beautiful girl standing beside my son. I'm proud to say that I am glad it is you stealing the show."

"Really?" I asked surprised. "Everyone will know?"

"Your photo will be in the magazines tomorrow," she smiled. "Our professional photographers for Official Ula will be taking photos for the magazine. Their job is to report the inside events and you are the thing people have been wondering about."

"I'm so ordinary," I breathed. 

"You're living the life of a princess, Emerald, you're anything but ordinary. The circumstances of you being here are ordinary," she smiled to me. "Just embrace your time, I remember my first ball when I was in your place. I was sweating from nerves. It was quite horrifying, actually. Me trying to look beautiful when I was so hideous and covered in sweat."

"King Desmond still married you, though," I stated pointedly. She laughed and nodded. 

"Your main goal for tonight, Emerald—be yourself. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," she smiled and glanced at the large clock hanging on the wall of Gemma's room. "You should go back to your quarters and wait for Harry. He should be there any moment."

"Alright, I'll see you all at dinner," I waved and walked down the hallway with my dress held securely in my hands. 

I leaned against my door once I had shut it. What I was experiencing was disbelief. I couldn't believe this had come out of my life. Three days in the palace and already I was experiencing my first ball. How could someone like me deserve such grand dresses as the one stitched for me. Me. I had a custom dress, not one of those mass production ones you can find in the shops.

A rhythmic pattern of knocks sounded against my back. I stood up straight, fixed my hair in the reflection of my mirror quickly and opened the door. Harry stood on the other side and his eyes fixated on mine. His mouth parted slightly as he stared at me. 

"Hi," I smiled. "You can come in," I motioned for him to step in. 

"No, we should be going to the feast down in the hall shortly," He smiled to me. "You look stunning, Em."

"You look rather dashing yourself," I said looking over his black uniform. The medals and such from his red uniform coincide with this one. Only the colors were swapped.

"Thanks, unfortunately this is standard wear," he said tugging at his collar. "Sorry, this chafes really badly."

"It's alright," I smiled to him.

"You really do look beautiful. Your maids did a wonderful job on your dress. You'll be the most stunning girl in the room, I'm sure of it," he smiled reaching out for my hand. I placed my hand in it and stepped into the hallway holding onto the door handle closing the door behind me.

"I think they're looking at us," I whispered to him looking him into the eyes.

"I know," he grinned to me. "It's not like they're oblivious to you."

"I'm aware," I laughed.

"How did my sister like your disgusting present?" he questioned.

"She laughed and it's on her 'good' shelf as she calls it," I smiled with a light laugh. He blushed a shade of red. "Thank you for doing that for me."

"It's no problem, really. I guess I'll have to get used to it eventually," he laughed. 

"You two ready to head down to dinner?" King Desmond asked us with Gemma and Queen Anne trailing behind. "Duck tonight, Harry and me caught em this morning, didn't we?" 

"We did," Harry said with a nod, a light blush playing on his cheeks.

"Nothing like freshly caught duck," the king grinned. "We're expected in five minutes."

Harry laced his fingers through mine and followed his father. We didn't talk on the way to the dining hall, instead I listened to Harry's father go on about his hunting adventures with Harry from the morning. I couldn't imagine it. Harry with a gun in his hand shooting ducks. His nature doesn't scream animal killer, but it also doesn't scream animal rights activist either. I just couldn't see him shooting a gun and kill something.

"For the record," Harry whispered. "He's glorifying our whole trip this morning."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. I missed all but three ducks," he said. "Coincidentally, those are the three ducks for dinner."

"Interesting," I hummed with a laugh. "I don't think I've had duck."

"Not the best, but it's fair."

I nodded as we had approached the doors to a room I wasn't familiar with. I was intrigued with how this room looked, it wasn't one I had been in before. Only ever had I been in the dining room, never the dining hall. I'm sure this is only where the formal gatherings of people were, but I couldn't help but feel at ease. I think the four familiar faces around me helped with that.

"Introducing His Majesty of Ula King Desmond, Her Majesty Queen Anne, and Princess Gemma," a guard introduced as the three of them made their way into the dining hall. I saw a large crowd of people stand. 

"The crowned prince of Ula, Prince Harry and his companion, Ms. Emerald Price," he announced and I frowned for a few seconds before putting a smile on my face. I remembered what I was told—first event where I'm formally public.

The dining hall was large, huge even. It was very tall all walls painted white, each edge of the paneling done in gold paint. There were two side entrances, most likely to kitchens, and two paintings that hung on either side of the wall. Gold lands were nailed to the wall illuminating the room alongside the six chandeliers handing about the room. In the middle of the room, a partial squaw was formed with three long tables. At the head of the table was five seats, I'm assuming the royal family and myself. Then an array of seats going around the other sides of our table. 

"Companion," Harry chuckled as we stood in our seats.

"His Royal Majesty of Galica, King Alexander, Her Royal Majesty Queen Johanna. Their daughters, Princess Felicity, Princess Charlotte, Princess Phoebe, and Princess Daisy," the guard announced. My eyes were wide at how many children were in this family.

"There's still one more," Harry noted in my ear.

"The crowned prince of Galica, Prince Louis," he announced and an applause sounded as he walked in. I frowned not sure why everyone was clapping but I decided to follow suit anyway.

In walked a boy, not much older than Harry by the looks of him, two to three years tops. He had tousled brown hair with bright blue eyes and was not tall at all. In fact, he was very short, probably about my height. 

"He's so short," I whispered to Harry.

"We know," Harry laughed. "He's a munchkin."

"That's not very nice," I said. "Is he the one betrothed to your sister?" 

"He is," Harry said taking a seat in his chair. I slid up to the table and reached for my water glass to take a sip. "I've known him for a little while, we don't talk much."

"Oh," I nodded. "She hasn't met him, though?"

"No," he shook his head. "She's a few years older than him though."

"He's older than you," I noted.

"Yep," he sighed. "Ready to eat the food I caught?" he joked.

"Sure," I laughed. "He's got a lot of sisters."

"That's unfortunate," Harry laughed. "I can't stand the one I have. I'm only kidding, but I can handle just Gemma."

"That's because that is all you know," I said pointedly. "Having lots of siblings can be fun. I have lots of brothers."

"Those are brothers," he said with raised brows.

"Those are sisters," I laughed.

"Shut up," he blushed.


After dinner, we gathered in the large ballroom. The colors were similar to that of the dining hall, but there was paintings done on the ceiling. I couldn't quite make out what they were, but they were stunning. The chandeliers here were far more grand than the ones in the rest of the palace. They were bigger in width and looked to have crystal decor hanging down from them. There were six large exits going onto the courtyard.

"Excuse me," someone said coming up to me as I waited for Harry as he used the restroom. "I'm Lady Beaufort from the Kingdom of Duloch, may I ask where you got your hair piece from. It is absolutely beautiful. The other women were asking the same thing."

"My maids son, he's an artisan. His name is Zayn Malik," I smiled to her. "It is a stunning piece of work I do admit."

"It is beautiful," she smiled to me. "Your dress is absolutely magnificent. Your maids no doubt did a grand job," Lady Beaufort gushed. "That blue looks beautiful on you. Your fair skin goes well with this color of blue."

"Thank you, I chose the fabric, my maids just did their magic," I smiled to her. "Your gown is just as beautiful."

"Thank you, but it's nothing compared to yours. Well, I must be off to mingle and steer clear of Sir Benjamin. Au revoir Mademoiselle Price," she smiled waving to me as she walked off to her friends. As she walked away, a hand pressed against my back.

"Beautiful?" Harry asked looking at my face then up at the ceiling.

"Yes," I laughed. "It's gorgeous," I said looking as the people continued filtering in. 

"Don't be nervous, tonight is meant to have fun. Mum and Dad even brought in a few singers."

I glanced over at the small stage setup. I saw a redheaded boy with a guitar in hand walking up to the microphone. He cleared his throat before started to strum on his guitar strings lights. Harry smiled and held a hand out to me, the other behind his back. I giggled and took his hand. Harry led me to the center of the ballroom and placed his hand on the small of my back. I placed my open hand on his shoulder and stood up straight. 

"I have to warn you, I'm a terrible dancer," Harry said to me.

"I've never danced with anyone apart from my brother," I giggled. "That is usually just for fun. When we were younger, we used to pretend to be a prince and a princess. We used to have our own balls in the town center as mum sold goods."

"Sounds fun," He grinned and twirled me. I smiled to myself as I pictured the fairytale books mum used to get from the library. The one about Cinderella. I remember this photo where she was dancing with the prince and her dress just swayed as she was twirled by her handsome prince.

"What's so funny?" Harry laughed.

"Nothing, just a thought I had," I smiled. "A good one."

"I would hope so," he smiled. "Have I told you that you look stunning?"

"Once or twice," I laughed. "I can hear it a few more times."

"Flirting back? Should I savor the moment?" he asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Oh now you've just ruined it," I laughed. "No, thank you for your compliments. I've just been having a good night, I'm happy."

"Well, it fits you," he smiled to me. He pulled me close, his hand resting in the same place it had been, but more firmly. "I just want to show everyone I have no intentions of letting you out of my sight."

"Not ever?" I asked.


"What about when I leave?"

"I have no intentions of ever letting you leave," he said to me. 

I felt Harry's hand be removed from my back, his fingers rested under my chin as he lifted my head up towards him. He bent forward and pressed his lips to mine. At this moment, I could honestly care less what others were thinking about this. I was just too elated with the whole evening that I didn't care he was kissing me. In fact, I was kissing him back. I could also hear the girly giggles from around me as we kissed. 

His lips were more tender than the last time we had kissed. Their plump softness melded easily against mine as they worked with mine. I know it wasn't exactly the most polite of things to show public displays of affection, but I truly didn't care. There was something inside of me that wanted to keep kissing him forever. I didn't know to what extent that went. But for now, I was perfectly content with sharing this moment in the ballroom. Nothing else mattered around us.


Also, the book Emerald got for Gemma, it IS a real book. Just forgot to mention it. I found it on Amazon because I wanted to be funny :D The cover for that is awkward in itself. You should google the book :D


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