City of Heavenly Fire (versio...

By megrosed1

35.2K 557 152

Sebestain is out there and wants only one thing, Clary. Just 2 days after finding out Clary is pregnant Sebas... More

Oh Boy Another One!
Where is She?
The Wedding of Luke and Jocelyn
Baby and Bridal Shower
Name Game
You may now kiss your bride
Angel Raziel
Preparing for War
Tessa Grey/ Herondale


1.5K 28 5
By megrosed1

"Okay lets go for a quick run before we get started."


"To uumm I don't know until you get tired I guess."


Jace and Clary walked outside hand in hand.

"Meet me back right here understand? Here is a dagger for protection." Clary grabbed

Jace's neck and pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you too now get going or I will make it 2 miles instead of one."

Clary grinned swiped a quick kiss and ran into the street.

Clary got to Cicero and Madison when the light turned and it was her turn to cross a car swerved and hit her. A man came out and had a rotting hand.

Clary despite her injuries pulled out her dagger and was about to kill the demon when it stabbed her in the neck. She slashed and the cut the tail off then threw the dagger into the heart. Clary retrived her dagger and began to run back as more and more demons appeared. One was a spider like demon and kept spraying acid at her. She cursed as her hand was hit with the acid. "Shit!"

Alec and Magnus were walking back to the Instituite when they spotted Clary running, limping, gasping for breath as blood oozed from a head wound. Alec ran over to her aid as she was thrown aganist the wall moaning in pain. Alec guarded Clary as demons came after her.

"give us the girl. We need to bring her back to Maureen" One of the demons hissed

"we won't hurt her" A ravenor demon hissed

"Why does Maureen want her?"

"For her blood, once Maureen drains her of her blood she will be invisible and could create runes that downworlders could use."

"Your not getting her. "

Blue sparks hit every demon as they all died. Alec turned and noticed Clary laying limp on the sidewalk. He checked for a pulse and found a faint one.


Magnus ran over and scanned Clary. "She has Ravenor blood coursing through her body. Her skull is fractured and she has 3 broken bones plus a punctured lung."

"Heal her!"

"I can't! Only a silent brother can,"

Alec nodded and gathered Clary up and ran to the Insitiute. He noticed Jace standing around and ran to him.

"Jace help me its Clary she was attacked."

"She doesn't have long Jace. Get Isabelle in here she needs her parapiti (Yea I forgot to add that in). Hurry"

Jace ran to get Isabelle who was writhing in pain as her rune turned to a light grey that was

almost white. Jace drew an iratze on Izzy that turned the rune a darker grey.

Clary felt some strength when Isabelle took her hand and whispered to her reassuringly. Clary sat up and began to have a coughing fit, Isabelle backed up as blood splattered the white sheets. "Jace" Clary looked up. "Am I dying?"

"No Clary your not dying we will save you. I promise"

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

A Silent Brother walked in and looked over Clary. 'She doesn't have long. What kind of demon stabbed her."

"Uum Ravenor." Alec said. All he hoped was Clary was okay. He knew how much she meant to Jace and felt bad for how he treated Clary when they first met.

The Brother nodded and went to the cabinet and gave Clary a shot. 'Please everyone leave. I need to be able to concentrate.'

Jace stood up but didn't leave. 'Even you Son of Herondale'

Isabelle grabbed Jace's hand. "The twins should be up from their nap lets go get them so that they arn't cranky."

Jace nodded. His whole body hurt to see Clary in so much pain.

---------------1 day later---------------

'I have done all I can she only remembers so much so please don't be offended if she does not recognize you. '

Jace rushed in with Will and Jem on his arms. Clary was fast asleep on the bed her hair was fanned out around her face. Will reached out when he saw Clary. He began to whine. Jace noticed this and laid Will by Clary. Clary stirred and moaned out Jace's name,

Will cuddled under Clary's arm and fell asleep.

Clary's eyes fluttered open and she sat up gathering Will in her arms. "Jace?"

Jace smiled maybe she will remember everyone "Yes sweetie?"

"Who's baby is this?"

"Ours the one who you are holding is Will and this is his brother James or we sometimes call him Jem."

"oh" Clary nodded and smiled as Will gurgled.

"Are you hungery?"

"Yes I am actually pretty famished. Thanks Jace."

"No problem"

Jace set Jem down on the bed and walked out of the infirmary. All of a sudden a boy with white hair and black eyes appeared infront of her. Next appeared with blonde hair and brown eyes. She reached over and grabbed a dagger bring her children closer to her.

The boy spoke up drawing a sword. "Hello little sister"

"who are you?" Clary looked to the door and screamed for help.

Jace heard Clary's scream and ran to the infirmary to find the twins crying and Maureen was holding Clary by the neck. The thing that made Jace confused was the fact that Sebastian was walking towards the twins with a sword drawn. "I thought you were dead Sebastian?"

"Wrong type of blade."

Jace charged towards Sebastian and sent Raziel's blade through his chest into his heart. "Stay dead you son of a bitch." Jace then ran to the twins and gaurded them while Clary tried to fight off Maureen. The next thing Jace knew it Clary was thrown into a wall and landed limp. With that Maureen disappeared.

----------------------1 month later-------------------

"Jace I want to train again. All my wounds are healed."

"next week we will start again. By then Mayrse will be back from Idris so she can watch the twins."

"Fine." Clary leaned up and kissed Jace. All of a sudden Isabelle rushed towards Jace.

"Jace Maureen just declared war on us."

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