
Par QreenPaladin

104 14 94

Wip Plus

Bandits in the East
A little more about that girl
Scar and Marcoh make an apperance
Lab 5 + Team Elric = Chaos
Brothers Fight too
Miracle of Rush Valley & Izumi's Lesson
Devil's Nest
A Minor Setback?
A little bit more
What a mess we are in
No more Bullshit, a lot of idiots
Physical Seperation...Souls intertwined.
Final battles. Part one.

Fast Paced

4 1 5
Par QreenPaladin


We took the next train to Rush Valley, parting ways almost immediately after. "I'm going to buy extra parts," Naomi said, "I'll meet you at Garfiel's alright?" I nodded in agreement, waving good bye. 

"Brother," Al hummed, catching my attention. "Hm?" Al's armor clanked as we walked. "You seemed very angry about us getting kidnapped--" "Of course I was! You both are family!" "-- especially, Naomi." I staggered. "...she's strong," I said finally. "she can take care of herself, and in situations where she can't you know it's bad news." Al hummed, seemingly letting it go. 


After we arrived at Garfiel's, and showed Winry my automail she hit me with a wrench (as usual.). "Oh," She said, "Where's Naomi?" Al perked up. "Oh. She's out getting extra parts." Winry hummed. Paninya cackled. "Let's home she doesn't immobilize any mechanics on her way back." I tilted my head. "Did she do that?" Paninya nodded solemnly. "More often than not, to be fair. She may be kind but she's fierce too, and she hates Automail Mechanics telling her what to improve."  I hummed, scratching the back of my neck. "Mechanics are so annoying..." "Hey," Winry warned, "I still have your repairs to do so don't piss me off." 

Just then, Garfiel strolled in, followed by a politely smiling Naomi. "Here they are, it's a treat to have you back m' dear." He said. Naomi nodded stiffly. "Yep. Good to be back. Thank you!" She sat down at Winry's desk and got to work. 

"Nao, if you want I can do the repairs. Then you can show Ed and Al around town while I do the repairs." Naomi glanced at Winry, brows arched to her hairline. She glanced at the table, then sighed in resignition. "Somehow I doubt this is a choice," She sighed, slipping off the stool. Winry grinned. "Alright. Time to explore Rush Valley, boys." She said, pulling us along. 


As we walked down mainstreet her brows were furrowed as she scanned the streets. "No one recognizes me..." She murmured. I scoffed. "Unlikely," I hummed, thrumming my flesh fingers against her metal ones. "You're pretty hard to forget, drama queen." She hummed, her automail buzzing in response. "Drama Queen?" I let out an airy laugh. "You prefer cry baby?" She chuckled too, and lifted her head high. "Nah, I'm good with Drama Queen." 

At one point, mechanics began asking if we wanted repairs from them, not relenting until we smacked them silly. "Ugh," I groaned, "This city is boring. Just automail shops for miles." Naomi hummed. "You're right about that, it's a terrible place to grow up in. Especially, with automail." I hummed. "I bet Winry thinks this is heaven." She hummed at my comment. 

Then my eyes wheeled to the side of the street, where Al was crouching over something. "Al?" I asked. "What are you doing?" Al's armor clanked as he turned his head to me. "Brother..." "What is it? You find another cat or something?" I asked. Al shuffled, then held up something. "Yep." I spat out my drink as I saw the person danging from Al's grasp. Naomi leaned in, inspecting him. Somehow that sent a jolt up my stomach. "A wanderer?" She pondered. Al shrugged. "Guess so." "Put him back to where he came from." I snarled. Al and Nao turned to me, and in unsion gaped: "That's inhuman!" (Ed, and Brother, respectively.) 

One thing led to the other, and we soon found ourselves talking about Alchemy as he ate his meal. "Can you teach us alkahestry?" Naomi asked, kindness dripping from her every pore. "Oh," He said leisurely, "I don't practice it." 

"WHAT!?" Al and I gasped in exparation. Naomi clicked her tongue. "Then what are you doing in Amestris? Are you looking for something?" Ling hummed. "Maybe you know about it," He leaned his head on his hand and purred: 

"The Philosopher's stone." 

All color drained from my face, and Al's eyes flickered. Meanwhile, Naomi seemed unphased. Until a scowl slowly formed on her lips. "And why," She hissed, balling her hand to a fist until the knuckles turned white, "do you want it?" 

Two people appereared behind us, blades drawn. Ling grinned, something that made me feel sick to my stomach. " For Immortality. " He said bluntly. 

"Immortality?" I echoed. "Hm," Al hummed, "Some other guys were looking for it too." Naomi shrugged. "Is it the new hype?" I scowled at Ling. "Why do you want it?" He shrugged. "Family reasons." "Bullshit," I hissed. "Is this how you ask for a favor?" I asked, preparing to punch the guy behind me. "I don't think so!" I yelled as I swung around. The masked person jumped over me and began to scold me. 


As Ed and Al ran off to fight Ling's henchmen, I stayed back, glaring daggers at him. "Why are you after the stone?" I asked, hoping my cool voice would send a shiver down his spine. No reaction. "I already told you," He whistled after ordering more food. "Family issues." I hummed, sitting down again. 

"I don't know much of Xing," I said calmly, "but if I recall correctly, it has several clans, all of which have heirs to the throne," I peered at him, trying to gauge a rection. He studied me as he ate his food. "and, with that many children it must be tough to chose an heir." I paused again. "No?" 

Ling leaned back. "You've done your homework," He said. "you're right. It's tricky to chose an heir. So, each time the king is close to death, a quest is given. Whoever completes it becomes the king." I hummed, drumming my feet against the pavement. "Now," He scowled. "What about the stone?" 

"You really want to know?" He nodded feverishly. "Well," I clicked my tongue and I stood, "I can't tell you. It's Ed's call how much info you may have," I said, grinding my feet into the ground as Ling jumped up, "however, I can tell you this much:" I said, raising a finger. "It exists." 


Later that day I followed Ling to where Ed, Al and his underlings had fought. Turns out Al can now transmute without a circle, which is helpful, though I think Ed's ego suffered from the setback. 

Then, when we returned to Garfiel's, Ling was waiting there. Ed, being Ed, socked him in the face with his disembodied arm. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, Ling was giving Winry and I compliments. 

"Flattery won't work now, buddy." I scoffed, wandering to replace my Automail. I sat by the side and listened to the conversation, gritting my teeth and biting my tongue as I connected the nerves. 

When the yelling subsided, Winry came to sit next to me as she repaired Ed's arm. "Why do you always do this on your own?" She asked. I hummed, noticing Ed eyeing me carefully. "It's always been this way, I guess. I mean, Hawkeye isn't that well versed in Automail mechanics. Same goes for Lys." Winry hummed. "You shouldn't have to do that on your own." Ed scowled. 

I looked at him with a soft smile. "It's fine." I said, "I'm used to it." I stretched the limbs and excused myself to the roof, where I looked over the valley. I sat down on the edge, legs dangling dangerously over Garfiel's sign. 

The sound of automail working behind made me turn. Ed was walking towards me, brand new automail already being used. "Hey," He sighed, sitting down. "Hey to you too," I replied flatly. "Ling's coming to central with us?" I asked, after a beat of silence. Ed scowled. "yeah. It's a pain. He's a pain." I laughed. "Perhaps, but it may be entertaining." Ed scoffed, his scowl depening. "You say that as if our lives aren't already entertaining enough." I hummed. "Entertaining does'nt equal eventful, Edward." 

He looked at me, lips parted. His golden eyes danced and his skin looked soft to the touch. "Ed?" I asked, partially to wake myself up and partially to regain his focus. 

"Ah," He gasped, stumbling up. "Let's get back to the others," He said, somewhat heisitantly. I nodded, standing up. I reached out my hand to him. He took it and pulled himself up. We went inside. 


A day later, back in central, we ran into Riza and Roy. "Naomi! You're back!" After some pleasantries between herself, me, and Winry, Roy appeared. After holding a quick squabble with Ed, and greeting Winry, we learned that Hughes left. Though, the look on Riza's face rubbed me the wrong way. 

Whatever. If it was important, Riza will tell me when I see her. 

Al, Ed, Winry and I went to look for an Inn. Winry and I decided to room together, to save money, while Al and Ed roomed together. That evening however, instead of going to the Inn with Ed to read up on Homunculi, I went in search of Riza. I found her in the records room on the third floor. 

"Riza," I said, "What's happening?" Riza sighed. She stood tall and saluted me, a sad look on her face. Then, she said a sentence that made my jaw drop. I felt my face pale. 

"But...then, Roy lied--!" "I know," "Riza! I need to tell Ed and--" "But can you?" I faltered. "Colonel Mustang could not," She sighed. "What makes you think you have the guts?" I sighed in resignination. "Look, Naomi," She said sternly, I looked up. "Lieutenant Ross is being blamed for his death, and I don't doubt she is solely being blamed. Roy agrees," She said, "We will help her escape Amestris. This much I know." She paused, allowing me to speak. "I want to know what you plan to do," I said. "Take me with you." 


I returned to Winry, utterly useless in the circumstances. By the time I'd returned, Winry had found a newspaper with the news of it in it. "I guess Ed and Al know too," I said. Winry rounded on me. "How are you so calm!?" She screamed. "How!? How...?" She crumpled to the floor, but I joined her there. I hugged her, as tight as I could. I felt tears sting my eyes. 

"I'm not calm," I sobbed, "I'm b...break....breaking down, and I....I know what's going to happen but...but I can't do anything..." I hiccoughed. "I" I sobbed into her hair. "Despite myself..." I cried, "I feel useless." 


A knock on the door made me stand. "Nao...?" Winry whmpered, eyes dry and red. I nodded, walking to the door. "Naomi...!" Ed exclaimed quietly. I slipped into the hall and shut the door. "Naomi...there's something you need to know." Al said. Ed was shaking, brows furrowed, mouth curled into a frown. It broke my heart. 

I held a hand up and said: "I already know," They looked at me, Ed shocked as ever, "Riza told me." I sighed. "Did you meet Mustang?" A stiff nod made me inhale sharply. "Do you really believe," I asked harshly, "that he'd do such a thing to a subordinate like Ross?" I hissed. As Ed moved to retort, I snapped: "Trust your superior officer a bit more, Edward!" I opened the door and went back to Winry's side. 


We went to the Hughes' home after finding out. We went back together. I faced Ed alone. When Armstrong came, I was standing in the hall. Ed was about to snap at me (after he got up and recovered from Armstrong's punch), I could tell, but Armstrong interrupted us. 

His sorry excuse of Automail issues convinced no one, but it didn't matter. Al and Winry would hear the truth anyway. 


As we rode towards Xerxes, Ed and I didn't speak. When we were almost there I raised my voice. "Listen, Ed," I said. "I know I was an impatient asshole," I said, scolding myself. "But I meant what I said," I sighed. "We both need to trust Mustang and his team more, they are good people who will change this country." Ed huffed. "Yeah right," He scowled, "b...but you're forgiven," He said through grit teeth. 

"I forgave you a while ago, actually." I looked at him with wide eyes, my lips parted a bit. 



"I forgave you a while ago, actually." I said. She looked at me with big, silver eyes, brown full lips parted slightly. 

She simply hummed, lips pursed. "This is about the Colonel bastard," I said finally, "and what he did." Naomi hummed, eyes watering a bit. I felt like that too, the heat was making our automail melt into our skin, but I kept it under wraps. 


We arrived at Xerxes, where we met Fu. He led us to a spring, which Naomi and I gratefully used to cool down. We got out after a quick dip and listened to Fu and the others explain. I shook the water out of my shirt. When I glanced over, Naomi had stripped out of her own shirt and was wringing it out over the spring. 

Feeling hot again, I glared at a nearby rock. Then, something Fu said caught my attention, which led to me telling the legend of the Alchemist from the East. 

We continued onward, when Fu said: "It is not very safe for young women to wander alone here." I rose a brow. "What...? Naomi's not..." Then, it clicked. 

"Ah...!!!" I yelled, making Naomi laugh. "That Bastard!!!" I yelled, which only make Naomi laugh more. 

Armstrong yelled a bit too, and Breda told us the story. I whipped my head to Naomi, who was smiling innocently. 

"You...!" I pointed my finger at her. "You knew!!" She cackled. "Yeah!!" She yelled, crashing into me with her arms spread. She closed her arms around my neck, wrapping me in a crushing hug. Before long she was out of my reach again, and began telling the story the way Mustang had planned it originally. 

Eventually, everything was said and done. Naomi looked blankly ahead as we sat in silence. "Hearing your resolve," She said suddenly, "for the upteenth time, even, it inspired me. Again." She let out a airy laugh. "Ed," She said, turning to face me, "whatever happens, I will do all I can to stand by your side -- fighting. " I smiled, and nodded. She came closer and leaned her forehead against mine. "That's a promise I'll make on my life." I frowned, pulling her into a hug. "Please," I whispered, "don't." 

Before she could reply, we were being called to departure. After saying our goodbyes to Ross, I excused myself to check something. Of course, Naomi wasn't far behind me. "Wait here," I said, jumping to the ruins. She waited within a clutter of rocks. Patiently. 

Suddenly, a guy jumped out of the rocks nearby, pinning me to the ground. I had the tides turned before Naomi reacted, but was immediately surrounded by ishvalans. I half expected Naomi to jump out, but she was smarter than that. If things got too tight she'd run to get backup. 

An old ishvalan woman broke up the feud and apologized. "Our apologies for our youth's transgressions." She said. Pulling my sweater tighter, I assured her that it was fine. "I know very well the hatred the ishvalans hold towards amestrians." I said. "Ah. Yes, we are quite unfond of your peers." 

I huffed. "Then why did you help me?" She hummed pleasantly. "We know that not all of you are evil thugs, our lives have been saved by your peers once before." 

A kid behind her spoke up, telling me the story of the amestrian doctors who treated every wounded person in the war. By the time it was over, Naomi had resurfaced and was standing a little ways away, but she heard it all. 

"Rockbell...! Winry's parents..." I mused. The kid grinned. "So you were acquainted with the doctors! This must be fate!" Carefully, I asked how they died. And I found out a terrible truth. 

Naomi and I walked back shortly after, silence stretching between us like a blanket. "Scar..." She hummed finally. "why...why would he...?" She stammered. I gulped. "Listen, Silv," I said carefully. She looked at me through dark eyes. "Winry can't know...not ever." Naomi nodded. "I know," She agreed, "She'd collapse. Mentally, I mean." I hummed. 

"Yeah." I sighed as we arrived. "She would." 



Once back in resembool, I proposed we visit the graves of Trisha, Sara and mr. Rockbell. Edward agreed easily. As we walked towards the graveyard, we held pleasant conversation. When the fiel came into sight, a tall man stood by Trisha's grave. 

"Huh?" I gasped, "Who's standing by your mom's grave?" Ed looked, and for  a moment with (cute) surprise, before the gears in his head seemed to turn, and he grit his teeth and furrowed his brows. 

"Ed...?" "That's..." I tilted my head. "That's...Hohenheim." I snapped my head to the blond man and paled. "VAN HOHENHEIM!" He screamed, stomping towards the man. "Ed...!" I called after him, running to his side. 

What Hohenheim said caught me off guard: "Have you...grown taller?" Ed grit his teeth and roared: "Why the heck are you phrasing it like a question!?" Hohenheim hummed. 

"You've gotten quite a reputation in central. The Smallest State Alchemist in history." "it's the youngest...!" Ed snapped. Hoheinheim deadpanned. "I've heard from Pinako. You did a human transmutation." I stiffened, and Ed flinched. He didn't take a long time to recove however. 

"You bastard," He hissed, "you dare come back here? Now?" Hohenheim seemed perplexed. "What in the blue blazes are you adressing your parent as a bastard for?" "You're not just A bastard, you're THE bastard! If you weren't in front of mom's grave I'd have punched you!" "Trisha..." He whispered, "why did you die?" Ed shouted accusations, but Hohenheim didn't hear them. 

He babbled about a promise, murmuring her name. At one point, he asked: "Why have you burned down my home?" Ed faltered. "It's the symbol of our resolve." "Nonsense," He castizised. "It is because you don't want to face your mistake." I paled. "You're running away Edward." Right before he could shout, I screamed: 

"What the hell do you know!?" I felt angry tears well up, but I refused to let them run. "You weren't there! Neither was I! The only ones who truly know are Ed and Al! And you have no right to chastize them for something you could've changed, if only you'd been there! But you weren't." 

I was shaking, and hastily pulled Ed away. "We're going to Pinako's," I declared. "c'mon Ed." Unfortunately, Hohenheim was too. 

That night, I held onto my Automail arm until my knuckles turned white. "" I gasped. The door creaked open, and I sat up. Ed tip-toed through the door. "Naomi..." He whispered. "I'll be downstairs." I jumped out of bed and swung Winry's robe over my arms. 

"I'm right behind you." 


"Are you saying," Pinako gasped, "that wasn't trisha!?"  Ed flinched, afterwards standing perfectly still until I pulled him back upstairs. 

"Ed," I said. "tell me what you plan to do. Once you know." As I walked back to Winry's room, I heard Ed whisper:

"Thank you." 

Continuer la Lecture

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