How can i forget you ?

By syareyah

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YG entertainment company, One of the best entertainment company in South Korea. After the debut of IKON, Mr.Y... More

Chapter O N E
Chapter T W O
Chapter T H R E E
Chapter F O U R
Chapter F I V E
Chapter S I X
Chapter S E V E N
Chapter N I N E
Chapter T E N
Chapter E L E V E N
Chapter T W E L V E
Chapter T H I R T E E N
Chapter F O U R T E E N
Chapter F I F T E E N
Chapter S I X T E E N
chapter S E V E N T E E N
chapter E I G H T E E N
Chapter N I N E T E E N
Chapter T W E N T Y
Prologue of my next book
"Love Scenario" Comeback
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Prologue of my next book !!

Chapter E I G H T

185 14 0
By syareyah

After 4 months of survival competition, the 4th monthly assessment.

Jennie got better and felt confident with her team. The fresh trainees were getting along, they're all the best of friends. They treated each other like sisters, share stories and care for eachother.

Jennie would usually drop off breakfast in front of IKON's apartment, rang the bell and go practice. She'd send breakfast 3 times a month, once a week. IKON and the girls rarely see eachother, sometimes Jennie's team end up sleeping in YG building since they were so tired after a long tiring day, practicing.

it was time for their usual monthly assessment evaluation, Jennie felt Anxious as she thought of her team and the group dance. Mr.Yang looked quite disappointed.

"i haven't seen any improvement, that's all i can say" Mr. Yang said and taps his pen. "and i think it's time to say goodbye to one of the girls"

Everyone was shocked especially the girls. They felt more anxious and nervous. Jennie prayed to god the girl leaving are not the senior Trainees.

"girls.." Mr.Yang said "say goodbye to Hanna"

The fresh trainees cried, so did Rose. Jisoo, Lisa and Jennie felt sad for hanna. The girls hugged Hanna who was crying. Mr. Yang and the rest of the producer left the room.

"i'm sorry, i disappointed you guys" Hanna said while sobbing.

"ya~ you did great !" Jisoo cheered her up. "Don't worry, after this competition, our debut, we'll still keep in touch"

"Hanna~" Eunbi who was really sad, hugged Hanna tightly, holding her best friend in her arms. "don't leave me here !"

"aish~ Eun" Hanna looked into Eunbi's teary eyes. "you have to win this, for me"

"I'm proud of you Hanna" Jennie gave Hanna a hug. "you did your best and your journey is still long"

Mr. Lee suddenly entered the room, which caught all the disappointed girls attention. Mr. Lee came in with Hanna's luggage

"your ride is here" mr. Lee said and looked down.

Everyone greeted goodbye, hugged Hanna one last time, before sending her off. watched her leave the room with her luggage

"ya~ mr. Lee, you didn't tell us there are elimination !" Miyeon said and pouted.

"i didn't expect it either !" Mr. Lee replied. "but to make it up to you, i held a party for you. they'll only be IKON though, since the rest are busy"

" a party ? you thought it's a great idea to party ?" Jisoo asked, sounding furious

"to cheer you guys up, you guys probably miss IKON" Mr. Lee said.

"maybe it'll help" Jinny looked at Jennie with hope

"let's just go" Jennie made her decision. "Mr.Lee made it for us, he's trying to cheer us up"

They all finally agreed to come.

"at the apartment's rooftop at 8:30" Mr.Lee said before leaving.

the girls went home, feeling sad. They miss Hanna already. Hanna would usually jump on the couch once they reach home. But now, there's nothing more than silence. The girls dressed up and went up on the rooftop. Well, Jennie went out first as she was curious about the view from up there.

Yunhyeong suddenly came out from their apartment with Hanbin and Chanwoo with him.

"oh, Jennie !" Hanbin waved at Jennie. "i'm really sorry for the lost"

"it's fine" Jennie said and smiled weakly.

"where are you going ?" Chanwoo asked with a slim smile

"i'm going up on the rooftop, checking out the view" Jennie replied when the lift door opened.

"we're actually going up there too" Hanbin said

The elevator door opened and Jennie entered the elevator. Yunhyeong was so close to her.

"i want to tell you something" Yunhyeong whispered weirdly.

the party was well decorated, it cheered Jennie up a bit. The foods smelled great. The seats looked comfortable and there are some beanbags. There were blasting musics. Jennie smiled as she saw the party decorations

"Ya~ this is so cool" Hanbin jumped on the couch.

"yea, it really is" Jennie said and chuckled nervously.

"so Jennie, it's been 3 months without us" Chanwoo said and sat next to Hanbin "do you miss us ? are you doing well ?"

"to be completely honest, i do miss you guys" Jennie let her feelings out. "it felt weird without you guys in the practice room. I had to take full responsible for my team, unlike the first assessment, Hanbin helped me"

"We miss you guys too" Hanbin said and smiled "Yunhyeong would always bring up memories from the 1st assessment. it's Quite funny"

"he must have miss you guys a lot" Chanwoo chuckled.

Jennie looked at Yunhyeong who was staring at the city from above. He seems weird and nervous.

"I'll go talk to Yunhyeong for a bit" Jennie said and smiled sweetly. "he's acting weird"

"alright, we'll talk to you later then" Hanbin said.

Jennie bowed and walked to the glass fence on the side, where yunhyeong stared at the busy town, thinking about something.

"you wanted to talk ?" Jennie said as she walked to Yunhyeong and stood next to him, leaning her hands on the glass fence. "is there something bothering you ?"

Yunhyeong looked at Jennie and smiled nervously. Before turning his attention back to the busy city. Jennie looked at the busy city and sighed. She loved the view.

"wow, i didn't know the view would be this beautiful" Jennie said and smiled.

Yunhyeong looked at Jennie who was shining so bright because of the lights from the city. Yunhyeong slowly grabbed her hand,feeling nervous. Jennie looked at her hands in Yunhyeong's.

"i'd like to confess something" Yunhyeong finally said and let go of her hand. "let's not feel awkward after this, alright"

Jennie looked at Yunhyeong and he avoided eye contact. She nodded her head with a caring look.

"look, i like you" Yunhyeong looked into Jennie's eyes. Jennie was about to respond. "Don't say anything"

Jennie closed her mouth back.

" i really like you. Since the first assessment. I tried to show my love to you, but you maybe don't notice it " Yunhyeong looked down and snickered. "We both know, Mr.Yang doesn't allow us, artists, dating or even have interest. I really want to tell you this, i don't want to see you hurt. it kills me. I hope you understand want i'm trying to say"

"Yunhyeong~ oppa.." Jennie paused and smiled nervously. "i understand you. But, like you said Mr.Yang wouldn't allow his artists dating. if he let his artists date, then i'd probably have the guts to date you and show you how much i love you. But i can't. We both can't"

Jennie caught his eyes and looked into his eyes.

"if i can help you, please tell me" Jennie said and smiled widely. "anything i can help"

"can i have your personal number ?" Yunhyeong finally smiled and pulled out his phone from his pocket " i'd like to keep in touch with your life"

They both laughed and the awkwardness between them were gone. Jennie grabbed his phone and typed her number in his phone.

"here" Jennie handed his phone back with a smile.

"i'll maybe text you everyday" Yunhyeong said. "please don't be annoyed"

"i want to know about your day too, so i won't feel annoyed" Jennie replied.

"how about video call ?" Yunhyeong said.

"i'm fine with that too !" Jennie laughed.

"but i'm not sharing your number to the other members" Yunhyeong said and smiled widely "i'm keeping you to myself"

"aish~ so cheesy" Jennie chuckled cutely

"ya~ here you are !" Someone entered their conversation and ruffled Jennie's and Yunhyeong's hair.

it was the annoying giant, Junhoe.

"oh, if it isn't Jennie , the amazing leader" Junhoe said and fixed Jennie's hair.

"i'll go now" Yunhyeong said and waved goodbye.

"what ?" Jennie said as Junhoe looked at Jennie

"Don't you miss me ?" Junhoe asked and smiled.

"i almost forgot about you" Jennie joked.

"ya~ but i missed you" Junhoe said. "missed annoying the crap out of you"

"are you sure you miss annoying the crap out of me ?" Jennie raised her brows. "or are you trying to hide the fact that you actually miss me ?"

"i don't know, Maybe" Junhoe said and blow her eyes. "so, hows the assessment ?"

"why do you care ?" Jennie asked with a shocked look.

"sharing is caring ,you know" Junhoe replied.

"well, Mr.Yang said there are no improvement for this month's assessment" Jennie said and sighed

"that just means try harder" Junhoe said and bit his lower lips.

"yeah, i should try harder" Jennie said and looked into Junhoe's eyes. "what have you been doing with life ?"

"well, we're in a process of choreographing a dance" Junhoe said and looked at the streets. "we both are quite busy with our own life, just like this busy city"

"that's inspiring" Jennie said and chuckled while looking at the city again. "were your survival competition hard ?"

"yes, very hard" Junhoe said as the memories from their debut competition came back. "especially for Hanbin"

It was silent, they didn't know what to say. But they enjoyed each other's company.

"i'm hungry, i'll go eat" Junhoe said, to break the silence

"yeah, me too" Jennie said and followed Junhoe to the eating area, earned some greetings from the other ikon members before sitting down with them.

"ya~ you didn't tell us you left already" Lisa who was sitting on the couch with Miyeon and Rose said.

"i got curious with the view, so don't blame me" Jennie said and chuckled

They were all having a great time, chatting and sharing stories. The girls felt better. Laughters and happy chatters filled the air with the booming music. They were all hyped up and they decided to dance to the song. They were all dancing closely to each other on the sitting area.

Jennie was close to Yunhyeong, Lisa, Jisoo and Jinhwan. They were dancing while laughing and smiling brightly. Jennie was having a great time, laughing at Yunhyeong's derp dance and Jinhwan's fail attempt on flirting.

"i love you" Jennie suddenly heard Donghyuk whispered in her ears and caught Donghyuk's eyes.

why are the boys suddenly confessing ? Donghyuk and Yunhyeong on the same day ??

"i can't help but to fall in love with you" Donghyuk whispered again. "i'm sorry i'm telling you this suddenly, i never should have"

"ya~ it's okay" Jennie said and smiled. "Lets not be awkward"

"yeah, i'm just telling you what i feel" Donghyuk said and laughed.

They decided to end the night, went back down to their apartment. said goodnight to each other. Hugged each other and thanked them for the best party and company.

2 months after Hanna got eliminated
the girls improved more and felt more comfortable. They practiced harder ever since the first elimination.

Mr.Yang decided to spice things up and planned a big challenge for The girls. He even built a stage for the girl's 6th month assessment.

as usual, IKON and The girls rarely see each other except for Jennie's team which is now only Lisa and Jinny since Miyeon got transferred into Rose's team.

Yunhyeong video called Jennie maybe 4 times a week, even though they're only next door. Sometimes they'd sneak up on the rooftop to talk to each other face to face.

Once, Yunhyeong was almost caught video calling with Jennie by Hanbin. But, Yunhyeong ended the call early, tried to avoid questions from Hanbin and the other members.

It was 1pm, when Jennie who was having lunch with her team at a restaurant, received a call from Mr.Lee. It must be really important so she picked it up.

"yes ?" Jennie said as she swallowed her food

["i want you to pack your luggage" Mr.Lee said "bring it later during the meeting with Mr.Yang about the 6th month assessment. Tell the others too"]

"pack our luggage ?" Jennie was shocked. "why ? are we moving houses ?"

["aish~ you know Mr.Yang" Mr. Lee said and sighed "he's filled with surprises, i don't even know"]

"alright, alright. I understand, pack our luggage and bring it later at the headquarters during meeting" Jennie said quickly.

["good, i'll prepare a van for your ride later at 7:45p.m" Mr. Yang hung up]

Jennie scratched her head, looking all worried.

"Jennie~Unnie ,what's wrong ?" Lisa asked as she saw Jennie's worried look.

"Mr. Lee wants us all to pack our luggage, i have no idea why" Jennie said and drank her tea.

"another challenge ?" Jinny asked.

"maybe, i hope not" Jennie said. "if it's a challenge week, then they'll of course be another elimination"

"aish~ i'm suddenly anxious" Lisa sighed

"let's not think about it and eat up" Jennie said and focused on eating.

The three girls were heading back to YG entertainment building, when Lisa received a call from Jisoo.

"oh, it's Jisoo" Lisa said and picked it up.

["Ya~ have you receive a call from Mr.Lee ?" Jisoo asked"]

"yes, we did" Jennie interrupted.

["i'm freaking out, is Mr.Yang eliminating another girl ?" Jisoo asked again]

"aish~ impossible" Lisa snickered. "we haven't even start our 6th month assessment, maybe it's just a challenge"

["but it means someones going to leave !" Jisoo exclaimed]

"ya~ calm down" Jennie said. "we're going to the headquarters to grab our belongings and pack our bags"

["alright, we should pack early" Jisoo said. "i'll meet you in the apartment, stay safe"]

"you too" Lisa said and hung up.

They went back to their apartment and Rose's team were already there, packing. Searching around for their stuffs. Jennie's team were greeted by loud noises in the apartment.

Jennie and Lisa quickly packed their luggage, packed it neatly. Jennie fixed her bed up and brought her favourite teddy bear with her.

Jennie, Lisa, Jisoo and Rose went shopping for clothes since they needed new, fresh clothes in case. They went shopping until 6p.m. There were some paparazzis following them. They went home and fresh themselves up, wore their selected clothes.

Jennie wore a striped black and white cardigan with a cropped top inside. She slipped into her favourite tight black mini skirt.

The girls arrived at the headquarters at 8 p.m. Went in their usual meeting room on the artist's floor. Met some WINNER members before entering the meeting room. Butterflies filled their stomach as Mr.Yang entered the room and sat down.

"have you guys eaten dinner ?" Mr.Yang asked as he sat down.

The girls shook their heads no nervously.

"well, today's menu are quite good" Mr.Yang smiled weirdly. "now, 6th month assessment, Don't you guys feel tired and bored ? repeating the same assessment or experience ?"

The girls shared looks to each other and didn't reply Mr.Yang's question.

"i decided to spice things up" Mr.Yang clapped his hands. "a duet challenge, You girls will be staying with IKON members, individually"

The girls were all shocked when the IKON members enter the room with their luggage and pillows in their hands. Yunhyeong smiled at Jennie. Mr.Yang announced their partners.

Jennie with Junhoe, the annoying thief and giant.

Jisoo with Yunhyeong, who wished to be with Jennie.

Lisa with Bobby, the shy bunny who cared for Lisa.

Rose with Jinhwan, who takes so long to dress up.

Miyeon with Donghyuk, who didn't know miyeon well.

Eunbi with Hanbin, the leader of the group who wanted to be with Jennie too.

Jinny with Chanwoo, the cute but quite awkward maknae.

The partners had to live in a small house which looks like a villa. the small houses were set up next to each other, like a small neighbourhood.
Mr.Yang wanted the girls to stay with IKON members for a months to get to know each other and judge their charisma and capability

The girls and IKON members went to their neighboured houses. Jennie and Junhoe picked the first house, next to Yunhyeong and Jisoo's house, in front of Hanbin and Eunbi. Next to Hanbin and Eunbi's house were Lisa and Bobby's house.

What will happened between Junhoe and Jennie ? will they get along well or annoy the crap out of each other for the whole month ?

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