Cømpletely Different (Johnni...

By DopeXD

417K 12.1K 11.8K

(NEEDS MAJOR EDITING!!) Dylan is only human. Why won't anyone let her live?.. Wait! Just wait a sec. A few p... More

Completely Different (Johnnie Guilbert)
Goat got my belt
Perfect Me
Cassia and Lace are back
My Choice
Getting Ready For Warped Tour
Warped Tour
Hospital Time
Tell Me Your Story
Party Stuff Happened
Truth or Dare
Alondra Stuff
Alondra's Wedding and stuff
Written Song
Valentines Day part 1
Valentines Day part 2
Ireland Farm
Halo has a gold halo
Really Bad Day
Were Not Friends
Small rock building
I Love You
Angelina's mean friend
Fake Promises
What The Fuck Mira
Dylan Is Really Gone
Believing You
August 28th
Only Friends
Luke Stuff
Starting YouTube
New House
Whops we Kissed
I miss you
Chapter 41
Warped Tour Sadness
Cole The New Guy
Angelina Stars
Im already gone
Chapter 50
Here Goes Nothing
Things are Happening
A Game That Will Drive Him Crazy ;) part 1
;) part 2
Painful Day
First Words
Dylan's Luck Doe
Things and stuff
Addicted part-2
Addicted.. Again
Talking about the past
Happy part-2
Texting and Stuff
Dylan's heart beats no more
Gotca didn't I?
Our Relationship part-1
Our Relationship part-2
Perfect Smile
Jason and I
Forever Thankful

Sleepless Nights

5.1K 129 153
By DopeXD

*Dylan's POV*

Well Angelina's and Bryan's wedding is over they went somewhere. Me and Johnnie are home alone. It's currently after 3am and Johnnie is sleeping right next to me.. Naked

I just can't fall to sleep so my blanket is over my body and I'm playing on twitter with my phone

"please blue go to sleep. I can hear you typing" Johnnie groans

"sorry I just can't sleep" I say

He turns to me
"I thought I wore you out" he says

I lightly giggle
"a little. but not enough" I say

"maybe will do it again" he sets his hand on my bare belly

"it's to late Johnnie" I giggle again

"what's this?" he touched my belly button

"my belly" I say

He giggles. Every time I say belly instead of stomach he giggles

"no not that" he says

"then what?" I ask

He moves the blanket and looks down at my stomach

"you have a belly button ring?!" he ask

"oh.. Yeah I do" I say

"how did I miss that?" he ask

I shrugged

"it's cute... Did it hurt?" he ask

"yeah kinda" I say

"are you gonna go to sleep yet? It gets kinda annoying when people are typing a lot" he says

"yea I guess" I reach over and set my phone down

*Johnnie's POV*

Soon she did fall to sleep but now I can't fall to sleep. I slowly get up and put some clothes on and sit down stairs on the couch with my laptop and I start editing a video I have made a bit ago

I've made this video for Dylan. It was kinda hard to make. I hope she likes it cause Dylan being Dylan she's picky

Since I'm already up theres no way I'm going back to bed. The rest of the night I edit a video and then I hear Dylan walking down the stairs. So I look up and see her to come sit next to me

"whatca doing?" she ask

"nothing" I say as I press upload to YouTube and turn my laptop so she couldn't see

"really then why are you hiding it from me?" she tries to see but I move it

"cause I want you to see it when it's up on YouTube" I say

"could I see it early?" she ask with hers puppy dog eyes

"okay" I say

I bring up the video "but I want you to know I made this for you" I say

"oh really?" she ask

"yep" I click in the video and I showed it to her

I wrote a song for her it's a bit cheesy buy its suppose to be like that it's called 'JustAnotherChessySong'

Once it is finish I shut my laptop and I put it on the glass table and look at her

"did you like it?" I ask

"yes I loved it" she hug me
"it was a it cheesy though. But I still loved it" she says

I laugh "it was suppose to be like that.. I'm glad you liked it" I smile

"I kinda wanted to talk to you Johnnie" she says once we pull away
"can I talk to you about it?" she ask

"yea you can talk to me about anything" I say

"would you support it?" she ask

What is she about? "uh. maybe.. depends what it is" I say

"would you help me out?" she ask and she look down at hers fingers

"are you pregnant?" I ask

"no!" she giggled

"okay" I took a deep breath
"so what do you need to tell me?" I ask

"um well awhile ago when you were still on Warped Tour" she pauses. Hopefully she didn't do anything bad "one of my nurses phoned me" to her phoned means someone called her

She started to tear up

"blue" I say

"my nurse says that I will be having surgery" she says. She looks away from hers fingers and to the floor. A tear slides down hers cheek

"where?" I ask

"at the hospital" she says

"no I meant where on your body" I say

"oh.. I'm so stupid" she says. She doesn't make a sound but she starts crying

"no your not" I pull her onto my lap

"on my eyes" she says

"why?" I ask

"cause I use to wear these contacts that only one in a thousand people are suppose to have. And everyone who ever had them in there eyes they now have cancer so me being the very unlucky one I have eye cancer" she says

"oh my god" I say quietly and I hug her tighter

"if I don't have the surgery I could die witch I don't mind but I can't leave you. If I do have the surgery i still could die. I would have a 10% chance of living" she says

But that unlikely and she could die. I can't have her die on me I really love her

"maybe I should just end it" she says

"end what?" I ask

"my life. I don't want to go though surgery on my face it would make me look uglier then I already do"

"your not ugly" I say

"yes I am" she says

"Dylan I want you to stop saying these things, that's your ugly when you really aren't to me your beautiful, you may think you are but you aren't. I want you to stop saying that you are gonna kill yourself, I know you would do it but I really don't like when you say that you will. Dylan please don't kill yourself! Would probably do something really stupid if you left me like that!" I scold

She doesn't really say anything but now I feel bad for kinda yelling

"sorry if I hurt your feelings" I apologised

"no I deserved it. I try won't t say those things" she says
"Johnnie when you said you would probably do something stupid. What did you mean?" she ask

"I would.. Uh-

"you would kill yourself wouldn't you?" she cut me off and she sounder disappointed

"Yea I would" I say

"why would you want to do that. Your life is amaz-

"no it's not" I cut her off

"how it's a lot better then mine"

"it's no better then yours. Mine sucks cause someone I love is trying to kill thereselfs and might die cause they have freaking cancer. It's hard on me cause I can't loose you" I say

"You won't loose me Johnnie"

"I hope not"

"my nurse is going to phone me later tonight so let's try not to talk about this cancer problem" she says
I nodded

She is still sitting in my lap with hers back against my chest. My arms are around hers waist and hers arms are around mine

"Johnnie if I was pregnant with your baby would you help me out or would you leave me?" she ask

"Dylan even if the baby wasn't mine I would still help you" I say
"I'd be a little pissed but I would still help you" I add

"would you be able to take care of a kid?"

"maybe" I say "why are we talking about taking care of children?" I ask

"cause what if we accidentally have one. We would not know what to do" she says

"that kinda scares me" I say

"I know" she said

It was quiet for a second

"sometimes I wish I wasn't born" she says

"Dylan" I said

"sorry I didn't mean to say that" she covers hers mouth
She probably forgot that I don't like when she says that

"I'm not mad" I say

*Dylan's POV*

-skip to nurse phone call-

"hello" I answer the nurse phone call

"hi this is Dylan Blue right?" the nurse ask

"yes" I say

"it's your nurse. You will be coming into the hospital in two weeks for surgery" she says

"I know" I say

"okay see you then" she says

"bye" with that I hang up and flop down onto Johnnie's lap

Me and Johnnie are sitting on the couch. Angelina and Bryan aren't back yet they called us and said they will not be coming tonight and that they will be staying at the hotel for a bit longer

"was that your nurse?" Johnnie look down at me

"yes. And I'm sooooo bored" I groaned

"I have an idea" he smiles

"we'll tell me" I say

"you could turn around and you know" he winked

"I'm. Not. Giving. You. A blow job" I giggled and put my hand in his face pushing him back a bit but he grabs my hand

"why not" he giggles

"I mean I could-

"you should" he cuts me off

"but I won't" I giggle

"how about of I do something for you you'll do that for me?" he ask

"like what?" I ask

He moves his eyes down my body

"your not licking me" I giggle and push his head away again but he grabs my hand and holds onto it

"you would enjoy" he says

"I don't want anybody in between my legs and I'm not gonna be in yours" I say

"you won't be 'in between' mine actually" he says

"whatever" I laugh

"whatever yourself" he brings the back of my hand to his lips and kisses

"that's not a way to charm me you would have to get me to meet Kellin Quinn" I say

"I could do that you know if it would get you to give me one" he says

"I was kidding but I would like to meet Kellin" I say

"your such a butt" he jokes

"Johnnie could I tell you something?" I ask

"anything" he pays attention to me

"I love you" I say

"I love you" he says back And giggles
I'm glad he doesn't say the 'to' part

My phone begins ringing. I look at the caller ID it was mum

"hi mum" I answer

"heeey honey" she slides the hey

"mum what did you do?" I ask cause she always slides hers words when she had did something bad, wrong or something that will upset me

"uh you know the surgery you will be having in two weeks" she says not as a question but a statement

"yea" I say

"your coming to Ireland for that" she says "before you ask any questions. I had your nurse from Ireland call you" she says

"oh" I sound sad
"could anybody come with me?" I ask

"nope. I don't want that kid Johnnie coming I don't like him. Angelina can stay with Bryan" she says

"what! Mum! Me and Johnnie are dating" I say and sit up off of Johnnie

I thought my mum liked Johnnie

"I don't care. I want you to break up with him" she says
"your gonna break up with that boy and your coming home" she says

"mum!" I say "I'm not gonna leave Johnnie. And im not coming home!" I say

"you will die if you don't come Dylan!" she says

"I'd rather die then leave him!" I say

"your young you don't know what your talking about! Your gonna soon move on from that boy and find another"

"I love him. I'm not gonna leave him!"

"once again your young you don't know what your talking about"
"your coming home right now. Or I'm going there myself and I will drag you home" she says

"ugh. I'm coming!" I say

"break up with that boy. You Don't need him" she says

She has no idea how much I need Johnnie with me. If I didn't have him I would actually be dead

"I'm not going to"

"you should cause your staying in Ireland"

I don't even say bye I just hang up

"I have to go to Ireland" I look at Johnnie

"I know I herd your conversation" he says

He pulls me in a hug

"maybe we should break up it would be easier" he says

"you really want to do that?!" I pull away
"Johnnie" I shake my head and get up and quickly walk upstairs. I slam my door shut and I cry sitting against my wall on my bed

There soon is a knock at my door

"go away!" I yell

My door opens. Dang it I forgot to lock my door
The bed sinks in a little bit next to me

"Dylan" it was Johnnie
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was just asking you. I never said that we had to" Johnnie says

"you should've put it in a different way... My mum said I couldn't bring anybody and that I had to stay there in Ireland and I can't be with you" I say

"I don't want to leave you" he says

We get into a hug position laying down on my bed
"I don't want to leave you either. Why does my mum have to be so mean?" I ask "she says she doesn't like you 'sorry' but I don't see what there isn't to like. Your hair is always amazing, your eyes are always vibrant when you aren't feeling low, your personality is witch makes you even more adorable" I say

"your so nice" he hugs me tighter "maybe we could work something out" he says

"how when I finish and get out if im not dead I wouldn't be able to see for a while or forever. That makes things so much harder" I say

He doesn't say anything except take a deep breath
"I guess this is gonna be hard" he says

"today is a bad day" I say

"it is" he says

"should I stay here with you?" I ask

"you will die" he says

"I also might die during the persuader. But I want to be with you" I say

"Dylan I rather have you not die. I want you to live your life. I'm sure that you will be lucky and survive. If it takes you to live I want you to go" he says

I sigh "I have to leave tonight so I need to get packing" I say

I get up and take out my suitcases

"can you help?" I ask nicely

"of course" he helps me pack some of my clothes
"oooo what is this" he picks up my purple bra

"johnnie" I giggle

"what is it" he giggles again

"it's meh bra" I say and grab it
"I'll pack these things. So you don't make fun of me" I roll my eyes

"I'm not making fun of you. They just look really wired" he says

"only because you don't wear one everyday" I say

"your not wearing one know" he says and grabs one of my breast

"Johnnie" I laugh and slap his hand away "don't do that" I say

"why not? You grab me all the time" he says

"you don't have anything" I touch his chest

"I mean not that" he grabs my hand

"Johnnie I do not do that!" I laugh "I may sometimes grab your butt. But I don't grab your other part" I giggle

He giggles

He helps me pack the rest. But I have to leave for the airport in a half hour

"What should we do for the time we have together?" Johnnie ask

"we always go for walks. Let's do that" I say

"yas" he grabs my hand and pulls me down stairs and outside onto the road


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