
By QreenPaladin

104 14 94

Wip More

Bandits in the East
A little more about that girl
Scar and Marcoh make an apperance
Lab 5 + Team Elric = Chaos
Brothers Fight too
Devil's Nest
Fast Paced
A Minor Setback?
A little bit more
What a mess we are in
No more Bullshit, a lot of idiots
Physical Seperation...Souls intertwined.
Final battles. Part one.

Miracle of Rush Valley & Izumi's Lesson

3 1 8
By QreenPaladin


A few minutes later, Paninya came running with the news that Sadila was giving birth. I immediately stood up, knocking the chair over. "I thought she wasn't due for another 30 days, at least!" I yelled. Paninya was panicking, fumbling around her words. 

"I'm going to tell Winry and Dominique!" Ed said. I nodded. "Right! Paninya, where is Sadila?" 


Ed and I soon found out that the bridge across the moutain had collapsed, and despite our combined alchemical knowledge, the resources simply weren't sufficient. "There's another way," I said. "But that's longer." Dom nodded. "I know which way you mean. It's all we have unfortunately. I'm off!" He said, riding off. 

We went back inside to a panicked Paninya crying about Sadila bleeding lots of water. "Oh..." Winry sighed. "Her water broke." "WHAT!" I gasped. "ISN'T THAT BAD?!" Ed exclaimed. Winry grimaced. "Looks like she's going to give birth soon." Ed, Al and Paninya started to run around hysterical. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO??? THE DOCTOR'S NEVER GONNA MAKE IT IN TIME!" Ed panicked. Winry furrowed her brows and grabbed Paninya by her shirt, Al by his white hair thing, and Ed by his braid. 

"Mr. Lear! Come here!" She said, waving the to-be-father over. "What are you planning, Winry?" I asked. Winry gulped, pulling an apron over her figure and tying it in the back. "We're going to deliver it!" She declared. Of course, everyone's jaws dropped. "Ed, we need hot water! Paninya get some Towels! Mr. Lear, do you have alchohol for disinfectants?"  

I went with Paninya to get towels. "Do you think Winry knows what she's doing?" She asked. I shook my head. "I have no idea. But, she knows more than me, for one. We need to put our faith in her and simply pray." Ed nodded. "She grew up with doctors, and reading lots of medicine books." He said. "We have to trust in her memory. " 

We gave Winry what she asked for and held our breath. She murmured the list. "Winry!" I said. Then, Al, Ed and I said in unison: 

"Good luck!" 


The screaming was unbearable. I pulled my knees to my chest and held my ears closed. Poor Alphonse...couldn't even block his ears...

Ed and Al stood by the door. "OW OW OW!" Sadila cursed. "IT HURTS! ARGH I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE!" Ed and Al flinched. I tapped the floor beside me. Ed came and sat down on my right, Al next to him. "I'm actually really nervous..." I mumbled. Ed nodded in agreement. "All we can do now is "pray"..." He whispered. Al nodded. "You're right..."

Then, the door burst open. Paninya stumbled out of the room, panting. " much blood..." Ed and I ran to Winry's side. "Winry!" I called. "Hey! What's going on!" Ed asked. Winry pointed ahead, making us look up as well. 

I stumbled towards the bed, grinning. 


"" I sighed. Naomi took the child and began to wash them. I walked up behind her and smiled. "Awesome," I sighed, pumping a fist into the air. "Awesome! Awesome!" Naomi scoffed. "Awesome? Is that all you can say about this?" She asked. "Of course!" I exclaimed. "It's the birth of a new life! Something not even Alchemists can achieve, a woman is capable of!" I reasoned. 

"Yeah," Naomi grinned. "People are amazing. Especially Doctors. Winry--" She turned to the blonde, now being lifted onto a chair by Al, "--you were amazing!" Winry giggled. "Thanks Nao." Ed was watching me bathe the baby, a look of unadultarated fondness in his eyes. "Naomi," Winry said finally. I looked at her. "Can I talk to you?" I nodded, and helped her sit outside the room. I closed the door and sat down. 

"What is it?" I asked, titling my head to the side. She paused. "I forced open Ed's watch." I furrowed my brows and looked at my knees. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't you be telling this to Ed? And what do you mean by forced?" Winry swallowed. "He sealed it shut with Alchemy. Naomi..." Winry looked at me, her eyes filled with sadness. 

"He engraved the day they burned down his house into the watch."  The minute the words left her mouth I paled. "He..." Winry nodded. She clutched her apron. "I don't know why," She said as I glared at the floor. "You'll have to ask him." I furrowed my brows and frowned. 

"Right." I said, getting up. I opened the door. "Ed! I need to talk to you." I said fiercely. Ed gulped, but complied. We walked into the kitchen and Ed sat down on the table, me following suit. 



"So," I mused, "What's up?" Naomi looked at me through silver eyes, alight with the burning light of the lamp above up. "Winry opened your watch. She saw the date, and told me..." I immediately paled. "Shit, Winry!" I cursed, clutching the table. "Even Al doesn't know bout it!" I hissed. 

"Why?" Naomi whimpered, voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to forget it. I needed something physical to hold onto." I scoffed. "Pretty pathetic huh?" "No," Her stern voice made me look at her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Not at all, it just makes you human." I turned away from her and hummed. "Why are you crying?" She hiccoughed. "You never do," She said. "So someone has to." 

I looked back at her with wide eyes. I suddenly felt my cheeks grow increasingly hot, but I couldn't look away from her. She wiped the tears away and jumped up. "Let's go back. I don't think Winry will want to go back after seeing that." I frowned. "What do you mean?" She simply smiled, leading me by the hand. 

My real hand. 


Turns out Winry really didn't want to go back, instead she became Gabriel's apprentice: the man who made Naomi's arm. We had to take a longer trip to the Valley, and almost missed our train. 

"You better have some new tricks up your sleeve for when we come back!" Naomi yelled, waving at Winry. "You bet!" "Don't forget to call Granny!" I yelled. "Like you're one to talk!" She cursed. 

Once on the train, Naomi asked: "What was the first thing you learned as Alchemists?" So, Al and I recounted our first lesson with Izumi Curtis. 

When we finished, Naomi giggled. Those giggles turned into full-on-laughter. "Oh my god!" She howled, wiping away tears of mirth. "That's amazing! I can't believe that!" She cackled. "She sounds amazing!" Through clenched teeth and said "Yeah, amazingly terrifying." Naomi sighed. 

"Geez." She gasped for air. "Mm...hey Ed?" "Hm?" "When are you gonna call me by a nickname?" I blanched and looked down. "Do you want me to?" She hummed. "Yeah, I'd like that. But it has to be original!" "Hmmm" I mused, "Okay then: Silv." "Like Silver?" She scoffed. I pouted. "No! Like Silvia!" She burst out laughing, and I caught myself staring at her smile. 

"Alright!" She concluded happily. "For you, I'm Silv." 


"We've finally..." I sighed. "Come here..." Al finished. Naomi was watching up while trying to stifle a laugh. "I hope..." I said. "Master isn't home!!" Al added. Then, a voice boomed: "WELCOME!!" The shock knocked Al me off our feet, while it only made Silv flinch. "Come in please!" The voice said. I realized that it was Mr. Maison. 

"Huh Edward? Long time no see!" He said upon recognizing me. "Mr Maison..." I sighed. "Hello..." He laughed and pet my head. "Ha ha ha! You're short as ever!" I hate this guy... "huh? Who are you two?" He asked, looking at Al and Silv. "I'm Naomi Rosenwall," Silv said, shaking his hand. "I'm a friend from East city. Nice to meet you." He grinned. "Nice to meet you as well! Mr. Maison." Al re-introduced himself, and Maison asked: "Are you here to see the Curtis'?" Naomi nodded. "Yep! We are." Maison jogged towards the back door. 

"Hang on a minute, I'll go get Mr. Curtis!" He dissapeared inside, and I felt my uneasiness grow. Soon enough, Sig walked through the  door. "Ah?" I paled at his inquiry. "How..." At a loss for words, Al interrupted my spluttering: "How do you do! Long time no see..." 

Sig patted me on the head and in a monotone voice, he said: "You're here. You've grown." He turned to Al and asked: "This is?" "Alphonse!" He replied, "Long time no see!" Sig hummed. "Really? You've grown really tall." Sig finally rounded on Naomi, who was beyond shocked to see the softness with which Sig appeared to function. 

"And you?" He asked. "Hum. I'm, uh, I'm Naomi Rosenwall, sir!" She bowed politely. Sig touched her head and said: "Hello Naomi. I am Sig Curtis. Welcome." Naomi looked at Sig with wide eyes. "Uh...yes! Thank you for having me!" 

"Well," He said, turning to me. "What's the matter?" I scratched my head and told him that I had some questions for his wife. Sig nodded. "Then let's go," He said, handing Maison his knife. "Maison, look after the shop." "OK!"

"How's Master?" Al asked. "She's alright," Sig said, albeit a little strained. "Still sick though." He leaned into the window and spoke: "Hey Izumi, the Elrics are here to see you." 

Al, Nao and I waited by the front. "Master's not feeling well, she's probably sleeping." Al whispered. "You're not gonna worsen her condition are you?" Silv asked, leaning forward. "No!" I protested. Just then, the door was kicked open, propelling me across the street. 

"News of you has reached us, my stupid students!" She bellowed. "You actually became a dog of the military? Well!" She stalked towards us. Sig picked me up and warned: "Don't push yourself! Izumi!" Just then, she noticed Al. "Who's the walking tin can?" Al stuttered out his name with a shaky laugh. 

"Al! How tall you have grown!" She mused, holding out a hand which Al foolishly took. "No, master, I haven't changed muc--" Of course, she lifted him over herself and slammed him into the ground. "Not enough training!" She scolded. Then, she zoned in on Naomi, who in turn was cocking a brow at Al. "And you?" She hissed. Naomi snapped her head up. 

"Oh-- uhm! I'm Naomi Rosenwall, ma'am!" She said, standing straight and doing a quick but small bowing gesture. "I...I'm their friend...from...east city." She slowed down, carefully speaking. Izumi scowled. "Another military dog?" She questioned. Sadly, Naomi nodded. "Yes. This is the path I chose, so I must face the consequences." Izumi mustered her. 

"Aren't you supposed to be sick, master?" Al asked, interrupting them rather boldly. "What are you saying!" Izumi yelled. "This is because you guys came from far away..." Immediately after finishing her speech she spewed out blood. 

"Miss Izumi!" "Izumi!" "Teacher!" Sig held Teacher and handed her a flask. "Don't push yourself. Here, your medicine." They gushed over each other for a moment before Al caught their attention. " more time!" I nodded and added: "Long time no see!" Izumi grinned and slapped me on the back "You guys are here!" 


"The philosopher's stone?" We were now seated at the Curtis' dining table, entering dangerous territory. "I was hoping you'd have some news, master..." I said nervously. "I'm not interested in stones," She said curtly. "Unless you are only researching this legendary item." Frantic, I confirmed that we were simply curious. 

"Come to think of it...wasn't there a man very interested in stones we met in central?"Sig mused at Izumi. "Oh yes, that's right...I think he name was Hohenheim." 



I glanced at Ed when I heard his automail creak. "What's he like!" Al inquired. "He was pretty tall...blond, glasses and modest...I didn't know his age, but he looked pretty handsome." Al and Ed were suddenly giving off very mixed expressions as Izumi confirmed that Sig was more handsome. 

Ed looked very pissed, while Al's body language seemed to suggest he was more intrigued than anything. "So he is still alive..." Ed hissed. I tilted my head to the side. "Ed...?" "You know him?" Izumi asked. I didn't take my eyes off Ed until Al answered: 

"He's our father." Izumi hummed. "The one who left? That's good, right? Maybe he's still in Central--" But Ed cut her off, "THAT BASTARD!" He cursed, "I WILL NEVER ASK THAT BASTARD FOR HELP!!" He declared. My lips formed an 'O' and my eyebrows knitted together. 

"Then..." Al mused. "What did he say?" Izumi hummed, tapping her chin. "He said something about fulfilling his long last dream...he looked pretty happy, too." 


Soon we were eating and talking about our adventures. "Out on your travels you three must have caused lots of trouble!" Maison mused. "We don't mean to," I said, scoffing. "Oh right!" Ed said suddenly, enthusiastically. "We witnessed a birth in Rush Valley!" He said. I laughed. "Yeah, but we were pretty useless."  

Izumi laughed as we recounted the scene. "You guys were born like that too." Izumi said. "That's why you must treasure your lives," She said, glancing from my exposed automail to Ed and Al. "Speaking of which," Ed said. "Master, you haven't had kids..." I figured there was a reason for that but, Ed being Ed, was oblivious. Thankfully, Maison interrupted: "Edward!'s your alchemy coming along?" He asked, "Let's see the fruits of your training!" Ed grinned. "Sure, no problem!"


We ventured outside and let Al demonstrate first. Then, Ed demonstrated. Al critiqued Ed's work, making me laugh. Then, Izumi interrupted the fun with a question: "You don't need a circle to do that?" "Hm? No." "And you, Naomi?" My eyes widened. "No? I use cards. I slot them into my automail, see?" I demonstrated with a simple rod transmutation. "Ed..." She mused. "Yeah?" "Unless..." 

Izumi hummed. "You have seen that thing?" Ed paled. I paled as well. I looked at Ed, brows knitted together. "Wha...What?" Izumi furrowed her brows and frowned. "You have seen it, right?" Ed clenched his fists and hissed: "I've seen it." Izumi huffed. "That's why you were called a genius, and the acceptance of an alchemist who was so young." Ed scowled. "I'm not a genius. I just saw that thing." 

Al and Sig seemed confused. "Mrs. Izumi," I said urgently. "Are you talking about Truth?" Izumi glared at me. "Have you seen it? How?" I waved my hands. "No-- no! I and my best friend...we came..." I inhaled sharply. "We came close to...but...I only heard it's voice. Honest." She huffed. "'Only'," She echoed. 

Just then, a group of kids came running towards Izumi, begging for help. She helped them, albeit without alchemy. Then, a little girl with a cat came running. "Chiko's not moving..." "...she's already dead." 

Together we made a grave for the cat. "Life will come to an end, return to the dust from which we came." Izumi said. "The spirit becomes memories, living on inside of us." I added. Izumi hummed. "Everything changes, the same as with human life." She said. She smiled. "Though I know this, it was difficult to tell that girl." 

"Master," Ed said urgently, "Do you think reviving the dead is possible?" "Yes." She said shortly. "Ed, do you think being the army's dog is a good idea?" Ed heisitated. Who could blame him? "Since it began, when I'm called to be a living weapon, I don't know if it means I'll have to take a life." He inhaled sharply. "I'm afraid." He said. "But," He exhaled, "I must do this to fulfill our dream." 

"hm...and you, Naomi?" I glanced at the ground. "I can't say whether or not it's a good idea..." I said, "but, I know that I cannot possibly regret a decision that has given me connections to such amazing people, and given me chances to help wherever I can." I sought out her gaze and held mine to it, "This role has provided me resources that, if used wisely and cunningly, can be used to help people." Izumi hummed. 

Izumi growled then, turning to Ed and kicking him in the face. "Idiot!" She chastisized. "Al! That armor is empty! Ed has a mechanical arm! Do you think I'm stupid?" She hissed. Then, softer, she asked: "What happened? Speak!" 

And so...they recounted the beginning of their Alchemic research. 

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