Multi-fandom oneshots

By NoOneSpecialK

57.4K 1.1K 471

Requests are always open Anime + Game oneshots Lemons are a no so don't ask Only fluff and angst Updates are... More

[☁️] your not a prisoner {izuku x female reader}
[☁️] just a dare right? {Kirishima x Bakugou}
[😔] What Is 'Love'? {Todoroki X Suicidal Reader}
[☁️] Red String Of Fate {Eijirou Kirishima x Reader}
[☁️] Secrets {All Might x Reader}
[☁️] Notice me {Katsuki Bakugou x Izuku Midoriya}
[☁️] Kitten {shinsou hitoshi x neko reader}
[☁️😔] A Fairytale {Todoroki Shouto x Grim Reaper Reader}
[☁️] After A Rainy Day {Todoroki Shouto x Reader}
[☁️] it was.....a dream? {KatsuDeku}
[☁️] I'm Not Joking {Ms. Joke x Fem Reader}
[😔] Hanahaki Pt 2 {Bakugou x Reader}
[☁️] The Garden & The Girl {DBH Conner x Reader}
[😔] Colours Pt.1 [Bakugou x Midoriya]
[☁️] Colours Pt.2 [Bakugou x Midoriya]
[😔] The Asylum [Todoroki x Reader]
[?]That night he appeared on my balcony {Midoriya x Bakugou}

[😔] Hanahaki {Katsuki Bakugou x Reader}

5.5K 112 32
By NoOneSpecialK

Katsuki's pov

Hanahaki Disease
a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love

Who knew that someone like me would get a disease like this.

That I'd fall for someone but they possibly like someone else.

It hurt

The dryness of the petals in my throat

It burned

I have the hanahaki disease.

The girl I like always hangs out with damn deku, they've always got along better, but I didnt realise how much it bothered me till I saw her hug him.

I just assumed she liked him and never bothered to ask, as if I did I'd probably get hurt.

It was another day of school, I'd just been to the doctors yesterday, they asked if I wanted to get it removed but I didn't like the consequences so I denied their offer.

"Hey bakugou!" Kirishima said running up beside me, "Hey shitty hair..." I mumbled.

"What's up? You seem down, was it about the surgery?" Kirishima asked, he was the only one who knew about my disease.

"Yeah, I don't wanna go through with it, I don't want to forget her.." I clenched my fists, surely I could just bare the pain and maybe I'll move on.

"Dude I understand that but it's only gonna get worse from here, you might as well get it removed" Kirishima stated as we walked to our class.

"I know that it's gonna get worse! But I can't forget her Kirishima...." I said as I slided open the classroom door.

My face softened when I saw the h/c haired girl standing near the window talking to the other girls, her name was L/n Y/n and I loved her.........a lot...

She caught me staring at her and waved, a slight blush appeared on my cheeks as I hurried to my seat.

Since all this happened I was a lot calmer some said.

Lessons were boring as usual so when lunch finally arrived I let out a sigh of relief, I grabbed my lunch and went upstairs, I didn't like eating with others really..

I watched the clouds slowly move across the sky, the view from here was beautiful, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doors opening.

"Oh hi bakugou!" A chirpy voice said

I recognised that voice to well, I swallowed down my food and slowly turned my head "o-oh Hey L/n" I mentally slapped myself for my stutter.

"I didn't know you sat up here?" She said sitting next to me, I felt my face heating up "uh yea... I always sit up here" I mumbled.

"Bakugou are you ok?! Your face is really red? Do you have a fever?" L/n asked noticing my blushing face, "no! I'm fine! It's just a little hot that's all!" I said making an excuse.

"Oh.. ok!" She smiled, we continued to talk for the rest of lunch, whenever she brought up deku I felt that dry feeling burning at the bottom of my throat.

"I-im Sorry L/n but I really need to go!!" I half yelled as I coughed letting a petal fall out, I ran off the roof and to the boys bathroom where I began furiously coughing saliva covered flowers.

Shame something so beautiful had to be stained with blood...

"Bakugou you in here?!" Kirishimas voice rung through the room, I continued coughing which seemed to answer his question.

After a few minutes I walked out the bathroom, tissue in hand as I wiped away the saliva, Kirishima looked at me worriedly.

"There you are bakugou!! I was so worried!!" L/n said appearing around the corner and running towards us.

"What happened back there? I was worried, you just suddenly ran off the roof" she asked worried displayed on her face.

"Uh... turns out I did have a small fever but... recovery girl healed me a little so I feel better now" I said smiling a little.

L/n's face brightened a little "thank god!" Her next actions confused me.

She hugged me.

I didn't know how to react so I kinda just.....stood there.

Once she pulled away she flashed me a bright small "see ya in class!!" She said running to class that had just began.

"Bakugou your face is red again" Kirishima pointed out.

"Is it? Oh ok...." I said walking to class with a small smile on my face.

Hero training wasn't all that interesting today, we just did combat in pairs.

As I walked out the building i heard two familiar voices.

"You wanted to talk midoriya?" L/n said.

"Y-Yeah.... um I have something to tell you" deku stuttered out.

I walked nearer to hear more clearly.

"What is it?" L/n asked

"I-i like you L/n!!" Deku sorta yelled.

That burning sensation returned, I didn't wait to hear what L/n said, I knew she liked him back.

I ran before I could what she said, I began coughing furiously as I left a small trail of flowers behind me.

I knocked furiously on kirishima's door, he opened and took once glance at me "Bakugou?!" He said stepping aside as I rush to his bathroom.

"Bakugou this cant go on.... you should at least tell her how you feel..." Kirishima said rubbing my back as I threw up saliva covered flowers.

"There's no point anymore.... fucking deku confessed to her.... she likes him back so there's no point anymore..." I panted.

"Then what about the surgery?" Kirishima suggested once again.

I slapped his hand away "I'm not getting the fucking surgery!! I'm not forgetting my feelings for her!! Even if it hurts and I end up dying from these damn flowers! I'd rather die then forget!!" I yelled tears falling.

I would rather die then forget my feelings for L/n.

"Bakugou don't say that..." Kirishima muttered, I sat up "it's true though....I don't want to forget" I said blankly.

I heard Kirishima sigh and walk away before coming back, "heres a bucket you can stay here for a little while" he said patting your back.


"I'm sorry mr bakugou but your friend is right, it's only going to get worse if that's the case" the doctor said.

My parents sat beside me, I knew that they wanted me to get the surgery too but I didn't want to and that's final.

"Katsuki please.... just get this surgery! I don't want to lose my child to this disease!!" My mother cried placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off "I'm old enough to make my own fucking decisions and I'm not getting this dumb surgery now stop fucking pestering me about it Damn it!!" I snapped

My mother backed away to be comforted by my father, the doctor let out a sigh "I can't make you have this surgery but it is highly suggested" the doctor stated.

I kicked a rock as I walked down the road " stupid disease... why me...." I growled.

I heard giggling near by, I turned my head to see deku and L/n.

They were sitting beside laughing, she looked so happy yet it hurt me so much, literally.

I fell to my knees as I threw up flowers, they were covered in blood now.

"What was that?" L/n said
I couldn't let her see me like this.

I stood up and walked away as fast as I could.

"Huh? Flowers?" I heard her say and I turned around the corner.

"Their covered in blood!!" Deku cried, "they must have the hanahaki disease...." L/n said sadly.

"That must be horrible..." deku sighed.

"You have no idea...." I mumbled as blood dropped from my chin and I walked away.

3rd pov

After a lot of talking Kirishima managed to convince bakugou to convince to confess to L/n after a week of constant asking.

And bakugou decided that the same day he was to get the surgery.

"Ok I'll tell her after school before I go to the hospital..." Bakugou mumbled.

"Ok dude... hey.... it'll get better after this...." Kirishima assured bakugou.

"Yea.... Whatever...." he sighed on the blink of tears, he didn't want to do this, but he couldn't go through this anymore, it got to the point that there was more blood then actual flowers that bakugou threw up.

And apparently bakugou only had a week left before he'd possibly die.

The day went to fast for Bakugous liking, his heart was constantly pounding, he felt like he could just die right now and then.

And then the moment finally arrived.

"Good luck dude..." Kirishima smiled at bakugou walking out the room.

L/n always waited till everyone else left so bakugou waited for L/n outside the classroom.

When L/n walked out bakugou spoke up "um, L/n?"

"Oh? What are you still doing here bakugou?" L/n looked confused.

"I need to talk to you if that's ok.." He mumbled.

"L/n I have the hanahaki disease and..... I love you.... a lot..... you don't have to answer because I saw deku confess to you..." Bakugou said before turning away.

"And after today.... I'm not gonna remember my feelings for you so...." He clenched his fists as He spun around and placed his hands on her arms and kissed her.

He pulled away quickly and she looked to shocked to comprehend anything.

"Good bye....." Bakugou said running off.

L/n didn't know what to say, bakugou mustn't of seen her turn midoriya down.

L/n was unclear of her feelings for bakugou but now that she thought about it perhaps she did like the blonde.

When she realised this she began running as fast as she could after bakugou, he said goodbye so he must be having the surgery.

She ran and ran even though her lungs were hurting.

Bakugou was escorted to the surgery room and told to get into the hospital clothes.

And the surgery began.

Tears escaped l/n's eyes, this whole time he'd been suffering because of her! The guilt couldn't feel any worse.

As the last problem was cut away from bakugou.

One lost the disease

One gained the disease.



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Part two?

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