The Lion King: Break Free

By Skyy15

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This is the third book to my second Lion King series, "The Lion King: Makosa's Beginning." In the last book y... More

The Lion King: Break Free
Saved By The Spirits
New Changes
Trouble With Royal Titles?
No Longer A Member
Royal Lessons
Big Brother Duties
Another Journey
A Wasteland
A New Project
The Search
The Amazing News
The Chewa Pride
Silly Grandmothers
Thank you!
Trouble In The Wet Lands
Royal Intruders
First Hunt
No Longer Small
Signs of Hope
Past Stories
Children Talk
Unexpected Guests
Search Parties
Still Daddy's Little Girl
Preparing For The New Life
The Start Of A Journey
Lions In The Gorge
A Returning Friend
The Marsh Lands
The Tree Of Life
A Lost
Family Tree (UPDATED)
The Truth
A Start Of An New Generation
Old Times
Solving A Clue
Trouble At The Borders
A Missing Link
Someday, We Will Meet Again
Something To Think About
Seeking Guidance
The Dream
Welcoming The New Generation
Author's Final Note

A Mystery

276 12 4
By Skyy15


Im laying down at the edge of Pride Rock's long ledge. My emerald green eyes scan across the kingdom, the sun's warm rays glowing down on my light peach-ish fur. My parents told me to watch over the Pride until they return home from helping Kwame and Amai find their missing daughter. I really do hope that they can find her or at least some clues that could possibly help them. It seem like it has been only an hour since they have departed.

I still feel hesitant about Auni joining the search party. She should have stayed home with the other expected mothers, elders, and cubs who could not tag along. But she insist that she could go on. My aunt Maha promised me that she will look after Auni for me. I do trust her words, which had made me relax my fur a bit.

I have never felt this protective over anyone before besides my family of course. But there is a difference when it comes to Auni like wow. She is like that special rare, gorgeous growing flower that glows only within and something that you have to constantly watch over. You don't want anything destructive to happen to that little flower. My job as her fiancé, future King, and father to our unborn cub (or cubs) is to make sure that the flower (Auni) is getting all of its soil (love), sun (protection), and water (health).

So far, the Pride Lands have been silent and calm without any danger lurking around. I am thankful for that cause if it was, I don't know how I would defend Pride Rock on my own without my parents here at my side. I do know  that eventually one day my parents will officially be gone and join the heavens. I won't have a choice but to defend then. But for now, I am still not ready to take over the crown. I enjoy watching my parents rule in front of me instead. They inspire and motivate me a lot. I am lucky to have such strong parents.

"Heri?" A sweet voice called.

My right ear twitches. I recognize that sweet warm voice from anywhere. I turn my head to the left seeing my parents walk up the last rocky step. They come towards me with big smiles.

"Hello, mother and father!" I greet. I sat halfway up. "How did the search go?"

"Hello son! The search went great. We have found the missing cub Iniko!" Said father, happily.

Mother nods her head. Pure excitement is spread all over her face. "Yes! She is alive, safe and sound."

I look surprised. "Oh wow, really? Where did you guys find her at?"

"It turns out the cub that Jamila had adopted from your Uncle Kion is Kwame and Amai's daughter!" Mom answered.

I look mind blown. "No way?!"

Father nodded. "Yes, it was so darn incredible! Who would have ever known that this whole time we had someone else missing child at Pride Rock?! Jamilia has taken good care of her for the short time being and was very responsible. She was nice enough to help raise someone else's child which was very sweet and kind of her. She could have turned down the offer if she wanted. Kiara, we must host something special for Jamilia! What do you think?"

Mother beams. "Of course honey! That sounds really nice. Jamila shall be honored and appreciated! We should do it before Kwame and Amai leave though."

"Yes. I will go around the entire kingdom tomorrow at dawn and speak to some animals to help get started. We should keep this on the low between us 3, Kwame, and Amai. I want Jamila surprised!"

My parents are too kind. I smile liking the thought of them trying to host Jamila a nice little ceremony. She would like that.

"Uncle Kovu, Aunt Kiara!" A small voice calls.

The three of us turn our heads towards Pride Rock's rocky steps seeing my young cousin 'Adia'. After coming up the last step, she rushes over to us.

"Why, hello my pretty little niece!" My mother greets, hugging Adia.

"How may we assist you?" My father asked, with a smile.

Before speaking, Adia had taken a quick few moments to catch her breath. It seems like she has been running.

"Hello! I have something important to tell you guys. I wanted to speak to my dad about it first, but he is not around yet and probably out somewhere with the Lion Guard." Adia said, while sitting down in front of us.

"What's wrong, cousin?" I asked her, sounding concerned.

"I was practicing my hunts earlier alone in the hunting grounds. I was about to ambush an impala until something had ruined my easy chance."

Father looks questionable. "What was it, Adia?"

"At first, I did not know what it was." She replied. "My curiosity told me to follow it. I trusted my full instincts!"

Mother looks impressed. "That's very good sweetie! What else had happened?"

Adia stare down at her paws. Her brows furrow and her face looks stern. "I had found a track of paw prints and a strange scent. I followed it all the way to the gorge..."

I raised a brow. "The gorge?"

She nodded, still staring down at her small paws. "Yes. I have never been there before either. So of course my suspense had driven me inside."

"Did you find something inside the gorge, Adia?" Mother asked, her voice sounding tense.

Adia nodded her head. "Yes, two male lions. They don't look like they are from the Pride Lands. They look different from us. The lions had an impala cornered against the rock wall ready to make the kill. The impala was from our land."

Mother and I both gasp with shock. Father looks annoyed.

"Ugh, not rouges again!" He says, frowning. "I will have to speak to your father about this and see if we can do some more early morning and late night patrol shifts."

Adia finally tilts her head up and met her eyes with our own. "Oh, these aren't rouges Uncle Kovu." She corrected. "They are from a royal Pride too!"

"How do you know, Adia?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Because I heard one of them talking. They said it out loud." She quickly responded.

Mother still looks shocked. "Interesting..."

"Did they see you, Adia?" Father asked.

She nod her head again, "Yes! They almost attacked me, but I had stood up for myself."

I looked stunned. "How?"

"I had threatened them with words and told them that I will go get the King if they don't leave. It almost made me use my special roar!"

"Well, why didn't you?" Father asked, while raising a brow.

"Because Uncle Kovu if I did, I could have injured someone close by. There was a huge stack of rocks that surrounded us in the gorge. If I had used 'The Roar', they would have fallen down crushing us or went flying someplace else." Adia explained.

Mother smiled and pat Adia on her head with her paw. "Smart decision, Adia! I am so proud of your bravery. You did this all alone with no ones help. Your father is gonna be so impressed once he hears this amazing story!"

Adia smiled. "Thanks, Aunt Kiara!"

"And not only you had came and reported the urgent news to us, but you have saved your pride and the impalas from danger." Said my farther, smiling too.

"Very impressive for a small lioness your age! It seems that your Lion Guard lessons are truly starting to pay off." I chuckled.

I am indeed proud of my little cousin. Although I have missed her much younger years due to my absence, her and her twin sister Chauna are both growing up really fast. They are big cubs now almost turning into teenagers. I know my Aunt Aala and Uncle Kion are very amazed and proud to have taught and witness their daughters blossom greatly among the years.

"Come Adia, lets go find your father and discuss this with him." Said Father, as he turns around heading down the rocky steps to the grasses.

"Okay!" She answered happily while leaping beside him.

Mother decided to stay back. She is walking towards the large cavern. "I am going to rest a bit and wait until the hunting party arrive with late breakfast. Catch up with you later, son!" She said.

"Okay, mom!" I nodded.

I am alone again and laid back down on Pride Rock's long ledge. From up here I can see my father and Adia both walking through the grasses to find my Uncle Kion, her father. Birds soar across the late morning sky. The warm sun continues to shine over Pride Rock. I thought about Auni and wonder where she is.

"Babe?" A voice called.

Speaking of who, I immediately got up and turn my head seeing sure enough Auni walking towards my way. The way the sun glistens down on her burnt orange fur makes her look even more gorgeous.

She nuzzles me sweetly. I purr with a loving smile.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I ask.

"Good! I told you there was nothing to worry about." She replied, with a giggle.

"I know, I know. My parents just told me that the search was a complete success!"

"Yes it was! I am so glad that precious cub is found back with her parents. I had no idea that the cub Jamila adopted from Kion is Kwame and Amai's baby. Like wow!"

I chuckled, "Exactly, that is so crazy isn't it? But yeah, that is good the cub is now found safe."

We both sat down together scanning our eyes across the kingdom enjoying the beautiful view.

"So, how were things going while the pride and I were away?" Auni asked. She leans against me with her head resting on my right shoulder.

I nod, "Good and quiet. No danger was around!"

"Cool. You had an easy relaxing morning today!"

"Haha, yep I sure did."

Auni nodded, "That's good though, you deserve it. You haven't been getting enough rest I've noticed every since we've became the new future King and Queen, and me being pregnant and all. We both need more rest!"

"Yeah your right and we will after this cub is born. We can let our parents baby sit him or her for a while, until we can catch up on our rest. My mother already offered!"

"Yeah I know, she told me she doesn't mind baby sitting at all. Her and my mother both said that."

"Yep, just hope that they don't fight over who gets to watch on what time and day. I can actually see that happening!"

Auni burst out with laughter. I shake my head just thinking about it. Both of our mothers are best friends, but yet loco in the mind.

"They will figure something out, Heri. Don't worry about it!" Said Auni.

"Oh I'm not, trust me." I say.

Auni laughed once more.

Our mothers may be silly and crazy, but we still love them no matter what! The thought about what happened with Adia earlier had crossed my mind and force me to change the subject.

"Auni, there was trouble in the gorge earlier today." I said, out of no where.

Auni looks puzzled. "The gorge? Are you serious? What happened?"

"Adia, my cousin had reported it to my parents and I shortly before you came. She found two male lions trying to kill one of our impalas inside the gorge."

"Oh my goodness!"

"Yeah, I know. So terrible!"

Auni lifts a brow. "What was Adia doing there by herself anyway? The gorge is pretty distant from Pride Rock you know."

I shrugged. "I don't know. She told us that she was practicing on one of her hunts and had came across a pair of paw-prints in the hunting grounds. She said the scent was strange."

"Oh wow..."

"My father is thinking about scheduling some more patrols with my Uncle Kion. Him and Adia had just left to go find him."

"I hope they will be able to solve this. We can't have lions from outside of the Pride Lands hunting freely in our land. What's scary is that they are two males! Males can be very aggressive and dangerous towards a lioness and her cubs."

I nuzzle Auni to help calm her down. She looks afraid and worried.

"Do not worry Auni, those males won't even come any where near Pride Rock. They would be fools to do so! It's too many of us to take them down. Think about it! Plus I would NEVER let someone hurt you. That'll be the day they die."

"Heh, thanks Heri!"

"So breathe and relax. We don't want you to stress yourself out or our cub. What we want is a healthy baby to be born."

Auni smiled with a giggle. "You're right, okay I'll chill out."

I smile back and rubbed my nose against her own. "Good."

We both sat there in silent still watching the Kingdom above Pride Rock. Soon the hunting party had return with breakfast. Auni and I walked together down the rocky steps to join the feast.

I hope my father and Uncle Kion can continue keeping the Pride Lands safe and keep an close eye out for those male lions!

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