Jilted at the Altar

By nav_k21

306K 8.4K 463

Ariella Marie Clark knew before she could even walk that one day she was going to walk down the aisle to marr... More

Author's Note
Author's Note II
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Thirty Seven

6.5K 210 6
By nav_k21

"Good morning beautiful"

Ariella's eyes fluttered opened to his husky voice.

"Good morning" Ariella rolled over and faced him. Dalton kissed her on her forehead. Ariella looked at his face. The bruise had darkened.

"Not a pretty view I know" Dalton muttered.

"It's perfect" Ariella sighed as she got up and kissed him on the cheek. She remembered the fight last night. She knew this much; Dalton was lethal when angry. She could see despite the damage he inflicted on Kaden, he had restrained himself and she prayed she never get to witness him unleashing himself without restraint.

"Mom and dad are coming over for breakfast." Ariella said as she grabbed his shirt and buttoned it up.

Dalton plopped back on his pillow. He wanted Kaden gone. He didn't want to wound up in jail for killing him.

"Dalton" She walked up to him and sat on the edge of the bed.


"Please be open-minded about this. I know this going to be difficult but I need to talk to Kaden. There is so much I need to ask him and also tell him. There is eight years worth I need explanation for."

Dalton growled under his breath and sat up. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at Ariella.

"We will see to that when the time comes" Dalton said and Ariella nodded. She let it go for now.

"Dadda...owiee" Elisha said as she pointed at Dalton's bruise.

"Yes baby girl, daddy got hurt" Dalton said as he held Elisha. They were all sitting in the living room after breakfast.

"I don't know what to make if this situation" Aaron said as he sipped on his coffee.

"Just when things were getting better. How are Dante and Rose?" Jayson asked.

"Holding up. Kaden rented out a hotel. He didn't go home. He isn't talking to them." Aaron replied.

Ariella leaned her head against Dalton's shoulder, stroking Elisha's head as she started to doze off in Dalton's arms.

"Rose asked me..." Elaine said as she looked Ariella.

"No" Dalton said before Elaine could continue.

"She wants Ariella to talk to Kaden. Kaden is refusing to talk to anyone." Elaine continued despite Dalton's glare

"You can come with me Dalton." Ariella put in

"What is there to talk about?" Dalton gritted out.

"Son, don't let your feelings over rule the logic. Ariella and Kaden need to talk and sort out. They both need closure. Obviously something has happened. He also has a family now" Jayson said, leveling Dalton with a look.

"I don't want him near my family."

"We c...can arrange a m..meeting at the o...office building" Kate suggested.

"See, we can work this out. Look at this way, the fast they resolve whatever the reason he came back for, the sooner he goes back" Jayson said.

"He is back for Ariella and Elisha and I will not let that happen." Dalton stood up as Ariella took Elisha from him, who was now fast asleep, oblivious to the tense adults around her.

"We are not going anywhere" Ariella assured him. "He can fight for Elisha all he wants but no sensible judge will hand over custody to him." She continued

"He will have visiting rights" Dalton shot back

"He is the f...father" Kate started

"No, mom he doesn't deserve to be a part of our lives" Ariella cut her off. "We will file for complete custody but dad is right. I should talk to him." She faced Elaine. "You should tell Aunt Rose I will meet him today afternoon at cafeteria at the ground floor of Reynolds Inc. building"

Dalton glanced at his family and strode out. Ariella sighed and sat down.

"It w...will be f...fine" Kate assured Ariella.

"I hope so"

Dalton was pacing a hole in the carpet as Ariella got ready for her meeting with Kaden. Rose had called earlier telling them Kaden would be meeting Ariella at the said place.

"You need to calm down" Ariella took his hand and stopped him.

Dalton paused and looked at her.

"He is your best friend as well. You guys grew up together. You should talk to him as well" She continued.

"About what?" Dalton gritted out. "That man had been a lying cheat for as long as I have known, playing with your trust. I stood back for him! I FUCKING STOOD BACK!" Dalton yelled. "I thought his love was so fucking pure that he deserved you more than me! I lost eight years worth of time with you. Eight years worth of time I could have spent making memories with you, pursuing you if you had given me a chance but that bastard professed his undying love and I thought my mere infatuation didn't stand a chance in front of his holy love" Dalton clenched his teeth holding back a profanities.

Ariella placed a hand on his chest and felt his heart trying to beat out of his chest.

"I.Love.You" Ariella looked him in the eye. "We are together today. Don't get upset over the past. What are lost eight years when we have probably fifty more to look forward to? It is us now Dalton."

"Fourteen" Dalton closed his eyes knowing he should have given a preamble. Ah well, everything was going to hell either way.


"Fourteen women, he slept with when he was with you"

Ariella gaped at him as he strode to the bed side table and grabbed a file. He held it out for Ariella but she stared at it, unable to move.

"You wanted to know. I got this in yesterday before the party. I was waiting to give it to you after the party.

Ariella stumbled back and sat down on the bed.

"Jessica...is Jessica on the list?" Ariella whispered.

"Yes. He was sleeping with her."

Ariella screamed. She grabbed the vase on the bedside and threw it against the wall. Dalton dropped the file and hugged her, restraining her as she thrashed against him.

"I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM!" She screamed. Jessica was his on and off thing during high school, from the rumors that Ariella had heard. However when he had given her the promise ring, she had assumed that's what they were, just rumors but he was screwing Jessica while he professed his love for her.

"Ari, honey." Dalton gritted his teeth. He was infuriated with Kaden.

Ariella stilled.

"I am going to go talk to him now"

"I will drive you" Dalton said, confused by the shift in her sudden emotions. She was completely stoic now.

They drove in silence to the building.

"I will be in my office" Dalton said as he kissed her and watched her enter the cafeteria.

Dalton strode into the security department.

"Good evening boss" One of the guards whose name tag said "Derek" greeted him.

"Good evening. I want the cameras from the cafeteria streamed to the LCD in my office; right away"

"Consider it done Sir"

Dalton nodded and got into the elevator, heading towards his office. He would snap Kaden's neck if he tried anything.

Ariella was about to sit down when she spotted him. At the same moment his eyes settled on her and he got up. She walked up to him and slid in the chair opposite to him, ignoring his hand he had held out for her.

Kaden was about to open his mouth when she threw the file on his face.

"I don't have all day for you. My fiancée and daughter are waiting for me at home. Start explaining." 

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