Warping to Destiny - A Supern...

By SamGirl27

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Two girls are pulled from the world where Supernatural is a TV show into the world where Sam and Dean are rea... More

Chapter 1 - Unexpected Guests
Chapter 2 - Getting To Know You
Chapter 3 - Why Are We Here?
Chapter 4 - First Night
Chapter 5 - Episodes and Universes
Chapter 6 - Useful Skills
Chapter 7 - Target Practice
Chapter 8 - The Devil Is In the Details
Chapter 9 - Instant Replay
Chapter 10 - An Intimate Moment
Chapter 11 - Maggie Shows Her Stuff
Chapter 12 - Not Just Girl Talk
Chapter 13 - The Girls Tell Their Story
Chapter 14 - Professors, Parents and Portals
Chapter 15 - Memories
Chapter 16 - Like a Virgin
Chapter 17 - Some Like It Hot
Chapter 18 - More of the Girls' Story
Chapter 19 - A Visit Home
Chapter 20 - A Startling Revelation
Chapter 21 - Confessions, Angels and Video Tapes
Chapter 22 - The Lady In White
Chapter 23 - Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter 25 - Conversations
Chapter 26 - I like to Watch This
Chapter 27 - I Know Why You Do It
Chapter 28 - A New Lead
Chapter 29 - Enter the Dragon
Chapter 30 - Who Created the Creator?
Chapter 31 - One Question Answered
Chapter 32 - Brainstorming
Chapter 33 - The Outer Limits
Chapter 34 - The Dark Sorcerer
Chapter 35 - A Discovery and a Phone Call
Chapter 36 - Who's That Angel?
Chapter 37 - How to Make Dean Talk
Chapter 38 - Questions and Answers
Chapter 39 - Visitor's Day
Chapter 40 - Making Contact
Chapter 41 - Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 42 - That's a Lot To Ask
Chapter 43 - Expert Opinions
Chapter 44 - Parable of the Paintings
Chapter 45 - Interrogations
Chapter 46 - Hell No, We Won't Go!
Chapter 47 - Welcome Garth
Chapter 48 - A Rude Awakening
Chapter 49 - Surprise Meeting
Chapter 50 - Jolly Good Show, Old Dean
Chapter 51 - Welcome Home
Chapter 52 - Girl's Day Out
Chapter 53 - The Big Date, Part 1
Chapter 54 - The Big Date, Part 2
Chapter 55 - The Big Date, Part 3
Chapter 56 - Not God, Just Sammy
Chapter 57 - Blades and Blindfolds
Chapter 58 - Let's Be Serious
Chapter 59 - Meet the Folks
Chapter 60 - Training Blind
Chapter 61 - Ever Get the Feeling You're Being Watched?
Chapter 62 - Careful Planning
Chapter 63 - A Startling Truth
Chapter 64 - History Lesson
Chapter 65 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 66 - The Last Day
Chapter 67 - Who's the Good Guy Here?
Chapter 68 - Love 'Em and Leave 'Em
Chapter 69 - Mission Impossible
Chapter 70 - Not in Kansas Anymore
Chapter 71 - Party On Girls
Chapter 72 - Moving and Grooving
Chapter 73 - Demons and Unseens
Chapter 74 - Helping Hands
Chapter 75 - Demon Invasion
Chapter 76 - Calling in Reinforcements
Chapter 77 - Greetings and Farewells
Chapter 78 - Doing it Smarter
Chapter 79 - Everybody Wants to be a hero
Chapter 80 - Magic and Mayhem
Chapter 81 - Love Letters
Chapter 82 - When Things Work
Chapter 83 - And When They Don't
Chapter 84 - Rings and Stones
Chapter 85 - In Hot Water
Chapter 86 - Finish Line
Chapter 87 - Put That Win In the Loss Column
Chapter 88 - Homecoming
Chapter 89 - Wrapping and Unwrapping

Chapter 24 - Clues and Strategies

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By SamGirl27

Katie's POV

We watched the first five episodes. It was both entertaining and educational. We learned that practically the only thing that was exactly the same was Sam and Dean themselves. None of the other characters were identical people, not even their dad. Some of them even had different names. Sometimes the places were the same name but looked different, and sometimes the places themselves were different.

But the main story line carried through. They were looking for their dad, they hunted the things that were shown on the show, although the way the hunts went down for the boys was most of the time very different. They also hunted things that so far have not turned up in the shows, but happened during the same timeline. All the girls they met weren't pretty, and Dean insists he didn't try to tap them all.

Maggie and I see the similarities in their behavior, but they don't always. Conversations weren't the same, they didn't pull off the side of the road to talk after each hunt. All that kind of stuff was window dressing for the show. So all of this left us with only one possible conclusion…

"This is all about you two," I said. "Someone or something is pulling your strings, and has been for a long, long time. Maybe even before you were born. Someone had to manipulate events on two worlds to make actors that look like you grow up to play you on a TV show. Someone had to manipulate events in one world to happen over twenty years before the TV show ever even started. This is just crazy!"

We all looked at each other for a few minutes, then Dean said, "Son of a Bitch."

Sam cleared his throat. He looked scared. "There might be another possibility," He said. "Dean, remember when we had Dorothy here from the Wizard of Oz? That was a real world for her, but it's a book here. Katie, do you guys have the Wizard of Oz?"

"Yes," I answered, and started thinking myself about this concept.

"Okay, so that's exactly what we have here, only with a TV show."

We were all stunned at the thought of this possibility. "So... what? Someone writes a book and it creates a reality? But that can't be in this case because you guys existed way before the TV show was even thought of."

"What if we didn't?" asked Sam. "What if, when someone wrote the first script or thought out the story line, it created us right then, but gave us memories that make us feel like we've been here all along?"

Maggie said, "Oh my god! What a scary concept!"

Dean said, "So what happens to us when the show stops?"

Again, we all looked around at each other, as though the answer to that would be written on one of our faces. Finally, Maggie said softly, "Maybe… maybe this world just goes away!"

Now there's a really scary thought. "No, I said, why would it? 'The Wizard of Oz' was written years ago, but apparently Oz is still up and running."

"Maybe because the books still exist. Maybe when the last book is gone, Oz will wink out too."

"And what about us?" asked Maggie. "How do we fit into this? Let's just say for a moment that someone wrote a story line for 'Supernatural' and it caused this world to wink into existence. Where do we come in? We have nothing to do with the show except that we got addicted to it. Is that written in a script too? I don't think so!"

That was another good question. "God damn!" I said. "We have a whole lot of questions and not a single answer. We don't even have a clue that tells us where we might start looking for answers."

Maggie said, "I think you and I should hop and do some research over there. Then come back here and compare things. That's the only place I can see to start."

"Yeah, Mags, I was thinking the same thing. We have a few hours left in the day. And I think we should go do that tonight. Because if I don't start doing something constructive, something organized and tangible, I'm going to drive myself crazy thinking about all of this."

The boys agreed to that but decided we should all go to the kitchen and make sandwiches first. I grabbed the DVD out of the computer and we all went to the kitchen. As we ate our sandwiches, "Dean asked, "What can we do here to help?"

"Nothing I can think of at the moment. But when we come back, we will have a list of names that hopefully won't disappear, and then you guys can see if they exist on your world and what they do." I hated that we couldn't think of anything to keep Dean's mind occupied. I suspected he needed that very badly. "Wait! Do you guys have a library that stays open at night?"

They both said yes. "Okay then, here's something you can do. Go to your library and get anything you can on multiple universe theory, especially small, little known works that maybe the scientific community laughed at. If this happened, then someone, somewhere has thought of the possibility before. Let's find that someone."

"Great idea," said Sam. "But can I talk to you for a minute alone?"

Sam and I went out of the kitchen and around the corner, and all of a sudden he turned to me and put his arms against the wall, surrounding me with his awesome presence. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. My legs got so shaky I didn't think I could stand up.

He looked right into my eyes and said softly, "I want you in my bed tonight. Will you be there?"

All I could do was nod. I was terrified that I was going to do something embarrassing. Then he leaned in and kissed me, putting  his arms around me, which was a good thing because my legs were rubber and I was afraid they wouldn't hold me up. He held me close, laying his head down on mine and kind of rocking me back and forth. Then he said, "If this world is going to wink out, then I want to get every minute I can with you. Can you understand that?"

"No," I whispered.

He raised my head with his hand under my chin and asked, "Why?"

"I will never understand why you love me. But I will take every minute of it I can get too," I answered honestly.

He kissed me a few more times, and then he said, "I look forward to the end of this day, and I will think of nothing else until then." Wow, who knew that this gorgeous hunk of a man who has saved who knows how many people, including the whole world once or twice, could also be so romantic. Whoever was pulling our strings, I wasn't so sure I minded so much. No, not so much at all!


Maggie's POV

When Sam and Katie left, Dean turned to me and asked, "So how are you doing? Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you Dean. That was so sweet of you what you did this morning. You have no idea how much that helped." For some reason I was suddenly shy with him. Shy is not something I've ever been. We've had wicked sex for god's sake. What the hell is wrong with me?

"You okay," he asked. "You seem a little distant."

"No, I'm fine," I reassured him. No way I was going to tell him that it was he who was affecting me so much. "I guess I'm still a little out of it from our confession this morning. Was that just this morning? It seems ages ago."

Dean smiled, and said, "Yeah it was. Been a long day. But a good one." He looked distant himself for a bit and then said. "Can't remember actually when I've had a really good day like this one."

I smiled back at him. "I'm glad, I said. I glanced at the doorway. "Do you think Katie and Sam are bonding?"

"Yeah, I do, and I'm happy for them. Maggie…"

"Yeah?" I said, drawing out the word into a question mark.

He cleared his throat. "Um," he said and stopped again. I waited. "Um, I'd like to talk to you later, alone? Would that be okay with you?" My brain laughed to itself. That has got to rate as one of the most stupid questions anyone has ever asked me. "sure," I said, "I'd like that too. After we come back from…." I stopped and thought. "Home?" I asked like a question. "Is it still home?" I shrugged. "Whatever," I said.

Just then Sam and Katie came back in. "Okay Mags, you ready? We will be back at ten. That gives us all three hours to do our assignments."


Dean's POV

What the Fuck! Suddenly I'm all tongue tied around a girl? This is freaking crazy? Thoughts are racing, racing,...managed to ask her if she's all right. She looks a bit out of it too. God I want to be with her, alone, hold her, love her...NO! Can't love her. Just be with her... (KILL!!) ...shut up! Just talk to her, there we go, just ask her to talk. Okay she said yes, great. Need to get myself together before then. What the fuck! Never felt this way. Never had a problem talking to a girl. Why now, when everything else is going to shit, suddenly I can't even talk to a girl? Shit!...(KILL NOW!)….Shut the fuck up! Good, Sammy's back. Let's go do something that will fill my mind with more than this.

"Hey Sammy, let's go raid the library," I said.


Sam's POV

Katie… tonight… in my bed… in my arms… Look at her, she's so beautiful. Why doesn't she know that? Tonight, later… holding her… loving her… God she's all I can think of. I don't know what's happening but I don't really care. Someone brought me Katie… in my arms tonight… and whoever did that, I wanna thank him…. But tonight, I can't wait till tonight… Katie… Katie… All I can think of…

"Hey Sammy, let's go raid the library," said Dean. Somehow we got back to the kitchen.

"Yeah, sure, let's go."

We all went out to the car to go our separate ways.

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