My Bodyguard Boyfriend

By inactive8765

392K 11.2K 760

What happens when your over-protective and filthy rich parents get to know about a minor attack that happened... More

My Bodyguard Boyfriend
1. The Intro
2. I Hate Him Already
3- The Spat
Author's Note
4 - Time To Be Friends!
5 - Crush?!
6 - Surprise!
7 - Its About Time
8 - Please Be Mine
9 - Part I - The Break Up
9 - Part II - Finally
Author's Note
10 - The Proposal
11 - The Recovery
12 - The Special Ring!!!!!
Author's note again!
14 - Identity
15 - The Big Plan
16 - Misunderstood
17 - The Big Step
18 - Making Up
19 - The Happy Ending

13 - Pranks And Scares

11.8K 403 17
By inactive8765

I had some fun moments with Jason even when he was just out of the hospital. Seriously, this guy had no limits. It was a Saturday. I loved Saturdays! No college, no hectic schedule, just chilling at home. Or so I thought. But how could I ever stay in peace, when now I had not one, but two foolish guys living under the same roof as me? Brother and boyfriend!

As if Brad’s nonsensical acts weren’t enough to put up with, Jason took the legacy forward. As I woke up, and stepped onto the ground, my slippers weren’t there. Only toothpaste. Okay, I thought to myself. A prank, I could handle it.

I tip toed to the washroom, and washed off the toothpaste. My feet were clean again.  As I stepped out of my room, a bucket of water fell right over my head. Not the bucket, just the water. Thank God. I was pissed off after that.

“Braadddddddd! I am going to kill you!” I screamed, loud enough to shake the walls.

“What?” Brad said, rubbing his eyes, coming out of his bedroom.

“You…” I paused, “did not?” I pointed to my wet self.

“What the…” Saying this he broke into a hysterical laugh.

“Jason.” I said to myself.

He was so gonna pay for this. Oh yeah.

Jason came out of his room, the bandage still wrapped around him, and tried to fake an expression of surprise.

“Oh my god. What happened?” He said, over acting in the effort. He was a terrible actor, I must say.

“You moron!” I smiled.

My heart melted at the mere sight of him trying to act like he did not know anything. He was cute even when he was faking things. In fact, I found it really funny.

He broke into a laugh as well. Then he and Brad moved towards each other and gave each other fist pumps.

“You’re good!” Brad said to Jason, delighted.

“Thanks man! Your sister looks epic this way!” he took a snap and uploaded it to facebook. No, I didn’t even have a say in it!

My smile turned into a frown. I got back to my room and started devising a plan to revenge my culprit. By noon, I was ready with an amazing plan! Hah, Jason, what you gonna do now?!

It was time for him to take his shower. I sneaked into his room and crawled up to his bed. His clothes were kept on the bed. I took them and hid them somewhere he would never find them! I then pulled open the door fully and made fastened a rope to the knob. I pulled it out through the slit between the wall and the door, and tied it to the railing of the staircase. Now his door was permanently opened. Or at least until he figured it out. Which he wouldn’t.

“Claire?” I heard mom call out.

Fuck. What was I gonna do now? I crept on the floor and crawled into my room. Then I stood up, and walked out like I had been there the entire time.

“Yes mom?”

“We are going out, take care. We’ll be back in an hour.”

“Okay mom…” I replied, “Bye!”

My eyes lit up in excitement. I got ready with my camera to capture the epic moment!

“Hey soul sister….” I heard him hum as his voice became louder when he stepped out of the bathroom.

“Oh fuck….” His clothes were missing.

“Oh fuck!” His door was wide open!!

Oh, the joy! I fell down on my bed, laughing uncontrollably at the funny tone of his words. As I composed myself and got up, I saw him at my door, wearing only boxers. He was grinning, as if trying to seduce me. Damn, he looked hot. But I felt really awkward, and he took full advantage of it!

“Jason! Stop… put something on, please!” I said, covering my eyes shut with my hands.

“Something? You hid my clothes, what am I gonna put on?” He smirked, “And with a broken back and all, I would need some help!”

“Jason, please! Out!”

“No way! I’m gonna stay right here, just like this.” He crossed his arms.

I removed my hands from my eyes and scanned him from top to bottom. I sighed, not being able to resist.

He started chuckling, noticing how smitten I was by the sight of his bare body.

“That…” he pointed towards me, meaning the sigh I just let out, “is what happens when you see this!” He pointed his finger to his abs, showing off again.

“Yeah alright…here.” I took his clothes out and handed it over to him.

“Oh… I thought this was gonna last longer. I could pretend like you didn’t just hand these over to me…”

Saying this, he leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. I pushed him away gently.

“Geez… stop the stripper act, Jason!” I laughed, “Put these on! Now!”

“Okay ma’am!” He saluted, acting like I was the boss. Which I clearly wasn’t.

I heard him one more time when he realized I had given him my clothes. “Oh fuck! Jesus!”

I doubled up on myself, and my stomach ached. I was laughing so hard. And to add to Jason’s dismay, I had locked his cupboard up, too!

“Claire…” I heard him say, and then a loud thump.

At first I thought it was a prank, but then I hurried to his room, to find him lying on the ground, unconscious. There was blood on his back. I had no idea what the hell happened. But it sure was serious. I started to panic. Nobody was at home. I was about to call the doctor, when Jason suddenly said, “Hey…”

I looked back at him, crying again. He looked pathetic. I went to where he was and knelt down on the floor. “You’re up? What happened to you?”

“This is my blood Claire…” He swooped his finger through it.

“Jason?” I raised my eyebrows.

He put his finger into my mouth. I started to yell, but I stopped immediately when I realized the familiar taste. Tomato ketchup. What a moron.

I started a one sided catfight with him when I realized he was kidding.

“My heart was in my mouth idiot!” I clawed him.

“Really? I thought I had it!” he was quick to reply. I couldn’t help but laugh at how cheesy and foolish it was.

I heard Jason’s phone ring on the bed. I handed it over to him.

“Hello? Oh hey, Mr. Watson!” he eyed me and shrugged his shoulders.

Suddenly, his face became more serious and he was paying more attention to what dad was saying. “Wait a minute!”

He put his cell phone on speaker. “Yeah… go on.”

Dad began, “Okay, this gangster Edwin is after Claire’s life.”

Edwin, I remembered him vividly. “He was a goon, who was after me a year back. He had tried to make a move on me, but I always warded him off. Fuck, I never thought rejection would lead him to do this.”

“Claire? What’s with the language?” Dad said, angry.

“Oh!” I responded, embarrassed. “Oh.”

“Anyway.” Dad continued, “Jason, please take care of my little girl.” His voice trembled.

“Yes Mr. Watson.” Jason smiled and hung up. As soon as he did, he threw his phone on the bed in a fit of rage. “I’m going to kill that Edward.”

“Ed…Edwin.” I corrected him.

“Edwin.” He went back to check if his phone was okay. He sat down on the bed, his hands on his temples.

I sat down beside him, putting my hand on his shoulder. “We’re gonna be okay, Jason…” Saying this, I hugged him, and I don’t know how we both fell asleep on his bed.

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