Life in Color ✔️

By Honey_Money_

13.7M 504K 338K

Book 1 in the "Life in-" series Scarlett Rain Rhodes is just like every other 17 year old high school Junior... More

Master Reading List
Hello Readers
1~ Struggle Bussin'
2~ Sweetheart
3~My Stalker
4~ Water Break
6~Say Cheese
7~ Cheesecake
8~ Oblivious
9~ Lazy Day
10~ The Breakup
11~ Bro Code
12~ Adrenaline Rush
13~ Alien
16~ Kool Aid
17~ Walmart
18~ Wet
19~ Disappointment
20~ Thirteen
21~ Puzzle
22~ Snowball
23~Ho Ho Ho
24~ Christmas
25~ Fake Snow
26~ Pretzels
27~ Hell
28~ Ashton
29~ Great
30~ I'm Sorry
32~ Change
33~ Coffee
34~ Charming
35~ Valentines
36~ Ticklish
37~ Hickey
38~ Out
39~ Decisions
40~ Tired
41~ People
42~ Chaos
44~ One Week
45~ Bennett
46~ Play Ball
47~ Birthday
49~ Satisfactory
50~ Fear
51~ Help
52~ Potential
53~ Stubborn
54~ Angels
55~ Dork
56~ Future
57~ Gentle
58~ Mine
59~ No Idea
60~ Colorful
Epilouge~ Ashlett
Sequals & Spinoffs
Bonus~ Surprise
Bonus~ One Year
Bonus ~ Wish

14~ Cutie

208K 8.5K 4K
By Honey_Money_

"Did you really think I wouldn't say hi after all this time, Cutie?"

The voice sounds just as I remembered, chilling and condescending.

In the doorway stands Bennett Kelly in all his sickening glory. Sporting his usual attire of ripped jeans and a biker jacket, a black widow stitched onto the back would be on proud display if he turned around.

He's the one who hit Sage. He watched me drop Saffron off. He's also my ex boyfriend. Instantly my limbs feel weak. The emptiness I was already feeling after my high at the game becoming even more damaging.

"What are you doing here, Bennett?" I ask, trying to sound more aloof than terrified. So far I'm failing.

Truthfully, I didn't even know he was still in school. The topic of dropping out used to be a weekly conversation between us. I assess the situation, unsure if I should be greatful or worried none of his groupies are with him.

He closes the only exit, the kitchen door, with ease before strolling closer to me. Bennett enjoys taking his time, after all, this is just a game to him.

"Didn't you hear? Gabe invited my team as a sign of good faith. Something about putting rivalries behind us for drunks sake."

I doubt that, even Gabe wouldn't make the mistake of inviting trash into his home. Bennett's the type to just show up, never wanted but always around.

He gets even closer, the cruel sneer on his face not matching his quiet voice. "Did you miss me? Because I missed you."

I most certainly did not, a year and a half wasn't long enough. I become hyper aware of the fact we're alone and no one knows exactly where I went. I just had to storm off.

"Stay away from me, Bennett." I ground out, moving backwards towards the counter top.

Someone please walk in.

He smirks, "I tried, but if my memory serves we have unfinished business."

My stomach rolls at the realization of what he means. Trembles shake my body as the memories of the last time we were together flash through my mind.

"Who told you I would be here?" I question, trying to distract him. Bennett loves to talk, especially when he thinks he's in control.

"I took a guess after watching your adorable show at the football game, that kiss truly was something. Your darling cousin only confirmed it."

I really will kill Avery one day.

I move again, this time my back meeting the countertops grimy surface. Bennett only a few feet away. Despite not being anywhere near as tall as Ashton or Sage, he terrifies me. What he lacks in size he certainly made up for in muscle. I've seen him beat the crap out of people that tower over him.

Don't panic, Scarlett, everything's fine. I casually place my arms behind me on the counter.

"Did it bother you? That I moved on while you're still obsessed with a sophomore year fling with a freshman." I provoke him, tilting my head like a cat with its toy.

He growls. Great, Scarlett, you just had to go there.

He inches closer. "Cutie, this is just loose ends. I don't take rejection very well." His voice is low and smooth, any person who overheard us would think he was a player trying to hook up with me. If Gabe was the perfect fuck boy, Bennett's the original model. No one would suspect a thing.

No one would know I'm absolutely terrified right now.

My hands roam the surface, "Those loose ends were tied up a long time ago, now I think it's best you leave before my brother finds you again."

"What? Is he and your new boyfriend gonna kick my ass?" He chuckles, filling in the space between us. I fight back a gag, he reeks of beer and arrogance.

Ashton would do more than just kick his ass, Bennett wouldn't stand a chance against him. Wait? Why am I thinking about Ashton? Especially at a time like this.

My heart finds its way into my throat, "He did before and that was without help."

Dammit, Scarlett, don't you ever shut up?

Bennett reaches out and caresses my face, his ring scratching my cheek. "I don't see him around and it's time for me to collect, Cutie." He breathes into my ear.

The nickname disgusts me, unlike the one Ashton gave me I never learned to like Cutie. The way Bennett said it was always malicious, even when he claimed to love me.

He's oblivious to my hands moving behind me, pawing the surface for a hidden object. It has to be here somewhere.

Bennett leans down to press a kiss to the base of my throat, disgustingly his favorite spot. "I miss seeing my necklace around you." I certainly don't.

My right hand clasps around a flashlight and I swing it around, hitting him square in the jaw. I knew it was there somewhere. The hit isn't hard enough to break anything but he stumbles back.

"Stay the hell away from me!" I scream, running towards the door. I'm halfway there when he grabs my arm.

"Big mistake, Cutie." He states, deathly quiet.

He throws me against the wall, my body hitting it with a jolting force. My face and right side of my body throbbing. I stagger back to my feet and throw a punch at his face just as the door gets slammed open.

"Get the hell away from her!" Sage yells, body slamming him to the ground.

Ella, who had entered with Sage runs over and pulls me up. She's shaking almost as bad as I am. It's not until she touches my nose do I realize it's bleeding. Stella runs into the room, James and Ashton hot on her heels.

I'm in full tremors by the time she reaches me. The room moving because I'm shaking so bad. My breathing rapid and shallow as tears and blood ran down my face.

James runs right to Sage's side, knowing enough to not question why my brother is currently beating someone black and blue. Ashton, however, stands there completely lost, unsure of what to make of Sage beating the shit out of someone.

He looks over at me, my body hidden partially by Ella. Beginning to walk our way, concerned etched onto his face, but then she moves to get something to stop the bleeding. I watched as his face shifted from concern to fury. He stops, his attention focusing on Bennett as he pins him against the wall.

My breathing gets worse, the room blurry from all my tears.

"Sage!" Ella calls out, holding a rag full of ice to my nose.

He doesn't hear her over the music and grunts of pain.

"Sage!" she tries again, this time getting his attention. "She needs to get out of here."

I try to speak, I'm fine. They don't need to worry about me. Sage gives Bennett one last punch before running over and scooping me into his arms.

"Looks like someone forgot to take their meds." Bennett calls out, spitting blood onto the floor. He sure doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact he's getting the daylights knocked out of him.

I hear another punch get thrown but I'm gone before I can see who threw it.

Sage sings to me the entire jog to the car, a soft lullaby that our mother would sing to us as babies. She also sang it to me after I had my first anxiety attack when I was ten.

I had learned about black holes in science class right after Stella's grandmother had passed away. The concept of death was terrifying let alone the entire world being sucked up by a black, unavoidable hole. I lost it one night, completely convinced the world was going to end and I would die.

I know now it was totally unreasonable, most of my worries are. Tonight though, I'm justified.

I feel myself being placed in the passenger seat, the seat belt being secured around me. I can't speak, the smell of Bennett following me to the car.

I hear voices outside the car before Sage gets in the drivers seat, he spares me a brief glance before driving off. I can't help but find the irony of his actions, I was so worried making sure he stayed safe tonight and I'm the one who needs help.

The entire ride home the windows are down, letting the cold air hit my face. The tears and blood now sticky against my blotchy skin.

We get home in record time, by now my attack is over. My breathing slow and the tremors almost gone. Sage hops out and runs around to my door, ready to carry me but I stop him. I can walk, I'm not completely useless.

He helps me up to the door, ignoring my protests to do it on my own.

We walk inside and I'm stunned by the silence. Part of me wants to laugh remembering how worried I was for Saffron to go away. Anything's better than her seeing me like this, the twins too.

Sage drags me into the kitchen and begins to clean my face. I sit there wordlessly, my body barely registering his touch. I have nothing to say, my mind swirling with a thousand different thoughts and colors.

He tries to follow me up to my room but I stop him on the stairs.

"I'm ok, Sage, I just need to be alone for a while." I assure him, my voice appearing more steady than I feel.

I can see the debate in his eyes but he caves, giving me a hug. "I'm happy you're ok."

"I'm happy you saved me." I tell him, my voice sounding hollow. I turn and finish the trek up to my room in a trance.

I peel off my clothes, pulling a random shirt over my head.

Mindlessly, I drag the plastic tarp out that I keep for painting and hang it almost like a hammock, protecting the floors and walls. I get my paints and canvas out, my mind doing the rest.

My moves begin slow and tentative but eventually I move faster. My emotions shifting from fear to anger. The paints flying everywhere with each stroke.

Black. Grey. Red.

I don't know when I start crying but eventually I notice tears rolling down my neck. I don't stop, I keep moving, after I finish one canvas I move to another.

My mind refuses to rest, afraid of what I'll focus on.

I like it better this way, I can't be alone with my thoughts if I have my paint. An outlet.

My room is silent, allowing for me to be amplified in my mind.

I hear the front door open and muffled voices from outside. A thought crosses my mind that it's probably the girls but I don't hold it long enough to investigate.

After a while I slip on the paint, falling to the ground with a thud. Sobs once more escaping my throat. Sage storms into my room and cradles me in his arms. I don't even try to fight him, I just cry.

Emotions I've bottled up for so long finally reach the surface. After a while, I stop, completely drained of everything. Sage carries me into the bathroom and starts the shower. I look around but nothing registers in my mind, my brain no longer processing my senses.

I'm partially aware of being placed under the water, the paint and blood and tears being washed from my body.

I end up in my bed, encased in a large shirt. My brother hands me a glass of water and a pill, making sure I take it before stepping into my closet to take a phone call.

I'm asleep before he comes back in. 


I feel my bed shift, stirring me from my sleep.

My body hurts, throbbing with pain as I fully wake up. My eyes burn from hours of tears, I also slept in my contacts. Great. Unwillingly, my mind flashes back to last night. Bennett. The fight. My panic. Thank God the kids weren't home.

Oh my God, Saffron. I jump from the bed, ignoring the protests of my body to check my phone.


Shit. I can't be late, I don't want to worry her or seem rude.

I run through the shower, my hair a mess and paint still dried on my body from last night but I'm presentable. 

Replacing my contacts with glass, I hurry to get dressed. I throw on a pair of loose grey joggers and a white shirt, grabbing sneakers before looking in the mirror.

My face is unsavable, patches of red matching the veins in my eyes. Swollen from all the tears I let out. I linger on the bruise the on my nose, remembering how it felt when my body hit the wall, I don't have to pull up my shirt go know there's a matching one on my stomach.

I'm grateful that's all I have.

I'm downstairs and out the door before Sage can realize I've left. He must've gone to his room to change. I start rushing down the sidewalk, not trusting myself to drive. Ronnie only lives a few blocks away, I can make it.

Reaching a beautiful brick house with a porch that I know my mother would've killed for, the large V on the door welcomes me. 

This is it.

I take a collective breath and try to pull myself together before knocking on the door. Right before my knuckles touch the wood the door is flung open to reveal Ashton standing there. He pulls me into a hug, crushing the little life force I currently possess out of me. Mint filters into my nose. "Thank God you're ok."

I don't say anything as he lets go of me. I blink at him, unable to process his presence and then I do the only rational thing I can think of.

I run away.


My girl Scarlett told you she'd been with trouble before... y'all just don't know how much trouble he really is. 

So close to 1000 reads I'm so excited!!

This chapter killed me to write, I teared up many times.
What are the personal thoughts on Bennett?
I hope you enjoyed this and don't worry it will be happier for a little while after this

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