Nightwalker (Young Justice FF...

By BronzegothLuv

15.9K 519 196

Meet Crystal Wayne. Well, more like Crystal Nightshade. Enter the body of a hero in training, raging vampire... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Part 1: The Beginning Of The End
Chapter 20! Part 2- The End Of The Beginning

Chapter 14

446 21 26
By BronzegothLuv

Yassssss! Woot!


I take back what I said about it being a fun week. Seriously.

For one thing, I thought it would've been easier to do everything. Everything I did the team had to do. Seriously. Although, the best part was when Robin handed me a comm, and it was set up so that only two if us could talk to each other. The team wouldn't know.

So, that brings us to the present, which is me sitting in my room at 12:00 in the morning, talking to Robin over the comm. I was sitting at my desk doing homework, and randomly started filling in answers. I didn't care about the interquartile range of coat prices.

"Okay, so, what if you were robbing a bank. You could say, 'Hey, I'm Robin a bank.' Get it? Get my stupid joke?" He laughed quietly, and I put my homework back into my sparkly purple folder. It was so bright it hurt my eyes. I still don't know why I have it.

"Yeah, like I would give up everything to rob a bank and say that. It hurts my manliness and ego. So, that would have to be a no. Sorry, Crys." I laughed, and rolled my eyes.

"Okay, next topic? I just finished my math homework. Plus, sleep is overrated. If I'm going to be living for forever, I don't need to sleep. There's plenty of time for that."

He laughed, and I changed into some pjs. It was a pair of Superman symbols, and my favorite yellow shirt. There's nothing on it, but it's just yellow. It's sentimental.

"Okay, next topic. Uh, what pjs are you wearing?" I went to my bed, and jumped on it. "Uh, a yellow tshirt, and Superman symbol pants. They're soft and comfy. You?" He laughed, again. "Gee, Superman, huh? Supey will have a fit. Anyways, I'm wearing a regular old tank top that says 'Just do it', and swishy swishy pants. Not soft or comfy. I'm jealous if your pjs."

'Wow, jealous of my pjs. That's manly." He snorted, and I let out a giggle. "Oh yeah, because I'm manly. I'm whelmed."

"Remember back when we were in. Byalia? And we lost our memories?" I heard Robin mutter to himself, then I imagined him pointing his finger at the ceiling. "Oh yeah! What about it?" I smiled. "Well, Wally held Artemis's hand, and he called her Beautiful. He likes her!"

Robin laughed. "Yeah he does. Haven't you noticed that he's nicer to her? I think they're actually realizing it. Besides, who are we to say they can't be a thing? I think it would be cool."

I took the ponytail out of my hair, and brushed it my fingers. My gaze landed back on the glass figurine, and I smiled. I guess Robin noticed.

"You're looking at your present again, aren't you? It's so noticable. It's like a habit of yours." Yeah, busted. "Okay, so I'm not allowed to look at it? I'll have to find something else to look at, then. What do you suggest?" He chuckled, then it sounded as if he was pulling something open. "Do you know how hard it is to pull this window open? I used all of my manpower."

"Yeah, manpower. More like teenager power. Besides, what window are you talking about?" I opened the doors to balcony, letting in a breeze.

I heard the sound of a grappling hook, then a Robin was on my balcony, looking smug. I crossed my arms, and shook my head at him.

"Oh, birdie. You could've gotten hurt. You could've hit my balcony doors. That, though, would've been funny. No offense." He cracked a smile, and sat down in his favorite spot. My comfy chair.

"So, it would be funny, huh? I'd like to see you try and grapple from a window beneath you, all the way to a balcony and land smoothly." I put my hands up, in mock defeat. "Okay, okay. I understand. Don't kill me." He laughed, and put his hands behind his head.

"Wait, how in the world did you grapple up here without your suit on?" He shrugged, and I plopped onto my bed. "You boys confuse me. You're all mysterious and crap like that. God, it hurts my head." I put a hand on my head, and he shrugged again.

"You people get on my nerves... Gosh. I still have to do literacy homework for tomoorow. Oh, well. I'll do it later. So, why did you come here again?" He smirked, and moved his hands.

"So, we could go outside, and explore. Doesn't that sound fun? Actually going outside."

I weighed my options, and decided going outside would be fun. "Okay, outside. But you, sir, need to get changed. No way am I going out in pjs." He, again, shrugged and left my room in a leisurely fashion, out the door this time.

I changed into my outfit, and jumped out the window. Robin was waiting for me, leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes and walked past him, coming to the gate on the side of the Manor. It was locked from the outside, and there was no way we could get over it.

"Well, this is whelming. We can't jump the fence to unlock it. Have any ideas?" He asked, while inspecting the fence.

"Well, I have one. But you have to stay quite, okay?" He nodded, and I brought my wings back. His eyes widened, and he clamped a hand over his mouth.

I shrugged, much to his annoyance, and flew over the fence. I unlocked it, and Robin strolled through, and I made my wings vanish. He eyed my back, and I gave him a shrug. He shrugged back at me, and we walked to the sidewalk, then onto a roof.

We snuck our way into the city, and stopped next to an alley, where we beat up some crooks with crowbars. Honestly, they needed some better weapons.

Crime was wild, since Batman wasn't here. We decided on the idea to do his chores for him. We got bank robbers, alley people, that kind of thing. It got my blood going, and I took down more villans. Some bigger threats were hitting the city, too.

By the time we were done, it was 2:30 in the morning. We started to head home, and I decided to test the limit of my wings.

"Hey, Rob? Does the bird want to fly?" He stopped in his tracks, and looked at me with wide eyes. "Heck yeah I do! How?"

I spread my wings again, and held out my hand. "Are you sure it'll work? I don't want to fall." I gave him a small smile, and he took it.

I used all my power to do it, and to be honest, he was light. He had his eyes squeezed shut, but as soon as I went into a glide, he opened his eyes.

He smiled his adorable smile, and looked at me. He smiled even wider, and looked down at the ground behind him. I spotted the Manor, and flew towards it.

We landed nicely on said balcony, and I let go of his hand. "That," He said, "was awesome. I actually flew! Like a bird." Yeah, he was starstruck. And no, I'm not referring to that Disney movie. Just no.

"Okay, well, I'm going to sleep now, since I'll wake up again in like, two hours or something. But seriously, that was really fun, Crys." He yawned and walked through my room, and back to his.

I plopped onto my bed after changing into my pjs. So soft and fluffy...


I opened my eyes to an angry alarm clock. It was Monday, and I was late for school. Again. This wasn't the first time, as you can see. I've been late because of all the midnight exploring I've been doing around the city. Since Batman wasn't here, and Robin couldn't do it, because he has to stay here, and not break his cover. So, I've been doing his job for him.

I ran down the stairs, ate breakfast, and ran out the door. I was already dressed and ready, so I ran out the door and all the way to school. I managed to get there in time, and went to the office. They gave me a late pass, and I went to homeroom. I was 20 minutes late, so I walked into a lesson.

The teacher stopped her sentence, and stared at me with a disapproving look on her face. She pointed to my seat, so I ran down the isle and sat down. Dick was next to me, looking half asleep on his desk. His hair was messed up, and his eyes had dark circles under them. I couldn't blame him, I mean, we were out until 2 in the morning. Flying.

I tapped his shoulder, and he shot up. He was sleeping. "Oh, you're here. I thought you were sleeping. At home, or something. How did you get here so fast?" I made a running motion with my hands, and he nodded. The teacher drawled on, and finally the bell rang.


Dick had to go back to the manor, so I had to wait for Alfred alone. One of the popular girls came up to me, and picked up a strand of my hair. "So, I heard you dyed your hair black and purple, because you didn't want to blend in. Honestly, I think that's really stupid, because you wouldn't be able to blend in, anyways. I mean, your dad is Bruce Wayne. I know I would want to stand out in a crowd full of people." She drawled on, dropping my hair and decided to play a game on her iPhone.

"Oh! You know that Grayson kid you hang out with, right? Well, I heard from the principal he got in because he had, apparently, the highest scoring math grade, like ever. I would stay away from him, because he'll ruin your rep. Oh, here's my ride. I'll see you later! My name's Lel, by the way." She climbed into her car, a Rolls Royce, and it sped away.

I was still in shock about what she said. I mean, I know he's smart, but he actually got a scholarship? Although, what Lel said could very well be fake. I shook my head, and climbed into the car.


"So, how was school today, Miss Wayne?" Alfred asked me. We were driving to the movies, and the team was coming with me, but in normal clothes this time. We were going to see Earth To Echo, in the advanced screening, thanks to dad. But, I wanted to see it anyways, and I thought the best way to watch it was at the advanced screening.

So, we went in, watched it, and I liked it. Then we went out to eat. I let them pick a place to eat, and they decided to go to Applebee's. So, $200 and a few angry glares from other people later, we were back home talking.

We were talking about each other's mentors, and which one I would fit in with. I got recommended as Batman's partner, Green Arrow, and the Flash. Somehow. I grabbed Nutella, and ate it.


I was now in the crowded and loud city, listening for some sound of trouble. The city was dead tonight, if you take crime into terms. It was the last day of the week, which means the team will leave tomorrow, and it's the day dad gets to come into school so my principal can talk about my current 'behavior' in class.

Still, it made me sick with worry. I didn't want to be kicked out. Nope. I continued my rant in my head while I twirled a peice of hair in between my forefinger and thumb. I stared at it, then I saw what looked like a vision. It was Fear, and me, and Robin.

I saw my future self kill Fear, and he whispered. "Remember, girl. Fear always lingers." Then it ended. I fell off the stone gargoyle I was perched on. I was falling face-first, and spread my wings. The wind caught me, and sent me flying upwards. I flew back to the gargoyle, and crouched on it, putting my wings away.

I played the scene over in my mind, and looked at my hands. They were shaking. I pushed my hair out of my face, in an attempt to slow my too fast heart. My heart stopped. Then started again. Then stopped agian. Over and over, for at least 20 minutes. I remained crouched on the gargoyle, trying to contain myself. I hugged my arms, and wished I had a jacket, and not a tank top on.

I sighed, shook my head, and went back home. I needed some sleep.


I pushed open the heavy door, after five minutes of leaning against it, trying to open my heavy eyelids. Dad was back home, and I got some much needed sleep, and some disapproving glares. But, that didn't matter, because I was still freaked out about the vision yesterday night. And no, I didn't tell anyone about it yet, because it could have been a hallucination. A trick of the mind, or something along those lines.

I lazily walked into the kitchen, and laid on top of the island, my feet and hair hanging off the sides. I let out a frustrated sigh, and closed my eyes. I felt someone poke my forehead. I ignored it, and tried to sleep again. Someone came close to my ear, and whispered in a creepy voice. "I've come to kill you, Crystal." I screamed, shot off the table, and shot fire at the person.

It was Wally. The stupid idiot. He screamed, like a girl, and ran to the corner of the room. I narrowed my eyes at him, and put my hands on the table. They were the black color again, but it was quickly residing. My fingers went back to the pale color, and I slid them off the table. I crossed my arms, and glared at him.

He took another step back, and Dick walzed in, completely unaware of the current situation. I glared at him, too. He shrunk back, and cast a confused glance to Wally.

"What, did I miss? Did you freak her out again?" Dick asked, looking unsurprised when Wally nodded his head. He sighed, and sat on the island.

He whipped his phone out of his pocket, and started to type away at the screen. I peered at the phone, but his hand moved it out of my way.

"Well, if you two dorks are going off doing whatever dorks do, I'll be in my room, watching movies that make me cry. So, bye." I waved bye, but Wally but his hand on my head, stopping me.

I spun around to face him, and he gave me a small smile. "Uh, is it okay if we watch the movies too? Well, I don't know about bird boy here, but I want to see you cry." I slapped his arm, but waved at them to follow me.

I went into the living room, and grabbed a handful of nerd movies, like The Avengers, Wall-E, Ender's Game, that sort of thing.

I grabbed a bag of popcorn, and we went up to my room. I put The Avengers in first, simply because I wanted to watch it. I made sure the popcorn bag was unopened, them I heated my palms to the right temperature.

The bag started to pop, loudly, I might add, and in a few seconds the bag was steaming, with the promise of freshly buttered goodness inside.

I opened the bag, and put a piece in my mouth. Awesome. I handed some out to the guys, who took handfuls.

The movie started, and we all sat on the floor, with me in the middle of the two. How delightful.

I mouthed almost every line, only messing up at least 8 times. I made sure, too. 8 is symmetrical however way you split it up.


We watched a couple more movies, and it was getting dark. We were currently in the middle of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and I leaned over and grabbed my laptop.

I hacked into the Batcave again, and brought up info on Batman's suit. The boys were still watching the movie, so I could take my time.

I studied the contents, and logged back out. I had a map on my head, and looked up at the tv. The movie was almost over, so I went to get another one. (It was Tron.)

We watched more movies, until night fell, and we were drunk on popcorn and candy. Somehow. We ran across the house like idiots, giggling and laughing. We were hiding from each other, and we played some weird form of tag, and each of us would tag someone else, who would hide and then tag someone else.

Like I said, it was deformed. We chased each other like that for another 2 hours, until we were pooped out. I swear, it was nuts. But, that wasn't as crazy as dinner. Heck no. Dinner was nuts.

We ate like we usually did, until my brain decided to be stupid. I grabbed a fancy spoon, and put some of my fruit on it. I brought the spoon back, and aimed it at Wally's nose.

I let go of the spoon, and the mission was a success. It hit him right in the nose. I started to laugh, and dad gave me a disapproving glance, while Wally threw a grape at me.

Yeah, that happened throughout dinner. We had a food fight, and in the middle of the battle dad left, without us knowing. Because he's Batman. Obviously. So, we got yelled at by Alfred. Which almost made me cry. I wouldn't ask why. Hey, that was a rhyme. Cool.


I forget what happened in the last few hours when Wally was there, because we played that game where you get really drunk then spin in circles really fast then try and walk right. We didn't drink, but we were high on giggles and laughs. Does that count as drunk?

We timed ourselves to see who can stay up the longest, and suprisingly, Dick won. Wally came in second, and I was last. Yeah, I don't do well with those kinds of games. Oh, well. Always next time.

Since Wally's parents wanted him back home at 11, he left, but not after a prank. I won't tell you what me and Dick did, but let's just say it included feathers, a fan, and some soda. Oh, and his hair. That too. Now it's a little brown and not so red. It'll come out. Hopefully.


I awoke to a bright light, and no, not the kind most of you are thinking of. I didn't die. Again. Surely.

I put my hand over the light, and stood up. I was in the cave. Alone. I got to my feet, and looked at my surroundings. The room was empty, with no sounds. I couldn't even feel the air. I tried bringing up the computer, but it said I wasn't authorized.

My hands felt sticky, and they were colder than usual. I brought them up to my face, and squinted my eyes, trying to decipher the image my brain couldn't figure out.

They were my hands, but they I looked at the rest of my arm, my eyes seeing black instead of it's usual pale white color that I liked. I dropped them, and let them hit my side. I got out of control again.

I turned back around, and hacked my way through the computer. I brought up the camera feed, and watched the footage from last night.

Everything seemed to be normal, with Meg'ann and Conner hanging out, the usual. That still looked different. It was the same thing over and over again, and it made my head spin with nausea.

I fell to my knees, and held my head in my hands. It all felt too real, too fake. I looked at the computer screen again, and changed it to the last time I remember seeing. It was sometime after midnight, when I last looked at a clock. Everyone was there, even me. I looked the same, and brought up the audio.

We were going on a mission. It was...A recon, as usual. We always messed those up. I watched video me speak, but couldn't recall what I said. The audio went dead before I talked.

Video me looked like she was screaming, or yelling, and throwing her hands up into the air. Batman was trying to calm her down, but it didn't work.

The next part, I couldn't explain even if you asked me. It looked like I was glowing, and suddenly there was a bright light, then nothing. The camera was dead. That still didn't explain why I was here, without anybody.

I checked the other cameras, and the same thing happened to all of them. That wasn't good.

I couldn't remember anything from what happened in the video, either. It kind of rang some bells, but not enough to make my brain remember.

There was the zeta recognition, announcing Robin and Batman. I spun around, and came face-to-face with Robin. He looked at me through that mask of his, then back behind him.

Batman came in, and stood next to Robin. He stared at me, then looked to his side. Martian Manhunter materialized next to him, and I took a step back. Batman looked back at me, and narrowed his eyes. A normal thing.

"Crystal, do you remember anything that happened last night? Anything at all?" I forgot how cold his voice sounded. But if you looked hard enough, you could detect the slightest emotion. This time, though, it was just concern.

I crossed my arms, and gestured to the computer, replaying whatever happened last night. My face was emotionless. Something I mastered well.

"I think I did. But, I actually can't remember any of it. I guess we're all in luck, here."

They showed relieved faces, and that made me curious. Surely, it couldn't have been that bad, right? Still, it was weird how the audio cut off before the camera went dead. That never happens, like ever. Unless someone hacked it, and killed the audio. I might have an idea of who it is, too. I'll blackmail him into telling me the truth later.

Batman dismissed Robin and I, so we decided to go back home, to have a movie marathon. It was mostly action movies, and nerd movies. Lots and lots of nerd movies.

We went into the screening room, with candy and arms filled with blankets and dvd's. We piled them on random recliners. I let Dick pick a movie, since I always picked them, and he chose the one and only My Babysitter's A Vampire. How clice of him.

He popped it into the player, and I snuggled my blanket. I haven't seen this movie in a while, so it was pretty funny. We put in a few other movies, and watched a few episodes of Arrow. (I got the team hooked). Catman came and joined us at some point during a movie. We put him in the Batcave, after dressing him up in a Batman costume for cats. He looked adorable. I guess he found his way up here. All he really did down in the Batcave was look around and meow at the bats. Normal cat behaivior.

I stroked his back, and he meowed in response. I brought him up to my face, and he looked at me with a bored expression. I put him back on the floor, and he stalked away. Probably to go and eat. Or sleep. Mostly sleep. Yeah.


Again, we were out in the city, looking for signs of trouble. Nothing. All we were really doing was goofing off, and racing each other down alleys and random streets. I had an idea.

I jumped off from my spot on a helicopter, which was in the air, and flew down to Robin, who was fighting more thugs then he could handle. I hovered above them, and dropped a smoke bomb. The thugs coughed, and I helped Robin take them out. Easy peasy.

We started off towards Arkahm again, mostly because we were bored and didn't have anything to do. I went inside the building first, mostly because I have a better shot at deflecting what comes at me. Still, the building was as dead as the city. Like, dead. The rats weren't there at all. At least, I can't hear them.

We ran through narrow hllways, and hid in rooms. One of them on the ground floor had a hole in it, which led to the outside. I remember that from the first time Batman fought Scarecrow. Man, that guy is creepy. I called Robin over, and he followed me through the building to the entrance, where a staircase lay in shambles. Last time we were here, it wasn't broken. It had layers of dust over it, like it wasn't touched in years. That was wrong. We were here a few months ago, before Byalia happened.

I heard a bat fly above our heads, making it's normal noises. Bats don't move unless they've been scared, and we didn't go by the hallway the bat came from. Which only meant one thing, and that wasn't good. "Robin," I started to whisper. He turned to face me. "You have to run. Get out of the building." He fully turned to look at me, and he crossed his arms. "Why? Are you scared or something?" I shook my head, and pionted to the area the bat came from. A hallway shrouded in shadows.

"Fear is here. Watching us. You have to leave. I'll be rght behind you, I promise. Just go." I pushed him to the exit, but he remained in his spot. I gave him a lok of terror, and he dropped his arms. He pulled out his explosives, and aimed them at Fear. I admire his braveness.

"Oh, Crystal, would you be a dear and come here? I simply have to talk to you for a moment. It's important. PLease, come." His voice sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't move at all. I was frozen to the spot. Fear came out of the shadows, this time donning a cloak made of them. It dragged behind him, as if the clothes were the shadows from the hallway itself.

His icy hand carassed my face, pushing a stran of hair behind my ear. He was always classy, and polite in his own sinister way. He kind of reminded me of my father. Before Fear killed him, too.

"Oh, Crystal. You look so scared. All I wanted is you to dance," He drawled on, playing with my hair, twisting and tying it, so it was back into a messy bun. He came back to face me, and miled deviously. I know that look.

"With Death himself. Maybe you and your friend here can take turns dancing with him, too. Because he will be joining you." I screamed as shadows engulfed me, and it was suffocating, to say the least. I felt like I was falling, and opened my eyes to the place I saw in my vison the night before.

I was going to die, here in Fear's house. In the place I grew up. Where my father killed my mother and himself.

And now, me.



Cliffhanger! Comment and like if you enjoyed it! I would LOVE to see what you guys think about what's going to happen between the duo. So, BAI!


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