•puzzle• TEEN WOLF(1)

By sammy_boyo

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A anxiety ridden girl with pretty green eyes and a bad past meets a constellation boy with ADHD - - - - Embry... More

Part I
Act I Scene I
Act I Scene II
Act I Scene III
Act I Scene IV
Act I Scene V
Act I Scene VI
Act I Scene VII
Act I Scene VIII
Act I Scene X
Act I Scene XI
Act I Scene XII
Act I Scene XIII
Act I Scene XIV
Act I Scene XV
Part II
Act II Scene I
Act II Scene II
Act II Scene III
Act II Scene IV
Act II Scene V
Act II Scene VI
Act II Scene VII
Act II Scene VIII
Act II Scene IX
Act II Scene X
Act II Scene XI
Act II Scene XII
Act II Scene XIII
Act II Scene XIV
Act II Scene XV
Act II Scene XVI
Act II Scene XVII

Act I Scene IX

991 23 4
By sammy_boyo

No More Parties?

"You know you probably shouldn't be here," Embry sits criss cross on her bed. The kanima, who isn't fully changed, copying her actions on the floor.

"I know," The voice spills from Jackson's mouth.

"My brother is sleeping, right over there," Embry raises her eyebrows.

"I know, I just wanted to make sure your okay," The kanima moves from the floor to her bed.

"I'm fine. Just tired. You know these late night talks are gonna start affecting my grades soon," Embry laughs a bit. The kanima furrows it's eyebrows.

"Why care about grades?"

"Well, I want to graduate," Embry leans back and stares at her ceiling, the kanima mimics her on her left, "And go to college, and you know, start a family."

"With who? That boy from the hospital and from school?" Embry can tell that it angers the kanima to talk about it.

"Stiles? I don't think so. He's in love Lydia Martin. You know her, well, Jackson does. But I don't know, I'm still only sixteen."

"Oh," The kanima nods.

"What about you? What's going to happen?" Embry glances at him from the corner of her eye. He is already looking at her.

"I don't know. Whatever Matt tells me to do, I have to listen," Embry's eyebrows pinch together.

"Matt? That's who your master is?"

"Yeah, he is," The kanima nods.

"Hmm, so that's why you've been killing people? Because he told you to?"

"Yes," The kanima nods while Embry and rolls over. Her back facing him."What? What are you doing?" The kanima sits up, resting on his elbow.

"Sleep. I need it. I have school in three hours. You can stay or go. Just be gone before Scott wakes up," Embry snuggles into her blanket and tries to get some sleep. The kanima stays and watches her. When the sun begins to rise, he strokes her cheek and takes off.


"Clear your schedual, this could take a while," Lydia walks into Allison's room, Embry trudging behind her. She is exhausted.

"Embry?" Allison looks confused to see the McCall.

"Yeah?" Embry tilts her head. Allison is her friend, why wouldn't she be here.

"You don't remember," Allison mutters.

"What ever. Back to why we are here," Lydia pulls out a bunch of dresses.

"How many dresses do you plan on wearing?" Embry plops down in Allisons desk chair while Allison look through the bags.

"It's my birthday party. I'm think hostess dress, evening dress, then hmm, after-hours casual," Lydia lays out a few dresses.

"I noticed you didn't send out any invites," Embry leans back in the chair, rubbing her forehead at Allison's remarks.

"It's the biggest party of the year. Everyone knows," Lydia's words are stiff and irritated.

"I was wondering if maybe this year things, you know, might be different," Allison doesn't need to be bringing this up. Embry frowns and glances at her.

"Why would anything be different?" Lydia stops moving. You can see she is a bit angry.

"Just cause things have been a bit off lately. Things, people. Like Jackson," Embry stiffens. Allison needs to stop talking. Now.

"Why would you care about Jackson?" Embry asks, not her boyfriend, not her problem. Trying to get Allison to stop talking.

"Do you know if he's coming?" Allison glances from Embry to Lydia. The small brunette just shakes her head.

"Everyone's coming," Lydia practically growls, "This one American Rag." Lydia changes the subject.

"Hmm, I love it," Allison nods. Clearly still uncomfortable from the first conversation.

"For me, not you," Lydia smirks and tilts her head. Her hair falling in her face.

"This ones Material Girl, it's for you," Lydia throws Allison a dress, "And for you." Lydia throws Embry a black dress.

"Mrs. Argent," Embry stands when Lydia addresses her, she is still really pissed about what she did to Scott. Embry wants to rip the woman's head off, "What do you think of this one?"

"Oh, It's lovely. Allison, can we talk for a second? Just the two of us?" Mrs. Argent seems a bit upset. Embry starts to falls asleep. She is running on three hours of sleep. She needs it.


Embry stands behind Lydia as she opens the door. Someone is hidden behind a very large present. Stiles face pops up behind it. Embry shakes her head as she walks out of the room. Something in her already broken heart squeezes. She kinda liked Stiles. But she knows he isn't into her. Stiles Stilinski is in love with Lydia Martin.

"Hey," Embry jumps and turns. It's just Scott.

"Hey," Embry sighs and brushes hair out of her face.

"Are you okay? You don't seem very enthusiastic about being here," Scott chuckles.

"It's the full moon, the kanima thing, and the fact that no one is here," Embry raises here eyebrows and presses her lips together.

"Yeah, why is no one here?"

"Maybe," Stiles pops up in between them, "because Lydia became the town wackjob."

"Yeah," Embry agrees.

"Well, we have to do something," Allison walks up to them, "we've completely ignored for like, the past two weeks."

"She completely ignored Stiles for the past 10 years," Scott raises his eyebrows.

"I'd like to think of that I wasn't on her radar," Stiles corrects, making Embry frown a bit. Embry walks off, she wasn't a part of the conversation anyway.

"Hey, Lyd's," Embry walks up to her side. "Happy Birthday, again," Embry smiles a bit.

"Thank you," Lydia stares into the punch bowl. The doorbell rings, Lydia grabs a tray, and goes to answer it. A bunch of drag queen burst through the door. Embry smiles a bit and walks off. Parties aren't really her scene.

"Embry? I didn't think you'd be at a party," Jackson Whittemore shows up next to her.

"Yeah, I didn't think I'd be here either. But Lydia needs me," Embry smiles tightly.

"Hey," Jackson lowers his voice and pulls her to the side, "Something's coming, ya know. And... And I don't want you in the middle of it, okay?"

"It's okay, Jackson, I'll be fine," Embry shrugs. She knows the kanima won't hurt her.

"No, something really bad. I can feel it, just, stay safe," With that, Jackson is gone. Embry shrugs and grabs a cup of punch.

"Bottoms up," She shrugs and drinks it. It tastes pretty damn good. Embry walks back outside. Lydia is talking to Scott, Jackson is just standing, Stiles looks like he's about to cry, and Embry can't find Allison. Embry just stands next the pool, looking around.

"Oh, really, so she is gonna get over me that fast? It's her fault!" Embry turns to the sound of someone yelling. A voice she hasn't heard in four months.

"There she is," Boths pairs of green eyes meet, "Murderer." Charlies words fall from his mouth like poison.

"Charlie?" Embry's voice is only a whisper.

"Huh, seems you didn't forget about me afterall. Slut," Charlie chuckles.

"W-what? I'd never... I'd never forget about you," Tears fall from Embry's eyes.

"You killed me, you bitch," Stiles, Scott, and her parents stand by Charlies sides, "And you're killing them too." The kanima comes behind them and rips their throats out. Embry falls to her knees and starts crying. Everything suddenly pulses and their bodies are gone. Embry gasps.

"Girl, are you okay?" A dark skinned girl shows up next to her.

"Ye-yeah, i'm fine," Embry is lying. She is seven shades of confused.

"No ya not. You just fell. Maybe you shouldn't drink anymore," The girls takes Embry's drink and throws it in the pool. Embry nods and stands.

"I'm gonna- I'm gonna go find my friends," Embry shuffles off. Everyone at the party is hallucinating.

"Embry?! Are you okay? Did you drink the punch?"

"I did," Embry whispers, "but it's okay. I'm okay now. Are you?" Scott just gives her a sad smile.

"I will be," Scott nods, "We need to find the others." Embry and Scott split up. Embry goes to find Stiles while Scott finds Allison. Embry finds the boy sitting next to the hot tub.

"Stiles?" Embry sits in front of him, "are you okay?"

"I'm killing him..." Stiles mutters under his breath. Embry furrows her eyebrows.

"Stiles come on, drink some water," Embry hands him a water bottle. When he doesn't except she get frustrated, "Fine. Just know, you asked for this." Embry moves to his side and pushes him. Sending him into the hottub. Embry giggles a bit. Stiles pops back up gasping.


"How do you feel?" Embry places a hand over her mouth to stop her giggles.

"Like pulling you in with me," Stiles grins. Embry stands quickly and steps away.

"No, no, no ya don't. Come on, we have to get out of here," Stiles pulls himself out of the water and shakes a bit. Trying to get the water off him.

"I can't find Allison," Scott runs up to the duo. Worry in his gaze. Embry checks her phone.

"It's okay. She left early," Scott looks a bit confused, "She texted me." Embry holds up her phone.

"What are we gonna do? Anyone who drank that crap is freaking out," Embry's attention is pulls away. A couple of guys are about to throws someone in the pool. The person is struggling and screaming about not being able to swim. Worry fills Embry. It's Matt.

She knows he's controlling the kanima, but this isn't cool. The guys throw Matt in, despite his protests. Without thinking, Embry runs forward. She doesn't want him to die. Someone pulls her back. It's Jackson. He jumps in and saves Matt. Embry stands there in shock.

"What?!" Everyone is staring, "What are you looking at?!"

"Come on, Matt," Embry wraps an arm around him, trying to lead him away.

"Get off me," He pushes her, causing her to fall and hurt her hand. Embry looks up, fear her in her gaze, "Embry." Matt's gaze get's wide. Embry just flinches when he tries to get closer.

Jackson pops up between the two. Shielding Embry from Matt. The dark haired boy stalks away. Jackson following close behind.

"Embry," Scott runs to help her up, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"No, I'm alright. I'm alright," Embry brushes herself off and stands.

"Cops! Parties over!" Everyone runs. Embry, Stiles, and Scott get lost in the current. Ending up in the road. Matt stands next to a black car, the kanima crouching next to him. Embry wants to take a step forward, but Scott holds her back.

ship name is Stembry? Maybe? By th way, this is late... again. I went the the mall today and bought a new sweater. so thats fun
panic!'s new songs are pretty lit. Idk what to say really.
I started the second book. There are two new characters and I really think you guys will like them. They are super cute.
the next chapter makes me really sad. Like, really sad.
Oh, and i changed the name and and cover art again. So, thats fun.
1855 words

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