Life in Color ✔️

By Honey_Money_

13.7M 504K 338K

Book 1 in the "Life in-" series Scarlett Rain Rhodes is just like every other 17 year old high school Junior... More

Master Reading List
Hello Readers
1~ Struggle Bussin'
2~ Sweetheart
3~My Stalker
4~ Water Break
6~Say Cheese
7~ Cheesecake
8~ Oblivious
9~ Lazy Day
10~ The Breakup
11~ Bro Code
13~ Alien
14~ Cutie
16~ Kool Aid
17~ Walmart
18~ Wet
19~ Disappointment
20~ Thirteen
21~ Puzzle
22~ Snowball
23~Ho Ho Ho
24~ Christmas
25~ Fake Snow
26~ Pretzels
27~ Hell
28~ Ashton
29~ Great
30~ I'm Sorry
32~ Change
33~ Coffee
34~ Charming
35~ Valentines
36~ Ticklish
37~ Hickey
38~ Out
39~ Decisions
40~ Tired
41~ People
42~ Chaos
44~ One Week
45~ Bennett
46~ Play Ball
47~ Birthday
49~ Satisfactory
50~ Fear
51~ Help
52~ Potential
53~ Stubborn
54~ Angels
55~ Dork
56~ Future
57~ Gentle
58~ Mine
59~ No Idea
60~ Colorful
Epilouge~ Ashlett
Sequals & Spinoffs
Bonus~ Surprise
Bonus~ One Year
Bonus ~ Wish

12~ Adrenaline Rush

233K 9.3K 9.4K
By Honey_Money_

Today is the day.

We'll either become state champions or be the biggest losers ever. Not really, but it's still a big deal. All day school is buzzing with excitement. No matter where I go, I hear about the game. In the bathroom. In Gifted. At my locker.


This is more than just a game. It's a cross town rivalry coming face to face. The state championship being the ultimate prize.

I put my uniform on with extra care, making sure I looked my best. There would literally be hundreds of eyes on me and that did a toll on my nerves.

We're released from class after 6th period, no one in the mood for learning. Between the game and Thanksgiving break there's no brain cells to spare for class. I walk out to the courtyard, waiting for my friends perched on top of a metal table.

Sage joins me minutes later, his usual enthusiasm nowhere to be found.

"What's wrong?" I ask, nudging his shoulder as he takes a seat next to me.

He stays quiet for a moment, deep in thought if the little crease in his forehead is any indication. "I was just thinking about mom and dad." He whispers.

My heart breaks. In the past two years, he's been the one to talk about everything the least. He just puts on a smile and laughs it off. Today is special though.

Sage and dad always talked about him playing for the state championship, it was a dream of theirs. Seconded only by Sage following dad's footsteps and getting drafted to the MLB.

I rest my head on his shoulder, "Me too." And I was.

Mom and Dad first met on their own football field, after they won State. Dad was a wide receiver and Mom was a cheerleader. It was one of the first stories they ever told us as kids. It's been a driving thought the past couple of weeks, perhaps we would be closer to them if we won.

Silence follows as we continue to think about them. Our parents. The most important people in our lives and they aren't here.

It sucks.

Sage licks his lips, a sign that he's about to cry. "Do you think they're going to be watching us?"

The question takes me off guard. I try to find my voice but it's missing.

"Yeah." I croak out. "Yes, they are."

I can imagine them yelling at the referees. Mom trying her best not to say anything negative about the other team and failing. Dad hooting and hollering about how good his kids look out there.

They would be proud.

"What are we talking about?" Ashton asks, joining our table with Stella, James, and Ella.

Sage blinks furiously to hide his tears. I shrug, "Nothing really, just nerves."

Ashton doesn't detect the lie and I feel bad. Lying has become easier and easier throughout the years but it feels wrong. He grips Sage's shoulder, "Don't worry man, we've got this in the bag."

Ella catches my eye, knowing what we we're really talking about. I nod slightly to her, we're ok.

Maybe if we say that enough it'll come true.


The game starts in 30 minutes.

After we were officially let out of school I went home and packed Saffron's bag for the night, ensuring she had every possible thing she could need. She has her inhaler. Her pillow. Her special blanky. Her stuffed baseball that she never sleeps without. Pajamas. Clothes for tomorrow. Her toothbrush.

I would know, I packed her bag three times. Only stopping when the twins forcefully removed the bag from my hands. Even then I still mentally ran a checklist.

I'm aware I have a problem.

I'm stretching on the sideline, trying not to pay attention to the massive crowd forming. Purposely avoiding Steinborns side to ensure I don't see anyone I could know. 

Out of no where a football flies over and hits my foot, surprisingly not hard enough to hurt. Seconds later Ashton jogs over, an unapologetic smirk on his face. "My bad."

He hit me on purpose.

I roll my eyes, handing him back the ball. Our fingers touch, momentarily breaking my train of thought. After recovering I start to turn away but he tugs my arm, pulling me close to him.

"What, no good luck kiss?"

I smirk, after a moments consideration I reach up, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands rest on my hips, slightly lifting me up. My lips millimeters from his, close enough to kiss.


"How about you go kick some ass and then you'll get your kiss." I taunt him, ignoring the gleam in his eyes and the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Ashton sets me down, a smirk on his face. "You know, Sweetheart, you just gave me the perfect motivation."

He runs back off to the field before I can say anything else. I watch him go, getting caught in the act as he looks back. Offering me a wink before he shoves his helmet back on.

What in the hell did I just agree to?

Ella and Stella stand by the fence, a front row view of our entire exchange. They begin to fan themselves, joyous grins on their faces. "Boy, did it just get hot." Stella remarks, daring me to challenge her.

I push past both of them to get some water, ignoring the burning of my cheeks.

I really hate them sometimes.

The squad lines up against the fence, Madison making us paint the numbers of the player we escorted on our check. Stella and I wearing Sage's as well, part of me happy I could represent the two players I care about.

After the numbers are on Saffron begins to walk down the row, doing her traditional run through to see what we need to fix. It's adorable to watch her eye us skeptically in her mini cheer uniform and pigtails. But truthfully she's a ruthless monster when it comes to our looks.

She eyes Anna, the girl who started the conversation about me in the locker room that day, "Your ponytail is too low."

She moves on, "Yours is to high." The girl, Shelly, gasps. I've never heard of a cheerleaders ponytail being to high but what Saffron says goes, Madison's orders.

She moves through the line, commenting on each girls appearance. She stops in front of Avery, an evil glint in her green eyes. This is the one time Saffron can be mean and Avery isn't allowed to do anything in retaliation, my sister may be young but she's as clever as a fox.

She doesn't even bother to give her a look over before making pointers, "Your hair is frizzy. Your skirt is to high, no one wants to see that. Your face has too much makeup and the paint on your cheek is smeared."

Saffron smiles at her sweetly before moving on, not even bothering to give our cousin a second glance. Avery growls in frustration but a warning look from Madison has her pulling her skirt down. A smile begins to play on my lips.

Saffron tells Ella to tighten her pony tail and for Stella to remove her spiky black earrings before turning to me.

She eyes me long and hard, walking a round my body to get a full view. I even begin to feel self conscious under her inspection. "Your skirt needs to be pulled up."

I blink in confusion.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask in disbelief. My seven year old sister shouldn't be telling me to hike up my skirt.

"You heard me." She calls over her shoulder, marching to her spot at Madison's side. Perhaps all this power is going to her head.


I'm going to throw up.

We're down by eight in the fourth quarter, three minutes left. We aren't going to make it, losing to a school filled with the biggest assholes in the state.

The entire night their side of the stands have been calling out crude sayings directed at our team. If it weren't for the fact Saffrons already heard worse I would've regretted bringing her. It makes me sad to know they're the reputation the West Side gets: crude and trashy.

Their teams been deliberately taking cheap shots at the players all night. Thankfully, none of our players get too seriously injured. The referees; however, do nothing to stop them.

So much for home field advantage.

Sage runs down the field in attempt to tackle the player with the ball when out of nowhere someone reaches out and grabs his face mask. He's thrown to the ground, other players trampling over him.

I notice one player, number 66, the same guy who pulled him down linger. He whispers something in my brothers ear. Anger floods through me, that guys been harassing him all night. The referees run over, surely about to blow their whistles. Thank God, finally they're going to call them out. A face mask is definitely against the rules.

Instead they make sure Sage is ok and nothing more. I can see from here that my brother is definitely not ok, no matter what he says to his coach. He won't let himself be taken out. Coach Edwards runs onto the field ready to challenge them. After a lengthy discussion and a wide variety of swear words the referees stand by their call.

You've got to be fucking kidding me!

I notice the entire cheer team and some of the players staring at me.

Oh God. Did I just say that out loud? I gulp, pulling my pom poms to cover my face, someone kill me now.

Sage walks to the team, a new determination in his step. He wants blood. After that shitty call so do I.

We get a touchdown.

With 15 seconds on the clock we have one more chance to get on the board.

Our side is completely silent, no one daring to even breathe. Steinborns side takes the silences for defeat, hollering ever louder profanities our way.

I grab Ella and Stella's hands, trying my hardest not to look away. Saffron burrows her head into my skirt. The ball is snapped.

Everything moves in slow motion, Ashton throws the ball to James. Sage tackling the players who come close to him.

Right before the line he gets tripped. I refuse to blink. Did we get the points?

After what feels like an eternity the referee blows his whistle, holding up his arms to signify a touchdown. Our side erupts in cheers. The next thing I know I'm running on the field. My eyes searching to find the guys.

I spot Ashton and run towards him, doing my best to avoid everyone around me. He grabs and lifts me in the air, spinning me around like a mad man. I look down at his sweaty, dirt smeared face, his grey eyes shining with a happiness I've never seen before. My mind flashes back to our conversation earlier.

Before I can change my mind I crash my lips against his.

A million different thoughts run through my head. The first of is that he tastes like Gatorade and mint. He freezes for a moment before kissing me back and I realize something else. Ashton McClain is an amazing kisser.

All too soon we pull away, my lips tingling. "What was that for?" He asks breathlessly, resting his forehead against mine.

"You kicked some ass." I state, my body thrumming with adrenaline. More than a few people are watching us but for the first time in years, I don't care.

He smiles, his thumb brushing my cheek. Just when I think we're going to kiss again a deliberate cough pulls me from my trance. I glance down to find Saffron staring up at us, her arms crossed. That power is definitely going to her head.

Ella and Sage join us, connected at the hip. Stella and James follow a few minutes later, their lips slightly swollen.

At least they didn't see us.

The twins find us, the five of us colliding is a massive hug. No one else knew how special this was to us. I can't help but think that Mom and Dad definitely were watching over us after the game we just played.

We take a million pictures to commemorate the end of the season with our victory. A smile never leaving my face. Adrenaline highs are always the best feeling. The thrill and excitement of life fresh on the mind.

Eventually everyone spreads out to find their families before we meet back up. 15 minutes later we're all standing on the sidelines trying to figure out what how we're going to celebrate.

As if on command, Gabe Kline, the party animal himself, walks over. A girl in each arm.

I suppose he's cute in a fuck boy way, with the swooped over blonde hair and bright blue eyes to offset his naturally sun kissed skin. Tall but not too muscular. A classic player. It's hard to believe we used to be best friends at one point in life.

"Guys, party at my house after the game!" He cries, pointing at us he adds, "You're all invited."

Before I can stop myself I say, "Let's go."

"Really?" Sage asks in disbelief.

I look around at all my friends and family. "Why not? I have to take Saffron to her friend then we can go home, drop the twins off and get changed."

Stella places her hand to my forehead. "Are you ok? You feel feverish."

I shove her off of me, laughing. "I'm fine guys. Come one, it'll be fun."

They look like they want to further question me, wearing varying looks of concern but Ashton throws his hands up in the air. "No one push her, lets go before she changes her mind."

God they're acting like I have no fun. I'm fun. Well, I can be fun.

I pick Saffron up after she says goodbye to everyone. The boys giving her an extra long hug, sharing my fear of her staying at someone's house.

It'll be fine.

We grab her bag and go looking for Ronnie and her mother. Finding them by the bathrooms, smiles on both of their faces. We exchange contact information and pleasantries. I plant one more unwanted kiss on Saffrons face, making sure to leave a lipstick mark, before she runs over to Ronnie's side.

"I'll pick her up around 9:30 tomorrow." I tell Liz, not wanting her to stay out too long. Baby steps.

She smiles warmly at me, "Sounds wonderful."

They leave and I watch them go like the big loser I am. My little baby is growing up right before my eyes. I get the uneasy feeling that someone's watching me. I scan the area to find a guy wearing the number, 66, watching me from a distance, his helmet still on.

I get uncomfortable, remembering that he's the one who hit Sage and decide to head back to my friends. I can't shake the feeling that he seems familiar though.

My lips tingle as I think back to the kiss I shared with Ashton. Perhaps everyone was right all along, I'm in denial.

That thought vanishes once I reach the field, my heart stopping as I watch the unthinkable, Ashton kissing Avery.

The thing about an adrenaline rush is that eventually, you crash.


I'm not so in love with the next few chapters and I think it's because they aren't all to happy. But I hope you enjoyed this nonetheless, please let me know what you thought.
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