One Direction Imagines (BSM&D...

By baconpancakes94

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One Direction Imagines (BSM&DDM) Feel free to send in requests More

BSM-Another Member Saves You From A Suicide Attempt Part 1
BSM-Another Member Saves You From A Suicide Attempt Part 2
BSM-Your Little And Want To Be Held/Cuddled
Preference-He Has An Panic Attack But He Only Wants You
BSM-Another Member Makes You Cry
BSM-The Boys Find Out You Have Depression/Anxiety and You're Embarrassed Part 1
BSM-The Boys Find Out You Have Depression/Anxiety and You're Embarrassed Part 2
Preference- You get hate for being a different ethnicity
You were friends but you lose touch but now you're a playboy bunny
Preference- he hacks your twitter
DDM- He takes your pacifier off you and you throw a tantrum
BSM-you meet the boys
preference-you get into a car crash
BSM- the boys crash your sleep over
BSM- You have a nightmare and he comforts you
DDM-You're hiding a piercing/tattoo and he wants you to change infront of him
BSM- he tickles you
BSM-you fall asleep on a member of 5sos (14-18)
Harry imagine
Harry imagine part 2
Harry imagine part 3
BSM-you sleep on him while your with the guys 2/5
BSM-you fall a sleep on him while your with the guys Zayn and Liam
DDM- you fall asleep during a movie night
BSM-he likes your twin more 2/5 (requested)
BSM-he likes your twin more part 2 (2/5)
BSM-he likes your twin more (3/5)
BSM-he likes your twin more part 2 (3/5)
BSM-he finds out your boyfriend is abusive (requested)
BSM-He Finds Out You Self Harm/Are Depressed
DDM-You Get Your First Period (Requested)
BSM-You Get Your First Period (Requested)
BSM- He Feeds You
Preference- Your First Christmas Together
BSM- You Have A Crush On Another Member (Requested)
I'm going to continue but....
BSM- You Think He Doesn't Like Your Style (Requested)
BSM- You Escape Your Crib (Requested)
Louis Imagine
BSM- Your A Famous YouTuber (Requested)
Louis Imagine Part 2
Preference- How You Two Met
5 Seconds Of Summer bsm book
BSM- He's in a mood with you and he takes it out on you by yelling at you
Please read
BSM- He Realises You're Growing Up
It's Time For You To Go
Dose anyone still read this

DDM- you're sick

23.3K 200 24
By baconpancakes94

all in his p.o.v

Liam (age 11)

I was sitting down stairs watching tv, it was around 12:30 at night when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs "dad I don't feel good" Y/N said to me "what's wrong sweetpea?" I asked walking over to her "my head hurts and I have a sore throat" she said "you have a fever, come lets get you up stairs I'll go bring you some soup and tea" as Y/N walked slowly up stairs I went into the kitchen to make her soup and tea and brought it up to her room. She was on her bed trying to get comfortable "baby girl I brought your soup and tea up, I'll be back in a bit to check on you". When I went back to check on her she was fast asleep hopefully she will be better tomorrow

Niall (age 2)

I was at home with my daughter Y/N we were in the the living room watching some tv when Y/N claimed on to my lap "daddy my tummy hurts", when she said that I rushed her to the bathroom where she started to throw up, I held her hair back and rub her back "baby are you finished?" I asked her she just nodded her head "how about we get you some medicine and watch a movie?" I asked she nodded her head. I carried her down stairs to get some medicine, I got some blankets and rested Y/N on my lap. half way though the movie she fell peacefully asleep.

Harry (age 13)

I was in the bathroom holding my daughters hair back as she throw up "babe are you alright?" "yeah I'm fine" "do you think its flue or something bad you ate?" I asked "I think its something bad I ate" she said, I hated seeing her like that before I knew she started to throw up again, I got a face cloth and put it on her forehead "have you finished yet?" I asked her she nodded her head "come on babe I think you should get some sleep" I said to her, I got her to her bedroom and put her "daddy can you stay with me?" she asked me "sure baby" I got in her bed with her and fell asleep with her cuddled in my arms.

Zayn(age 5)

I was walking up to Y/N room to get her up for school "Y/N baby you need to get up for school" I said, no response so tried again "Y/N its time to get up" she still wouldn't get up I shaked her a little bit to get her up, it worked a little bit "Y/N get up" this time she work up "daddy I don't feel good" she said to me I felt her forehead and she was burning up "okay sweetie you can have the day of school" she nodded, "daddy my head hurts" I took her into the bathroom and got some tablets for her "come on baby lets run you a bath and afterwords you can go lay down for a bit okay?" "yeah" after her bath I put her in a tank top and left her in her underwear to cool down a bit and put into bed to rest.

Louis (age 15)

"DAAAAAD" I heard my daughter shout coming down the stairs "yeah, what's wrong!" I asked concerned "my head hurts and my tummy hurts" "awe why don't we go and get you some headache tablets" I said, I come back with a glass of water and a tablet "how about we watch some movies" I suggested to her "yeah" she said and went to get some blankets and she cuddled up to. "dad, I don't really have a headache and a sore throat, I just wanted to hang out with you because your always away" she said "awe baby, I'm sorry, but I can arrange for you to come with me, would you like that?" I asked her "yeah I would love that" she replied and we watched the rest of movie.

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