My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

104K 2.4K 585

Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... More

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

Jedi Academy

1.2K 30 12
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Raina's POV.

It was the first day of class. Raina woke up and got dressed she went to the cafeteria to have breakfast and saw all the students eating at a table. Raina looks diver to see Luke sitting at a table by himself. She walked over and sat down in front of him.

"Morning." She smiled.

He looked up and smiled. "Good morning. Ready for today?"

Raina took a deep breath and hesitantly nodded. "I think so. What about you?"

"It's what I've been preparing for this whole time. It's what I was told to do. What I'm meant to do. I have to be ready."

Raina stared at him. She had just gained new respect for Luke. He was so serious about this and it meant so much to him. He wouldn't let himself admit it, but she knew he was nervous. She could feel it coming from him. Suddenly she had an urge to comfort him.

Without thinking Raina laid her hand on top of his own and looked at him. Luke looked up at her, his eyes full of surprise and confusion. He was completely taken off guard. She ignored the part of her mind telling her to release his hand.

"Your ready. . . I can feel it."

Luke looked at her with his mouth open in shock and confusion. He nodded obviously not able to answer. Satisfied with his response Raina moved her hand off of his and picked up her fork to eat.

After a minute she felt eyes on her. She looked up to see Luke staring at her in thoughtfully.

"What?" She asked.

He blinked and shook his head. "Nothing. It's just. . . you've always had so much faith in me."

Raina furrowed her eyebrows. She did?

"I have?" She asked.

He hesitated, before nodding and giving a small melancholy smile. "Yes. You have."

Raina looked to the side. She wished she could remember.

"I should go and gather the up students for class. I'll see you later." Luke said getting up.

Raina glanced up and nodded.

An hour and a half later Raina was in her new training room, preparing for the students to come in. She would be teaching them levitation. Soon she felt the students bear the room.

Raina stood up straight and shook off any nerves. Soon they all walked in. She gave a friendly smile and told them all to be seated.

Once all ten students, including Jason, were seated on the ground, Raina took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

She then began to speak in a masterful voice. "Good morning, as you may already know I am Master Starlight and for this session I will be training you in levitation."

She smiled.

"First of all before we get started I would like to learn your names. So why don't we go in a circle and tell me your full name, your age and where you're from. Jason why don't you start."

Jason looked up and stated his name and his age. The next student who spoke was a human male with shaggy blond hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm Dirk Fékoon. I'm nineteen and I'm from Naboo."

The next was a young female twi'lek.

"I'm Alyva Reja. I'm nine and I'm from Ryloth."

By the end she had learned all the students names. After Alyva there were four more females. Two humans named Kyra Bekyana who was seventeen, from Corellia and the other named Talee Anel who was ten, from Yavin. An older female togruta was named Tara Nal who was fourteen and from Shili.

There were five males. Four were human while one was a chagrian. The chagrian was named Nekén Heksin. He was twelve years old and was from Coruscant. The other four were similar ages 16, 17, 18, and 20. The oldest was named Darin Onasu, from Bespin. The other three from oldest to youngest were named Konar Plyat from Yavin, Keyan Selnii from Corellia and Kole Aknel from Coruscant.

"Alright now that we all know each other let's get started. When it comes to levitation it takes a lot amount of patience. If you don't get it the first time you will eventually so don't get frustrated. It will happen." Raina said.

The students nodded.

"Now, the first step is opening yourself up to the Force. I assume Master Skywalker already explained the Force and how to open up to it?" She asked.

They nodded.

"Does anyone have any questions? Or do you understand so far?"

After a moment the young twi'lek raised her hand. Raina smiled at the youngling.


"Master Skywalker said that the Force has a dark and a light side. If we are connecting with the light side why do we say The Force instead of Light Side of the Force?" Alyva asked.

Raina was surprised at the young twi'leks question.

"Well, Alyva, the Force is the Force no matter what side. It's like two different sides of a coin. To call it the Light Side of the Force would be taking away the fact that the Force is all." Raina explained.

Then she smiled and whispered.

"I also believe we call it that because, saying May the Light Side of The Force be with you anytime we greet, bless, or say goodbye would get very tiresome." She joked.

The kids all laughed.

Raina smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Alright, now I want all of you to find a place to sit away from everyone else."

They did as she instructed. Raina walked around and placed a small round ball in front of them each.

"Look at the object in form of you. Today you are going to levitate it off the floor. I will talk you through it. Remember this takes time. Have patience."

Raina sat down in the middle of the room.

"Now close your eyes. Let the Force flow through you as Master Skywalker instructed you."

She watched as each student began to let the Force in. Once she felt that each had connected to the Force she continued coaching them.

"Picture the small sphere in your mind. Take in all it's details. Keep it there don't let go. Now when you have the image clear in your mind reach out with the Force and find the object without loosing your mental image."

She could feel the students working to reach out. She felt some of they're signatures becoming frustrated and worried that they were going to fail.

"Don't become frustrated. Learning this technique takes a lot of time and patience. You may have to do this a hundred times before you actually levitate it. Just relax." She instructed.

"And don't be afraid to fail. Once you fail you can take what you learned from your failure and use it to succeed."

About thirty minutes into the session all the students had finally found the sphere.

"Good. Now picture the object rising off the floor very slowly. Don't loose your connection or your image."

Several minutes passed before the first students sphere began to levitate off the ground. Jason was the first. Raina smiled with pride. She had been teaching him this technique for only a week now. He had levitated something before, but only a few inches off the ground. Now he was levitating the object a foot off the ground. Soon she noticed some of the other students's spheres floating less than an inch off the ground.

Eventually the hour and a half passed. Jason, Darin, Dirk, Kyra, Tara, Konar and Keyan all were able to levitate their sphere somewhat off the floor, while Alyva, Talee, Nekén and Kole were still struggling. She had expected some students to have trouble the first day.

After the session was over, Raina started her next session, Jedi Behavior and Galactic Language, at 11. This was probably her favorite session to teach. Because she was able to experience the galaxy with her parents when she was young and and learned galactic etiquette, Luke had thought Raina was best qualified to teach the session.

Finally lunch came and went. Raina had a whole hour and a half free as the students went to their next session with Luke, Jedi History and Galactic Studies. Raina took this time to meditate.

During her meditation she began to hear voices. Familiar voices. 

The first being her own. "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"

...... "Oh the uniform!" A young man's voice exclaimed.

The young man continued, with the first part of his sentence being muffled. "....I'm here to rescue you and the Princess!"

She recognized the voice, but couldn't place it. .....

"I'll always take care of you." Said the same voice, only slightly lower this time.

"Promise me you'll come back." Raina heard her own voice whisper.

"I can promise you that. . . no matter what happens I will always be with you." . . . .

"You didn't have to stay here you know? You could have gone back to the temple."

"I didn't want to. . ." Her voice answered.

While her voice she continued part of it became muffled.

"...I couldn't leave you. I care for you too much."

Then the voices silenced.

Raina opened her eyes. What was that? Whose voice was that?

Soon it was time for her to go meet Luke for the last session of the day. Lightsaber training. When she got there she and Luke began to teach the students on how to hold a lightsaber and the different positions to use. Finally the day came to an end and all the students were free to go back to their dorms.

"You're all dismissed." Luke said with a bow.

With that all the students stood up and bowed as Luke had done, then they walked out.

Once they were gone Raina heard Luke sigh. She turned her head to look at him seeing him looking down in thought. She could feel his fatigue from the day.

"That bad huh?"

Luke looked up at her with raised eyebrows. "What? Oh no. Not bad. Just long." He said.
"I haven't had training sessions this long since Master Yoda and back then I wasn't the one doing the teaching. I'm just not used to it yet, I suppose."

Raina nodded. "I understand. It was a long day for me too."

They both exited the room and started walking to the elevator. As they walked Raina couldn't stop thinking about what she had heard while meditating.

"Raina? What's bothering you?" She heard Luke ask.

Raina looked up. "Nothing. I'm just tired." She lied.

"Raina, I know you. There's something on your mind I can tell." He said stopping.

Raina sighed and stopped. "Luke. . ."

"Raina. . ." He mocked.

Raina rolled her eyes. "Fine, earlier today I was meditating and something happened."

Luke's eyebrows furrowed. "What happened?"

"I started hearing these voices. One of them was my own, but I couldn't place the other. I did recognize it though."

Luke contemplated what  she had told him.

"What did the voices say?" He asked.

Raina shook her head. "Oh, I can't remember exactly. They said a lot of different things. There was something about... a stormtrooper and how he was going to rescue me and a princess." She said.
". . .Something about how I was making the person promise to come back, but they only promised that they would always be with me no matter what happened. There was more, but it was so much it would be hard to tell you." Raina told him in frustration.

Luke was looking off in the distance.

"What is it?" She asked him.

He looked at her cautiously. "It's just. . . I was the stormtrooper who told you I was going to rescue you and the princess." He told her.

"I was also the one who promised you that no matter what happened I would be with you."

"So you're the other voice I was hearing?" She asked.

Luke slowly nodded.

Raina looked away and blinked. "...I couldn't leave you. I care for you too much." Her own voice coming back to her. She had once cared for Luke so much that she hadn't wanted to leave him. Then she remembered something else. "I'll always take care of you." From the way he had said it, Luke had obviously cared for her just as much or more. The thought of him caring for her so made Raina's heart flutter. Maybe she was beginning to gain her memory back. Just maybe.

"Umm, when I made you promise to come back. . .where were you going?" She asked.

Luke's eyes flickered to the floor then back up to her face. "I was going to face Darth Vader again. Vader was going to take me to the Emperor and try to get me to turn. I believed that I could I could turn Vader to the light, but it wasn't guaranteed that he would. You and I both knew I wouldn't turn to the Dark side and that I wouldn't kill Vader so it was very possible that I would. . ."

Raina looked at him in sadness and continued Luke's sentence for him. ". . .Die. You were willing to die? Just to save him? Why?" She asked.

Luke looked at her with caution and worry.
Then he hesitantly spoke.

". . .Vader was my father."

Raina gasped. "Your father?"

He nodded. "Yes."

Raina couldn't believe her ears. The same evil man who had killed her master and murder thousands was Luke's father.

"And I knew this before?" She asked.

Luke nodded. "You did. You knew everything."

Raina blinked trying to take in everything she had just learned.

"I know that it's a lot to take in, but I want you to know that. . . I was able to save him. My father saved me from the Emperor who was trying to kill me, in doing that he risked his own life. When my father died he was no longer Darth Vader Sith Lord. He was Anakin Skywalker Jedi Knight. He told me I had saved him when he died and I felt how much regrets held in his heart. He was truly sorry for all that he had done." Luke explained.

That monster turned to the light? She looked up at him.

"Does your sister know?"

Luke nodded. "Yes. She does."

Raina nodded.

"And you forgave him? After everything?"


Raina searches Luke and found that he cared for his father very much.

"You love him. . .your father." She determined.

Luke looked at her and nodded.

Raina stared at him. She was at a loss for words.

Soon Luke's face became almost pained. He stepped closer to her and held her hands gently. Raina was taken back by his actions.

"Please, please understand." He pleaded.

"Your the only one who ever understood. Not even Leia could understand why I forgave him and accepted him as my father." He pleaded.

Luke briefly closed his eyes. "I need you to understand, Raina. Your the only person I have who does. I can't. . . I can't lose you."

Raina stared at him in disbelief. It meant that much to him. After looking at his face and seeing how much he needed her to understand and even forgive his father, Raina was somehow able to let her anger toward Vader go.

Raina reaches up and touched Luke's cheek. His eyes opened. She smiled gently at him.

"You aren't going to lose me." She told him, looking him in the eye.

"If you were able to forgive your father after everything and if he was willing to risk his life to save you. . . I'll forgive him."

At this Luke stared at her in awe.

"You will?" He asked.

Raina smiled softly and nodded. "I don't know why, but I feel as if my anger and hatred for him no longer exists."

Luke smiled gratefully at her and hugged her tightly. Raina held him close and closed her eyes. She liked the feeling of being held by him.

Luke pulled away from her.
"Thank you."

She smiled. "Your welcome."

As they continued walking to the elevator Luke made a comment. "You actually remembered something."

Raina looked over and nodded. "I did. I mean I don't remember it clearly, but I do remember those things being said. It's almost like a dream."

When they walked into the elevator Luke looked over at her.
"Your going to remember, Raina. I promise you."

Raina looked into his eyes and that they held honesty and commitment.

"Thank you, Luke." She smiled softly.

Luke's eyes flickered to the side then back to her. "I was thinking that maybe I could start telling you about times that we've all had. Then after the temple gets going we could try and visit some of the places you've been to over the past few years." He suggested.

Raina smiled widely. "I'd like that."

Luke smiled back as the elevator doors opened to Raina's level. "Well, you should go get some rest. I'll see you later."

Raina nodded as she walked out of the elevator. "See you."

The elevator doors closed leaving Raina standing in the hallway alone.

As she walked to her room she couldn't stop thinking about Luke. He was so caring towards her and so selfless. And lately when he talked to her it made her heart beat faster. Why? What was happening? Was she starting to fall for Luke Skywalker?

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