On The Run: Original Work Fro...


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Who said it's easy being a drug kingpin? Sure, you have friends who'd be down for you, and family who'd never... Еще

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Stolen Work...AGAIN
Please Read!!!!
Stolen Work :/

Chapter Eighteen

910 21 0


Two Weeks Later

Tatiana: Do I have to dress up?

Aubrey: Well, I assume you would. You guys are women. I thought you'd be ready to get all glamorous and shit lol.

Tatiana: Well, I want Liz to be dressed up because it's gonna be her day. I want her to have the spotlight, you know?

Aubrey: I mean this in the nicest way possible, but no matter what anybody puts on, the only person that will stand out to me is her... That's my princess right there.

Tatiana: Aw... You guys are the cutest lol but when do you want to meet up to buy her outfit?

Aubrey: Friday while she's at work. Will you be busy?

Tatiana: I won't be busy after 1.

Aubrey: Great. And on Saturday I'm going to need you to stay with her while she gets her hair and nails done and shit.. Whatever you do, make sure she does not pass Frings.

I locked my phone after hearing Lisedi yell my name from the kitchen. She was making me something to eat so I won't leave for business on an empty stomach.

My money isn't really tied up right now, but my mom called recently for $10,000. She got tired of seeing the same old furniture everyday, and wants to completely renovate her living room, bedroom, and bathroom. It was either my mother decorated and planted her own flowers, or she'd get bored, and look for entertainment in men. And although she's gotten older, and probably wants to settle down with somebody who may care, I just don't trust no man with my mother's heart. Maybe I will one day. But that day was not today, so I was sending my mother 10 bands just to keep her happy.

So there was that, my portion of the rent for my place with the boys, and I paid full rent for the trap house. I was still paying for renovations at the pharmacy, and of course I was spending money on decorating Frings for Lisedi's birthday. More money wasn't necessarily needed, cause I wasn't nowhere near broke. But I liked to keep my money stacked up high. So I was definitely doing more drops than usual this week, with Chubbs only, so I can spoil Lisedi the way I want to for her birthday.

I came up behind her, kissing her cheek, "This smells amazing. Chicken Alfredo for lunch?"

"Yea, I know it's more of a dinner. But I was craving it."

"That's fine. How much is it gonna be for you to get your hair, nails, and toes done?"

"Umm.." She thought.

"You getting all those designs on your nails and a weave in your hair and shit?"

She giggled, "Nails, maybe. My hair? I'm just gonna get it treated and straightened."

I smiled, "How's 350? 400?"

"Dollars? Sounds like way more than I need. I can pay for my own things, babe."

"Nah, don't you gotta buy your eyelashes and lip liners and all that?"

She laughed, "This is adorable," she turned the gas on the stove off before turning around to me, "I can buy all of that myself. Okay?"

"I'm not letting you," I pecked her lips, "I'm spoiling you this weekend."

"You spoil me all the time," she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Then enjoy it, baby. How about I just give you my card and you spend as much as you need?"

"And you trust me? With a card that probably has at least three quarters of a million dollars on it?"

"You're basically a cop. I think you know not to steal," I smirked.

She laughed, "Okay, okay. But I'd much rather take the cash than the card. I don't want to be responsible for something that valuable."

"Okay. So 400 in cash?"



"Aubrey," she frowned.

"Lisedi," I frowned, mocking her.

"Fine. 400. But I'm giving you the change when I'm done."

"Don't want it."


"Yes, sexy?" I ran my hands down to her butt before squeezing.

She blushed, playfully rolling her eyes.

My phone made a ding sound.

Tatiana: I got it! I'll make sure of that.

Lisedi glanced at my phone screen and wrinkled her eyebrows. "Since when you and Tati became so cool with each other that you are texting?"

"We're just discussing your birthday details."

She pouted, "And you're still not telling me what it is?"

"Nope. You made sure your schedule is clear for Saturday and Sunday, right?"

"Yes, and please, tell me," she kissed on my neck, "Please," she sucked on my neck.

I smirked at the lovely sensation, "Nice try, baby. Still not telling you."

"Fine," she pouted, "well eat your lunch so you can go. I have to be at the courthouse in an hour."

"What for?" I sat at the island in front of my plate.

"Just a quick meeting with the judge. It's protocol once a month," she said, "just to make sure everything is going good with my bonds."

"Oh okay. What time you think you'll be home tonight?"

"Like eight, but Tati is making me go out with her. She says you're getting too much of her boo time with me," she laughed.

"Oh is that right?" I chuckled, "well I'mma be handling some stuff tonight so that'll work."

She walked around the island and wrapped her arms around my neck, "you're still coming to sleep with me right?"

"You want me to?"

"Of course," she kissed my cheek continuously.

"Then I'll be here."

Once we had eaten and she was dressed and ready to go, I walked her out to her car before hopping in mine and driving back to my estate in Yorkville.

The house was pretty quiet when I walked in. It was a little before twelve, so everyone was probably still asleep. They had a little pool party here last night, so there's no telling what time they took their asses to sleep.

I walked towards my office. There were some work I needed to do on my desk.

I heard a voice in the hallway talking lowly. When I rounded the corner, it was Ethan with his back to me.

"Yeah, I don't like that little bitch so I'll keep an eye and let you know where she at, alright? Peace."

"What's up E?"

He turned around quickly and shoved his phone in his pocket, "waddup?"

I rarely saw any of the guys walking this hall. All that was here was my office, bathroom and sitting room.

"What you up to man?"

"Shit, nothing man. Just talking to a few of my drops I gotta make," he dapped me up.

"You moving your shit this early? I figured yo ass would still be asleep."

"When money calls I gotta answer, you feel me?"

"You right."

"I'll holla at you later though, bro," he gave a head nod before walking the opposite direction of where I was headed.


Work was productive as it always was. My bruise was gone and my Uncle was happy about that. My cut was still quite healing.

I was out at a bar with Tati. We've been spending less and less time together because of my relationship with Aubrey. Of course, she understood. But we made a deal we'd go out, just the two of us, every other week.

"So you're not giving me at least a hint?" I gave her the stale face.

She sipped on her drink, "Absolutely not. I want you to be surprised."

"This is not fair. Even Gissy knows. And I don't."

Tati smiled, "Oh, well."

I could deal with it. I was too nosy and absolutely wanted to know everything. "Is he buying me something or taking me somewhere?"

"Girl, if you don't stop."

"Ugh, fine," I pouted before drinking some of my corona.

"But what I will tell you, if this doesn't make you want to fuck him, then you'd be absolutely crazy."

I laughed, "Honestly, I want to every time were laid up together. But it's called self control."

"Well, this man goes above and beyond for you. And you've only been dating for almost two months, so. You need to show him how special he is eventually," she smirked.

I giggled, "I will, I will.. It's just so fun teasing him."

"Yea, your teasing is like extreme teasing," she laughed, "you really grabbed his dick and did absolutely nothing with it."

I laughed, "He's totally gonna get me back for that one of these days. I can feel it."

"He probably will. He'll probably give you that work till you're exhausted."

I smirked, "Well, he just might. I told you how big he is."

Tati raised her eyebrows, "You are the luckiest woman I know. I'm just gonna tell you that."

I blushed at the thought of him.

A bartender approached us with two drinks. "For you two lovely ladies, courtesy of the young man over there in the black," she pointed.

"This better not be Aubrey being petty, again," she said before she looked. She wrinkled her eyes, "Who's that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, but I guess I'll take the drink," I grabbed mine.

"He's sort of cute, but not my type," she grabbed her drink, too.

We continued our conversation about my lovely boyfriend when someone approached us. I turned to see the same man who sent us the drinks.

"Hello, ladies," he smiled.

"Hello," Tati smiled, "And you are?"

"Travis. And you?"

"Tatiana," she cockily smirked.

He turned his head to me, "And you?"

"Lisedi," I looked at him blankly.

"Thanks for the drinks, by the way," Tati was polite.

"You're very welcome. You two are beautiful. It's a shock that you're both here alone. Are you both single?" His smile was boyish.

"I am," Tati spoke as she answered a text on her phone.

"I'm not. I have a boyfriend," I smiled just to be petty.

"Damn, and you're here without him? He lets you go out to places like this alone?"

"Why wouldn't he? I'm a grown ass woman," I flipped my curly hair.

He held his hands up, "Okay. I definitely see that."

He was bulky. Dark skin. A pearly white smile and a low fade. Face freshly shaven and dark brown eyes. Nowhere near as fine as Aubrey. Tati didn't seem too much impressed by his looks either. Oh well, thanks for the drinks.

"Lisedi, that's a unique name. What's your background?" he continued.

"German and African-American."

"Nice. That explains a lot," his eyes gave me another once over, "so tell me, what does your boyfriend do for a living? He must be doing his thing to have a woman like you on his arm?"

"He is. He's a businessman, but you know I don't need a man 'doing it big' to have me. I provide for myself."

"I hear you. A little snazzy at the mouth too. I bet he enjoys that."

"Travis, is it? Look, this is very nice of you but I'm happy with where I am in my life and-"

"I understand, ma. I can respect that. Just showing my appreciation for a beautiful woman," he nodded, standing up, "you ladies have a nice evening."

"You as well," Tati finally looked up from her phone and smiled.

He took me by surprise by lifting my hand from the table and kissing the back of it. I didn't want to be rude and yank it back, but I sure enough felt like doing so.

"Girl," Tati rolled her eyes as he walked away.

"You definitely left me hanging."

"I was not interested in that honey, but he was really into you and your man," she scrunched her face, "awkward. You never ask about the next nigga when you tryna get on. Plus, this fine doctor in my phone is way more important."


"Yes. Met him a couple nights ago at the grocery store and baby is he fine."

I laughed at her dancing in her seat as she continued to text.

"Here's to us," she held up her glass, "to being two bad ass bitches that keep these boys choosing. Even though you're taken, you can still keep these free drinks coming to the table."

I shook my head at her toast, "You're so crazy. Cheers."


I used my key to unlock Lisedi's front door.

"Lisedi?" I yelled.

"I'm in my room," she yelled back.

I locked her front door before walking to the back.

She had on a bra and leggings, as she laid in her bed texting away. "Hey," she sat up.

I smirked, "Mm, no shirt?" I walked up to her, kissing her forehead.

"I'm in the comfort of my own home, Aubrey, I could be naked if I felt like it."

"Please do," I smirked.

She playfully rolled her eyes, "Take off your clothes and come lay down with me."


"Keep your underwear on," she smirked before standing up and sliding her leggings off, exposing her cheeky lace underwear.

I tried my hardest not to stare, but I loved a nice ass on a woman, and that's what she had.

She laid in her bed, "Is it going to take you forever?"

I bit my lip, "Na, I just had to watch you real quick," I smiled boyishly before removing my clothing.

I could feel her eyes but I didn't mind it.

I laid next to her, "You look amazing right now," my eyes were fixated towards her full breasts.

She smiled, "Do I?"

"Hell yea," I leaned in to lay soft kisses all over her cleavage.

Her fingers rested on the back of my head, "You better not reposition my bra in any type of way, thinking you're slick."

"Damn, so I can't just suck on one?" My hand rubbed lightly on her ass cheek.

"Nope, not at all," she smirked before cuddling up next to me.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, "You're such a beautiful woman. Do you know that?"

She turned to peck my lips, "I do. But it never mattered when somebody told me it until you said it. Then those words meant absolutely everything to me."

"I wish I could give you the world sometimes."

"You do. You give me the world all the time, baby."

"But I wish I could give you more. I missed having a girl who'd let me know I'm spoiling her a bit too much. When you did that shit earlier, I knew you'd be with me whether or not I had money. I like that," I kissed her lips, "A lot."

She smirked, "And I like you a lot."

"I wish there was something else that you would like a lot but you won't let me give it to you."

She laughed, playfully hitting my arm, "Stop it."

I chuckled, "But on a serious note," I grabbed her hand to kiss it, "How was your night with Tati?"

"Oh, the hand kiss reminded me of it, anyway. Cause some dude approached me and Tati, and he was all up under me asking me a whole bunch of questions about my man."

"About me? Did you get his name?"

"He told us it was Travis."

A red flag went up immediately.

"Travis who?"

"He didn't say his last name. Didn't care to know. He bought us drinks. It was a sweet gesture. Tati paid him no mind. I didn't wanna be rude but I was kinda like ugh, stop talking to me."

"What he look like?"

"Dark skin. Bulky. Kind of tall. Fade. Blah," she shrugged, "nothing spectacular."

That was definitely Travis. Head of the rival kingpin. I was his least favorite person. The feeling was mutual. He didn't have an ounce of my respect. Pussy.

"What did he ask you about me?"

She sighed, "what you did for a living. Where you were and why you let me go out alone. I'm like nigga chill."

Did she mention my name? If Travis knew I was with her, he was doing this on purpose to fuck with me. Or maybe he didn't know? I've had my run ins with him before and he knew not to mess with what's mine. This shit was fucking with me. My enemy in this drug business had conversation with my woman tonight who had no clue of the illegal activity I participated in. Too close for comfort.

"Why are you looking like that?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. Her eyebrows knitted together with concern as she looked up at me.

Quickly, I had to fix my face and put on this cool ass front. She had no clue who Travis was. That was one good thing I could take from this.

"Just making sure I don't have to go beat a nigga ass for bothering my baby," I wrapped my arms around her and shifted so that her body was on top of mine.

"You're so protective," she giggled and grazed her fingers through my beard, " I love it."

"Show me," I tapped my lips.

"Don't mind if I do."

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