
By Monstrous_beauty

319K 10.3K 1.6K

"Mother.. please I don't want to marry him" I pleaded to her. "You know Eve nothing can be done now" Sh... More

Ch 1 - Unwanted Wedding
Ch 2 - Humiliation & Pain
Ch 3 - In-Laws
Ch 4 - Unwanted touch
Ch 5 - Dark Side
Ch 6 - Haywire Emotions
Ch 7 - Masquerade Ball
Ch 8 - Assault &Trauma
Ch 9 - Way to keep her
Ch 10 - Contemplating
Ch 11 - Jealousy & Inner thoughts
Ch 12 - Ruminating Past
Ch 13 - Games of heart---The beginning
Ch 14 - Game of Hearts---First Romantic Dinner
Ch 15 -Game of the Hearts--- Persuasion
Ch 16 - Games of heart -- Meeting Strangers
Ch 17 - Games of Heart -- Friendship & Hope
Ch 18 - Games of Heart -- Insecurities
Ch 20- Games of Heart --New Feelings
Ch 21- Games of Heart-- Blind Trust
Ch 22- Games of Heart-- Jealousy & Rage
Ch 23 - Games of Heart-- All is lost
Ch 24 - Melancholy of Life
Ch 25 -- She chose someone else
Ch 26 - The New Dawn
Ch 27 - a New Ally
Ch 28 - A Distant Cousin
Ch 29 -- Kidnapped
Ch 30 - My Past
Ch 31 - The Lost Sweetheart
Ch 32 - Embracing True Self
Ch 33 - Dead trail
Ch 34 - The hidden Truth
Ch 35 - Life truths!!
Ch 36 - The choices you have
Ch 37 - Are you really Dead?
Ch 38 - Princess Lyna what's the next Plan?
Ch 39 - Dreams that keeps us Awake
Ch 40 - Arrival of the Devil

Ch 19 - Games of Heart -- Hidden Motives

8.5K 243 166
By Monstrous_beauty

She winced and tears spilled "Richard you are hurting me. Please calm down".

When I noticed her tears I immediately let go and regretted what I did it will surely leave bruises.

"Evelyn look I am sorry. I was worried when I didn't find you here and the last thing I expected you with a Mafia Leader" I said.

She sniffled and said "It's ok Richard I understand". I looked at her with guilty expression when she said "I didn't know if you would have informed me that people like him also come here may be I would have avoided him". She looked at me and left to her room and locked the door. I could hear her crying but I didn't know what to do.

She winced and tears spilled "Richard you are hurting me. Please calm down".

When I noticed her tears I immediately let go and regretted what I did it will surely leave bruises.

"Evelyn look I am sorry. I was worried when I didn't find you here and the last thing I expected you with a Mafia Leader" I said.

She sniffled and said "It's ok Richard I understand". I looked at her with guilty expression when she said "I didn't know if you would have informed me that people like him also come here may be I would have avoided him". She looked at me and left to her room and locked the door. I could hear her crying but I didn't know what to do.

Eve's POV

I don't understand why Richard got so wild. He could have just told me that Mr. Carlos was Mafia. I would have avoided him in the first place but still when I recalled the past day I spent with him. It was like he is a normal carefree person. I just could not believe he is in Mafia moreover the boss of them.

Richard's today's behavior scared me and for a moment brought forward the memories of past and I saw some traces of Steven in him today. I was afraid he will switch back to the rude self or someone like Steven and the little friendship which was budding now was going to be lost. Sometimes I feel I am mad to even think someone would actually be friends with someone like me. I always keep expectations from others and it always backfire and I don't know why I don't stop myself from doing it all. It would be so great not to feel anything and then nothing will hurt me. Thinking about that pained me and I could not stop myself from sobbing in the pillow. I cried for my present, I cried for my past and soon I dozed off without even realising and when I woke up it was 5:00 AM already and so I freshened up quickly and dressed myself in comfortable blue shorts and matching black top and took my ear buds for music and left our suite to run in the hotel park. I knew running was my only escape it gave me peace from my negative thoughts it boosts me and that's what I chose to do now.

As I was running I got distracted when I heard footsteps but I ignored them thinking it might be another jogger but soon the person was running beside me. I ignored it thinking person will pass but for more than five minutes the person was running beside me and when I glanced at them I could not believe it-- Ivan was running beside me and when his eyes met mine he smiled at me a genuine smile. 

For a moment I could not believe he was one of those men who could harm others, person who was against law and order for money and power. But then my subconscious snapped me out of my thoughts and told me I have to stay away from him and I have to break it to him now.

I stopped immediately and he too did the same when he saw me.

"Oh Cara don't stop on my behalf. Actually I was enjoying running with you". He said smirking at me before I could say anything.

It was Iike he didn't hide his identity from me. He acted like a friend and all I could think was his hidden motive to befriend me. I closed my eyes to stop myself before I blast him for hiding the ugly truth. However I composed myself because I didn't want to say or do something that would start something which will make me on his hit list, when all I wanted was to stay away from him and wanted him to do the same.

"Mr. Carlos I don't want to talk or have any relationship whatsoever with you. So please leave me alone" I said sternly and started my run as if I didn't just said anything to him. I turned to make sure he didn't follow and noticed him frowning as if not able to believe that someone just yelled at him. 

But I could not let myself stop now because I don't want any more conflicts between me and Richard. I know the way he behaved with me was not good and we are not even friends but something tells me if I didn't do what he wants I might get hurt and I was not prepared for more pain at this point of time.

He soon took over me and pulled me and asked "Mr. Carlos.... Cara we were fine till yesterday. Tell me what changed??"

I didn't look at him and snatched my wrist and passed by him when he spoke again "You are kidding right?"

I turned to look at him seriously he realised I was serious and said "Look Cara If this is some kind of joke you are pulling at me then I must say you really did a good job but please if you felt I did something that you didn't like say something so I can explain. Don't leave me hanging here".

It irritated me how he can act as an innocent, seeing he wants to still want to play innocent when he is not so I said "Mr. Carlos I am not interested in having anything to do with you. Why can't you understand that?"

I was about to move when he pulled me again by forearm and said "Cara.. Till date no one talk to me like that and here you are yelling at me for no reason. If I did or said anything that hurt you or your feelings please tell me".

"Look Ivan it's nothing to do with your behaviour towards me yesterday. It's about you hiding from me that you belong to Mafia. I shared with you some of my personal stuff yet you didn't feel to share with me this important information. I don't want to be with anyone... anyone who has relationship with Mafia. So please it is best we part our ways" I said not looking at him.

"Cara... I ... I understand I am Mafia and I did not share that with you but what has that got to do with us. Did I make you uncomfortable or Did you felt threatened by me?" He asked.

"No you didn't. But that does not mean I can be friends with a person who kills people for money, does smuggling and any sorts of illegal business. I am sorry to say this but I DO NOT TRUST you and when I cannot do that I cannot be friends with you" I said.

"Oh... so you judged me because of my profession I.. I thought at least you would know how it feels when people judge without even knowing you" Ivan replied with a disappointed voice.

When he was about to walk off I shouted "Mr. Carlos you said I judged you and easily blamed me but what about the fact that you hid your identity from the person you called your friend, even if you are the best human being but your profession will overrule all that because even if you are not doing the deed yourself you somehow support it and I don't want any part of it. You asked me to be your friend and I trusted you hid from me your reality. You are nicely saying that I should not be judgy but tell me what does it make you when you don't reveal your real self to the person you seek as a friend" Ivan stared at me and I continued "I don't know what your intention behind asking for my friendship may be because I am married to a rich man".

I felt the change in Ivan's expression and it turned dark suddenly and he said "If you think I was after you because of riches or had some ulterior motive Evelyn, then I must tell you I have my own riches and I don't need to chase you or any other woman for that. There is nothing that is not at my disposal if I desired because the amount of money I have, no one can compare but all I was looking from you was a selfless friendship because you are the one of the most sincere and genuine person I met".

He walked off leaving me standing on the track feeling sad and guilty. For the first time I felt I hurt a person and that too intentionally.

I entered the suite with my sad thoughts and opened the door and suddenly petals of flowers fell on my head making me yelp in surprise. When I looked at the floor it was covered with red rose flower petals and our suite was full of rose bouquet. I was shocked and walked towards the hall only to find Richard on his knees in the middle with "I am sorry " decorated via white rose flowers in front of him.

"Richard...." I said surprised he would do this for me.

"I am sorry Evelyn.. I am really sorry. It was wrong of me to yell at you when you didn't know anything about him and It was wrong of me to hurt you. But Evelyn it was not my intention to hurt you I could not control myself. I felt as if you were drawn to danger and I have to stop you to keep you safe. Please please ...forgive me" Richard said in the most pleading voice. It was the last thing I expected from Richard.

"Richard you didn't have to do this" I said not sure what to do or say. No one has ever did this for me.

"No I know I didn't have to do this but Evelyn you deserve all these for all the times I hurt you, all the times I humiliated you, all the times I didn't appreciate you. With this apology I am not only asking for only your forgiveness but I am asking for a chance from you" he said.

I frowned at that and asked "Richard I forgive you but what chance are you asking about??"

He took a deep breathe as if to control himself and then he said "I... I am asking you to give me chance to woo you Evelyn... a chance to win your heart" He looked at me hopefully but I was so shocked that I could not utter any words. How could he ask me something like this when he knows it is not my intention to stay married to him or anyone? All I wanted was to set up a firm and be as independent I can be.

"Evelyn... Evelyn... will you ?" He asked me again.

"yes Richard... I.." I said to tell him that I can't answer that but he cut me off jumping in excitement and then suddenly he lifted me in his arms and swirled me in the air. I tried to explain him but seems like apart from the yes which came out of my mouth to him as a reflex answer when he was calling my name to bring me out of my reverie and not to give him a chance to woo me.

He suddenly put me down and left to his room and then he was back with a box and when he opened it I saw it was a diamond ring with "R" engraved on it.

"Evelyn this ring I am giving you as a promise ring that even if you don't feel anything for me after next 10 months I will let you go" Richard said excitedly and hugged me.

I pulled away and before I could say anything again he cut me off by saying "Evelyn get ready we will go for sightseeing".

I stood glued to my spot when he left to get ready and then I heard him saying "Evelyn dress is on your bed. Please do wear it. This broke me out of my thoughts and I just can't believe myself that he.. Richard Evans wants to date me and I don't have any feelings as such but seeing that I didn't say 'No' or should I say I could not say it Still I am afraid that he might not like me rejecting him and I am still scared for my family. Also I think 10 months is a long time and hopefully he will get over his newly developed attraction because I know a person like Richard would not bother a person like me for more than a month or two. All these thoughts were running in my head while I was having bath. Soon I dressed myself in the outfit laid for me and was ready.

Richard's POV

I was beyond happy when she agreed to give me a chance to woo her. I know I will be able to win her because I cannot live without her. And if she thinks I will let her go after 10 months then she is wrong. I will make sure our marriage turns into a real one and I be the man for her and if she didn't feel anything for me then also I won't let her go. For now I will put my efforts to win her but never in my dreams I am going to let her go.

I called Kendall immediately and when she answered "Kendall she said yes".

"What??" Kendall said from other end.

"Well Evelyn said yes to give me chance after the argument we had last night and it's all because of your superb idea" I said excited.

"I.. I am happy for you Richard. Keep her happy this time woo her and try not to hurt her like you did earlier" She said.

Though Kendall said she was happy for me I felt as if something was bothering her, so I asked "Is everything all right with you Kendall?"

"Oh I am great don't you worry worrywart. Have fun with your beautiful wife" she said.

"Sure I will" I said and hang up.

Kendall 's POV

Richard called to tell me that Evelyn accepted to give him chance to win her. I am glad for Richard but what can I say I don't want him to feel betrayed when he comes to know about her and Steven's affair.

It took lot from him to come out of his shell since his childhood love. I remember the day I got a call from Steven.

I was sleeping after my photoshot which extended till late hours and then in midnight the phone rang. I thought to ignore it but it kept ringing and when it rang for fifth time I lifted it to find that it was from Steven.

I call him back and when I said "Hello Steven".

"I.. I love her Kendall... I can't live without her. If I didn't have her in my life then I will kill myself" He uttered crying.

"Where are you Steven?" I asked.

"I am in a bar..." I heard him say and then the line went down. I tracked his phone and it showed his last location to the bar and I rushed there and found him totally motionless on the table.

I was about to reach him when a waiter came and said "Mam by chance are you here for him".

"Yes I am" I replied.

"Thank god Mam that you are here... he's been troubling our clients and had not been in his senses since forever and I don't know whether he has money to pay the bills" He said.

I glared at him and told him "Take the card and swipe it". Once the bills were paid he helped me bring Steven to my car backseat. Once he was settled I tipped the waiter and brought him home.

In the morning Steven was suffering from hangover and when I supplied him the lemon juice and greasy food he settled down a little. The silence that hung between us was very awkward.

"So what was this all about Steven??" I asked

"Nothing I.. I just got myself drunk" Steven replied not meeting my gaze.

"Steven you really want me to buy that when I clearly know that you were drowning yourself in alcohol for a girl and moreover seemed like you loved her like a lot and you could not live without her" I outburst.

"I do love her a lot Kendall but she can't be mine... ..." Steven's voice broke at last and I saw tears spilling out and I could feel the intense pain.

"Steven could you please tell me the full story and this time everything not some broken words" I said.

"I think you won't believe if I tell you that I visited New York city for business and during my visit one day when I was just driving my way I saw a girl who suddenly appeared before my car. I was angry why anyone wants to die infront of my car but when I looked at her face. She was frightened and shaking with a puppy in her arms. I was mesmerised by her beauty. After sometime I asked her "Are you all right?"

She just nodded and then ran away from there. I stood on the road surprised someone would run away from me. Then I went to have fun in club and even though women were throwing themselves at me I could not indulge myself because my mind was filled with the thoughts of the innocent angel. I exited the club and came back home and whole night I just tossed in my bed and next morning I visited the same road to meet her. I was excited even though I didn't sleep I parked my car there till evening but she didn't came. I came back home and again I went there and kept going like this for 2 weeks but there was no sign. I thought it was time to go back to Los Angeles and booked my flight for next day and to kill time I went to a nearby park and there she was again reading and I could see she had a book in her hand. I strode towards her and sat next to her. She didn't acknowledge my presence so I cleared my throat and said "Hello I am..." but she cut me off and said "Look I am not interested so you can leave". I was shocked because this was the first time any woman has turned me down.

After sometime she had opened her bag and ate her sandwich and I just could not control but stare at her pink lips and when she drank water it spilled from her lips to her throat and I so wanted to lick her. I don't know what happened so I just pulled her to me and licked the water from her throat. She was shocked at first and when she got out of her trance she slapped me hard. She pushed me and ran away again. I ran after her but she again vanished like she was never there. I found her bag left on the bench where we sat. I took it with me and brought it to my room. I opened it and found it had her diary and her ID. Her name was Evelyn Franoik studying  in college for accounting. I got her details like her she lived in New York with her family unlike the ladies now a days. From her diary it was clear she didn't have any friends and there was no mention of boyfriend or any past experience. She would walk to her college rather than drive. Her father didn't like her much unlike his other daughters and son.

Next day when I was waited for her near her college it started raining heavily and by the time she came out it was very heavy. I saw her fully drenched by the time she made it to the shed nearby. I drove my car to her and asked "Do you mind if I give lift to you I don't think you will find any cab at this time?" She didn't respond to me rather looked somewhere else. I parked my car to a little distance and it so happened that we both waited for rain to stop for 45 minutes and when it didn't I could see her shivering and then again I offered to give her lift. This time I could see her resolve breaking and she nodded and I opened passenger door for her to settle down. When she was seated, I made way to my place rather than her home. She panicked and then she started opening the door and I chuckled "Baby it will not open".

She panicked and asked "Why? I want to get out. Please let me go" and she started crying like I was kidnapping her.

I  didn't like her crying so I shushed her and said "Baby don't cry all I am doing is taking you to my place where you can get some dry clothes and then I will drop you at your home".

She stopped crying but I could see she was afraid that I will take advantage of her. Once we were at my place and I offered her dry clothes she thanked me and asked whether I could drop her home as she was late and her father will be worried.

I nodded  and took my car keys and dropped her at her home. Next day I was waiting for her to come out but I didn't see her for whole day and it kept happening like this. One day I knocked the door to the house I dropped her and I came to know that the girl I dropped here didn't live there. 

I started waiting for her near her college gate but she didn't show up. I kept doing that for one month and when I could not find her I accepted it as my fate that we were not meant to be. I switched back to my player ways and then I heard about Richard getting married and I came back with Mom. You could see my surprise when I met her again as Richard's wife.

I know Richard would never go for innocent types like her. I was shocked when she tired kissing me inspite of her being married to my brother when she was showing up my room to me.I denied her and then when my mother asked her that she need help she asked for my help and tried to get cozy with me in library. It was not right to be with her but during the time I helped her in preparations she showed her possessiveness towards me and I could not help but to fall for her.In the party she danced with me sensually. Later I received a note from Richard for me to come to library and when I went there she kissed me again and I responded but Richard barged in and she blamed it on me and now there is rift between me and Richard due to that.

But later she came to my room and cried telling that she was afraid that Richard will harm her family and that is why she acted like that she was shaking in fear and then she fell on my feet asking for forgiveness and to believe her and again I fell for her act. Later she told me that Richard has forced her to marry him. 

After sometime she was avoiding me and then I found from Richard's lawyer that she was heir to almost 40% of our father's inheritance and that is the reason she married Richard and Richard to save his inheritance. When I pulled her in a nearby room to confront she told me she was acting with me because she thought I was Richard Evans but her father came to know and they changed their plan and she was just using me and when I was taking her to Richard she escaped and acted as if she is suffering from some kind of illness which drew Richard's attention and he started caring for her. 

I tried talking to her but I don't know how she convinced Richard to bring her faraway to Bora bora and now she is trying to win his heart. I know Richard is very sensitive and it took him lot of years to get out of his depression after when he lost Rose. I don't want him to undergo same thing Kendall. I just got my brother back and I don't want to loose my brother.But please Kendall help me to free him from her clutches.

"Steven how can I help you?" I asked.

"You have to help me to prove to Richard that she is in love with me and get her married to me" He said.

"But Steven if she is not a good person why do you want to marry her" I asked suspiciously.

"Because If she is married to me then she can not get back with Richard. And also I love her too much to see her with someone else. I think my love for her can change her" He said.

"Steven don't you think you will be hurting yourself more by marrying her" I asked .

"I am ready to undergo any pain if I can be with her but I can't let her give pain to Richard" Steven answered.

And here I was in Bora Bora as per our plan and now that Evelyn agreed that Richard can have his chance I understood it was her at innocent play like she did with Steven. All the doubts I have earlier are cleared and I believed Steven. Even though Steven held grudge against Richard but his this act tells me he is changed. Love can do that to a person.

I looked at the photograph I had of Evelyn and Ivan of this morning. Let's see how Richard will feel when he will come to know of his wife's indiscretions. A smile graced my face.

Ivan's POV

I slept peacefully because Evelyn and I are in good terms. That means I am closer to her and it means lot to me. I was still dreaming of her and me on beach when I heard my alarm ringing. I stopped it and got ready for my morning jog. I was jogging and it was my second round when I saw a familiar figure infront of me. I jogged till I was jogging beside her. She didn't acknowledge me as if she was in her trance. When she gazed at me I could not help but felt smile gracing my lips unknowingly.

She stopped immediately and I too followed the suite and since I was in her presence I was feeling cheery. "Oh Cara don't stop on my behalf. I was enjoying running with you" I told her.

The angry look she gave me before bursting out the words "Mr. Carlos I don't want to talk or have any relationship whatsoever with you. So please leave me alone".

I frowned at this behaviour of her, we were great yesterday infact we parted in amiable way. I jogged to her and held her wrist and asked "Mr. Carlos.... Cara we were fine till yesterday. Tell me what changed??"

She snatched her wrist angrily and I could only think might she is pulling my leg" You were kidding right? "

She looked at me sternly and so I could not bear it and said "Look Cara If this is some kind of joke you are pulling at me because how we met first time. I will entertain you Cara but please say something so I can explain. Don't leave me hanging here".

She replied irritatingly "Mr. Carlos I am not interested in having anything to with you. Why can't you understand that?"

I didn't understand why she was hating me so much so I caught her by her  forearm and asked "Cara.. Till date no one yelled at me and you are here yelling at me for no reason. If I did said or did anything that hurt you please tell me".

She breathed in like she was trying to compose herself before saying "Look Ivan it's nothing to do with your action or way you spoke to me. It's about you not telling me that you belong to Mafia. I shared with you some of my personal stuff yet you didn't feel to share with me this important information. I don't want to be with anyone... anyone who has relationship with Mafia. So please it is best we part our ways".

I was desperate and asked her "Cara... I ... I understand I am Mafia and I did not share that with you but has that got to do with us. Did I make you uncomfortable or Did you felt threatened by me?".

The words she said hurt me"That has everything to do with me if not you Mr. Carlos. I can't be friends with a person who kills people for money, does smuggling and any sorts of illegal business. I am sorry I DO NOT TRUST you and I cannot be friends with you".

I felt bad that she didn't trust me. I didn't like that she judged me. It hurt me the most and I uttered my pain to her "Oh... so you judged me because of my profession I.. I thought at least you would know if people judge without even knowing you".

I was about to move away from her when she yelled "Mr. Carlos even if you are the best human being but your profession will overrule all that because even if you are not doing the deed yourself you somehow support it and I don't want any part of it. You asked me to be your friend and I trusted you hid from me your reality. You are nicely saying that I should not be judgy but tell me what does it make you when you don't reveal your real self to the person you seek as a friend".

All I could do was stare at her and she said "I don't know what your intention behind asking for my friendship when you know I am already married and that too to a multimillionaire".

Now this was end of my patience. If I had known she would feel this way I would have told her the same day but I didn't because It didn't came in our conversation and so I said "If you think I was after you because of riches or had some ulterior motive Evelyn, then I must tell you I have my own riches and I don't need to chase you or any other woman for that. There is nothing that is not at my disposal if I desired because the amount of money I have no one can compare but all I was looking from you was a selfless friendship because you are the one of the most sincere and genuine person I met" .

I could not bear to look at her anymore because if I did I knew I would just loose control and regret and I didn't want that. 

I rushed to my room and then I called Sam. At my second ring Sam answered.

"Sam I want all the details about Evelyn" I said.

"Ok boss" he replied.

"Sam all details means everything... and that means everything" I said sternly.

In five hours I had a thick file on her, her husband, her family and as I went through it. I could not believe what I read

"Richard Evans son of Leonardo Evans Davis and grandson of the greatest Mafia leader Lorenzo Evans Davis.

The love of my life hates me because I am Mafia then let me know what she will do when she will come to know that her husband has got Mafia as a part of inheritance.

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