On The Run: Original Work Fro...

By penswift16

61.2K 1.1K 175

Who said it's easy being a drug kingpin? Sure, you have friends who'd be down for you, and family who'd never... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Stolen Work...AGAIN
Please Read!!!!
Stolen Work :/

Chapter Five

827 23 6
By penswift16


7:00 am came faster than I thought. The alarm on my phone was being difficult, not allowing me to find the snooze button fast enough. Let me get my ass up. I didn't have to be at work until nine, but my morning workout routine couldn't be missed no matter how late I was up the night before.

I quickly slipped on some exercise tights, sports bra and jogged downstairs to the gym provided by my apartment complex. A quick two mile run on the treadmill, a couple reps of bench presses and squats along with three hundred sit ups. The perfect way to get your blood flowing. Staying fit was key for me given my line of work. Running down, wrestling and apprehending fugitives required a lot of strength and stamina.

Gissy was still knocked out on the right side of my bed when I returned. She had already planned to stay the night with me when dad dropped her off. I loved that she missed me that much. Last night was fun, but we still had a lot of catching up to do.

I stripped out of my sweaty clothes and took a hot shower that relaxed my muscles. This was one of my favorite places to think for some odd reason. The other would be my second bedroom where I did most of my art work and had it on display.

Last night replayed in my head. I wasn't expecting to have as good of a time as I did. Yes, he was fine as hell for sure. That beard, his eyes and that smile were just a few things that had my eyes hooked. More importantly, his charm was on full display, he kept our conversation interesting and he was doing very well for himself as an educated business man. Most women would say he was perfect. I couldn't be so quick to make that statement, it was only one date. The verdict is still out. After all, he did try to take me home after dancing with me at the club.

I cursed myself for forgetting to grab my towel before I got in. My body shivered as it braced the cold air when I opened the bathroom door.

"Well hello Lizzy! Good morning to you too."

"Oh my God!" I jumped back, "you scared the shit out of me. I thought you were still sleeping."

"You make so much damn noise. It was impossible," she rolled out of bed, "nice rack though. Your abs are to die for."

She laughed and tossed me a towel from my closet, "Thanks."

"Off to work?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna drop you off at home first."

"Aww man, I can just come with you?"

"No. It's too dangerous to have you coming on jumps with me and I don't want to hear mom's mouth about it."

"I can just hang out in the office?"

"No, cause when we have to leave I don't feel comfortable leaving you there by yourself."

"I'm not a baby, Lizzy."

"No," I said, firmly, "end of discussion."

"You're so mean," she rolled her eyes, "whatever."

"I'm mean, but I took you to Fring's with me last night where you ate for free," I lotioned myself down and put on my underwear after drying off, "yeah, I'm an evil big sister."

She stuck her tongue out at me, which made me throw my used towel at her face.

"Is that what you're wearing today?" she looked me up and down as I finished dressing.

"Yeah," I tied my damp tresses into a topknot, "what's wrong with it?" "It's so...boring."

I looked down at my University of Maryland raglan tee and skinny leg black cargos from Zumeiz as I stepped into my work boots.

"What would you rather me have on Gissy? Skin tight jeans and a tank top with my titties falling out?"

"Precisely. Maybe some make up too."

"My job doesn't call for me to dress that way. No one would take me serious."

"Right, but Aubrey would love it if you just happened to run into him," she smiled, "he does work at the pharmacy right next to you."

"I don't know whose worse, you or Tati," I shook my head, "he's barely ever there anyway so that's dead...but anyway get yourself together so we can leave within the next thirty minutes. I don't want to hear Uncle Jets 'the importance of being on time' speech."

I strapped on the rest of my gear and went to the kitchen to make a smoothie for breakfast. 2 avocados, 1 kale bunch 1 banana, almond milk, apple cider vinegar, and a cup of ice. It sounds like a weird combination but it does the body well. My phone began ringing on my hip. It was about that time. Clients typically starting calling this early to check in everyday. It was a requirement when on bond with me. I slid it off its holster and pressed the green button without really seeing who it was.

"Lisedi Scott," I answered.

"Good Morning, beautiful." The voice was husky yet smooth and sultry. That caught me off guard. My clients knew not to call me anything outside of my my name. I pulled the phone away from my ear to see Aubrey's unsaved number.

A little smile formed my lips, "Good morning Aubrey. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. I just wanted to call and thank you for a wonderful evening. I really enjoyed your company."

"Awe, I should be thanking you. You were quite the gentleman."

"That's all I know how to be," he said, "I was hoping we could do it again soon."


"You like making me work for everything don't you?" he chuckled.


"Well, just know that whenever you're available I'd love to take you out again."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Alright, I won't hold you up. I know you're probably headed to work or something. Is it cool for me to call you later?"

"Yeah," I continued to smile, "that's cool."

"Okay Lisedi. Have a good day."

"You too, Aubrey. Bye."


Not only was he fine, but his voice was just as tantalizing over the phone. I bet he had women gawking all over him.

Don't get yourself worked up over this guy, Lisedi. You're not the only one. I'm sure.

Gissy emerged ten minutes later dressed in a new change of clothes with her things in hand. She must not have heard me on the phone. If she did that's all she would have been talking about. Instead, her eyes were glued to her phone the entire ride out to my parents. She barely said a word. Just smiling, giggling to herself and I could've sworn I saw some blushing.

"You've completely ignored me for an entire twenty minutes," I said once she gathered her things and climbed out, "who are you talking to?"

"None ya," she slipped her device in the back pocket of her jeans, "see you later!"


"Love you, bye!" she waved and skipped off to the front door.

We would definitely be talking about this later. It better not be that ex sweet talking her. It's my job as her big sister to keep her up on these games niggas tried to play.

As soon as I walked into the office, I noticed three of my clients waiting to see me. Two were there to check in another came in to complete paperwork for their file. After that, it was pretty easy going. I then received a phone call from a woman seeking bail for her husband after he was taken in at the local jail for assault last evening. You're typical bar brawl gone bad. He had left the guy fifteen stitches for hitting on his wife. I went over the basics with her very thoroughly.

His bail was set at one hundred thousand. For him to make bail, ten thousand dollars would need to be put up in his name. Jet Bail Bonding Company charges a 10% fee of that bail that is non-refundable. Therefore, she pays me one thousand dollars to write a ten thousand dollar bond. We would need to meet at the county court around before closing to file the required paperwork. This would serve as an insurance policy that I am giving to the court that the defendant will show up for her court case. I made certain to remind her that if her husband didn't show up for a date, I will lose the amount of the bond and have to collect that amount from them, per our agreement. At this point, that bond is considered revoked because the defendant did not adhere to the conditions of the bond. Failing to appear in court was the most common reason for revocation. If you do not turn yourself into me or another law official, you now become a fugitive and I will then be summoned to the action of fugitive recovery. Also known as, hunting your ass down, apprehending you and turning you into the jail myself. It was in their best interest to not let it get that far.

This was the best option for her husband. She was still interested given the information she had just received. I put her on hold and called the county court to set up a time for us to come in for paperwork. As long as everything was being processed before closing, I had a good chance of getting him out by tomorrow morning.

I laid back in my chair once I concluded the phone call. Aunt Carol was on the phone. It sounded like she was handling something similar. Uncle Jet sat on the couch with a phone to his ear, jotting down something on a notepad. Randall and Cameron were on their computers, probably going through files and warrants. Duane had just came in from doing a breakfast run for everyone.

I didn't even get to take two full bites of my scrambled eggs and fresh fruit medley before Uncle Jet had us gathering around for a briefing. He had received a call that one of his clients, Quamez Ray, had failed to appear in court this morning. Assault with a deadly weapon was the charge he faced. Sure enough when I pulled his information on my computer, the words REVOCATION, was now in the place that normally stated the bond amount. Uncle Jet gave us the orders to suit up. Duane passed out everyone's bullet proof vests. Randall made sure all of our weapons were loaded and ready to use. Cameron printed off Quamez's mugshot and attached it to his casefile so we could put a face with a name while we were out looking for him. The informant had told Uncle Jet that she had seen Quamez pulling up to his girlfriend's house on Weston Road about five minutes ago. They called back to inform us that the car was still there. We had to move fast. The assault charge was brought on by his girlfriend after a domestic dispute. Getting there before things had the potential to escalate would work in our favor. With this being a male said to be armed a dangerous, Aunt Carol and I were elected to drive the vehicles while the guys stayed on the lookout.

We stayed in heavy communication via radios. The informant still had eyes on the vehicle. We planned on how we would approach this. He had potential to run. The girlfriend wouldn't have a problem aiding and abetting.We had to be smart. This was a 30,000 bail revocation at stake running freely in the streets. People would do whatever they could to stay from behind those steel bars.

We were in the area in less than fifteen minutes. Uncle Jet's voice calmly came on the radio:

"Two minute warning. Approaching the residence in 1.2 miles. Lizzy and Cameron you will surround the back. Duane in the front with me and Carol. Carol you handle the girlfriend at the door in case she's trying to cover for him. Duane, you and I are searching the home if that mother fucker chooses to hide. Everyone copy?"


Methodically, we parked our SUV's three houses down. It was important to immediately surrounded the premises upon arrival. Word travels fast in small communities. Some like to protect their own. If he bolts, we're now a step behind rather than ahead.

I took my position with Cameron. Our pepper ball guns drawn and ready to use if needed. I heard Uncle Jet's heavy knocks on the front door. Our eyes stayed on the four windows and one doorway that leaded to yard filled with woods. If this was going to be his route, we were ready for him.

Uncle Jet continued knocking until I heard a female voice that wasn't Aunt Carol's. The girlfriend. She claimed he wasn't there, but rather dropped his car off and was picked up by a friend. Aunt Carol wasn't buying and voiced it immediately. She threatened her with aiding and abetting. That always got them to talk. The girlfriend tried her hand and going toe to toe spatting with her; she must not know that's damn near impossible with a feisty, Italian woman.

Cameron motioned towards one of the lower windows. You could hear it rattling. We both stepped out of tunnel vision so we wouldn't be spotted. The window shot up, curtain brushed out the way. Quamez came barreling out, rolling on the ground before jumping up.

"We got him in the back!" Cameron shouted into the radio clipped on to his vest as Quamez took off into the woods,"Go! Go! Go!"

We were about a five to ten yards behind him. This is where staying in shape comes into play. When it came down to a foot race, Cameron and I were not the ones you wanted to be up against. He was very quick for his six foot, two hundred pound frame. I was three inches shorter and about fifty five pounds lighter, making me more agile and nimble with my movements.


"Put your hands in the air!"

"Stop mother fucker!"

"On the ground!"

I closed the gap between he and I after he stumbled over a tree root. As soon as he felt my hand closely gripping his arm, he used his free hand to push me to the ground. He underestimated my strength. I didn't let go of my grip. He came down with me. His fist had drawn back as he leaned over me, but I swiftly delivered a punch to the side of his face just as Cameron tackled him unmercifully.

"On the ground! Hands behind your back!" he commanded.

Working as a team, I cuffed him while Cameron had him mounted face first in the dirt.

"You're gonna run on me mother fucker? You're gonna push her? The fuck is wrong with you?!" He screamed at him.

"Fugitive secured," I radioed, hearing footsteps of the rest of team nearing.

"I oughta beat the fuck out of you, you know that?!" Cameron continued to handle him roughly.

Duane, Randall, and Jet arrived in less than a minute. I helped Cameron get Quamez up to his feet. Randall performed a check of his clothing for weapons, drugs, etc.

"You wanna push me down, motherfucker!" I stood toe to toe with him, "I'm not your average bitch. I should've rearrange your whole fucking face."

"Somebody talk to be," Carol said over the radio.

"Everyone is okay. We have him!" Randall responded.

"You threw my niece to the ground you're going in for assault!" Uncle Jet shouted.

They continued to let him have it with verbal spats as we made our way back to the front of the home, where Carol kept eyes on the girlfriend whom she was still cursing out.

"Carol, I want you to call this in and press assault charges," Jet said.

Her eyes widened and nostrils flared, "what did he do?"

"He made this sorry ass attempt to throw me on the ground when I went to apprehend him," I cut my eyes at Quamez, who still had yet to say anything, "that's why you're going back to jail, pussy and I'll make sure you dont get bail."

"You don't touch my fucking niece!" Aunt Carol screamed and lunged at him, but Duane held her back. That didn't stop her from putting up a fight to get away from him, "you skip court, jump bond on my family taking money out of my children's hands and you touch my niece? Let go of me Duane!"

"You alright, Lizzy?" Cameron gave me a high five, "good work."

"Same. I'm good, just another day in the office, right?"

He nodded, "Lets load him up."


I sat down, counting my money. Everything I did was a risk, but when you finally have that money in your hands, it's all worth it. My boys were downstairs, probably lighting up. But the money was more important to me right now.

My phone vibrated. I looked to it.


I stared at it for a second. My mother wasn't exactly somebody I wanted to speak to. She's the reason I'm the man I am today, and I'm not sure if I was proud of that.

I sighed, and slid my finger on the green button.


"Aubrey, are you going to ignore me forever?"

"You've ignored me all my life. Wouldn't it be unfair if I didn't return the favor?"

She was quiet.

"Exactly. Now, I have to go, Sandra. It's getting busy where I'm at."

"Don't call me that," she sounded hurt.

"What do you want me to call you? Mommy?"

"That's better than Sandra. I'm your mother, Aubrey."


"You're just like your fucking father," she spoke softly, but I could feel the anger in her voice.

"Being like my father is better than being like you. Are you done, yet? I have things to do."

The call immediately ended.

I didn't care that she hung up. My memories of her were barely ever good. I probably had one fuzzy memory before my father left. And that was it. She had changed.


"Dennis, you better not walk away from me!"

I watched my parents argue once again.

"Sandi, you got the rent money didn't you?" He walked down the steps of my small house.

"Why don't you just stay?"

He shook his head, "Because you don't appreciate anything. That's why I left you seven years ago. And if I wasn't on the road with my music, I promise you, I wouldn't have left our son with you."

"He was five years old, not five months old, I know how to take care of a fucking child."

"And yet you still have my son around random men. You still don't have a job. You still call me when you need rent money. And if you don't call me, there's another man's number you're calling."

"He's alive, isn't he? He's healthy, Dennis, that's all that matters."

End Flashback

It was true. My mom wasn't stable, financially. Which lead her to doing whatever she could to get the rent money.


"Here, mom," I handed my mother a wad of money, held with a rubber band. I wanted to help her pay rent.

She sat up from her bed. Her boyfriend at the time was smoking a cigarette, laying beside her.

"Aubrey, where'd you get this money?"

"Doesn't matter. I just did what I had to do so that you could pay things yourself."

I was 13, slanging dope.

She looked at me skeptically, but didn't say a word. I guess she didn't mind. She put the money on her night table before laying back down. "Close the door behind you."

Not even a thank you. I nodded before walking out, and closing the door.

"He don't have a father?" I heard her boyfriend ask.

I stood, and eavesdropped through the closed door.

"Yes, but his father has more important things to do than raise a child, apparently."

"You've tried getting him to live with his father?"

"What, you don't like him here?"

"No. You know how many times I've contemplated leaving your ass cause of him?"

"No, no, don't do that. I can't stand his father, and he was just a mistake. If I could have it my way, it'd just be you and me. I promise."

I shook my head. Anything for that money. Even if it meant breaking your son's heart.

End Flashback

The streets was my home ever since. And I made a great life for myself out of it. 

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