Neighbors A Lauren Cimorelli...

By twoloners

10.2K 97 15


Church and Brunch
First Day of School
Lauren Has A Boyfriend?
Let Me Practice In Peace
Birthday Day
Lauren's Leaving
Trick or Treat
She's Worth It


578 5 0
By twoloners

Nash Grier as Braxton

I woke up early this morning, to catch my plane. Mom printed off my boarding pass last night, and put them on the table.

My suitcase, and carry on backpack were sitting next to the door.

Absolutely nothing could go wrong today.

Today would be the first time in forever, that I see Lauren. We even finish each other's sandwiches.

I whispered a quick goodbye to my Mom, and Taylor, and kissed Skylar's forehead. I'd miss Mom and my baby sister. Taylor too, but, oh who am I kidding? I'd miss her just as much.

I revved the engine of my car after stuffing my luggage into the trunk.

After I went through Customs, and security, and all that good crap. I was searching for a Starbucks. Once I found one, I stepped in line.

"I'll uh take a chocolate cinnamon bread, and a Venti Caffè Misto." I ordered groggily.

"That'll be $10.95, sir."

I paid quickly, and went to go sit around for an hour. I finished my bread pretty quickly, so I was downing my coffee like a maniac.

To try to look like I had something to do, I Snapchatted Lauren a selfie of me drinking coffee.

I got onto Instagram, and posted a picture of myself in the airport.


@jc_carm: only 8 more hours until i see u @laurencim im missing u like crazy

@laurc45ever: soooooooooo adorkable

Then of course Lauren posted the picture I Snapchatted her on Instagram.

@laurencim: words cannot explain how much it hurts to be without you. I miss your warm hugs and your jokes.see you in a couple more hours @jc_carm

I blushed a little, and then took a power nap.

"Flight 27A is now boarding." A lady said over the intercom.

That was my flight, I'm going home. I'm gonna see my best friends, and importantly, my grandma. She makes the BEST food. I'll get to see Lauren too, I'm internally flipping out.

A flight attendant pointed me to my seat, in first class. Mom ended up paying for my ticket.

I plopped down in my overly comfortable chair, and put my phone on Airplane Mode.


The plane landed in Boston, around noon.

Braxton was picking me up with his sister, and once I dropped my stuff off at his house, we'd go to the Cimorelli concert.

"Holy crap, long time no see!" My best friend ran towards me, his little sister trailing behind him.

Braxton had grown his hair out from the buzz cut that I was used to, and the little gash on his head was still there. Hair absolutely refused to grow on that single spot. Same clothes as usual, jeans and a Celtics shirt with a hoodie.


@jc_carm: reunited and it feels so good

"Dude, you haven't changed one bit." I said, hugging my best friend. Not like I'd hug my mom or Skylar or Lauren, nothing like that. It was a bro hug.

"Shut up," Braxton shoved me over as we walked to his mom's minivan.

"Whatever." I said getting into the passenger seat.


I walked to the backstage door to be stopped by a bouncer.

"No entry, 'less you have a pass." The bouncer, security guy stood firmly.

"I'm Lauren's boyfriend." I said, folding my arms across my chest.

"Prove it." The guy folded his arms across his chest.

I got my phone out and showed him the picture LAUREN, Instagrammed on our first date. "Lauren posted this, it's us on our first date."

"I'm sorry, please, step right inside."

I walked backstage, and saw Lauren talking to Christina about something. I went behind her and tickled her, "Surprise."

"You weren't supposed to be here for another two hours." Lauren pecked my cheek.

"Really? The cheek?" I asked in mock hysteria,

"For now." Lauren smirked, and ran onstage.


Lauren came backstage and grabbed my hand. She pulled me out onstage.

Wait, that HAS to be a typo. Nope, she really pulled me onstage. " I want to dedicate this next song, to the best boyfriend ever. Because JC, You Got Me Good."

After the song finished, Lauren kissed me. Like French kissed me.

"Unh, I-I JC, you, pretty girlfriend."

"That good enough for you?" Lauren asked teasingly,

"Perfect." I smirked,

"Pizza after the concert?" Lauren asked me,

Christina cleared her throat," We're still onstage."

"Oh, hi." I blushed, my voice cracking when I said hi.

The crowd laughed a little, and Lauren buried her head in my shoulder.

"Isn't she beautiful?" I sighed, and smiled a little at Lauren.

"Shut up." Lauren playfully hit my arm, trying to be intimidating.

"Alright, he needs to go now. JC, you see her like every day." Christina said, trying to steer me off stage.

"Nuh uh, I didn't see her yesterday." I protested,

"And you guys FaceTimed like ten times for hours." Amy added in,

"Blech," Dani faked a gag,

"He's so cute guys." Lauren gushed to the crowd.

I smiled to myself, and waited for the concert to end.

"Did you like it?" Dani asked me, walking offstage.

"Yeah, not too bad Cimorelli." I said doing a gangster impression.

Lauren changed from all that makeup and junk, into a pair of skinny jeans, a shirt, and one of my jackets. She tugged on her Converse, and walked towards me.

"You ready to go loser?" Lauren asked,

"Babe, that was cold." I said, dramatically clutching my chest.

"Alright, I'm sorry." Lauren fake sighed,

I got a text from Braxton,

Brax Bruh: u ready to go lex is throwing a fit bc she didnt meet the girls

JC: give me a minute i can make alexa happy

"Hey, can you guys do me a favor?" I asked,

"It depends," Lisa said, stroking her chin.

"Nice beard," I snorted, "Anyways, my friend Braxton's little sister is gonna go crazy if she doesn't meet you guys. Will you please do it."

"Don't do the puppy dog eyes." Lauren tried to command.

I started with the lip quiver, Christina and Dani were breaking. Now the sad head tilt, I had Lisa, Amy, and Katherine in the palm of my hand. I started to make my eyes water, for the extra effect.

"Ugh, JC, I hate you."

"You're the best, I love you so much." I said, kissing Lauren's forehead. I scooped her up, bridal style and walked back onstage.

"You better be happy you're cute, or I'd mess up those looks." Katherine said, putting her fists up.

"Aw, c'mon Kath, you know you love me." I said, pulling a dopey look.

"Lauren, your boyfriend has toxic levels of adorkableness." Lisa said,

"He's just an idiot, you'll learn to ignore it." Lauren said,

"That one actually might've hurt." I faked a wince,

"JC, I didn't mean it. I was just joking around." Lauren said, as a fake tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'm kidding Laur, I love you." I said, kissing her cheek.

"Yo, JC, when are we leaving? Your grandma just baked cookies." Braxton said, walking to the stage with Alexa.

"Alexa, this is my girlfriend; you might know her, her name's Lauren Cimorelli."

She was completely shocked, "I'm Alexa."

This girl was most likely the cutest 7 year old ever. She had blonde hair, always pulled into a ponytail, with baby blue eyes, clearer than the Carribean.

"I'm Dani." Dani said, hugging Alexa.

"I'm Lisa, and you like me more than her." Lisa said, picking Alexa up, and twirling her.

"Hey Lex, you Skype'd with me and JC. Remember?" Lauren said, pulling Alexa's attention to her.

"Yeah, and you told me I was pretty." Alexa said, with the brightest smile on her face.

"I know," Lauren said, hugging her.

"Hi, I'm Katherine," Kath stooped low to get onto Alexa's height.

Alexa pointed to Amy,"You're my favorite, 'cause you're pretty and you play guitar."

"Thanks," Amy said, giving her a bear hug.

"I personally think Lauren is the prettiest." I said, pecking her lips.

Lauren smiled even wider,"You know, Christina already likes you, there's no need for your cheesiness."

"What about my corny jokes, can I keep those?" I asked sarcastically,

"JC's weird, that's why I like Taylor more." Alexa said,

"You like Taylor more because you think that boys have cooties." Braxton snorted, fist bumping me.

"EEEWW! Lauren, you've got JC's cooties." Dani said, pointing to Lauren. She started to run in circles, yup, I'm friends with a bunch of crazy people.

"I actually just got my cooties shot yesterday." Lauren said, playing along with Alexa.

Alexa wiped her forehead,"Whew! Good, 'cause you're cool."

"Alright, Lauren, you've gotta meet my Grandma."

"You just want cookies."

"I am a growing man!" I defended, as my voice cracked.

"Barely," Lisa snorted,

"Lisa, be nice, you might hurt the little boy's feelings." Katherine joked,

"Your mockery offends me." I said, faking a wince.

"See?" Dani chimed in,

"Leave the baby alone." Lauren half-defended me, pinching one of my cheeks.

MY FACE CHEEKS PEOPLE! You little pervs, I know you were thinking it.

"Lauren, if you don't come you miss out on the greatest cookies ever, even better than Katherine's."

"No," Kath gasped in shock,

"Sorry?" I said, sheepishly smiling at her.

"That means I have to try them!" Lauren grabbed my hand, and tried to drag me out.

"JC, you're too fat!" Alexa yelled at me,

I pulled my shirt up and looked down," I don't think that's it."


We got to my grandma's house at 5:30ish, which basically means ITS COOKIE TIME.

I knocked on her door, and pathetically tried to hide behind Lauren.

Why it was so pathetic, I'm larger than her.

"Jacob Christopher come here!" Grandma said, giving me an enormous hug.

You would've thought the woman was a bodybuilder the way she hugged.

Nope, she's my dessert-baking grandmother.

"Grandma, this is my girlfriend Lauren." I said introducing them,

"Hi," Lauren smiled, grabbing my hand nervously.

"It's great to finally meet you in person. Jacob Christopher just goes on about how pretty and talented you are-"

"Grandma," I groaned good-naturedly,

"JC, it's alright. It's actually kinda adorable." Lauren said,

I hear a ringing, Grandma's old-fashioned timer thing. She refused to get a digital one, because it 'ruined the fun', in her baking.

"Cookies?!" I ask, my eyes lighting up.

"He's always hungry," Lauren and Grandma said at the same time.


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