The Metahuman Agency: The Sup...

Par wrathsburg

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An army of mercenaries. Six supervillains. A weapon with the firepower to destroy an entire city Under the co... Plus

First Strike
Brand New Day
Seeds of Unrest
Exploring D.C.
The Build Up
The Press Conference
The Skeleton Crew
Before the Fall
Outmatched, Outgunned
Pushing Back
Mad Art
Run Or Die
Metal Devil
Frenzied Pursuit
Through the Woods
Respite and Rest
Nightmares and Hopes
Ghostly Caller
Night Raid
In the Belly of the Beast
Moving On
Road Rage
The Spider and the Beetle
The Search
Second Reunion
Sick Mind
Food Run
The Next Step
Circle of Friends
GHOST Headquarters
Beneath the Factory
Lonely Nightmares
The Mistress of War
The Gathering Storm
Dark Strike
Close Quarters Combat
Hallway Brawl
Bombs, Bullets, and Bodies
The Elephant's Roar
Screams Amidst the Fire
Battle of the Bridge
Fallen Friends
Silent Screams
Blood Frenzy
Crocodile Tears
Guests of the Government
Cold Comfort
Out of the Cage
Breaking Point
Friends in High Places
Sleeping Beauty
Tears in the Sun
Bay of Memories
Head Games
Young Love
Invasion: San Francisco
Beach Strike
Spider's Kiss
Cellblock Rampage
Cellblock Showdown
Scorched Earth
Wrath of the Inferno
Airship Assault
Enemy Territory
A Rock And A Hard Place
Failed Composition
The Final Countdown
Sinking Ship
Safe And Sound
A New Future
All Good Things...
...Need Not End

The Ultimatum

7 1 0
Par wrathsburg

After a walk across the compound, mostly in silence, Jason and Hiroshi returned to the military facility. Wandering back through the hallways, they returned to the cell, where they found the door half-open. Inside, Jason saw Laureen and Tuatara seated near Audrey's still unmoving body. James's sleeping form had finally been moved, now lying propped against the wall, his head lolling to the side, making his curly hair bounce slightly with each breath he took.

"Ey, you guys are back," Laureen said as they came inside. Jason smiled and raised his hand in greeting, Hiroshi doing likewise. "Anything interesting out there? Besides a bunch of assholes exercising and shit."

"The mountains were pretty," Hiroshi said, his voice slightly nasally as a side effect of his recent crying. He sniffed and rubbed at his nose, probably to make it go away. " was...nice."

Jason nodded. He decided not to mention Hiroshi's slight breakdown and the talk they had. If the teen wanted to say something to others, that was his choice. It was right too if he wanted to keep it quiet, just between them. He smirked. "Yeah, pretty mountains. It was kinda boring in my eyes but the walk itself was nice. Fresh air sorta cleared my head, even if I'm not the biggest fan of it."

Laureen snorted. "Well that's good. I'm with you there about mountains though. Nature ain't never did shit for me. Fresh air just makes me feel dizzy and weird. Might be crazy to say but I prefer good old fashioned smog."

Jason laughed and grinned, folding his arms. Before he could reply, there was a cough behind them. He and the others turned, seeing a soldier standing in the open doorway. The man had a bag in one hand and he nodded to Tuatara.

"Got something for you," He grunted. He tossed it, Tuatara catching it easily in his claws. "Clothes. Now you can ah..." He bit his lip. "Well, be normal, without having to strut around in your birthday suit."

Tuatara's forked tongue flicked out. "Thanks." He said in a hiss, tailing flicking as he held the bag against his scaly chest. The soldier nodded and turned on one heel, departing quickly, perhaps too quickly. Tuatara leaned over the bag, setting it down and looked at the group.

"I'm gonna turn back," He growled. "You all don't want to see any naughty stuff, just look away." Hiroshi flushed and quickly turned his back, facing the wall. Jason shrugged, having seen Max naked tons of times. Laureen also didn't avert her eyes and waved at him to get on with it.

Tuatara sucked in his breath and closed his eye. His body deflated, scales peeling off and replaced by his brown skin. His mane of unkempt hair burst free from the back of his scalp, his reptilian features morphing back into those of a human. Now Max, he sighed, shivering slightly but shook his head, hair ruffling.

"You alright man?" Laureen asked, leaning forward. Max inhaled deeply before looking at her, his single eye blinking. Then he nodded, forcing a smirk that nonetheless had a genuine quality to it.

"Yeah," He muttered, running a hand through his hair. "The mere fact that I can change's a liberating feeling. I really did miss it."

With that said, he unzipped the bag and dumped the contents onto the floor. A pile of clothes slipped free, flopping onto the floor. Jason noticed a green leather jacket, camouflage pants, a generic white t-shirt, and some ankle-high boots. Max dressed himself slowly, standing and slipping on the jacket last. He traced a line around the perimeter of his eyepatch, before looking down at himself. He nodded, seeming pleased, and took a step forward.

Or he tried, anyway. He stumbled slightly and tripped. Jason caught him and pushed Max back up, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Max said slightly, licking his lips. He shakily stood up straight, gripping the lapels of his jacket tightly. "Moved too fast. I felt more confident all of a sudden but I can't forget this..." He pointed at his eyepatch. "...ain't gonna go away just cause of that. Gotta still take it slowly. Gotta still be careful."

Jason nodded. "Yeah. Still...really good to have you back."

Max smiled back at him wryly. "Good to be back. Glad I regained my confidence or I might still be caught in my...funk." He looked over Jason's shoulder, quizzically raising an eyebrow. "Uh, Hiroshi, you can turn around now."

Jason turned around and saw the kid was still facing the wall. Hiroshi's cheeks flushed red and he turned around, rubbing his black hair nervously. "Oops..." He muttered, looking over Max. "Ah...nice clothes, dude. I like the green...uh...jacket."

"Mmm, feels pretty good," Max replied, patting himself down. He put an arm behind his head and cracked it, grunting. "Anyway...nothing really changed while you guys were gone."

Jason sighed, nodding, his eyes going to Audrey's unmoving form across the room. "No change at all then?" He said hopefully, pointing at her. "...None?" Despite himself, his voice cracked at the last word.

Laureen shook her head, frowning. "Audrey's condition ain't changed at all," She muttered. "But listen, you guys were only gone for forty five minutes at best. I don't think you could expect much shit to happen in that time. I'm confident Audrey'll wake up soon bro. Fucking confident as shit."

Jason nodded. He clenched his fists and exhaled. "Yeah. You're right. I'm being...too eager. She'll wake up. She's strong. She's been through worse."

"Fuck yeah," Laureen growled with a nod. "Just gotta be patient is all, man. It sucks. It sucks so fucking hard. But she's alive. And she's stable. That's good luck right there. She's gonna wake up. I bet you my left nut on that."

Max raised an eyebrow. Hiroshi cocked his head said, " don't have any..."

Laureen laughed and waved them both off. "It's a figure of speech, you fucking idiots. Point is, I'm behind Audrey one hundred percent and she's gonna be fine. You'll see."

Jason opened his mouth to ask about something else. What, he wasn't quite sure but he felt the need to talk, to just speak. But then a voice blared over the speakers, making him jump. Laureen lurched upward, looking at the ceiling. "What the shit?" She cried, floundering slightly on the floor.

A voice boomed over the speakers, rattling down the corridors. "Attention, attention," The voice said. "All important personnel to the briefing room ASAP. That includes the metahumans on sight. This is not a drill. Repeat: this is not a drill."

Laureen covered her ears, gritting in displeasure. "Fuck!" She cried. "Alright guys, you heard the voice over the sytems. All of ya'll get your asses in gear! To the briefing room, right now!"

Jason nodded and looked to Max. Max ran his hairs through his hair and said to Jason, quietly, "Can you..." He swallowed, biting his lip. He then silently held out his hand. "...Help me?"

"Sure buddy," Jason took Max's hand and squeezed it. Max smiled gratefully. "Just hold on tight and I'll help you out. Now let's get moving."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Laureen cried. Jason looked down and saw she was struggling with her leg brace. "Fuck, stupid shitty thing, ruining my fucking goddamn fuck fuckity shit!"

And then, just like that, the absurdity of it all seemed to hit the four of them. Jason, Max, and Hiroshi started cracking up. Jason rocked with laughter, grabbing himself as he tried in vain to control himself, tears running down his face. Max's laughter was more subdued but his hand trembled in Jason's own as he cackled. Hiroshi just laughed and laughed, sounding like a little kid. Laureen glared at them for a moment before her lips slowly twisted upwards and she gave in. She started giggling too, letting her leg brace fall.

Jason laughed, enjoying the feeling. Just to laugh and let loose, giggle at some goofy shit was all he wanted. Together, the four of them just laughed and laughed, letting it all out, even as the alarm continued to blare incessantly.

After giggling stupidly at each other for sometime, the four of them finally recovered themselves enough to drag themselves to the briefing room. Pushing inside, Jason found multiple military officials again seated around the table, the Vice President at its head. An iPad was propped in the middle of them, the President's face on it. A TV looked over them, a "PLEASE STAND BY" signal crackling on it. Jason stepped forward, releasing Max's hand. The Vice President looked up at them, his face grave.

"There you all are," He nodded to the television. "I'll cut to the chase. All of a sudden, our television network went down. All of it. Country wide, east and west coast. Our people are working on it but we have no official idea who this is. But, we have a pretty good idea."

"The Skeleton Crew," Max growled, folding his arms. "And this just started...what? A few minutes ago?"

The VP nodded. "That's right." He jerked a thumb at the broadcast.. "We'll get word as soon as someone traces down the source of this. But-"

"Hey!" Hiroshi pointed at the TV. "You see that?"

Jason looked at, squinting. Sure enough, a second later, the "PLEASE STAND BY" screen flickered. The government officials muttered, some of them rising in their chairs. The Vice President went quiet, leaning forward. On the iPad, Jason heard the distant sound of the President himself, softly calling to someone about the TV.

The television crackled. More static overtook the image. Then the picture changed. Jason instantly flinched back, his jaw flicking open. He then clenched his jaw, as a collective gasp went through the room. His eyes narrowed, as he heard similar reactions from his friends. Truth be told, he'd be expecting this. But what loomed now on the screen still took him off guard.

It was her. Jacqueline. The bird-like helmet of her suit took up the screen's image, the glowing optics seeming to burn as they stared forward. A few military officials cried out and yelled, "What the hell isthat?" Jason shot a look at his friends. Laureen stared stoically ahead, the corners of her mouth twitching. Max was gritting his teeth so hard Jason thought they might break, his fists clenched. Hiroshi was licking his lips nervously, arms folded, his fingernails digging into his skin.

Then Jacqueline spoke. That deep, baritone voice Jason had heard before in the Agency filled the room with a boom. Instantly, everyone went silent. They all stared at the screen as the terrorist leader's words boomed forth like some monster.

"Good afternoon, America," Jacqueline said, the picture on the TV flickering occasionally with static. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Daytime soap operas and reality TV are practically a religion to you people. But you'll do well to listen. Because for some of of you, your lives depend on it."

"Let's start with an introduction," Jacqueline cocked her head, optics flickering menacingly. One of her clawed metal fingers came into view, pointing at herself. "I am Jacqueline Prescott. Founder and leader of the organization known as the Skeleton Crew, a unit your leaders have branded a terrorist group. Which I suppose is accurate, if your viewpoint is quite limited. But I am no mere terrorist. The aims of my group stretch far beyond such a meager term. I think you would agree to that." She chuckled nastily, sounding creepily robotic and all too human at the same time, producing a strange mix. "The events of last night are proof to that. Oh yes...that attack on Quincy, which no doubt you've been struggling to comprehend? That was us. I bet you're glad to finally put a face to your enemy. I am too. Its time I stepped out of the shadows and addressed your pathetic country directly. So listen up, America and listen well."

The Vice President picked up a phone and spoke harshly into it, barking: "Trace that signal! Trace it now!" Jason ignored him, staring at the TV, almost feeling like his eyes were locking with Jacqueline's own.

"In a matter of hours, there will be another attack," Jacqueline said, a hint of smugness coming into her filtered voice. "An attack that will make Quincy look like a circus show! What, may I ask, is my next target?" She laughed. "Oh...I have a very precisetarget in mind. I'll share it with you. San Francisco."

The room was now so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Even the President on the iPad had gone absolutely silent. Jacqueline paused on the screen, her image continuing to distort with static and picture breakup before she continued.

"Why do I tell you this? Why sort of idiot tells the world their plans? What kind of madwoman would inform the supposed strongest nation on Earth her plan of attack?" Jacqueline pointed a finger at the camera. "Well. I'll let you in on a secret, America. You are not strong. Your cracks have been showing for years but the coming of the metahumans is destroying what little structure you have left! Your military, your defenses, everything is useless against them! And I, for my part, have no less than five in my employ. Five. Not to mention the vast resources of the Skeleton Crew! I am not afraid of announcing this because I do not fear you, America. Quincy is but a taste of what is to come and no matter what you do, you cannot stop me."

"But this message isn't for you, America," Jacqueline raised her finger again and pointed it at the screen. Jason swallowed, his throat going tight. "Its for your little band of protectors. The Metahuman Agency. Or what remains of them anyway." That smugness in her tone increased, infuriatingly so. Jason's anger returned and it took every ounce of his self-control to not leap across the table, rip the TV from the wall, and just wail on it. "For you see...just days ago I annihilated their base. All that escaped were the metahumans themselves and my attack on Quincy was intended to wipe them out. It...failed. So, now you can thank them for the reckoning that is to come, America. When San Francisco lies in ruins, your precious little band of freaks are to blame!"

"Unless..." Jacqueline chuckled ominously. "The metahumans try to stop me. They succeeded once. Whose to say they won't again? Come on, you little pack of rats. Try and stop me. Come to San Francisco. Its time I put an end to you. Let's see if you can put an end to me."

And with that, the TV broadcast went dead. There was a low whine of static before the TV's station returned to its normal broadcast, some daytime soap. Everyone in the room stood stock still for several long moments.

Then a general slammed his fist into the table, rattling it. "ALRIGHT!" He roared, starting other officials around him out of their stupor. Jason was pulled from his own, blinking in surprise. "Assemble the national guard! Divert any personnel from the nearest military base to San Francisco immediately! I want birds in the skies yesterday!And would someone track down that fucking television broadcast signal?! MOVE PEOPLE MOVE!"

Officials began scrambling, whipping out cellphones. The Vice President grabbed the iPad and pulled himself into a corner, speaking hurriedly to the President. Jason stood there, stock still, before slowly turning around and facing his friends.

Laureen was shaking her head. "That motherfucking bitch!" She cried, giving the finger to the TV. "Shit! Did you see that shit?!" She turned to them, grinding her teeth together. "Holy goddamn horse-fucking...cock! She's gonna attack another city. Jesus Christ. Jesus fucking Christ! So soon? Fuck! Shit!" She grabbed the sides of her head, nails digging into her black hair. "Jesus fucking bitch...fucking...shit!"

"What do we do?" Hiroshi said quietly. Laureen turned to him, raising a finger. Max coughed.

"If I could, um, say something..."

"Sure..." Laureen turned to him and nodded at him. "Fuck, any ideas, any suggestions you fucking got, I'm there."

"Alright," Max smoothed out his jacket. He put his fingers to his lips and blew hard. His sharp whistle echoed through the room. All the officials immediately stopped, the Vice President looking up angrily from his iPad.

Max raised a hand, nodding at them. "Hi," He said before pointing at himself. "Max Delgaldo. Last time you guys saw me, I was a little more scaly. If I could ask for a moment of your time, I'd like you all to please calm down and give us your undivided attention."

The officials all looked at each. The Vice President furrowed his brow. One general finally snorted and said, "Listen kid-"

"Let them speak," The President's firm voice spoke forth from the iPad. The general turned his voice, his face shocked.

"But sir-"

"Man, shut your damn mouth!" Laureen barked. "Your fucking President just gave your pasty fat ass a goddamn order! Now shut the fuck up and listen to my fucking friend here, unless you wanna keep wasting your sweet ass time while that fucking maniac is plotting to attack a city!"

The general staggered back as if physically struck. He lifted a fist, clearly pissed, and Jason moved forward, ready to sock him if need be. But the President's voice again came through. "I said stand down and let this man speak."

"Yes sir..." The general growled, lowering his fist. Max nodded at him in thanks before crossing his arms and speaking.

"We don't have a lot of time," He said. "So I'll be brief. Jacqueline is after us. We can't find her." He sliced a hand through the air. "If we could, we would have already. She's off the radar. We gotta accept that. This, unfortunately, is going to be on her terms. She can be anywhere she wants to be like that..." Max snapped his fingers. "...Due to a metahuman in her service called Wormhole. He opens up a portal and transports whoever he wants somewhere else. Just like that."

"So..." He continued. "I suggest we face her. She wants a fight? She'll get it. She'll face the full might of what this country has to offer. Tactically smart?" He shook his head. "I'd get my ass kicked out of basic training for this stupid idea. But there's a key difference from it being a crapshoot. Put us there. We can face her. We can stop her. Like it or not, we've proven ourselves before. Like the Director said...only a metahuman can stop a metahuman. And Jacqueline may not be a metahuman herself but her powered armor essentially gives her the raw power of one. I say we're done running. We're going to face Jacqueline, as a team, with the full might of the U.S. government behind us. Let her come to San Francisco. Let her try to destroy it. We'll be there to meet her, prepared this time and we'll stop her."

Max paused and sucked in his breath. Jason smirked at him. Going to San Francisco? Facing down Jacqueline? Fuck yeah. Now there was a plan he could get behind. He just hoped they could evacuate the city in time.

The general and military officials stared at Max. One guffawed. He pointed a finger at him. "Now listen..." The man growled. "I know your father is a respected colonel. But that doesn't give you the right to play leader! Mr. President, can we please escort the metahumans from the room and-"

"Get them down there."

The President said those words, cutting the general off. The general blinked, cocking his head. "...Excuse me, sir?"

"Get them down there and fast," The President repeated from the iPad. Jason caught a glimpse of him smiling. "These kids may be young. But they've saved my life. They saved this country several times. And right now, they're not only our best line of defense, they may very well be our last. Get them down there. Give them whatever they want. We're in an emergency situation, people. Get everyone on the line."

Jason blinked. Then his smile widened as he comprehended, amidst all the chaos, that the government was, whether they liked it or not, fully on their side. 

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