Shadow Walker

By STFc00kie

413 24 0

Olive Leni is your average 19 year old girl in a small town. She lived each day looking forward to what was n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

22 2 0
By STFc00kie

I let her words ring in my head for a while, I could have sworn I stood there frozen for hours just thinking. Vampires; probably incredible different to many people, but to me I thought of Dracula, a thin digusting creature. With long uneven, ugly teeth, burns in the sunlight and drinks the blood of vulnerable people; evil. That wasn't Ben, Ben was gentle, kind, his eyes held a loving nature and purity. His movements were deliberate but considerate; good. So how could something so amazing, be such a evil monster?

I shook my head, I had to ask him myself. Turning I walked toward the door, and tested the handle, happy to find it turn allowing me entrance into the home. I wasn't sure if it was purposely, that Celeste knew I would give him the chance, or if it was just a hopeful chance. I pushed the door open slowly trying not to make a sound. The window covers were raised revealing the beautiful night, I looked around stepping cautiously into the house. Then he caught my eye, he stood in the kitchen leaning against the island. He was staring off toward the window, completely unaware of me, standing a few feet away. In his hand was a glass, filled half way, with a thick red substance, I shivered knowing exactly what is was. I closed the door behind me, and it seemed the click of it caught his attention. He eyes widened at the sight of me, "Olive," He was about to step forward when he realized the glass. Quickly he shifted toward the fridge, opening it and putting the glass inside. 

He then turned his vision toward me, stepping closer, his eyes seemed to search my face. I gulped the closer he got, standing a foot away now. "What, what are you doing here?" He questioned his eyes filled with the same sadness as earlier. 

"I wanted to give you the chance to explain," I said taking a deep confident breathe. His lips quivered up slightly but slid quickly back to a sad straight line, as he nodded. He gestured toward the black couches that sat in the living room, which I gladly took the opportunity to walk toward. I sat down on love seat and relaxed into it for a split second, until he sat down across from me in the chair. I sat up and cleared my throat, eyeing him, it was obvious that he was nervous, his brown eyes searching everywhere. I decided to break the tension by starting, "How old are you really?" I questioned, his eyes flickered toward me. 

"In human years I am 23," He answered distantly, I raised my brow giving him a unimpressed look. He sighed "I'm 116 years old," He answered his eyes shifted to the ground, I couldn't help but stare. Imagining him old, the age to his thick hair, how he might have even done bald. His smooth face developing wrinkles in the corner of his eyes, and smile lines that made his face droop. His tall standing stature would no longer be straight, and he might have even needed a cane like my grandfather did. How at 116 I wouldn't have met him, his likelihood of being dead already was so high. That those dark eyes would no longer light up with a look of fondness when I rambled, that they would be frosted over with the sickening blue of death. That his movements would no longer be strong and deliberate. That instead he'd be six feet under ground, who knows where. My heart ached at the thought, made me feel as if I were chocking on my own breath. This feeling, this horrible feeling that I might have never have met this man, this beautiful man, hurt so deeply. It made the fact that he was, and always will be a vampire, that slightly more okay. 

I didn't realize that his dark eyes were staring at me with a concerned look. I didn't realize he was moving closer to me, very slowly not to scare me in anyway. I didn't realize him kneeling in front of me, that was until he placed his hand gently on my knee. That was when I felt the tear run down my cheek, that was when I realized I was in love with a god damn Vampire. A man I barely knew anything about. His eyes brows were netted together, "Why are you crying?" He questioned, making me quickly wipe away my tears, taking a deep breath to regain my composure. I shrugged his hand off, which awarded me a sad look and a nod as he stood and went to sit back down. 

"Why are you a vampire?" I questioned quickly moving back onto subject. He raised his brow slightly, 

"Why, or how?" He questioned clearing up the question,

"Both," I insisted. He nodded and seemed to compose his thoughts,

"Well, I was born in 1902, I was to young for conscription at the time of World War 2, but my father joined willingly." He started, I realized he was going to give me his life story to help clear it all up. "He died in the war, leaving me, my mother and my little sister," I raised my brow but didn't interrupt, "I was a slightly troublesome kid, I knew I didn't make it easy on my mother, always hanging out with the 'wrong crowd'." His eyes seemed to cloud over, like he was reliving it all in his own brain. A small smile was even tugged gently to his lips, as he looked toward the window. 

His eyes then seemed to snap back to reality turning his head toward me, "You see there are two different types of Vampires, originals; pure bloods and turned; the tainted," He said obviously adding context to his story. "I am what is known as tainted, which if you don't have permission from the Canines, is now illegal to us, and is punishable by 'burial without death'." I frowned at the term of 'burial without death', but quickly realized it was being buried alive, I shivered at the thought. It was tied for first on worst ways to die on my list.

"When I turned 22, I met Lillian," He said back to his glazed over reminiscent state. "She was the most gorgeous girl I had ever laid my eyes on," He stated, I felt my stomach twist with jealousy, "at the time," He quickly added in making me raise my brow. "She had beautiful porcelain skin, not a single freckle to disturb it, ear length blonde hair, always wore the most expensive clothing imaginable," He said laughing gently and shaking his head. "At the time I was stricken with love at the sight of her, should have known what she was by the mere perfection of her," He said shrugging. "The perfection and the sickening feeling that would crawl its way up my back, cuing she had entered the room I was in," He said rolling his eyes almost at himself. 

"So I'm guessing you courted her?" I questioned catching his eyes toward me, he chuckled. 

"At the time, being 1924, my family needed money, so I started working at a bartender at one of the 'fancy' bars up in town, which was against my will." He said, "I was working the night she walked in," He added. "Suffice  to say she courted me, in a way. Always coming the night I worked, she knew I was weak, and she had money so of course I let myself fall in love," He paused a angry look took over his features. "I proposed, against my mother telling me she was bad news, against my sister telling me not to. I did it out of greed and stupid love," He hissed obviously upset with himself, "The night of our wedding she killed me." He ended, his eyes drifted toward my eyes, trying to judge my look.

"Because she loved you?" I questioned, I felt jealous of their love, that it had been given unlimited time. His harsh chuckle quickly washed away that jealousy, 

"No," He hissed a contradicting smile pulled to his lips. "No, Lillian was building a army to overthrow the Canines," He said his smile washing away as quickly as it came. "It wasn't till I was a vampire did I meet her other men, about 30 of them," He said shrugging. "Of all different races, occupations, religions, skin colors. The only thing we all had in common was we were all 20-25 and were from a poor background," He said with a grimace and cracking his neck. "She was royalty, a original pure blood, but her family were known as traders for wanting the human world to know about the shadow world. Continuously telling humans of our existence," He explained. "That has always been a law, never allow the human world know of us. So they were exiled from Canine decisions," He explained. I tried to understand as best as possible. 

"What happened to her?" I asked, he smiled slightly, 

"Burial without death," He answered a relived shudder ran down my back, but I wasn't quite sure of its reason. "The many she sired were questioned, most choice to die for her, minimal are on surveillance still to this day," He added, 

"And you?" I questioned curiosity spiking. A smile pulled to his lips,

"Many have called me a trader, others have said a hero. I am free to live my life without watch, because I turned her in."  He answered shrugging. 

I stared at him, trying to come up with something, anything to say. Was he a trader, or simple loyal to his kind? Even as a brand new Vampire, he knew human's shouldn't know about this absolutely terrifying predator. "What do I have to do with this? Why me?" I questioned finally finding my words. He smiled slightly and stood walking toward me and sitting down beside me, eyes never looking away from my own. I felt as if I should have been running, hopping away from him as quickly as possible. But instead I was comforted by his slow movements, gentle eyes, and relaxed demeanor. 

"I know I've asked this before," He paused, "But now that you're less upset, maybe you'll have a different answer. When you look at me, what do you see?" He questioned. I grimaced at my last answer, calling him a monster was unfair of me to say, and I know hurt him. I stared at him for some time trying to think of what to say.

"I see a 20-25 year old man, with soft features, a sun kissed tone. Large brown eyes, that for some reason put me in some sort of trance. A man with a inviting smile, and every part of you makes everything in me screams to get closer. Know more about you, everything about you if possible," I answered honestly. A small smile yanked on his lips as I spoke, 

"That is why you are part of this world Olive," He stated like I was suppose to know what he meant. He sighed, "The way your friends reacted around me, them stated that I gave them a creepy feeling. What about your boss, how he instantly thought I was giving you trouble. And did you not notice how everyone at the party stared as you came toward me? How they stared and grimaced?" He stated, I thought about it, knowing it was all true, but I had simply brushed it off, he was older looking and stood like a gentleman, maybe people thought he was to old for me. 

"I suppose," I dragged, he smiled, 

"It is because you see me as what I truly am," He stated I frowned. He sighed obviously realizing I was incredibly confused, he then stood and walked toward the opening in front of the window. His dark eyes then began being taken over by large red ones, and his smooth straight teeth turned jagged. "I was born human," He repeated information, "I was turned Vampire," He stated again. "I was turned into a predator," He said then suddenly he was in front of me, I flinched.

"How? You were just-"

"I'm incredibly fast," He states, he then grabbed the couch I was seated on, it and myself up and above his head, then dropping it back down, "I'm unbelievably strong," He adds, I could only nod agreeing pulling my legs up onto the couch and close to chest. "I can smell things, specifically blood from miles away, I can hear things like the sound of the saliva in your mouth, clicking against your cheek when you smile, " He continued. "My eyes," He paused as they went back to brown, he then gave me a worried look. "My eyes, can see every movement you make, and when they are taken over by the demons eyes. I can see your warmth, I can track your blood pumping and know if your heart is beating your blood to your lungs for oxygen or through your body," He looked down almost ashamed. 

I frowned standing from my seat, I seemed to loose all fear I had felt, I wasn't quite sure why. But I knew he wasn't going to hurt me in that very moment. I knew just by that sad look that filled his face that he wanted desperately for me to accept him. I stepped close to his, and took his face in my heads causing him to look up at me, "Your eyes," I started, he slightly flinched, "Are gorgeous." I finished causing a large smile to spread across his face. He rolled his eyes in a playful manner, before pulling away and walking toward the couch. 

"That's exactly my point Olive," He said turning toward me, I frowned, not understanding. "I am the perfect predator, close to the top of the god damn food chain, yet I have a weakness. A feeling of dread that follows me, that makes people feel uncomfortable, makes the the hair on the back of their necks  lift and their stomachs sick."He insisted stepping closer to me, I couldn't help but send him a confused look. I had never felt that way around him. "But you do not feel it, you don't feel the demon that follows, you feel human me, you see human me,"  He sighed rubbing the back of of his neck. "When you look at your friend, Jordan do you ever notice something odd about him?" He questioned, I thought about it and instantly remembered his eyes.

"Yeah! His blue eyes, they reflect this weird yellow eye!" I said proud of my knowledge, but I instantly deflated, "But no else sees it so-"

"Exactly!" Ben interrupted, "You see past his disguise, you're seeing the signs of him, in his true form." I frowned quickly realizing what Ben was getting at,

"Jordan is a monst-" I cut myself off, "Jordan is part of this Shadow World you speak of?" I said switching my tone. He gave me a crooked smile and shook his head slightly chuckling,

"Yes. But do you understand what I am trying to say?" He questioned keeping things back on track. I stepped toward him, 

"I get it it I think, but what does that mean?" I questioned. He gave me a uneasy look, 

"You are what is known as a Shadow Walker, your kind hasn't been around for centuries. I had never met anything like you, only read story, legends." He answered stepping closer till he was directly in front of me, "Because other then you, your kind were hunted and slaughtered. whipped out completely," He sighed out. I released a breath that I didn't realize I was holding, I lipped 'Shadow Walker', 

"Why?" I questioned, he raised a brow, "Why were we hunted?" I questioned, his eyes strayed. He shook his head and lifted his shoulders,

"I'm not sure," He answered without looking toward my eyes. I felt as if I had been lied to, but I wanted to trust that he didn't lie to me, hold something from me again. 

I looked down thinking about all that had been said, I was a Shadow Walker, I saw the person for what they really were, I guess that was a good thing I suppose. I guess that explained why everyone was so freaked out with Ben, and why I saw  Jordan and his fathers eyes change dramatically in the reflections light. However, if my kind was hunter, would I be? Was my family safe? Why would we have been hunted, killed?

I flinched being ripped out of my trance  by a cold  hand being placed on my cheek. However I quickly relaxed when my eyes connected with Ben's. He moved closer and leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. His lips were cold, but because of his gentle touch, his calm and slow movements, I felt myself heat up. He pulled away and placed his forehead against my own without opening his eyes. 

I breathed hard and realized he wasn't, that he wasn't breathing at all,  I reached out and placed my hand on his chest. I was quick to realize that there was not heart beat, that it was just a cold hard chest, with no movement under my hand. I sighed chuckling, his eyes shot open and he pulled away slightly, looked down at my hand then back up at my eyes, raising his brow. "I guess you weren't joking, you really  are a vampire. You," I paused frowning and taking a deep breath, "You really are dead," I forced out. He smiled sadly and nodded, taking hold of my hand and holding it down on his chest.

I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling fear start to pile in my stomach, I felt my breath stop in my lungs and my throat tighten like I was choking. I was terrified, if what he was saying was true, I really was in danger. "Olive," He whispered, the mere sound of his voice filled my lungs with air. I opened my eyes and I could see the concern written in his eyes, he took hold of my face again, "I will never let anyone hurt you," He hissed confidently, I forced a smile and shrugged. However his serious glare made the smile fall, "For the rest of your life, you will be safe." He added before pulling my face in to a stronger kiss. 

I couldn't help but lean in to the kiss, allowing it to grow stronger and more intense. I felt myself shudder when his hand that was once holding my hand against his chest rope itself around my back, pulling me closer. The kiss grew heated, his teeth took hold of my lip and nipped down, making me gasp. He took that chance to slip his tongue into my mouth, instantly winning the dominance. I couldn't help the groan the exited my throat , and vibrated against his lips, however, I quickly regretted my lack of control. Feeling him pull away harshly distancing himself and closing his eyes tightly. He spread his arm out toward me so that I wouldn't step closer to him. I could see his long jagged teeth revealing themselves between his parted lips. 

Taking a deep breathe, I felt my confidence in him rise as I stepped toward him. I dodged his hand, taking hold of his sides pulling him toward me, this made his eyes jet open revealing the red ones. I placed my hand on his cheek as he pulled away, his eyes widening, I couldn't help but laugh. Which only made him cock his head to the side, "You are able to resist temptation when your bleeding out and starving but not when your kissing me?" I said mimicking his movements. He groaned and rolled his eyes, but despite his brush off, he laughed and his dark eyes began taking over again. He leaned into my touch and smiled softly, "I have another question," I stated, he nodded.

"Anything," He answered, 

"Why did you say you loved me?" I questioned, his eyes lit up,

"Because I do love you Olive," He stated with a 'matter-a-fact' voice giving me a corked smirk. 

"Yeah, but why?" I said rolling my eyes. He lifted his hand  to my cheek, his eyes searching my face. 

"We are mates," He said, seriousness taking over his deep eyes, my brows knitted together. Mates?

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