life as escaped princess

By NicaJoy6

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Aurella Prinston is a princess thats been abuse by her father the king by an unknown reason after her mother... More

life as escaped princess
Young age
worst nightmare
missing princess?
Scar is in Trouble Part l
Scar is in Trouble Part II
Fatal Mistake
is she?
who might be you?
ella and belle
Decision and planning
AURELLAS decision
author's note


423 19 6
By NicaJoy6


Well I don’t do anything so why not update.

Its boring to just draw all day or watch anime and then be nag by my father that its too childish to watch it. Hey I love watching claymore with tagalog dub rather than watching it online with Japanese dub and English subtitles. I don’t enjoy watching and then reading the subtitle all at once. I’ll stop complaining and begin with the chapter.



                Ive been noticing my sister ella always go to the town early by herself and only went home at dusk, also she’s been distant lately to us her brothers and to her younger sister. We came home 4 months ago after the trading season. Then all of a sudden after 2 weeks of staying here, she doesn’t want to talk or rather she avoids us. I don’t know what’s in her mind lately. She doesn’t bottle up what’s bothering her, she always share her problem to us and try to give her advice to solve it. I think she’d trying to be matured and not to always rely on us. Im happy for her is she does that but theres a voices nagging at the back of my mind that there’s something wrong but I pay no mind. I then pay attention to my brother Arthur.

                “Arthur, have you been talking to ella lately” I asked Arthur. He turn to face me.

                “yes, last night. She happen to enter the library and she saw me there. Why aidan is something wrong to our sister?” my bother replied.

                “nothing dear brother, she’s just that been distant to me and also to anabelle. She told me that she stop coming to her room for her daily knowledge about healing.” I responded back while drinking my wine leisurely.

                “hmm, well I think she’s been busy going back and forth to the town when we arrive here for the last month. Ive ask her about her training, she told me that she always trained at night in clearing with archery. And noticed new fresh killed of dear in the kitchen today and asked the cook where it come from they told me it came from ella ”  Arthur said while caressing his pet Talon, a hawk he’s been caring since chick till it grows to a full grown hawk.

                “so she’s been sharpening her hunting skill while we’re away” I spoke while gazing to the window. I think I imagine Arthur nodding.

                “aye! We trained her so she can protect herself in danger” Arthur said back.

                I stand and walk near the window still gazing the area near the forest where we trained her for the past years. She needed it, the fact that we knew that our dear father is abusing her if where not present here to protect her. Anabelle started to learn in the art of healing to help her sister because she can’t do anything to stop our father from hurting our sister than to help her heal her wound and hide the bruised from her face and other part of her body.

                In the first place we don’t know why he changes from a loving father to a devil incarnate to our sister. After our mother died when she’s only 11 years old and anabelle is only 6 summer old. He began to lash out to my sister in secret when she do some mistake a child do sometimes.

He punishes her by the use of whip or sometimes slapping her face. That’s the first time we saw feared in Aurella’s eyes and learn to avoid mistakes, to be perfect to our father eyes. But sometimes a child isn’t perfect so she can’t avoid being punished in secret. But the only thing I noticed is why only her, why when we do some mistake father doesn’t punish us like what he did to Aurella.

After that I learn to observe my father’s behavior and try to stop him from hurting Aurella as much as possible. That when we decide to teach ella how to hunt and fight hand to hand combat and the use of different types of weapon so we can divert her attention from fathers wrath by keeping our father at bay. 

We told him we teach Aurella how trades work and how different each town acts by their beliefs and religions. And also we try to make the maids and servants to cooperate to hide where Aurella goes and what she does, they agreed to it. Because they knew how my father treat Aurella but can’t stop it scared what will happen if they even try to do anything to it. Someone who tried to stop it suddenly vanish, we don’t know where did they go, but I knew father had something to do with it so they didn’t bother helping Aurella. That’s why they agree to cover for Aurella if she goes training in the forest.

Aurella is a sweet child, doesn’t act like some other noble princess that treat servant and maids like dirt but she treat them fair and square like a part of a family. She respect elders and other people that’s why they respected her and treat her like one of their daughter. The only thing she can’t correct is how she acts.

She act and walk like a teenage boy and dress like one when she goes in the forest or in town. Some of the people can’t recognize her as their princess when she wears something like that but she doesn’t care. She likes to be treated like that and forget her title for a while.

She really looks like a boy when dress in a trouser and button tunic a leather cap on her head to hide her long dirty blond hair and a pair of boots. It really hides her curve so you will gonna really believe she’s a real boy from head to toe. With a strap quiver on her back a holding a bow she looked like a true hunter, Im really proud at her.

The only downward is when she goes to study and be teach by her tutor. Both of the sisters look serious when they have to look like a real princess. A expressionless face, a straight posture when sitting and acting like she heard all what the teacher is saying but in reality she looked bored the same with her sister. I want to laugh at their expression when the teacher turn her back and face the board. They both slouch and make a face to me and try to throw the book at the teacher’s back. Then when the teacher turns again they straighten there posture and back to the princess look they want them to have. After that I walk away to that room still trying to hold back my laugh and not be starred by the servant like im a crazy prince laughing by myself. Remembering it I tried not to laugh by myself standing near the window or else Arthur will thing I gone mad.

Arthur POV

Im watching my twin brother gaze outside near the window. While stroking Talon’s feather I remember what Aurella ask yesterday about what it feels like to travel in the ocean and finding new things in a new land where we stop to dock for a days to restock our food and water and also trade few things like food, spices, soap, perfume, clothing and new type of fabric. Oh I won’t forget to buys new jewelry for Ella and Belle.

I love to see their smile when we come home and give them their gifts. How they hugs us like there’s no tomorrow and laugh to our new story with our voyage. They always love to pet talon and be fed my meat. Talon is always fond of Aurella because when she hunts she gives talons a piece of meat for every kill she makes.

I also noticed that Ella’s been somewhat distant to Aidan and Belle. She always talks to me but somehow she didn’t like she’s used to be. When she’s in front of us she’s just nod and answer question to brief to my liking. Her smile didn’t always as radiant and it’s like a force one.

“aidan, do you think elle had suitor in town?”I ask my brother. That snapped him from his deep though. Then a scowling brother face me then laugh.

“hahahahahaha  don’t jest my dear bother, for I will know if she have a suitor but thinks this dear brother, I don’t know if the boys in town knew if Ella’s a girl for how she act like a man” he responded still laughing.

“would you mind stop laughing” I snapped at him “how would you know it in the first place if you don’t even go out of the castle ground, you only stayed here for three whole months for Christ sake and didn’t even tried to ask Ella to hunt like we always do after the journey” I told him in a mocking voice.

“hey, you’re the one she’s closed with why not asked then. You also stayed in the castle the same as me. your enjoying drinking wine and feasting with food so don’t blame me. and shes been distand to me and doesn’t want to talk and when I try to go to her room she isn’t there, always in town or in the forest.” He retorted back “ I don’t think father notice her disappearance lately but I think he doesn’t care and that what’s bothering me”

“ that’s also what bothering me, what our father is hiding” I ask in question but neither of us know the answer to that.

“ we will know it, fathers is always careful but a secret doesn’t last long” aidan said in a low tone.

“aye brother we will try to gain knowledge of that secret which made Aurella suffer this long” I replied “ we will talk to her tomorrow if she’s in her chamber” I sigh loudly and saw aiden noded in agreement..


Yes new chapter again!!!!!!

I hate being choked by a grain of rice when eating

Coughing none stop ruining my appetite its suck

My favorite dish this lunch is TINOLA!!!

Next time again!


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