
368 16 3

I rush this for I wont be able to update again next day which is Monday..

I know ill be killed with this chapter.

King Alexander Bringham Prinston POV

                BANG! CRASH……..BANG….BREAK..

                HMMM taking out my frustration from these things, it didn’t take a little bit of my rage from it. I laugh really laugh, my body is still tense I think I look like I am about to kill right now. I want to really hurt someone so I could take out this raging fury.

                Its been a week since my daughter are missing, it don’t think she would be able to live in the woods and its really impossible for her to go and aboard a ship. If she did it right now why not back then? This is really big question in my head haunting me to never end. But there’s no marking of someone who had stay there inside the forest or tracks of human.

                The guard reported that there is no missing horse in the stable so this means she’s on foot when fleeing. Two days before we notice she’s missing and those two days, she would be went directly to the town. People didn’t really saw Aurella that she went there and in the first place they confirm she doesn’t really go there. Hmm that’s strange I though she always come there every day. So what she’s been up to here when nobody at the town seen her.

                We havent had any clue where to start if she did flee away from Arden, the sea are vast and the new lands are everywhere where the boat she’s been will have to dock every port if she’s on a trading ship, I doubt it I think she will board a more expensive like a passenger ship. I cant send a wide search group to find her in fear that the prince will have a whiff of this that her bride to be is missing. I couldn’t afford to lose the relationship between us but the council said it would do well if we inform it to the prince. It will really help us to find Aurella whereabouts much faster. If I really get hold of her, I’ll put her in a dungeon where she will spend her life until I present her to the prince. I smile evilly at the though.

                My two sons and my younger daughter are also busy trying to find where she might go. I don’t doubt they knew this would happen in the beginning for they are always having Aurella in their care. Ill takes to one of the maid and try to coax her to be loyal to me or threatened family that will do thee deal for now. If she would hear some news or any other sign she’ll report to me.

                But the strangest thing is anabelle my youngest draught isn’t really affected by this turn of event. She’s mature enough about the danger of going out of the castle and on town to stroll because of their status. She just stare at the window when I see her with a sad smile then in a merry second she smile and murmur something that I coudnt hear then walk away.

                Then suddenly a frantic knock came to my study room.

                “come in”

                The door did open none to gently with hit the wall with a loud bang. Two guards are nervously looking at me in the eyes still weary of my temper. They are heaving a little bit hard but still didn’t forget to bow for respect. The other guard to my right

                “Your majesty, my apology for rude attendance” he said. I just nodded and wave for him to continue.

                “someone requesting a private audience with you, Majesty” who would be coming here and see me in person. I turn back to see the mess in this room, messy and full of broken vase and chairs.

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