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Woo.. im glad you really like my story so far

thank you guys really really I appreciated it so much!

I want to post this yesterday but I needed your comment but no such luck

Still I want you to know so here just read it.

I think my brain is fried for thinking hard on what word to use.

 The fact English isn’t my first language.

Anabella POV

                Waking up early this morning still in my night attire I’m standing near my window. The early morning wind breeze made contact to my delicate skin. Making my hair flew messing them a little bit than they are already and I shiver slightly, I unconsciously wrapped both my arms encasing my body for warmth.

The morning sunlight peak through the horizon illuminating the silhouettes of the large and towering trees of the forest and warming the cold walls of the castle again.

                After a long breathe I reluctantly withdraw from my place were my feet are rooted to the cold floor. The hearth no longer offers its warmth leaving me a little bit cold. I went to my closet to get a robe so to wear it for warmth.

                Its mid-autumn right now, winter is nearing I can feel it already. I’m a little worried for my older sister, Aurella. I know she left the castle yesterday at dawn, I didnt even knew she will be leaving.

 I saw her by accident, I don’t know if I need to call her out but if I do I’ll attract attention to the guard so I silently followed her through the shadow. My father will hurt her again if they caught her escaping at night and I don’t want to see her hurt/punish or will know that it’s me who accidentally turn her in by causing the fuss by just calling her or asking why she sneaking out of the castle.

I know for sure why she’s doing this. I even saw her back with a pack and know what its content is. Maybe supply or clothes, but im worried I didn’t saw any weapons she carry always when she goes to hunt.

I tip toed behind her not to far not to near. Then she went to the castle kitchen, I knew why she chose to go there. The guards aren’t patrolling over and only few are station there. I swiftly move not making any sounds, she the slowly and carefully open the door. I saw her look outside just peaking her head out a little then open the door wide enough for her body to pass through. She the closed it slowly. I can’t run after her to open the door and follow her, I simply just look at the window and can see her figure slowly fading due to the darkness in the direction of the forest.

That’s the last time I seen her, I haven’t told this to anyone even my older brothers. In fear that my father will drag my dear sister back here and god know what he will do to her. I’m scared to that idea because he already once tried to kill her by accident but I think its more than that.

We don’t know what the reason of this cruel treatment my father does to ella. I do some mistakes to but he doesn’t punish me like what he does to ella. I cant help her im only 6 summer old when it started when my mother died. I wasn’t aware to whats happening back then until I saw my sister near half to death, my older brother Arthur holding an unconscious Ella within his arms.


“bother arth what happen to Ella?” I ask frantically while watching my brother lowers Aurella’s body to my bed. He position ellas body so her back doesn’t make contact to the bed. My older brother Aidan I think he went to get water and salve to treat my sister wound and bruises.

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