Decision and planning

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Oh I love all your comments and thank you for supporting my story… im gonna cry… uwahh T.T tears of joy… 



Its been a week since that fated meeting with my little sister. it hurts the 2nd time leaving her again and didn’t have a chance to even ask how is my older brother are doing right now. Are they both worried about where I am or they are wondering if I am still alive? Sometimes im thinking to go back there and have a glimpse on what they are doing but it drives me nuts thinking I wont be able to escape again twice if I get caught. Father will never hesitate to break both my legs so I wont be able to run away again. I wont let that happen.

I even though of raising a bird like Talon so I can train it to be a messenger but what if the message being sent was passed to someone other than my brother. That would be a disaster. Thinking back again  to that day a lone tear escape from my eye.




as I leaved and closed the door leaving Belle standing there with a sad emotion etch all over her face. I pressed my back to the door for balance; I rein myself not to go back and change my mind and decide to stay and come with her. I clenched my jaw, and bit the inside of my cheek so I could stop myself from crying. I don’t want the crew seeing an emotional girl in their circle and the heck they will ask why am I crying.

With a heavy heart I step away from the door with my face held high and shoulder wide I march back to the main deck. As I emerge from the main deck I could see no one but some of the crew still chatting.

“there you are” azul speak from the side which startled me due to the scarf blocking my peripheral view but didn’t show it to him.

I turn my head so I can see him. “so azul are we ready to leave this ship” I ask at him.

“aye, we are waiting for you to finish your business with that women” he said with a smirk on his face. “I though you will be late having a taste with her but I cant seem to hear any noises or screaming?” still the smirk plaster on his face.

I scowled at what his talking about and glared at him when it register what he meant by that. But before he could see my face he turned around and walks but still talking while I follow suit.

“I thought that women would be a screamer but my disappointment is she’s a quite type, I never pinned you that you like a women and blonde one” azul said while scratching his chin like he have a long beard.

I huff being annoyed what in the world is he thinking ill be doing to my sister?!!!! but didn’t voice it out. “its because I put a gag on her mouth, she tried to bite me” is all I said telling a lie. Well I might as well do this so they would stop pestering me.

Azul movements stops and turn his face to me. A shocked expression written all over his face and his jaw drop to the floor. I step closer and put my hand to his chin and close his jaw. “ jesting….so you did?!!!!” I shake my head from side to side and walk away from him.

“wait scar, I said wait” he call to me. then I saw daryl walking at the Poseidon’s deck.

“pssst! Daryl!!!!!”I shout then I caught his attention. He came running to me and said.

“they are all in the cell of their own ship they are still sleeping like a baby, but the one you punch regain consciousness when I drop him down so I put a gag to his mouth and tied him to a post of the cell.” He said.

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