worst nightmare

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I don’t know if someone reading this.

Well just want to write because I’m bored

Let see, I’ll make this chapter a bit longer

Let’s proceed..

                Panting from running around the forest until exhaustion hit me. still enrage when i remember the conversation two days ago that makes my blood boil. i huffed and kicked a small stone. the poor inocent stone who reciever my wrath.

Lovely daughter huh” I scoffed to myself.

(Flashback During lunch)


                “Aurella my lovely daughter, I have something to say …”he paused.

                This caught my attention and listen to what his going to say. While I wait for him to speak again, I noticed the blank look on his face.  I stared at him waiting to continue on what he’s saying. He looked at me straight in the eye.

                “You’re at the age to be married” he said

                My older brothers both chocked at the same time when they heard what my father have said. They try to speak after they composed their selves “ father..” but they been interrupted when the king speak again.

                “Aurella I know you’re still young but I did promised something to the late king of Shou in the eastern part of the trading route. His first born son prince Noel Moore Sawyer of Shou , the one who will inherit the throne and in need of a queen someday.”

                My brothers and sister both stared at my father in disbelief on what they we’re hearing. I’m shocked to hear this that came from my father mouth, because I don’t want to be married to that asshole. I know I’ll be married to someone someday but not with him. Nuh uh, even the sightless idea of him being my husband give shudder of disgust down my spine. I want to fell in love, be wooed by my chosen suitor and enjoy my life as a young lady and try to find a man who can sweep me off my feet.

                Both of my brothers and sister face each other and they meet mine. There face held sorrow and didn’t speak nor utter a word. The prince is handsome if I may say. He had a brown hair with gray eyes glint full of mischief. He’s 19 summer old this year. He stands at least a 6 foot and 3 inches with well-built muscle and broad shoulder.  The fact that this prince will be married to me is an egoistic, conceited, prideful, narcissistic, womanizer and worst of all a reputation to treat women like a thing and then when he grows tired he just tossed them like a rug then picks another woman to bed. Yeah I know what you’re thinking, he’s a pig. No pun intended.

                “queen?” I said then looked at him in suspicious that there’s something more behind this. “father,  do I have a say about this marriage?” I ask.

                “none, For I am to decided what was best for you in the future.  I need you to follow this plan and it will allow our country to flourish more with the help of your soon to be husband.” He told with hard look in his face and determination to make this plan work.

                “father you know what kind of  prince he is!!.” I replied a bit louder. “Do you really want to tossed my to a den of a hungry wolf who know nothing how to treat woman. Am I just a chess piece that can be disposed as you will?.” I ramble and fuming in anger.

ENOUGH” he pound the table loudly, I think I heard it crack due to the force. “you will do what I say, and I want. DO YOU HEAR ME?!!! He sneered at me and with cold glare like he doesn’t me near him at all. Then stand and walk away.

I just starred in shocked. This is worse nightmare I encounter for my whole life. To be tied down to an asshole and a devil incarnate father.

(End Of Flash Back)


I’m still raging towards what my dear father had told me. After running I got on my feet and walk to a nearby clearing still fuming, then I noticed both of my brother sparing using swords. I called them

hey guys!” I got their attention and they pause.  

They both approach me. “Hello Ella, how are you sister of mine?” Arthur glanced at me with a concern expression on his face while Aidan had a blank look.

I’ve been running inside the forest to take off some steam” with the sullen expression on my face.

All of a sudden Arthur throw a wooden sword at me then he look back at Aidan. Aidan seems to understand what that meant is. Then he change his sword he used for a wooden one. Then get back few feet away from me. 

don’t hold back for me sister of mine” Aidan said while he keep emotionless. But I think saw his lip twitch holding back a smirk.

I think they know what I need; they want me to forget what my dear father had told me.

“I won’t my dear brother” a smile forming on my lip.

We’re both in our stance; I see him nod and started slowly observing his movements. This is the fun part; yeah they train using sword and bow and arrow. While Arthur is watching me he coach and correct my movement and stance so I won’t lose my balance.

“keep your feet wide apart and straighten your back not to lean forward, observe his movement. FOCUSED!  He bark orders. I keep forgetting he’s even there while I keep fighting with my other brother. After that we switch using a real sword for me to get used to its weight.  They simultaneously switch to fight me, for me to build stamina and endurance.

My father doesn’t know about this because if he does he’ll gonna have heart attack and witness his wrath.  I don’t want to see it. That’s why we practice is this secluded clearing my poor little sister doesn’t know this either. I don’t want her to get hurt, she’s only 9 summer old but she act matured enough not to mess with our father, her name is Anabelle Prinston.


Well sorry for this.. im stuck on what to do on this story.

Finally I kinda solve my problem and think what will gonna happen

I know its like a cliché but this is whats running in my mind…

This isn’t proof read. So sorry for the error in grammar…

Alison Gold as Annabelle Prinston

Plss comment/vote

Ps.. the names and place just pop in my mind.. fictional character and place..

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