
By Monstrous_beauty

320K 10.3K 1.6K

"Mother.. please I don't want to marry him" I pleaded to her. "You know Eve nothing can be done now" Sh... More

Ch 1 - Unwanted Wedding
Ch 2 - Humiliation & Pain
Ch 3 - In-Laws
Ch 4 - Unwanted touch
Ch 5 - Dark Side
Ch 6 - Haywire Emotions
Ch 7 - Masquerade Ball
Ch 8 - Assault &Trauma
Ch 9 - Way to keep her
Ch 10 - Contemplating
Ch 11 - Jealousy & Inner thoughts
Ch 12 - Ruminating Past
Ch 13 - Games of heart---The beginning
Ch 14 - Game of Hearts---First Romantic Dinner
Ch 15 -Game of the Hearts--- Persuasion
Ch 16 - Games of heart -- Meeting Strangers
Ch 17 - Games of Heart -- Friendship & Hope
Ch 19 - Games of Heart -- Hidden Motives
Ch 20- Games of Heart --New Feelings
Ch 21- Games of Heart-- Blind Trust
Ch 22- Games of Heart-- Jealousy & Rage
Ch 23 - Games of Heart-- All is lost
Ch 24 - Melancholy of Life
Ch 25 -- She chose someone else
Ch 26 - The New Dawn
Ch 27 - a New Ally
Ch 28 - A Distant Cousin
Ch 29 -- Kidnapped
Ch 30 - My Past
Ch 31 - The Lost Sweetheart
Ch 32 - Embracing True Self
Ch 33 - Dead trail
Ch 34 - The hidden Truth
Ch 35 - Life truths!!
Ch 36 - The choices you have
Ch 37 - Are you really Dead?
Ch 38 - Princess Lyna what's the next Plan?
Ch 39 - Dreams that keeps us Awake
Ch 40 - Arrival of the Devil

Ch 18 - Games of Heart -- Insecurities

8.9K 287 76
By Monstrous_beauty

"But sir, How are you sure she is happily married" Sam asked.

I looked at him and recalled her telling her husband didn't treat her well and now it is good so she is not in love with him there is chance for me, a hope for me.

Richard's POV

The nightmares last night did not let me sleep each and every time I slept I always dreamt about Steven taking Evelyn from me. She divorcing me or she happily settling down with him. I waited for morning but somehow between the time I slept and I woke up I rushed for the shower.

By the time I dressed up Evelyn had everything setup in plates and she was waiting for me. I sat next to her and we had breakfast in awkward silence. I didn't know how to confess my fear and I didn't want to force Evelyn into a relationship with me thinking she doesn't have a choice. I thought about venting my feelings out so I thought I would talk to Kendall about this and see if I can have a solution or atleast I will have the burden lifted off my shoulders. Deciding that was the best option I broke the silence by saying "Evelyn I am going for an important meeting. Once I am back we will go for sight seeing".

I looked at her and by the looks even she didn't feel like asking where I was going when she answered "Fine". I wanted her to ask me where I was going, a slight interest or some kind of curiosity but by the emotionless look, she gave me told me we are yet to be comfortable with each other and having Steven so close to me was not gonna help when he had challenged me not openly but by his actions. His being around my wife didn't sit well with me and to avoid it I had brought her here. But the bastard had followed her here as well. If it had been any other woman I would not have bothered. Actually it never bothered me in the past and because of that, I feel he thinks the same for Evelyn. He thinks I will sit and watch him take away the love of my life.  I know our relationship was not normal in the beginning and I have been harsh towards her but I am trying to change it and I don't know when and how I got invested in this relationship but now that I am, I am going to keep her forever. Though I don't want a forced relationship with her I will try my best to win her heat. I know what happens when we force it..

With these thoughts in my mind I didn't realise when I left and was outside Kendall's Room and rang the bell. The look of surprise on her face made me realise that I should have at least called her.

"Oh my goodness Richard I can't believe you are here this early" She said but when she saw my serious expression she stopped and pulled me in.

I could not wait anymore to lift the burden of emotions swirling in my mind. I wanted some kind of help or an advice or a suggestion something that would let me take closer to her heart. Evelyn--I don't know how to confess to you. Thinking I must take her help by telling Kendall would be best.

"Kendall I want to talk to you" I said but I was cut off by a phone call.

I gestured her to take the call and which she did before excusing herself.

"Yeah sure.. we will be there" She said excited.

"Right we will be there. No we wouldn't want to miss this opportunity. I know surely Richard would appreciate that" she said in pleasing but professional manner while gazing at me. I was confused as to who it was at the other end.

"Fine we will be there" she responded after a while.

She turned to me in a gleeful expression that I thought I will burden her with my problem later.

"Oh my god oh my God... Richard you know what just happened" Kendall said looking at me.

"What happened?" I asked frowning.

"You and me got an appointment to meet Carlos for the investment in your Dream project" She said.

"Kendall..." I tried to say but was cut off when she continued" Oh Richard you don't know how difficult it was to get the appointment"

"But Kendall don't you work for him surely it won't be that difficult for you" I said confused as to why Mr. Carlos would want to invest in my dream project and how does Kendall know I am looking for investors.

"You Idiot I am not talking about myself but you. I can talk to him whenever I want but not you.  I had asked Sam for this and seems like Mr. Carlos invited us over to the Sunset Hill. I am so glad he agreed" She said super excited.

The news didn't do anything to me. I was used to have investors calling me and giving them presentation so as to expand our business but seeing Kendall so excited was new thing to me. I don't know why she would set up a meeting without my consent.

"Kendall you know I came here to relieve my stress from my busy life not to conduct meetings. Also I don't want to talk on this right now" I said annoyed.

When she looked at me she came and sat near me on the couch and said "Look Richard it's  a great opportunity and you definitely are not going to miss it.  I know you didn't ask my help but I could not help when he himself was looking at projects for investment".

I was puzzled why would Ivan want Kendall to know about his investment spree. I wanted to ask her that but by that time she had already moved to her bedroom may be to get ready.

I waited for her and she appeared in record time of 30 mins I was amazed this was record for her because I know Kendall was not the one to say no when it comes to Makeup and grooming. 

We reached the venue and waited for 2 hours and had welcome drinks, coffee to a small snack bite, talking casually like old times but still no clue of Mr. Carlos. God damn that man has no time sense he thinks just because he is Mafia he can waster others.

"Kendall I think he is not coming" I said bit annoyed. She looked at my sullen expression and said smiling "Please wait for a while Sam just update he got stuck with something he will be here".

I know she was trying to be calm about it so that I will feel better but it was making more depressed that I was sitting with her but could not discuss my problem moreover the man who said he was looking for investment project had not even called once to confirm whether he is coming or not.

After waiting for a while I think Kendall wanted to changed the subject so she asked"So how is your life going on".

Thinking it was the right time to tell her I got married in a hurry and forgot to send invitation because I was not ready for it and didn't wanted to embarrass myself and I thought I will divorce my nobody wife and life will be easy.

"Kendall I don't know how to say but I want you not to freak out before I tell you. Please do not create a scene once I am done" I said crossing my fingers hoping she would take it better.

"Ok.. Richard what is it?" She asked tilting her head.

"You got to promise" I asked again.

"Fine promise" She said narrowing her eyes.

"I.. IgotmarriedandyesterdaythewomanyousawwithmewasmywifeEvelynandnosecretaryasshesaidwebothwereforcefullymarriedIdidn'tinviteyoubecauseIdidn'tseethismarriageasanimportanteventofmyifebutratherembarassingonebutnowIfellIaminlovewithherbutIdon'tthinkshefeelsthesameandnowIamhavinghardtimeconvincingher"I said nonstop.

"What?? I didn't understand what you said Richard. Please calm down and say it slowly this time" She asked frowning at my nervous behaviour.

I took a deep breath and said "I got married and yesterday the woman you saw with me was my wife Evelyn and no secretary as she said we both were forcefully married and I didn't invite you because I didn't see this marriage as an important event of my life but rather embarrassing one but now I think I am in love with her but I don't think she feels the same and now I am having hard time convincing her "

As I finished there was pin drop silence and I looked at Kendall to show any emotion and when for a minute I didn't see any emotion I thought she is keeping the promise of not creating the scene and she was taking it like a mature woman but alas I was wrong. One moment she smiled and next she was all the way angry and yelled at me "Richard Fucking Evans you of all the people forgot to invite his best friend to his wedding" She didn't even finished yelling that she started throwing the glasses, tissue holders and whatever in her sight at me and though I dodged them all I could see the hotel staff rushing to me to try and restrain her and then two security guards came and Kendall was thrashing in their grip to reach me and when they did not leave her she started crying .

I could not see anymore so I asked them to let her go and the moment they did she slapped me twice on my cheeks and then sat at our seat as if nothing happened.

I took deep breath and went near her and said "Kendall  look I know I made a huge mistake but I am sorry... please forgive me".

She looked at me and tears were running down her eyes and I handed her tissues which she took and wiped her tears and asked "Richard... you should have told me yesterday. I was calling her your secretary and passed comment like she might be enjoying company of other man while you her husband was next to me. I made a fool of myself. Tell me did you had a  good laugh about it? Why would you do that to me?"

"Look Kendall I was afraid you would freak out like this" I replied and looked again at her and asked her when she composed herself " Do you forgive me?"

"Of course I do but tell me how you two got married and why you feel she is the one" She asked curiously with a small smile.

I smiled and told her "When I was told that I had to marry this girl because my Father divided our assets 45% to her 35% to me and 10% to Mom and 10% to Steven. I was furious so I visited the lawyer and he said that this condition must be met if I wanted to own my company. The company I have been working since I was 18. I was angry at Dad that he would make a stranger owner of the company I worked for 9 years. Moreover If I don't marry this girl both our shares will go to trust and they will remain forever there and no transfer and it would be like I am loosing my inheritance practically to a stranger and I would have been fine if he had given everything to Steven but no he did not. 

I thought he wanted to make my life miserable so when I went to her house I could see her family was from middle class and her Father or I must say stepfather wanted me to marry his other girls not her and this irritated me further. Seeing the girls I felt them lusting, infatuated or attracted at me but her she hid in her room when I told her father specifically about her. He said she might be whoring around. I felt rage in me and l left. I could not believe my father would choose a girl like her among all the ladies in the world. I was suspicious of her and her family I mean how the hell do you get to contact a billionaire when you are from middle class. I hired Private Investigators after her and I learnt she was trying to get a job and I called them up and asked them not to hire her. Because I was furious that I will have to marry a whore to get my inheritance and I was not sure if she will get job and not stop whoring around then my reputation will be at stake. 

Though none of my PI reported any of her affairs and moreover they seemed to be proving her like an innocent angle, but because at that time I was convinced she was a whore because her father said and which father in their right mind would do so. At that time I was not aware that he was her stepfather who hated her. He was pissed I was marrying her and not any of his girls. The day of my wedding I didn't spare a glance at her and left her with my driver after asking him to escort her and spent night in one of my hotel. I came back and found she didn't eat since last night I shrugged it off as a tantrum. 

In the morning when she came for breakfast and sat next to me I felt disgusted because she looked innocent outside but inside she was a whore, it irritated me so I told her to not show her face unless we were attending and event or party and left her at the table. Maria told me she was crying but I again I didn't care thinking she was being dramatic. In the evening there was a party hoisted at my mansion and she came down in peach gown and she looked so lovely that all the men there were amazed and seeing that made me angry that she was flaunting her assets because she was easily conversing with him like a true hostess. They were admiring her and I felt like she was inviting them with every action she did, I could not control my anger so I pulled her in a corner and insulted her saying she doesn't have  dressing sense and asked her to leave at once and she did without any word. I thought she will throw a tantrum to get attention but she didn't. I was not satisfied when I didn't get any reaction from her, I thought that she should be taught a lesson so I called her Mom telling her how her daughter embarrassed me even though it was not true and I know her mother called because I heard each and every word from the other line, I made sure all the phones are bugged and I receive all the calls she get. I didn't  trust her to not continue her affairs after wedding. I heard her cry for a long time that night and I felt bad when she cried to sleep but I thought she deserved it. Now when I think about all those things it makes me feel like a monster".

"I don't think that's all you did Richard. Knowing you as I do you did much more" Kendall pressed for more when I stopped saying things.

"You know me too well Kendall and yes I did much more than what I just told you. In the morning I saw Maria crying and when I asked she told me that Evelyn insulted her so I got furious and called her down and when she did I made her apologise to my Staff and she did without even defending. At that time I doubted my action but I still left without asking her anything. In the office I got busy  and was in a business meeting when one of my PI said that my wife was sitting in a local park. I asked him whether there was any male next to her. He denied and said that she was alone and had been since he followed her from home and he called me since News reporters have spotted her and were storming towards her for some juicy news. I rushed there and by the time I did she was already surrounded she looked so lost that I felt sorry but I thought she was an actress acting like a victim. I was coaxed by reporters as to why my wife was alone and when I was going to honeymoon somehow I did answer and pulled her to car. Whole drive I noticed she didn't utter a word, I felt she was scared of me but at that time I didn't care or may be that's what I wanted. She got out of car and was heading to her room as per my  instruction to not show her face in my presence, but that angered me because I wanted her to say something so I can take out all my frustration and that I did. I pulled her in my room and there I humiliated her for choosing a local park like that and accused her of ruining my reputation and even threatened to hurt her family. She cried and I even mocked her tears. Once she was out of my room and inside hers I heard her crying again. She didn't step out of her room for weeks like I told her and then one day I got a text asking for stationary and at first I frowned why she was asking me that but later thinking she was an attention seeker, I was pissed that she was wasting my time and told Maria to arrange everything for her and not bother me unless she wants to step out of our home".

"Oh my god Richard you ignored your wife completely like she didn't existed. I can't believe this. I expected this from Steven but not you" Kendall said disappointed.

"I know but you know I was enjoying my life like a bachelor. And I would have continued but when Maria came to me one day and told me how she falsely accused Evelyn and she still did not hold any grudge. She thought I would fire her but Maria was a good staff and I thought why to loose a good staff over my insignificant wife. But the way Maria described her to me did made me see her in new light but still I didn't want to believe it. 

My mother and brother decided to come back to me and I was happy. Since I was married and I didn't want Evelyn to show anything like my marriage was namesake. When I went to her room to inform of their arrival she was reading a book and after a long silence she looked at me and I felt she was shocked to see me. I ignored her expression but when I informed her to behave and she just nodded I felt like I was doing something wrong and was about to move out. But then I saw her paintings very beautiful she was indeed talented but when her gaze met mine I left her room trying to distract myself. I didn't wanted to attach myself to her. 

I didn't know what was pulling me towards her but somehow I was somewhat satisfied that she didn't do any of the things I thought she would. I was in my thoughts when she came dressed in blue dress looking exquisite but I showed off as if I didn't notice. She came down confidently but when she saw me she was about to go back may be because last time she did I insulted her. I wanted to groan but controlled and called her to living room thinking why she would do so when she is not ashamed of whoring around. I gathered she was afraid and I didn't want her to show this discomfort infront of Mom. Before I could think of something Mom and Steven came.

I did notice condescending looks from my Mom and heated gaze by Steven, setting her as his next target I wanted to warn him but I thought it would do no good because she would show her whorish ways ultimately. Dinner was like business meeting at home but I enjoyed it, I was seeing my Mom after 2 years. Steven excused himself before asking Evelyn to show him his room and I was looking for signs that would tell me how excited she felt but I was bit surprised when she looked at me for approval and when I did without showing any emotion she escorted him. I talked for some more time then walked to her or I should say our room and mostly wanted to catch her red handed when I found the door locked. All kind of scenarios like Steven inside with her and her showing her true colours ran through my mind but when she opened and I found only her inside I was relieved and suspicious as to what her plan was. She looked questioningly at me when I entered her room.I told her that I would need to share room with her due to my family which of course was a lie. It won't matter to them if we slept in different rooms I wanted her away from Steven and I didn't know why at that time. I slept on bed and making her sleep on the couch which she did again without any complaints. 

I started doubting her father's words. In the middle of night I felt her whimpering and crying and trying to fend someone off her. I woke her up but she hugged me she was terrified but at that time in my mind I thought it was her ploy to be intimate with me. I scolded her again and went to my bed and pretended to sleep and I knew she did not sleep and only laid on couch and waited till it was dawn and took a shower and went for running outside. I checked with my guard to confirm her activity because I didn't trust her. I had my coffee and was about to go for shower when I saw her dashing in the room and leaning on the door after shutting it as if devil was after her.  When I asked her about it she did not tell anything. I rudely asked her to join for breakfast but I was worried after seeing her in that state. I saw Steven soon reaching for my room and asked for my charger I took him to another room because I had my suspicions when he mentioned that I am taking him to the wrong room. Because I knew his laptop was fine because we have more than one laptops and their chargers in our house.

While breakfast Mom asked her to arrange the welcome party for her and Steven and while doing so she insulted her more than once and I thought she would fight back but no she didn't and I thought she deserved it I thought she was in league with her father to get money from us. After sometime I found her gazing at me at times and then at Steven and I did noticed the lusty gaze Steven was throwing her way she was uncomfortable and excused herself. I followed her to our room to find it locked and inspite of knocking so many times she did not open hence I called Loyd for spare keys and opened it and I asked the reason for her locking the door but she gave a lame excuse of not noticing it. It was unbelievable and I started thinking she wanted to avoid Steven. But still I asked her to join my mother in a rude way and she did what I asked her to. It was raising doubts in my mind the girl who was called a whore by her father is so obedient like following orders was drilled into her. 

Again in the evening I found her running to the room and when she locked the door she was relieved and when I asked her about it she again dodged it saying she was on her period but I was not satisfied but didn't press for more. That evening when we went for dinner I found her extra ravishing and I felt attracted towards her and I tried to even deny my feelings but could not. We had a nice dinner and she even surprised Mom when she said she was done with most of the stuff for party. Though she did great so far she didn't pay attention at guest list and I knew it. I told her not to disappoint Mom. She got up to follow Mom and I knew she won't get help and If you ask me I wanted her to come to me for help. But she didn't. 

Nevertheless she arranged a fantastic party and when I was looking for her she was dancing with a man in mask , Steven. I noticed that and felt pangs of jealousy hitting me. I gaged everyone's attention while thanking her and she was forced to be at my side and it made me feel proud of her for the first time. Soon I got busy and she drifted from my side and I started searching and a maid told me she saw her going towards Library. I was about to knock when I saw her opening the door and she was shocked to see me and I was too when I saw Steven behind her but I also noticed her glossy eyes which held fear, sadness and acceptance of fate. Inspite of this I could not face her because I felt somewhat betrayed though I knew I should not because ours was not a normal relation but somehow I wanted her to be loyal to me.

Next day she knocked and entered my room when I least expected demand a divorce and even when I told her about her being super rich she was ready to sign whatever was on her name for a mere divorce. That day I understood she was neither a whore nor a gold digger like her stepfather who demanded a large sum of money in allowing this marriage also he was getting money every month till the day I divorce her, when he got to know why I wanted to marry only Evelyn. All she wanted was to be free but I thought she wanted that so she can be with Steven. I was feeling rage, jealousy and rejection. I pitied myself and didn't come out of my office till evening.

In the evening when I went to our room I found the room was dark and there were no lights it was strange and suddenly I noticed activity in the corner and in order to catch the intruder red handed I went near it only to find Evelyn curled in the corner and was having high fever while urging not to hurt her and I panicked though I tried my best to calm her down and then Steven appeared and she immediately blacked out. This irritated me that he wanted to be her hero when he tried to lift her but I asked him to call Doctor instead and lifted her on the bed. Doctor checked on her and verified she was good and I release a sigh of relief but in the night when she had nightmares and it scared hell out of me to see her in that state. I tried finding the reason from video recording nothing. Again after sometime when I went to check on her she was apologising to Steven and was afraid he will hurt her and I thought she was reliving a nightmare. I let it go at that time. But it shocked me when she insisted on divorce so I asked her what lead to her this state to which she replied she had nightmare.Doctor advised me to take care of her and if possible away from the place.

Next day I came early to find the bedroom locked and Steven sitting next to her feeding her and this irritated me and enraged me when I saw Evelyn's fear stricken face. I came to know she was uncomfortable with him and was afraid that I will harm her family like I threatened earlier. I regretted ever saying those words to her. I brought her here when I knew Steven was trying to win her over or may be he was doing something to her which was not what she liked. Though I knew she would not betray me because by this time I had started trusting her but I didn't want to take any chances. Because I had fell in love with her like I never did before.

I wanted to use this opportunity to not only spend time with her but even win her heart. We were making baby steps and I know we made a substantial progress".

I met Kendall's gaze which were glossy after hearing my story.

"Richard whatever you told me really makes me hate you. You know you didn't treat her well. But now that you have decided you want to be with her. I will help you in any way I can. but I think still you have something in your mind" Kendall said with the knowing look.

"I am afraid of Steven's unexpected arrival. He makes me feel threatened. I don't know how he found out about our whereabouts but he did" I said.

"Do you think She is more drawn to Steven? Do you think she informed him?" She asked.

"No... I mean I don't know" I replied "I wanted to discuss this with her but when I asked her I could see she felt I was accusing her. May be I was because we are still on our getting to know base. I want to share each and everything with her but I also want her to choose me. Kendall I love her so much that I can't think of living without her". I looked at Kendall after this and the expression on her face was of admiration and pain. I understood admiration for Evelyn but pain was beyond me.

"I think rather than feeling threatened or assuming don't you think you should discuss your insecurity with her if not directly do it indirectly. It will help her understand you more if you share your thoughts with her rather than be closed off about your feelings. I know it is difficult for you but I would say follow this advice" She said smiling.

I thanked her and came back to hotel to only find there was no one in the room. I panicked thinking of Steven spending time with her or worse taking her forcefully away from me. When I asked in the reception I was told she was near the pool. I rushed there to only find her with a man and when I focused on him and knew he was not Steven and moved further when I noticed her coming towards me. I recognised him as Ivan Carlos and that scared me even more because he was staring at her with intensity and I understood he had his sights on my wife as . By the time I moved my gaze off I saw Evelyn and the bikini she wore left little to imagination of a man hungry for her. I felt rage and I pulled her to me and covered her with my Jacket which she found weird because she frowned but didn't say anything looking at me. I dragged her to our room.

"Evelyn why did you go alone to pool?" I yelled.

She flinched before answering "Richard I.. I was bored so...".

"You were bored so you thought it would be a good idea to sit near a Mafia Leader" I yelled while closing the distance between us while glaring at her.

"I..." She opened her mouth and closed and I knew she didn't knew but still I could not control "and moreover you were talking to him as if you know him from a long time" I asked again in the harsh tone while gripping her forearms.

She winced and tears spilled "Richard you are hurting me. Please calm down".

When I noticed her tears I immediately let go and regretted what I did it will surely leave bruises.

"Evelyn look I am sorry. I was worried when I didn't find you here and the last thing I expected you with a Mafia Leader" I said.

She sniffled and said "It's ok Richard I understand". I looked at her with guilty expression when she said "I didn't knew if you would have informed me that people like him also come here may be I would have avoided him". She looked at me and left to her room and locked the door. I could hear her crying but I didn't know what to do.


This chapter is more of a filler to explain why Richard behave how he did and also an eye opener for Kendall that Richard is in love with his wife..


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