Jilted at the Altar

By nav_k21

305K 8.4K 463

Ariella Marie Clark knew before she could even walk that one day she was going to walk down the aisle to marr... More

Author's Note
Author's Note II
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Twenty Nine

5.8K 186 15
By nav_k21

Four Months Later

Dalton pushed himself out of bed. It had been four months since that night and he regretted it each and every second of each and every day. Ariella and he were living like distant friends in the same place. They were cordial, asked each other about their day. He accompanied her to her doctor visits. The only thing was the flowers he bought home each night and kept outside her bedroom door. He always made a point to come late, knowing she would already be in bed because he couldn't stand her silence.

He knew what he did that night was not forgivable anytime soon. However he had forgiven her and told her so. What she did was nothing compared how he had compromised her trust. So for the past four months every night he bought a red rose with an apology card and placed it outside her room. It gave him a reason to smile every morning when the card and rose was no longer outside.

Ariella woke up and looked at the time. It was seven in the morning. She heaved herself out bed with her huge stomach. They had decided to keep the gender a secret and everyone was excited about the baby's arrival. She was now eight months pregnant. Her parents and Dalton's parents made frequent visits up to Boston to spend time with them. She knew they saw and felt the tension between her and Dalton but didn't comment on it. Kaden's parents had also visited a couple of times. Kaden was still off the grid.

She had asked Dalton to relieve Mrs. Kathy off her morning duties. Ariella enjoyed cooking and breakfast worked for her because by dinner time she was usually exhausted. She freshened up and opened the door. Before the rose and the card used to be on the floor but from the past few weeks he had placed a small table outside her door and kept it on their because she couldn't really bend down with her tummy. She smiled as she picked up the rose and card. It was in one of these cards two months ago that he had written that he had forgiven her for that night and had put it behind him. She was still working on forgiving him. She tried but that image and those wording came to haunt her. She loved him but just the thought that one fight and he had another woman in his bed did not sit well with her even if he did not sleep with her.

She opened the card and read the small note that usually accompanied it.

Dear Ari,

Today has been 128 days since I have last touched you and held you. I miss you. I hope you are a step closer to forgiving me. I am here waiting on the other side for your forgiveness and your love. I know what I did hurt you and I lost your trust in me. Please have it in you to forgive me and trust me. I love you.

Always yours,


She held the card against her chest as a tear slid down her cheek. She knew he loved her without limit and so did she.

"Then why are you still here not talking to him?" She thought to herself.

She walked back into her room and opened the top drawer. She kept the card inside amongst 127 others in there.

Ariella was cooking breakfast when Dalton walked in, ready in his suit. He paused at the entrance, taking in the scene in front of him. Ariella glowed with the pregnancy. She had let her auburn hair grow and they now fell in a shiny mane past her waist. Dalton closed his eyes. How he wished this situation had different feelings. He wanted to walk up to her and wrap his arms around her and kiss her good morning but all he could do was sit in the bar stool and quietly eat breakfast with minimal and required conversation.

"Good morning"

Ariella jumped as his deep voice startled her. She turned around to face him. No matter how many times she saw him those suits, it always made her weak at her knees.

"Good morning. I made pancakes."

"Thank you" He smiled at her and sat down. She fixed him a plate and then taking her own plate sat down next him.

"I was thinking about the nursery. Only a month is left"

"We can talk about it in evening. I will come home early."

"Okay." And that concluded their conversation for the morning.

Dalton got up and kept his plate in the sink and was about to leave when Ariella stepped in his way. She reached for his tie and undid the crooked knot. He held still, trying to keep his arms on his side as she swiftly did the knot and fixed his collar.

"Have a good day"

"Thank you"

In the evening, Dalton rushed home. A meeting had held him up and he was an hour late than he had messaged Ariella.

"I am sorry I am late. I got held up in meeting" He said as he stepped into the foyer.

"It's okay"

He loosened his tie and shrugged out his suit jacket. Ariella had her tab and laptop open.

"I have saved some ideas. You can look through them."

"I have something for you."

Ariella looked up expecting the rose and a card but he stood up.

"Come with me, please" He said.

Ariella nodded and stood up. She walked behind him and came to a stop outside the room next to her bedroom. It had always been locked. She watched as he pulled out a key and slid it in the lock.

"The room for the nursery" Ariella thought to herself. She was about to ask him which room to use as the nursery. She wanted an idea of the layout so she could further her plans. This was good. He can show her the room and they can work around that.

However all plans escaped her head as she stepped into the room. She gasped as she took in the room in front of her. They nursery was ready and it was perfect.

Ariella looked at the beautiful walls. They were painted white and the wall which had the crib next to it had white and yellow stripes. The crib was a gorgeous white colored with grey and white bedding. The whole room had a theme of white, yellow and grey, keeping it neutral. The wall next to the door had the walk in closet which was already stocked with neutral clothing, diapers, baby wipes. The left wall had a dressing table next to which was a large comfortable couch.

Ariella walked up to the dresser. The dresser had a framed picture of the first ultrasound. A small quotation which said "I knew I loved you before I met you" was framed and kept next to it. On the wall on top of the dresser had a long hanging bookshelf filled with story books. The wall opposite to the door had the crib and a rocking chair with an ottoman next to it. The wall on top of a crib had a beautiful hand painted lettering "Dream big little one". Ariella ran her hand against the crib rail and smiled.

The right wall had a changing table and two gorgeous baskets placed between two huge windows. One basket had extra blanket and the other one was filled with soft toys and the baskets were placed on either side of the changing table. The wall on top of the changing table had a magnificent, big round mirror and Ariella touched it.

"It is secure" she heard Dalton say. She looked around the room. The floor was hardwood with a beautiful round white rug in the middle.

"Say something"

Dalton walked up to her. She turned around and there were tears in eyes.

"Ari, I am sorry, I...I thought...you can change it...you wanted to decorate on your own...I got this ready when you were in the hospital...but..."

Dalton was silenced as Ariella placed her lips against his. Their worlds exploded as their touch reignited their souls. Dalton pulled her close and deepened the kiss.

Dalton felt Ariella place a hand on his chest and pull back.

"This is perfect. Thank you" She said quietly as she placed her forehead against his chest. How she missed his touch, this security of being in his arms. She knew there was no one in this world who could love her more than this man standing in front of her. Yes he had hurt her but everyone made mistakes and what mattered was that they were still here fighting for each other. He had not given up, taken her silent treatments, always there for her. She always heard the creak of the door as it slid open at night. She knew he stood there at time looking at her, checking up on her and then silently going back to his room. 

"I am so sorry Ariella" he whispered as he placed his cheek on top her head.

"I know you are" She said as she pulled back. With one last look at the nursery she walked out, leaving Dalton wondering if he was finally forgiven or he still had to ask for forgiveness.

Dalton lay in his bed, tossing. Ariella had only come down for dinner but had taken her tray back up to her room. He was so confused. She had kissed him but hadn't said a word to him after that. He heard the door slide open and a moment later felt Ariella slip into his bed.

"Can we put this behind us?" She asked quietly as she turned on her side and faced him. Dalton reached out and traced her jaw with his finger.

"I already have. I was waiting for you." He caught a tear as it slipped from her eye and then pulled her close. Ariella laid her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"I am sorry Dalton but I needed time."

"I know and I am sorry as well. What I did..."

"Let's never talk about that again...but promise me one thing"


"Never hurt me again please" She whispered and Dalton felt his heart twist in agony at her pained words.

"I promise" He said as he felt her lip press against his chest. They laid there in silence, basking in each other's warmth after four months of emotional hell. They had both been wrong but his wrong had outweighed hers but now it was all behind them. They had moved past it.

Dalton kissed her forehead as she slipped into a deep sleep and finally after 129 days, Dalton fell asleep peacefully with the woman he loved next to him.

I am really enjoying writing this story now, the story line has gotten so clear. I felt Ariella and Dalton needed a bump in their perfect story to realize where they truly stood. 

Do comment your views about this chapter in the comments below and tap the star to vote!

I may get jealous and a little insecure
I may get drunk and let love bleed
But it's hard to believe that beauty like yours
Could fall for something like me
Take these arms and let them hold you tight
Love you more than love could ever know
I may fuck things up from time to time, but
Don't let me let you go
Don't let me let you go
I'll do my best to learn from these mistakes
I may fail but I will always try
I will tell you every single day I can
I'll stay right by your side
Staying right by your side

The song for this chapter ❤.

Don't Let Me Let You Go - Jamie Lawson

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