Holy Roman Empire

By Kugelmugel

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Holy Roman Empire
Chapter 1: His Arrival
Chapter 2: His Confrontation
Chapter 4: His Warmup
Chapter 5: His Golden Eyes
Chapter 6: His Summon
Chapter 7: His Acceptance
Chapter 8: His Hidden Wish
Chapter 9: His Despair
Chapter 10: His Final Decision
Chapter 11: His Ultimate Plan
Chapter 12: His Forgotten Past
Chapter 13: His Travels
Chapter 14: His Misery
Chapter 15: His New Plan
Chapter 16: His Betrayal
Chapter 17: His Mourning Cry
Chapter 18: His Battle
Chapter 19: His Major Surprise
Chapter 20: His Italian Secrets
Chapter 21: His Sacrifice
Chapter 22: His Ending

Chapter 3: His Awakening

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By Kugelmugel

The last time we left off, Germany was just going to begin ripping the head off the English man who might or might not be the reason why there are two HREs running around the world. Is our popular tsundre going to survive the chapter? Stay tuned...


"Arthur? Are you down here?"

"No, I am not."

Alfred looked up from knocking on the basement door and saw that Arthur was standing just a few feet away from him, looking extremely confused. What interested the American was that he was holding his chair (he called it Bugby...whatever the heck that meant).

"What's with the chair?" He asked.

"This is for our next meeting..." Arthur grinned, an evil aura radiating from him. "Let's see that Russian try one more of his workings on me again..."

And this is why I'm scared of you.


When they entered the meeting room, they noticed that Russia, China and France were talking amongst themselves (which consisted, for some reason, of Wang Yao smacking Francis over the head with a wok while Ivan was gleefully watching). Arthur placed the chair down in his place as the American stood in front of the blackboard.

"All right then! We're going to start the meeting now!" He chirped.

"Uh, Alfred...there was no meeting today." Wang Yao stated.

"No?" He blinked. "Then why are you guys here?"

"This is the only place we seem to hang out around here." Ivan suddenly noticed. "Why is that?"

"I know...shouldn't we try going to places where there are more women?"

"No, Francis. We don't trust you with humans anymore."

Francis whined to himself, no one noticing the floor shaking underneath them (how they don't notice this, I'll never know). They only realized the sound when they were aware that someone was slamming his fists into the door, creeping everyone out in the room...except for Russia, of course. Cuz no one can scare Russia when-


OK, never mind.

"Is that Germany?"

Barely had that statement left Arthur's lips when the door slammed open and Germany was within 'dangerous Yaoi distance' from his face. It basically scared everyone in the room (except, of course, for Russia...and France, for some odd reason). He didn't even look drunk either, making the rage even creepier.

"What. The. Hell. Did. You. Do?"

"I-I'm sorry, I..." Arthur tried to clear his throat. "What are you talking about?"

Before anyone had a chance to argue the fact or even try to drag Germany off him, Ludwig grabbed his collar and brought the British native toward the window. Everyone followed suit as they watched Feliciano just a few feet away from the building. What shocked them was that there was another man next to him. That man made Francis's face go pale.

"Whoa!" Alfred chuckled. "Who's his new buddy?"

"That's not the only problem." Seyel added. "There's more."

Arthur stared at her with a confused look on his face. Then, the man turned a little more, allowing his face to be seen by the crowd. The face alone made Francis go even paler, and the others in the room almost screamed from the shock. Alfred was the worst, thinking into supernatural thoughts.

"WHOA! That man looks just like you, aru!" China gasped.

"That man is me, Wang Yao." That statement made all the heads turn. "Or he's pretending to be me, I don't know...but whatever it is, this is all associated with you!"

Arthur started to turn his head in rapid succession, wondering just what he was talking about. Suddenly, Ludwig paused. Francis was holding onto his shoulder, suddenly calming him down. Everyone stood there in confusion, a calming wave going through the room. Kiku took advantage of the situation.

"I want to ask everyone something..." He turned his head around. "Did anyone pass out today?"

"Pass out?" Alfred turned his head. "No, I was fine."

"Actually, yeah I did!" Wang Yao remarked. "It was only for a few seconds, though...so I didn't think into it that much."

"I was sleeping, so I won't know." Ivan answered.

"Ugh...I thought that was a heat wave." Francis sighed.

"What are you talking about, Kiku?" Seyel asked. "You didn't pass out when Ludwig did."

"I did." He answered. "You thought I was dazing off."

Seyel blinked in confusion, suddenly linking everything together. Everyone else didn't seem to understand what he meant. Kiku took that as a moment to show him what he meant. He grinned as he backed up from the group and placed a hand on his chest. Suddenly, Francis screamed. Kiku had suddenly appeared right next to him.

"I don't think Ludwig was the only one that was affected by what happened." He answered. "Arthur, what exactly were you doing?"

"Hmph..." Well, he can't really walk out of this, can he? "I was trying to protect my chair."

"What, this one?"

Yeah...Russia strikes again.

"OK, are you saying that Arthur dabbled in his sorcery...whatchamacallit again?" Alfred sighed. "God, not again..."

"Hey, it's not just sorcery! It works!" Arthur stated.

"It does work..." Kiku teleported next to Arthur. "Perhaps a little too much."

"Grrr..." China growled. "Will you stop it?"

His screaming suddenly intensified, almost making it break the sound barrier. It drove Japan up in the air, being tossed right next to Ivan. Odd enough, he wasn't affected by Wang Yao's sudden outburst. Suddenly, Kiku found himself levitating in the air and placed on the ground as if nothing was going on. Everyone stared at each other with blank looks on their faces.

"W-what...?" Ludwig blinked. "What just...happened?"

"...oh. My. God." Alfred's eyes lit up. "We're like the Justice League of America!"

Oh crap. A boring plot twist. Here we go.

"What, are you saying that all of you have super powers or something?" Seyel gasped. "Well, if I remember correctly, with great powers comes great responsibility-"

"What's today's date?"

"Um...I think it's 2012?"

"Ah." Arthur stared at everyone with a blank look. "...I need a break."

He turned his head and walked out the door without a second thought. Everyone stared at each other before following suit. Ludwig was about to follow them when he noticed that Francis was still staring out the window, where Feliciano was with HRE a few long minutes ago.

"Hey." Ludwig called to him. "Anything that has to deal with him, you can say to my face."

"...do you remember everything?" He asked.

"...not all of it...but enough." Ludwig turned to the door. "And just in case you're wondering, I've already forgiven you...a long time ago."

"...thank you."

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