Chapter 15: His New Plan

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So Arthur's officially out of his rut. Now we play the "game inn" card and revert to the next morning! Cause this fic is awesome, like Gilbert!


Kiku slowly rose from his bed, the sun shining on his bedside. He slowly got dressed into his military uniform when he heard his phone ring. Without skipping a beat, he picked it up and flipped it open, bringing it to his ear.

"Moshi moshi." He blinked. "Ah, Nel...yes, so you're here? OK...we're in the Bermont front of the Coliseum...OK, we'll meet you here..."

He hung up, bringing the phone down into his pocket. After adjusting the katana to his side, he pulled out of the door and locked his room, heading down the hallway to wake up the others. He first found Arthur and Alfred's room, and he quickly knocked on it. He heard fumbling from inside, and then saw Alfred open the door.

"Oh, hey Kiku." He grinned, fixing his glasses. "What's up?"

"I've received a call from the Netherlands...everyone will be coming up to the Hotel in about an hour." He answered. "I advise that you and Arthur fix yourselves up before heading out to the lobby."

"Oh, we can do that! Don't worry!"

"And by cleaning up, I mean you should probably take Arthur's clothes off the floor and make sure he gets his underwear off the nightstand."

The door slammed in his face, and it was then that Kiku realized that Arthur wasn't in the bed when he was talking to Alfred. Shaking his head, he went to warn the others. During that walk, he decided against telling them what he had seen in that room.


Nonetheless, Kiku was the last person to enter the lobby when everyone went in for the meeting. He was only aware of everyone else's presence when he heard Prussia's booming voice echoing from the front desk.

"We got the whole group in here, then?" He asked.

"Yes. Everyone's here and they're planning on meeting us in the hotel." Ludwig answered, trying to keep the serious look.

"You know what that means? It means that our power level is OVER 900-"


"Now now, Lovino...calm yourself."

Lovino reluctantly allowed himself to be lowered onto the couch that he was sitting on previously. Ludwig checked out of the hotel as he turned to join the others sitting quietly in the lobby. Most of them looked a little nervous about their night escapade, but he wasn't expecting anything less.

"So that does it: Feliciano is definitely in that building..." Alfred nodded. "And Holy Roman Empire placed a barrier around the building in case we find out he's here."

"That's the basic summary..." Kiku stated. "And our objective is to get inside the building."

"Could you just teleport inside the area?" Seyel asked.

"I would have to see it first...and I'm more than aware that there's a chance that Holy Rome knows that as well." He answered.

"We should try seeing if we can go inside anyway." She stated. "It's daytime, so he probably won't consider us going in there early."

"...we can try that..." Japan stood up.

"You're not going alone, Kiku." Gilbert darted up. "We stick we go there together."

"I really don't think it's-"

*Dragged out the door*

"...what's our plan after that?" Arthur asked. "We can't just barge in without something to do."

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