Our Secret Romance

By imakestories

46.8K 2.2K 245

Emma Swan (16) the most loved and most popular girl in school. Killian Jones (17) the boy no one ever sees. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 21

1.1K 56 4
By imakestories

Killian's POV

Emma called me in a state of panic and my dad and I rushed over to her house. She wasnt kidding there was blood everywhere. I had to get Emma away from what happened so I grabbed her hand and lead her upstairs as my dad talked to the ambulance workers.

"Oh my god. This is bad. Why did this happen?" Emma asks placing her head on my chest.

"I dont know my love, but everything is okay. Did you call your mom?" I ask.

"Yeah she is on her way. Killian someone shot him, but Im pretty sure whoever it was was aiming for me." She says.

"Well then if that were true then your father did his job and Im not talking about him being the sheriff. I mean his did his job as your father cause he rather die then lose you." I say.

"Do you really think he'll die?" She asks.

"No, your father's a fighter just like you love. Im sure he will be just fine." I say.

I held her close to me and didnt want to let her go. She didnt want to let go of me either until my father walked in.

"Well.. Is he dead?" Emma asks him.

"No. They have a strong feeling that he will live." My dad says.

"See Swan its all going to be okay." I say.

"Yeah. They said it would have been much worse if you hadnt held the pressure on the spot stopping more blood until help arrived." My dad tells her.

"So since I was here and helped it most likely saved his life?" Emma questions.

"Yeah. Also I got ahold of your mom and she wants you to stay with us until further notice." My dad says before walking out.

Emma just went back to hugging me, but this time it was more of a sigh of relief. Then she started to freak out.

"I cant go with you guys. My own father was shot because someone wanted to hurt me. I cant let that happen to you and your father as well." Emma says letting go of me.

"Swan for all you know this person was your father's enemy and went after yo for revenge. Listen just like your father I rather die saving you then loosing you." I say and pull her back to me.

I held her for awhile and then I helped her pack. Once we got to my house my dad didnt seem to mind that Emma wanted to stay with me at all times. I didnt mind either I love her and I will never let anything bad happen to her. I meant what I said I rather die then lose my Swan. I hope it never comes down to that, but I would. Cause nothing would make me happier then knowing my sweet Swan would be safe. Although I dont think this is even close to being over. Not even close and all I could think about was who would do this. Right in that moment one name came to mine. Im definitely gonna kick his ass tomorrow. Thats what he'll get for trying to hurt my sweet Swan.

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