Sad Song (Lauren/You)

By Maclue

47.3K 1.5K 229

"I'm tired of feeling alone Lauren. " Y/N pulled her hips close to his hearing his favorite little gasp that... More

Part 1- Superheroes
Ch. 1 ~A Sky Full of Stars~
Ch. 2 ~The Edge of Tonight~
Ch. 3 ~One Of Those Nights~
Ch. 4 ~Middle of the Night~
Ch. 5 ~Stargazing~
Ch. 6 ~Passing Time~
Ch. 7 ~Hanging by a Moment~
Ch. 8 ~Standing in the Dark~
Ch. 9 ~Rock Bottom~
Ch. 10 ~Real Friends~
Ch. 11 ~Invisible~
Ch. 12 ~Flicker~
Part 2 - Hope and Despair
Ch. 13 ~Angel~
Ch. 14 ~Night Changes~
Ch. 16 ~Fix You~
Ch. 17 ~Love Drunk~
Ch. 18 ~Believer~
Update on the Update
Ch. 19 ~Nervous~
Ch. 20 ~Youth~
Ch. 21 ~Ghost of You~
Ch. 22 ~No Filter~
Part 3 - Purpose
Ch. 23 ~Complicated~
Ch. 24 ~Young & Relentless~
Ch. 25 ~Good Life~
Ch. 26 ~Heavy~
Ch. 27 ~Bad Liar~
Ch. 28 ~New Man~
Ch. 29 ~Two Ghosts~
Ch. 30 ~Demons~
Ch. 31 ~Always~
Ch. 32 ~So Close~
Ch. 33 ~Sad Song~
New story
Special Epilogue
I'm back!
New Fifth Harmony book?

Ch. 15 ~Wake Me Up~

1K 48 8
By Maclue

We all have moments in time. A moment of happiness where everything falls into place. A moment of contentment as things are perfect for a day. A moment of despair where every bad things are attacking a single person all at once. And to Camila's greatest displeasure its the last one....

"Where is he? " Camila entered the hospital with a bang. Her eyes were hard as steel while her voice was as dark as night.

"W-who- "

"Y/N Y/LN. " Camila's fingers taps the receptionists table. The younger man look up with anxious eyes. "What. Room. Is. He. "

"I-The- " The young man gulp as he tries to regain his composure. "Are you family related? "

"I'm his guardian. " Camila didn't hesitate to answer.

"But you're THE Camila Cabello. " The young man said with furrows eyebrow. "I thought- "

"Are you implying I'm a liar? " Camila ask coldly.

The man shook his head rapidly, "N-no of course not. "

"Then tell me what room Y/N is in. "

Once Camila was inside the elevator she barely could keep her mind at ease. So many scenarios runs through her mind. None of them is where Y/N is in one piece safe and sound.

The elevator ding open and Camila briskly exit it. Not long after she stood outside Y/N room. Her heart pound loudly as the thoughts came back full force.

"He needs me, " Camila whisper to herself as she push back the thoughts. "He needs me now. "

Taking a deep breath she opens the door and darkness greeted her as a faint beeping echoed in the room. Camila wanted to turn on the lights but she decided against it. Somehow not seeing Y/N and his possible injuries puts her heart at ease. As long as she can hear the beeping of the machine she's content with the darkness.

Camila open her phone and pointed the light on the hospital's floor. After almost bumping into important wires and actually bumping against Y/N bed—Camila is finally sitting in a chair next to a soundless Y/N.

"Are you okay? " Only the heart monitor answered Camila's question.

Even though Camila knows Y/N is alive—the constant beeping lets her know that—being alright is another thing. Blindly she tries to find his hand in the dark and when she grasp it a gasp escapes her lips.

"What happened? " Her voice broke as she softly caress the bandaged hand.

The beep of the machine only made Camila more angrier—angry cause this could have been avoided if she have search for him earlier. She should have left the studio hours early but instead she selfishly wanted to finish up two more songs for her album.

"I'm so stupid, " Angry tears leak out of her eyes. "I should have been there. "

"This is all your fault, Dinah. "

"I know. "

"He wouldn't be hurt if you just listened. "

"I know. "

"He wouldn't even be in this mess in the first place. "

"I know. "

Camila only stare at the door as it open and the light outside shine both her and Y/N. The figures of Ally and Dinah stared at her with wide eyes—but her mind only registered one thing.

"What did you do Hansen? "


"Is that all you've got? "

Y/N spat blood on the ground as he stood up with shaky feet, "Y-you haven't seen anything yet. "

"Oh really? " The older teen smirk as he raise his feet. "I don't think you could take this baby. "

Y/N clumsily dodge the jab but he couldn't escape the knee sent to his stomach. He falls to the ground gasping for breath but it wasn't over. A hard kick to the face sent Y/N to la-la land.

"Don't try to protect anyone again, Hero. " Slowly the older teen loom against the fallen boy. "A Hero with no powers is a dead one. "

The older teen laugh loudly as he left the dark alleyway.

Minutes pass or maybe even hours before Y/N even stood back up. He could feel anger beyond measure coursing through his veins but he buried it. There's nothing else to do.

"That fight was something, "

"Who's there? " Y/N called out as he stands with uneven balance.

"Your hero, " A girl with piercing blue eyes and red lips curved upward spoke.


"Harder! " The punching bag sway slightly. "More power! " The punching bag swayed side to side. "Don't hold back!!! " A swift kick and straight punch made the black bag swayed violently.

"That's enough for now, Y/N. "

Y/N grins at his teacher, "That...was fun. "

Marco rolls his eyes, "The same line every time we finished a lesson. "

" fault. " Y/N shrugs his shoulders as he catches his breath. "Its exhilarating. "

"It is, " Y/N turn around and found his beautiful girlfriend leaning against the wall smiling. "But don't overwork yourself babe. "

"I'm fine, " Y/N playfully rolls his eyes, "Not even tired at all. "

"Lies! " Jason, one of Y/N friends and sparring partner, shouted across the room. "Nick and I just saw you panting like a dog in heat! "

"Yeah! It was like this, " Nick did a stupid, exaggerated expression of Y/N earlier. "Poor kid. He wouldn't last long in bed—I bet. "

"I was not like that! " Y/N protested as he look anywhere except his girlfriend's piercing eyes. "And FYI—I would last long. "

The whole room laughs except a sulking Y/N.

"Of course you would babe, " A whisper in Y/N ear did wonders for his heart. "I don't doubt it. "

"Get it Y/LN! " Someone shouted as the rest snickered or laugh.

"Not in my gym kids. " Marcos said grinning.

"Y-yes sir, " Y/N stuttered while his girlfriend joined the laughter.

"Pathetic! " A hard shove to the wall made the freshman cry out in pain. "You need training—good thing my pals and I are here to give it to ya! "

From afar Y/N looked around but found no teachers only onlookers staring at the display of brutality of Francis and his gang. This is everyday life for those people who doesn't fight back or who's weak enough to fail at winning against a fight with them.

"What do you say? " Francis said to the shaking freshman. "Say thank you, Francis for teaching me. "

"N-no, " The freshman stuttered out as he tries to shove the bully away.

"Good! " Francis didn't hesitate to punch the kid at his already bruised face. "You have guts. But it doesn't save you from us. "

"This kid got spirit! " One of Francis gang shouted in amusement. "He won't stop fighting. "

This time the others joined in. Y/N look around again; the onlookers are either walking away or turning a blind eye. Its amazing how fear can make people forget what's fair in the world. Y/N clench his fists...

"You. Are. Pathetic. Weak. Nobody. Useless. " Each word was punctuated with a kick to the stomach. "Stupid. Ugly- "

"Stop it! " Another freshman, a girl, came running to the aid of the beaten up guy.

"Look its his girlfriend! " France, Francis younger brother, shouted. "Lets have fun with her. "

The group let out cat whistles. The young girl tries to help her friend but Francis push her to the lockers.

"Let's have fun babe. " Francis smirk at the wiggling girl in his arms. "As a bonus we'll let your friend watch. "

Y/N threw his bag to the ground and made his way to the group.

"Let her g-go- "

"Shut up weakling! " One of Francis group kick the beaten up freshman which only fueled Y/N. "Don't talk unless you're spoken to. "

"Looks like your Hero is dead, babe. "

"Francis! " Francis turn around. Y/N fist was the last thing he saw. The sound of bones breaking and screams of mercy faded Y/N mind out.


"Get in the car. "

The only thing Y/N could do is follow his father's order. Its the least he could do after his father got him out of prison.

"Dad I- "

"Your a disgrace. " Y/N wasn't even surprise at his words but it doesn't mean it hurt any less.

"Joel- "

"Don't even deny it Meredith. "

Y/N mother look in despair, "Our son- "

"His never mine. "


"Get out, "

"Marco you can't mean that. "

"Get out... "

"This is also my home! "

"GET OUT! " Marco's voice boomed against the empty gym. "Rules are rules. And rule number one is to never fight outside the gym. Especially when you started the fight. "

"I never started- "

"Its all over the internet, Y/N. " Slowly Marco's anger fades. "I don't like to do were like a son to me. "

"Please- "

"Leave Y/N. There's nothing else for you here. "


"Your call cannot be reached at the moment. " Y/N ended the call. It was the fifth time he tried contacting Jason and Nick.

Y/N look up at the night sky and breathe out a sigh. Things where not looking good at all. So many things happened in less than a week. Not one was good.

"Babe. " Y/N knock against the two story house. "Babe, I need you, please. "

Silence slowly eats Y/N sanity. Slowly Y/N slides down against the quiet house. His back pressed against the wall as his arms hugged themselves around his cold and empty body.

Y/N doesn't know how much time passed before someone woke him up.

"Kid, wake up, " An elderly man said.

"Wha.... " Y/N shook his head and push himself to a sitting position. The morning sun was blinding his eyes. "Its morning? "

"What's your business here? " The elderly man ask.

Y/N yawn, "I'm...waiting for my girlfriend. "

The old man look at him with furrowed eyebrows, the crinkles showing against his forehead, "No one is living here anymore. "



The water underneath the bridge didn't even look scary despite the 50 feet drop.

Just jump

Y/N closes his eyes as the voices in his head became louder.

Do it

He doesn't have anything. No home he wants to protect. No love he wants to remember. No friends he wants to cherish. No....just nothing at all anymore.

"Do you really wanna fall, Y/N? " The words escape Y/N lips but it wasn't his voice that said it.

In a flash everything disappeared. Everything became white. Endless white walls and floors. Not even a speck of dust to be found.

"Where am I? "

"Nowhere and everywhere. " The voice answered in a musically tone.

"What does that mean? " Y/N ask confusedly.

"Well your somewhere important but it isn't somewhere anyone else can go. "

".....okay " Y/N mumble unsurely.

"The topic for today is why. " The voice said airily.

"Why? " The more Y/N talks to the voice the more confuse he becomes.

"Yes, Y/N, why. Why do you run away? Why do you ignore your troubles? Why do you keep everything to yourself? And most importantly—why do you wanna fall that badly? "

"Wait what- "

"Times up. Its time for you to go back. " The voice said peacefully.

"I don't understand. " Y/N said frustrated.

"You will in time. Answer the first question and everything will fall into place. "

"But- "

"Goodbye for now, Y/N. "

For a moment nothing happened then everything started to shake and fall. All the white walls and floors disappear and was replace with memories playing everywhere Y/N turn. The pain in Y/N head increase until he didn't even notice that he was falling into oblivion.

"Someone wake me up! "


"You bitch! " Camila's fist collided with Dinah's eye.

A gasp escape from Ally but Camila ignored it as she shove Dinah to the wall. The story Dinah told sounded unbelievable but she knows its the truth. The things they did before was more crazier then what Y/N and Dinah did.

"You forced him! " Camila slam Dinah against the wall. "He didn't even want anything to do with it. But you just gotta feed your ego and prove that your tough and know what's right for other people. "

Dinah cough before saying, "I...was just trying to help him. "

"Help him? Are you deaf or stupid? He didn't want your goddamn help! " Camila shouted.

"Camila that's enough. " Ally ordered.

"Enough? " Camila only tightened her grip on Dinah's collar as she glared at Ally. "Don't tell me its enough. My friend is in the hospital fighting for his life over something so stupid and reckless. I don't think its ever gonna be enough. "

"Camz! "

"Camila! "

Lauren and Normani came running towards Y/N room once they heard all the commotion.

"Don't call me that. " Camila spat.

"Okay, okay, calm down, " Lauren raise her hands in surrender.

Camila's eyes narrow, "Don't tell me to calm down, "

Lauren looks to the side for help but they all avoided her eyes— except for Dinah who can't look anywhere but what's in front of her.

"Look, Camz—Camila... " Lauren pause trying to find the words. "I don't think Y/N would want you to do 'this'! " Lauren gestured to the hanging Dinah. "He would be disappointed at the way you're acting. "

Camila looks at her with raise eyebrows, "How would you know? "

"He's my friend. " Lauren replied without a moments pause.

The room became silent after that. A minute later Camila let Dinah go from her grip—the latter wincing at the bruise forming in her eye.

"I'm sorry Camila. " Dinah said.

Camila only glare up at the taller woman, "Tell that to Y/N, "

Dinah nodded with finality, "I will. The doctor's said he'll wake up in a few hours. "

Camila nodded before looking at everyone in the room. Her eyes staying longer at Lauren's.

"If any of you hurt Y/N again I'll kill you, " Camila smile at them. Then her eyes met Lauren's green ones. "Especially you Jauregui, "

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