Love Me, Hurt Me (BillDip)

By Kraykray4fanfics

279K 9.5K 8.7K

Years after weirdmageddon Bill Cipher finds himself stumbling upon the Mystery Shack after he's created a hum... More

Human Body
Help me
Morning Sunshine
Mystery Man
Where to Start?
He's Been Hurt
Avenge him
Up All Night
Oh Shįt
Ready For This?
Territorial or Jealousy
Fckin Hėll
Avoiding Difficulties
Another Trip
Still Definitly Territorial
Oh Deer
Dark Start To A Happy Day
Close For Comfort
Hehehe ;3
Having Fun Being a Teen Pt.1
Having Fun Being a Teen Pt.2
The Explained Truth
The Day After
He's Kind Of Clingy
It's Hot
Paz's Invite
But I do
"We're In Danger"
Avoiding More Difficulties
Trynna Get Yo Sh-t Together
Another Day
To First Dates, Am I right? ^_^
Finally Understood
A Whole Fckin Month
What Happened
Can't Stay
Heir to The Throne
Spankings <3
A Second Date


10.2K 320 570
By Kraykray4fanfics

*Dippers PoV*

The three of us (I, Mabel and Bill) walked out of the Shack, making our way to the truck.

"Shotgun!" Mabel shouted, I groaned while walking to the back.

"Guess I'm sitting in the back with you." Bill chuckled as he walked to the other side.

I climbed in and buckled up, keeping a good distance between me and Bill.

I looked over at him to see that he was looking out the window in boredom, his buckle not on.

"You have to buckle up.." I say quietly, watching as he looked at me confusingly, until he nodded and buckled himself in.

Ford came to the truck and started it up.

After that we drove off to the diner.

By the time we got there it was 11:47am, so I guess it would be like having brunch.

I immediately hopped out of the truck, walking into the diner to see Lazy Susan.

She greeted us and led us over to a booth, Ford had decided to join us today, saying something about it being his day off and that he could actually spend time with his niece and nephew.

I slid into the booth across from Mabel and Ford, realizing that I would have to sit with Bill.

Oh well, I have to watch him anyway.

The said black haired male slid into the booth beside me, I felt his fingers brush mine and we both pulled away from each other in a weird tension.

"So, what would you guys like to eat?" Lazy Susan asks aloud, Ford looks up and starts to order.

"I'd like to get some black coffee and apple cinnamon oatmeal, if you don't mind." Lazy Susan nodded and looked at Mabel.

"I'll have a stack of your banana pancakes and some water!" Mabel said with enthusiasm, I sweat dropped while thinking of what I wanted to eat, I was getting nervous and rubbed my neck with both hands while thinking hardly.

Maybe I'll have an orange juice with hash browns and sausages, I like scrambled eggs, I don't know....dammit.

"I'll also have a black coffee, but with eggs, and hash browns and nothing else. Sunny side eggs." Bill ordered, a smug grin on his face.

I looked away when Lazy Susan stared at me with a look of expectation.

"S-sorry, uhm, I'll have, uh..." I cursed myself quietly while the tall lady looked at me with what seemed to be concern.

"He'll have the same as me but with sausages, orange juice and scrambled eggs." I looked up at Bill, rubbing my hands together nervously.

"Ye-Yeah, what he said..." I whisper out, turning to look out the window I sat beside.

"Oh, poor bro bro, your social anxiety is getting worse..." I looked up at my sister, she seemed to be concerned, too.

Gee, didn't have to point it out...

"I—...know..." I sighed and looked away again, waiting in silence.

"So, what's your name?" I listened to Ford as he investigated Bill.

I panicked and looked up at Ford.

"William. His name is William." I blurt out, Bill looks down at me, still smug.

"Yes, the name is William, I'm come from Samara." He says, accent still there, I notice this, but it seems that it flies by Ford easily.

"Do you speak Russian?" Ford asks, I look at Bill, waiting for him to answer.

"Yes, I do, I speak fluent Russian, it is hard to pronounce some English words." Ford nods, rubbing his chin.

"что ты здесь делаешь?" Ford said in what I think is Russian, I raise a brow, suddenly uncomfortable with them talking in Russian while I have no clue what they are talking about.

"Ищу работу." Bill says back, holding his hands on the table all professionally.

"Я понимаю." Ford responds, I look at Mabel and she looks back, a brow raised.

I start a conversation with her.

"Is he staying with us?" She asks, I shrug, not knowing specifically.

"I don't know.."

"Говорите ли Вы на другом языке кроме русского?"

"нет." Bill shakes his head, and as soon as they stop speaking in Russian, Lazy Susan comes over with our drinks.

I lean in front of Bill and go to reach for my orange juice but Bill grabs it for me and sets it down in front of me.

"It's rude to lean over people." I bite my lip and nod my head.

"So, do you have a nick name?" Ford still talks with Bill, I decide to ignore them this time, sipping on my orange juice with a straw.

"Actually yes, family back at home country call me Bill." I almost choke and look up at the black haired male.

"Bill?" I say, staring at him in horror.

What the hell is he doing?

"Dipper, calm down, I'm sure it's not the Bill you're thinking about. That Bill is dead." I look over at Ford nervously and nod.

I look back up at Bill, and notice that the gauze over his eye is starting to leak blood.

"Uhm, Gruncle Ford?" I say, staring at Bill.

"It needs to be changed, do you think you could go to the truck and get the first aid and change it for me?" I nod and Bill stands, we walk out of the diner and to the truck.

I open the door and lean in to look under the seat, it sits there, still looking brand new.

My hands grab onto it and I pull it out from under the seat, turning to see Bill looking at me.

Blood is starting to drip down onto the ground.

A sigh escapes me.

"Come here." He follows me as I jump up and sit on the seat, he comes more closer so I can work on the gauze.

His body is between my legs and I grab him by his face, bringing it closer to me.

I look down at the med kit, opening it and getting more gauze from inside, placing it down beside me.

I look back at Bill and start to peel the dirty gauze off, after it's completely off I put it in a plastic bag from inside the truck.

I grab a pair of scissors from inside the kit, then I see that more blood is starting to pour.

"Why was your eye punctured anyway?" I ask, leaning down and take out a pack of baby wipes in case there are no disinfectant wipes in the med kit.

"I don't like having two eyes, it's weird." Bill mumbles, he stares at me and I still can't help but blush.

"You're such a weirdo." I whisper, finding the disinfectant wipes.

I take two and open one, my hand reaches for Bills face while the other holds the wipe.

I run it along the bloody areas, the wipe turning red in a short matter of time.

I pull out another one, this time cleaning his eye, but really it's just a socket by now.

"Takes a weirdo to find a weirdo..." the black haired male grumbles, looking away.

I grab his face again, pulling it closer this time.

"Sit still, this won't take long if you don't move around..." I whisper again, managing to clean it more.

He tries to back away, but I keep pulling him back, once he is close I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Stay still I said, damnit." Bill chuckles, his hands placing themselves on my legs.

I continue cleaning him up, throwing away the wipes after I'm done.

I then grab the scissors and the gauze, cutting a piece big enough so it covers his whole eye.

I place it over his eye and take his hand and place it over the gauze, he kept it there while I took out the medical tape and cut small pieces of it.

After that I move his hand away so I can place the tape on over the gauze.

"There all done, wasn't hard now was it?" I complain, shoving him away from me.

"Not when I got to stare at you." I feel my face explode with heat, but I jump down from the truck seat and put everything away, bending down I slip the med kit back to where it was before.

"Breakfast should be at the table now." Bill nods in agreement, following me as I walk back inside.

"Hey, nice job bro bro!" I hear Mabel shout from where she sits, Ford gives me a thumbs up.

"отличная работа." I look up at Bill while he says this, confusion taking over.

"I forgot the...English term..." Bill says with confusion, thinking hard.

"He means, good job." Ford says, Bill smiled while nodding, tapping his gauzed eye, but flinches at it.

"Yeah that! I meant to say good job, I just didn't know how to say it in English."

"Oh, uhm, you're welcome." I say, rubbing my arm, I slip into the seat and start eating.

"Well, after this I was thinking about taking you guys to the mall, how does that sound?" Great Uncle Ford speaks up, chomping down his food.

"That's sounds great." Mabel cheers, drinking the rest of her water.

I sip my orange juice, swinging my legs back and forth, after all these years I have only grown a few inches so I'm very short.

Mabel is still taller than me by a lot, and that annoys me, she would use me as an arm rest sometimes.

After I'm done eating I stare out the window, waiting for everybody else to finish eating.

My plate still has a lot of food left, but I don't want to finish it because I feel that I've eaten enough.

"Do you usually not eat that much?" Bills Russian accent interrupts my thoughts.

I turn and look up at him, sweating nervously.

"He doesn't eat too much but he eats enough to keep his body going." Mabel butts in, that look of concern coming back.

"I just don't feel like finishing it." I murmur, watching as Bill stares at my plate.

"I think you should eat more, it's bad to not eat all that's been given." He says, tsk-ing quietly.

"I-I—..." I pause, thinking about this. "I'm sorry..." I blurt out.

This makes Bill look over at me with his brows raised.

"But what are you sorry for, I was just saying that." I feel myself become embarrassed, looking away I start to grumble to myself.

"Anyway, I think we should get going." Ford rises to his feet, leaving some money for Lazy Susan.

We leave and go back to the truck, jumping in I start to get tired.

We drive off once again, and it's silent this time, making me drowsy.

On the ride I fall asleep, not remembering that we are supposed to go to the mall.

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