1 | dark pasts [oakenshield]

By thorinstoned

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"There is a different type of texture behind each person, a different fragrance that wafts off one another, a... More

botfa review
something unexpected


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By thorinstoned

Kayla was somehow able to put Bilbo's arm over her shoulder and drag him to the living room. Setting him down on a chair, she sighed.

"Bilbo," she whispered. "Bilbo, wake up." She shook him lightly. "Bilbo!"

With a jump, Bilbo woke. He looked around frantically, flailing in his seat. He calmed down when a gentle hand was put on his shoulder, and he saw that Kayla was with him. He gave her a thankful smile, to which she returned. She left for the kitchen, leaving Bilbo in peace for a few minutes, until she came back with a hot mug of tea.

"Here," she said, giving him the cup. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be alright, just let me sit quietly for a moment," he responded in a shaky tone, taking the mug.

"You've been sitting quietly for far too long," said Gandalf, entering the living room now. "Tell me, when did doilies and your mother's dishes become so important to you? I remember a young Hobbit who was always running off in search of Elves in the woods."

"Ta-da," said Kayla playfully. Bilbo smiled a little. "Should I leave?"

Gandalf nodded. "That would be wise."

With a little nod of her head, she left the room. Making her way to the main room, she sat near the fire and closed her eyes. Five minutes later did she sense a presence near her.

"You declined, didn't you?" she asked quietly, not opening her eyes.

Bilbo sighed and sat on his bed. "I'm sorry, Kayla, but you've got the wrong Hobbit."

She sighed. Opening her eyes, she looked to the left. Balin and Thorin were far from the others, and they seemed to be in a heated conversation. Thorin was leaning on a wall, while Balin was sitting down on a chair.

"It appears we have lost our burglar," said Balin in a low tone. "Probably for the best." Thorin eyed him and raised an eyebrow. "The odds were always against us. After all, what are we? Merchants, miners, tinkers, toy-makers." Balin chuckled blankly. "Hardly the stuff of legend."

"There are a few warriors amongst us," said Thorin to Balin, and Balin shrugged.

"Old warriors," he corrected.

"I would take each and every one of these Dwarves over an army from the Iron Hills," stated Thorin, getting off the wall he was leaning on. "For when I called upon them, they answered. Loyalty, honor, a willing heart. I can ask no more then that."

"And the Elf?" asked Balin, looking over at Kayla. She quickly averted her eyes and trained them on the fire, avoiding his gaze.

Thorin scowled toward her direction. "I don't trust her, and I don't like her. Her father is my sworn enemy, and I will never forget what her kind did to us," he grumbled.

Kayla tensed. Bite me, Dwarf.

Balin stood up from his chair. "You don't have to do this," he said in a reasoning tone. "You have a choice. You've done honorably by our people. You have built a new life for us in the Blue Mountains. A life of peace and plenty. A life that is worth more than all the gold in Erebor."

"From my grandfather to my father, this has come to me," said Thorin, holding up the key. "They dreamt of the day when the Dwarves of Erebor reclaim their homeland. There is no choice, Balin. Not for me."

Balin sighed. With a little nod of his head, Balin clapped him on the shoulder. "Then we are with you, laddie. We will see it done."

Although far off, Kayla heard everything. Smiling, she looked to Balin. He and Thorin were coming her way, and Kayla automatically scurried to the window. Thorin leaned on the wall nearest to the fire place, a pipe in hand. Balin stood next to him, Bofur sat on a couch, and the Dwarves were coming in. Hums filled the room, and Kayla closed her eyes as she leaned on the window pan, Thorin leading the song:

Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep

And caverns old

We must away

'Ere break of day

To find our long-forgotten gold.

Bofur and Balin joined along, the other Dwarves still humming, some standing up now:

The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The fire was red, it flaming spread

The trees like torches blazed with light.

And just like that, Kayla was asleep.


The Princess strolled the grassy terrain, a ginormous smile on her face. She hopped tree to tree, hiding behind them and giggling.

"I'm going to find you, Nana! You can't hide from me!" she said in her giddy five-year old taunting voice.

"Not if I find you first," her mother's voice said just as tauntingly, her voice echoing through the forest like bells.

The Princess giggled again. "No, me find you!" she said again.

"No, me find you!" Just then, the Princess felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind and pick her up. She got spun in the air, giggling a like crazy. The person tickled her ribs, and the Princess started to laugh like crazy.

"No fair! You cheated!" the Princess tried to say, but she was laughing too hard.

She felt her mother laugh softly in her ear. Setting her down on the floor, Kaylana put both hands on her waist teasingly. "What? Me? Never."

The Princess jumped up and down. "Come on! Let's go find Ada!" she said, pulling her mother along.

But then something happened. As the Princess pulled her mother to the castle, the Princess' conscious was replaced by her twelve-year old self. She knew this scene, and it scared her. Turning around, she screamed. The pale Orc and it's Warg was right in front of her, the mace in the Orc's hand, and his eyes blood-thirsty.

"I found you, Princess," he said dangerously, an evil smile on his lips.

The Warg charged, and the Princess screamed before Kayla could reach her.


Kayla woke up with a gasp, struggling to not knock over any vases or flip any tables. Her face was beaded with sweat, and her knuckles were white as snow. Breathing out, she let her head plop on the window. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. Jumping, she turned around and put a knife at the person's neck. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

"Valar! Kili, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed quietly.

Kili put his hands up in defense. Once Kayla lowered her knife, he lowered his hands. "Erm, we're going," he said, eyeing Kayla as she got out of her spot. "You might want to grab your stuff."

She nodded. Letting out a breath, she headed to the door and grabbed her stuff. She slung her pack over her shoulders, along with her quiver of arrows. She put her bow on her back, stretching her arms. Kili walked over to her cautiously.

"Are you alright?" he asked nervously. "You seem on edge. You know, a little off."

"Hmm? Oh. I am okay, thank you. Just..." she faltered, "I don't know, stressed."

Kili nodded. His brother appeared by his side and put an arm on his shoulder. "Oi, Kili, getting to know our companions?" he teased.

Kayla rolled her eyes. "Actually, yes. And I have found that he is better company than you lot, for now," she responded, and exited the Hobbit hole. She heard Kili's restrained laughter and Fili's fist connecting with his brother's shoulder.

Kayla went to Meathron, where she then stroked his face, gently running her finger through his white line that ran to his nose. "Hello, my friend," she said gently. "Have you eaten?"

Meathron snorted and shook his head. Smiling, she took an apple from her pocket and gave it to him.

"Here you go."

"Ah, Kayla," said Gandalf from behind her. She turned to him, a light smile on her face. "How did you sleep?"

Kayla's smile disappeared and she looked to the ground. Meathron sensed her sadness and gently nudged her. "My dreams have always been the same," she whispered. "I always see them, Mithrandir. I can never reach them in time."

Gandalf nodded sympathetically. "It's not your fault, remember that."

She looked up at him. Before she could say anything, the Dwarves all came out of the Hobbit hole. Thorin passed her and shot her a look, to which Kayla frowned. Meathron whined quietly and surged forward a bit, but Kayla firmly held him back.

"Nay, Meathron, not now," she whispered. "It's not a good idea. Besides, he does not deserve to get trampled by your hooves. It's an insult to you."

Meathron snorted and Kayla let out a laugh. Knowing that she won, she grinned. Thorin climbed up his horse, getting it ready. Following his way, she climbed up her unsaddled horse (in fact, Meathron was the only unsaddled horse) and got herself ready. They all started to trot out of the Shire, Bilbo not with them.

As they got further and further away from the dwellings of the Hobbit's, Kayla found herself lingering behind. Fili and Kili noticed, and they decided to trot right next to her.

"You seem lonely," commented Fili.

Kayla looked his way to the left. "Just thinking," she said honestly.

Kili frowned. "About?"

She shrugged. "Bilbo. I don't like the fact that Kingy here doesn't believe in him. And by Kingy I mean Thorin, as you should know."

Fili scoffed. "Our uncle has point, for Mr. Baggins would be the first to get mauled. I do not think it would be a good idea for him to come."

Kayla frowned. "Would you like to wager on that?"

"Pardon?" The corner of Fili's mouth rose to a smirk. "I thought Elves don't wager."

"Then I am no ordinary Elf," she said with a little smirk of her own. "I say fifteen gold coins that he will come. Nix that, make it twenty."


Kayla smiled to herself. A low whistle came to her right, and she saw that Kili had a look of astonishment on his face.

"What?" she questioned.

"It's just that," he started, then he looked around to see if anyone else was listening, "Fili is a gutsy person, I've never seen him loose in a wager."

Kayla smirked. "We will see if his streak holds out after this. I have hope in Mr. Baggins, and I am sure he will show."

"You know what, I agree. Oi, Dwalin!" Kili called to him, and the big Dwarf turned. "Fifteen gold coins that the Hobbit will show."

Dwalin let out a laugh. "Be prepared to lose, boy."

After about thirty minutes of riding and chatting with the two brothers, Kayla began to lose the tiniest bit of hope in Bilbo. She was about to tell Fili that he had won and give him her coins, but a little voice come from far behind.

"Wait! Wait!" It was Bilbo Baggins.

Turning her head around, she saw that he had a pack on his back and he was holding a piece of paper. It was the contract.

Everyone stopped, marveling at the little Hobbit while Thorin just looked at him plainly. Narrowing his eyes, he gave a tiny shake of his head. He was a little irritated that he had come, for he thought that the Hobbit would be just another burden.

Almost like Princess Deceiving of Jerkwood.

Bilbo finally caught up to the group. Holding up the contract, he said, "I signed it."

Bilbo handed the contract to Balin. Balin took the contract and pulled out his eyeglasses. A tiny grin spread on his face as he read the contract.

"Everything appears to be in order," Balin stated. "Welcome, Master Baggins, to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin winked at Bilbo.

All of the Dwarves chuckled and chatted with each other. Kayla looked to Kili a smug look and said, "Told you he would show. Aren't you glad you believed me?"

Kili laughed. Thorin, though, didn't look amused. "Give him a pony," he ordered, and then set off again.

Bilbo looked alarmed. "No, no, that won't be necessary. Thank you," he said as he tried to reason his way out of this.

Kayla glanced at Fili and Kili. Motioning for them to to do their thing, they smirked and made their ponies go forward, Meathron and Kayla close behind.

"I'm sure I can keep up on foot," Bilbo continued. "I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know? Even got as far as Frogmorton once. Aah!"

Fili and Kili grabbed his shoulders and hauled him on a brown pony. Kayla let out a tiny laugh before rejoining the boys. Gandalf made his pony go next to Bilbo, winking to Kayla as she passed by him.

"Come on, Nori. Pay up," Kayla heard Oin say. Nori passed Oin a sack of gold coins. "Thanks, lad."

"One more. Dwalin, pay up," said Kili to him. Dwalin growled and harshly threw a sack at Kili's face. Kili only laughed and held up the sack triumphantly.

"What's that about?" questioned Bilbo.

"Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you would turn up," answered Gandalf. "Most of them bet that you wouldn't."

"And what did you think?"

"Well...." Gandalf put up a hand and caught a sack of coins. Chuckling, he put the bag away. "My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second."

Kayla smiled and looked to her left. Clearing her throat, she spoke to Fili. "I believe you owe me something," she said in a taunting voice.

Grumbling, Fili tossed her the coins that she had won. Chuckling, she put it in her bag. Bilbo then sneezed, and Kayla whipped her head around.

"It's horse hair. Having a reaction," he said, the reached into his pockets. His eyes widened when he could not find what he was looking for. "No, wait, wait, stop. Stop! We have to turn around."

"What's the matter, Bilbo?" asked Kayla.

"I forgot my handkerchief," he answered, and most of the Dwarves groaned.

"Here," offered Bofur. Ripping out a part of his shirt, he threw the dirty piece of clothing to Bilbo. "Use this." All of the Dwarves, including Kayla, chuckled at Bilbo's blank expression.

"Move on," Thorin commanded yet again.

Just then, Meathron whined loudly. Soothingly, Kayla stroked his neck. "What is it?" she asked.

Meathron snorted and kicked out his legs. Kayla knew exactly what he wanted to do. Making him go up, Kayla stopped right next to Thorin.

"Meathron needs to take a run, and I need to get some air. Might as well see what's ahead. Be right back."

Before he could respond, Meathron took off. The wind felt good as it tickled Kayla's skin, and she felt the power of Meathron rush through her veins. They rose fast as one, riding over grassy plains and through valleys. Finally, they reached a rocky terrain. Meathron got on his hind legs and neighed loudly and proudly. Kayla laughed at his triumphant gesture. Out in the distance from behind her on a little hill, she saw a fire flickering. Sighing, she made Meathron go over there. The sun was setting and the moon was coming up.

When she arrived, she got off Meathron and let him trot to the other horses. Going to where the fire was, she sat next to Fili, Kili right next to him. The boys were smoking, but she surprisingly didn't mind. She put her bow to her side and dug from her pack, grabbed her book, and started to read. The other Dwarves were asleep, Gandalf still awake and sitting while leaning on a tree with a pipe in hand. Fili leaned over to look over Kayla's shoulder. She closed her book and gave him a look.

"Nosey much?" she asked with a smirk.

Fili shrugged. "What are you reading?"

Kayla shrugged as well. "A book."

"What kind of book?"

"A book that you would not understand because the writing is in Elvish and you would probably get bored, even if it was in your tongue," she answered. Fili put his hands up in defense and leaned back onto the cave wall.

Kayla sighed and put the book down. "I'm sorry, Fili," she said. "It's just a little personal."

Fili tilted his head to the side. "You wanna talk about it?"

Kayla shrugged. "I guess."

FIli waited.

"When I was a child in Jerkwood, so your uncle seems fit to call the former Greenwood, my mother used to help my sister and I sleep by reading to us. Our favorite book was the one about the history of Lúthien Tinúviel and her spouse, Beren. It explained their life seperately before they met each other and fell in love." She sighed. "Ever since my mother died and my sister went missing, I've kept this book close to me ever since, dreaming of the day when I finally find a love such as theirs."

Fili was about to respond to her just before a screech of a creature came from the distance. Kayla jumped.

"What was that?" came Bilbo's question.

"Orcs," Kili responded casually.

At that word, Kayla shot up from her seat and grabbed her bow. She notched and arrow to it and aimed it in the distance. Thorin jolted awake from his rock, and the two shared a look.

"Orcs?" asked Bilbo again, coming toward them now and away from the cliff.

"Throat-cutters," explained Fili. "There'll be dozens of them out there. The lone-lands are crawling with them."

"They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep," added Kili in a creepy voice. "Quick and quiet, no screams. Just lots of blood."

The noise ceased, and the night became quiet again. Kayla still had her weapon up because she knew that although trying to be frightening to the Hobbit, they spoke the truth. Fili and Kili glanced at each and snickered quietly.

"You think that's funny?" asked Thorin seriously, his sudden appearance making Kayla jump. "You think a night raid by Orcs is a joke?"

Kili looked down in shame. "We didn't mean anything by it."

"No you didn't," said Thorin in a low tone, walking away to to stand on the cliff and be alone. "You know nothing of the world."

Balin appeared, watching Thorin leave. He put a hand on Kayla's shoulder, lowering her bow. She looked at him with a grave look, but Balin gave her a reassuring pat. Sitting down in between the brothers, she let her head rest on the wall.

"Don't mind him, laddie," said Balin to the brothers. "Thorin has more cause than most to hate Orcs."

"What happened?" Kayla piped up.

Balin sighed before answering. "After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient Dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had got there first. Moria had been taken by legions of Orcs led by the most vile of all their race: Azog the Defiler. The giant Gundabad Orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin. He began..." Balin swallowed and said this next part slowly, "by beheading the king."

Kayla shuddered. She imagined being Thorin, watching as his grandfather got his head cut off right in front of his eyes. Gruesome.

"Thrain, Thorin's father, was driven mad by grief," Balin continued. "He went missing. Taken prisoner or killed, we did not know. We were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon us." Balin's face brightened up, and he smiled a small smile. Looking to Thorin, he said, "That is when I saw him. A young Dwarf prince facing down the pale Orc. He stood alone against this terrible foe. His armor rent, wielding nothing but an oaken branch as a shield. Azog the Defiler learned that day that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken. Our forces railed and drove the Orcs back. And our enemy had been defeated."

Balin's face saddened a little again. again. "But there was no feast nor song that night, for our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived." Balin brightened a bit again. "And I thought to myself then, there is one who I could follow." Balin looked to Thorin. "There is one I could call king."

By now everyone was awake and standing, marveling at Balin's story. Thorin turned around, surprised to say the least. With his arms behind his back, he gave a little nod and walked away from the cliff.

"And the pale Orc?" Bilbo asked. "What happened to him?"

"He slunk back into the hole whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago," said Thorin as he walked back to the rock he was on, the pain evident in his voice.

Kayla couldn't meet his gaze, or anyone's gaze for that matter. Azog, the notorious Gundabad Orc... he was the one who killed her mother, and he also killed Thorin's grandfather. He was a hunter. What Balin forgot was that he didn't just want to wipe out the line of Durin, he wanted to wipe out her sister, who was probably dead, and most likely Kayla too.

Kayla looked up to see that Balin and Gandalf were staring at each other, a look on their faces. Kayla's eyes widened. No, she would not believe that Azog was still alive.

With a shaky breath, Kayla made herself comfortable. With all of her willpower, she fell into an uneasy sleep.


The Princess wandered the gardens, letting her hands lazily glide through the flowers. Her hair flowed in the wind, and her white soft cloth dress swished. A flower crown of pink petals and twigs was on her head, and her blue eyes shimmered with light.

As she walked, she closed her eyes, letting the sunlight soak her veins. Opening them, she saw a person emerge from the woods.

"Nana!" she cried.

Kaylana was far out in front of her, arms stretched wide. The Princess took off into a sprint, tears of joy in her eyes.

"Nana! Nana!" the Princess exclaimed over and over again. She was almost to Kaylana.

Her mother laughed and started to run forward, but stopped. Out from the forest, a creature and a monster emerged. The creature grabbed Kaylana by the ribs, chomping down hard. Her mother screamed in pain, blood emerging from her middle. The elleth tried to move, but a powerful magic was holding her back. The creature threw her mothers's lifeless body to the side, his teeth red with blood. The pale Orc laughed evilly.

"I found you, Princess," said Azog in Black Speech with a sneer. With a signal to his Warg, the creature leaped at the elleth.


Fili awoke to a scream coming next to him. Startled, he tried to find the source of the scream. Looking to his side, he found that Kayla was thrashing around wildly, sweat beading off of her forehead. She was crying and screaming in agony, fast tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Kayla!" he exclaimed. Taking her shoulders, he started to shake her. "Kayla, wake up! It's just a dream!"

With a jolt, Kayla woke up. She screamed once more, struggling out of Fili's grasp. "No! Let me go! Don't kill me!" she shrieked.

"No one is going to kill you, I promise," said Fili.

Kayla started to heave heavily, her eyes going everywhere. When her eyes met Fili's, she started to calm down. She was so scared, so scared, and Fili could see it written all over her face.

"See?" he said gently. "Just me."

Kayla just shook her head. "I'm so sorry, Fili. I... I... I can't help it..." Kayla's voice failed her and her bottom lip quivered.

Sensing her trouble, Fili sighed. "Come here."

With a open arms, Fili let Kayla into his embrace. Thankfully, Kayla let Fili's arms wrap around her. Not sure if she would be comfortable, Fili let go a little. When Kayla only snuggled closer, Fili hugged her tighter. Silently, Kayla sobbed on his chest. The nightmare was too much for her, and Balin's story of Moria made it worse. She felt a hand stroke her hair, and it wasn't Fili. Stiffening, she started to tremble.

"Hey, you're fine" came Kili's comforting voice. "We won't let anyone hurt you."

"He's right, we won't," said Fili.

With a sniffle, Kayla reluctantly got out from Fili's embrace. Through her tears, she gave then both thankful smiles.

"Thank you," she whispered, and the brothers smiled.

But then her eyes met someone else's. He held her gaze, his eye fixed on hers, cold and warning-like. With a sigh, she stood up.

"I need to be alone for a little moment," she said to the boys, then walked away. She went to the cliff and sat down, tucking her knees to her chest. She looked out into the night, despair clutching her heat. She wanted her mother more than anything, but she was gone. She wanted her sister back, but she was gone. Her train of thought got interrupted when she heard his footsteps approach her.

"If you're here to threaten me and tell me to stay away from you nephews, then I get it. I don't need anymore insults from you," she said as confidently as she could, but there was a slight shake in her voice.

Thorin took a seat next on her left, his feet dangling over the cliff. "I have not come to say that, or throw insults," he said. "I came here to merely ask what just transpired thirty seconds ago."

She let out a little breath and also let her feet dangle, looking down below her. "Nightmare, the usual." She scoffed and shook her head. "It's not like you care. I'm just an Elf, and you hate me and my kind. My feelings mean nothing to you, like they mean nothing to nobody."

Thorin frowned. "What makes you say that?"

Kayla turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were red and puffy, dried tears streams staining her cheeks. Through all of he sadness, Thorin found the fire flicker in her eyes, indicating that she was not happy or amused at all.

"What makes me say that?" she scoffed again. "You said it yourself: Why would Mithrandir choose an Elf to accompany this quest? A female from Jerkwood, at that? It indicated you don't care, but neither do I. I've felt enough pain to the point that flesh wounds don't phase me anymore."

Thorin looked down at the ground, ashamed. He did say all of those things, and he regretted them now. Even though her father was Thranduil, it didn't mean he had to hate her.

I don't trust her, and I don't like her. Her father is my sworn enemy, and I will never forget what her kind did to us.

How he regretted those words now.

"I am sorry about what I said," he said with guilt. "It was unwise, and I was not thinking."

He looked to Kayla. The Elf stared at him, trying to see if he was bluffing or not. But he wasn't, and Kayla could see it in his crystal blue eyes. With a tiny smile, she nodded. "It is alright," she said. "I would hate my kind as well if they left me for dead."

Thorin returned the nod, thankful that she accepted his apology. Both of them looked at the moon, not knowing what to say. The silence spoke when Thorin decided to speak. "I heard you mourn a name in your sleep."

Kayla turned to look at him. "Nana?"

He nodded.

She pursed her lips and looked down. "Kaylana was my mother," Kayla explained. "We had a bond that you don't see a lot. Always spending time with each other, pulling pranks on one another, joking, playing, you name it. She was like my best friend."

"What happened?" Thorin asked softly.

Kayla sighed shakily. "She was taken from me two hundred years ago, and so was my sister. My brother told me all this when he came back to the castle."

"You had a sister?"

"We can get to that part later," Kayla said quickly before sighing. "It was an ordinary day, and she said that they were going for a walk. Though she felt tired, my idiotic sister went anyways. Kaylana lead her to a field, and that's where she met Meathron. Then the attackers came. My sister was to hide like a coward while my mother fought to protect her. In the end, her life was taken and she died in my sister's arms. My father came too late, and he found my mother dead. He blamed her and exiled my sister from Mirkwood."

Kayla paused to think for a few moments. "My brother explained all this to me when he came back from the fields. He told me that our mother was gone and that my sister was exiled for her acts of cowardice."

"What then?"

"I found it total rubish, so I confronted Thranduil. He told me that she was no longer his concern, and she shouldn't be mine. So I left. Poof. Gone, spending five days to try and find her. Her tracks led me to various not nice places, and I found her necklace. Elrond found me, and then he took me in from there."

Kayla choked back a sob. "The Orc who hunted you, who ended Thror's life... he ended my mother. He killed her in cold blood. And the last thing she ever told my sister was that she loved her... and... I think she told her happy birthday."


"Twelve," she answered. "She was only twelve."

"I'm so—"

"Don't be." She wiped her eyes; she hadn't talked about her mother's death in so long. It was still painful and devastating. "Just... please don't."

Thorin didn't know what to say, he was speechless. "What was your sister's name?"

Kayla looked away and sighed softly. "Anne," she found herself blurting, instantly regretting it.

Thorin blinked several times. "I'm so sorry, Kayla," he said honestly. "Truly, I am."

Kayla sniffed and wiped her eyes. "My mother had a saying: There is a different type of texture behind each person, a different fragrance that wafts off one another, a different past. One might accuse the other of it, or of themselves in general; but you have to look deeper, you have to know more. Then, and only then, will you know their true texture, their actual fragrance, their true past. If it's dark or light, it shouldn't matter. You should learn to accept that about others, and then you will be able to accept yourself."

She looked to Thorin. "Your past is dark and painful, with only a little bit of light peeking through." She revolved her wrist, and a flower with eight petals bloomed. Picking it, she held it in her hand. "Look here. This is you. For every petal I pull out, that is something from your past. Are you ready?"

Thorin nodded.

"First, Smaug the dragon. He took your home." One petal down. "Erebor after that, for it was lost in the inferno." Two. "Moria, your last chance. But in that, you met your nemesis, Azog." Three, four. "Your family... Thrain, Thror... your father and your grandfather." Five, six.

"And my brother, Frerin," whispered Thorin. "He was also lost in the battle of Moria."

Kayla gave him a sympathetic look and plucked off another petal. In the end, there was one left. Kayla smiled.

"What?" asked Thorin confused.

Kayla looked at him. "This one last petal... it represents hope. Actually, it's your hope. I don't think you see it, or believe in it for that matter. But something... something gives you hope. Or rather, some people. You see, it's the company, your nephews, Balin, Mithrandir, they all give you hope for this quest." She put the flower with one petal in his hand and made him enclose his palm to keep it. "Don't let it or them slip away."

Thorin gave a light smile. "What's your hope?" he dared to ask.

"Ah, I didn't really think of that."

Reaching for her neck, she unclasped something. Thorin looked in her palm, eyes widening. The metal chain was worn, and rust was started to build, but that didn't catch his eye, for it was the necklace. Three ruby encrusted pink leaves were together, and they shined brightly and beautifully in the moonlight. Thorin gawked at it.

"It was Nana's," Kayla explained. "She gave it to Anne right before she died as a birthday present. The chain is unbreakable, and the necklace does not rust."

Thorin looked her. "You've been through so much...." he whispered. "It's a wonder you're still alive. Most people would die of pain from a broken heart."

Kayla made a small smile. "My heart is mending, for I have hope on my side. My sister is bound to be out there somewhere, and I am not giving up on her."

Thorin enclosed the her palm, making her grasp the chain tight. "As do I."

Kayla grinned now and put the necklace back on her neck.

"Get some sleep," he advised. "Tomorrow we move again."

Kayla nodded. Thorin stood, offering his hand. Kayla took it as she stood and walked back to her spot. She suddenly stopped walking, though, and tilted her head. "Thorin?"

The Dwarf turned.

Kayla took a minute to think before sighing. "I definitely have strong feelings for you," she said thoughtfully. "I just haven't decided whether they're positive or negative yet."

Thorin hummed and inclined his head. "Well you let me know when you figure it out."

Kayla laughed softly and nodded her head, two of them glancing at each other one last time before going separate ways. Kayla sat in between Fili and Kili, the boys snoring softly. Pulling them so that Fili's head was resting on her lap and Kayla was resting her head on Kili's shoulder with his head on hers, she fell asleep with no nightmares.

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