The singing photographer (CON...

By littlez78aka

104K 1.5K 212

(In the last chapter is the account of where the continuous of the book is at!) Peyton Darts. Is a angry fig... More

Moving to Lima
Meeting Him
The Rhodes Not Taken
Vitamin D
author's note
The power of Madonna
Bad Reputation
1st glee book of Mike chang
Dream on
journey to regionals
2k?! a/n
new book covers
coming back to Ohio
Greeting Changs back
Grilled cheesus
James Chang
Never been kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A very glee chirstmas
The sue sylvester shuffle
Peyton Darts
Silly love songs
New cover
Blame it on the alcohol
Bonus chapter: Drunk call for help
Naya Rivera
Original Song


3.4K 71 4
By littlez78aka

Peyton p.o.v.

We were all sitting in the choir room as Mr. She passed out the parts of the songs we're practicing. As Rachel was whining to Mr. Shue James said "Come on Rachel not everything can be about you. Maybe Tina was actually happy about this!" I smile at how he's protecting her.

I looked towards Mercedes and Kurt. Kurt told me this morning that he needed to join the football team so I was thinking of ways to make it happened and It was either Mike or Jellyfish.

I sighed but right then and there the bell rang so immediately stood up walking towards the door to be stopped when Tina says my name from behind.

I turned slowly and the class was empty just Tina. "What's up Tina?" I ask as she comes over and walks to me. "Well Peyton I was wondering if you wanted to h-hang out"

I smiled pulling her into a hug "of course Tina" I pull back and start walking with her to class. "Let's hang out later tonight at yours ?" I ask as open up my locker to grab books and she smiles nodding. "I'll see you later P-peyton"

I wave bye as she walks to her class and I walk to mine after shutting my locker.


I was standing next to Kurt as he asked Jellyfish to help him while I was wearing my gym clothes which was shorts and a lose crop top and my hair in high pony tail.

While kurt went to the group with Jellyfish as I followed getting a few whistles from the football players and when Kurt danced to the song I stood next to Mike who kept glaring at the other players.

When The coach yells Kurt is on the team I smile running to Kurt and hugging him as he laughs while we act weird. After Kurt takes me to cheerio try outs. Yeah Kurt is making me try out to cheer for him at the game.

James wanted me to try out as well but he was busy hanging out with Tina and Artie. Kurt started pushing me into the gym as Coach Sue watches closely when I enter with Queen bee and Latina Cheerio glaring at me.

I go to the middle of the court as Kurt runs and sits down on the bleachers. I bite my lip before saying "Hi my name is Peyton'm gonna start now" I hit the start play on the radio and the music starts.

After I was finished I looked at coach sue who looked at Queen bee and said "give her own Cheerio Uniform" she then looks over at me "you'll be wearing that uniform by tomorrow got it?"

I nod and immediately run out with Kurt following me. I went to the girls locker room changing into my regular clothes and when I came out Kurt came squeezing me tight.

"You're a cheerio! You're a cheerio!" He then pulls back "but don't be forgetting me!" I laughed kissing his cheek "of course not and please you made me try out" he pushes me about to say something but James comes running with the other behind besides The cheerios and jelkyfish.

James yelled "Peyton! Did you make it?!" As me and Kurt look at our weird friends. Kurt takes me from answering by yelling "oh yes she did! And she's gonna be cheering me on at the football game!" We all hug each other as I laugh at our weird group we are.


The next morning when I entered the school with the cheerio's uniform and my hair in a high pony tail everyone. I mean EVERYONE was looking at me so I walked faster towards my locker got my stuff and when I shut my locker I was met with Mike.

"Seriously you need to stop stalking me" I say smiling but immediately it drops when Mike looks at me madly. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" I ask as the bell rings. "Yes there's something wrong! You joined the cheerios?!"

He yelled a bit loud but I covered his mouth as he pushed me against the lockers "hey hey I did it so I can cheer Kurt James and Kurt made it try out..." he moves my hand and leans in more making me feel his breath. "ok....just let the boys check you out so much..."

I move my hand behind his neck and glide my thumb against his jawline "am I sensing some jealousy?" I teased and he smiles placing a hand against the lockers by my head and the other on my hand that was placed on him.

"Yeah I don't really like boys checking out the girls I'm into" he teases back and I bite my lip as my cheeks turn bright red. "Don't worry...there's only one person I'm into and his standing in front of me but right now I have to focus on glee cub and being a cheerio"

He kisses my forehead and moves back "I'll see you at the game" he says and places another kiss on my forehead and walks to class as I keep leaning against the lockers watching him.

"Well that's how you tell your feelings" I whisper to myself and run to class before the second bell rings.


I walked by the choir and immediately stop when I see the football players dancing to the dance Kurt sent me while he was with Tina and Brittany.

I leaned against the door laughing as they stop and turns to me. "God you guys suck!" I yell and Kurt walks over to me pulling me in the front. "Then help teach this amateurs how's it done"

I smirk and drop my bag as I tighten my pony tail "my pleasure" I move my hip to where I point "hit it!"

As I finished singing and did the last pose I got a lot of whistles and "yeah baby~" from the boys. I turned around leaning against Kurt "so boys is dancing really gonna push you pussies down? Cuz there's only one person who's done amazing during practice and he's never really practiced football compared to you"

I kiss Kurt's cheek "so quit being pussies and dance" the bell rings and the boys walk out the choir room to the showers as I pick up my stuff and get ready to leave but Mike was right in front of me. The teachers already left so it was only us two.

"Mike....what's up?" I ask as I move my bag against my shoulder more "what was with the dance and the kiss?" He ask leaning in and pulling me by the waist "well you guys literally sucked and plus Kurt doesn't really like when guys push him for dressing fashionable and I don't even like it"

I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him slightly closer "so you don't have to be least I don't get why you would be when you haven't even asked me out yet" I teased leaning in slightly closer as he laughs slowly.

"Hehehehe well then after the game how about we go out to eat breadsticks." I smile and nod slowly "of course but you need to go to class" I kiss his forehead making me steel his hair I coughed pulling back "and a shower". We both laugh and he kisses my cheek before leaving me in the room.


It was the game and I was cheering with the cheerleaders. When they were gonna dance I screamed Mike and Jellyfish as they did.

When they finished and they got point I screamed for Kurt as he went out to kick. He gets another point for the team. The crowd go wild. I run to Mike hugging him and wrapping my legs around his waist. "You guys did it!" I yelled smiling.

After he changed I was waiting against the wall waving bye at the other players and their families. When Kurt came out I smiled saying "look at the winning man" he turned to me and hugged me tightly "thanks for cheering me Peyton" he whispered softly.

I giggle and shake my head looking at him "I would seriously do that again even if you would be having sex " I teased. He laughed pushing me "well how about we hang out to honor my winning?" Kurt asked as I was about to answer a voice came towards the door of the locker room saying "sorry but she's had plans with me"

We turn and blush to see Mike. Kurt looks from the both of us and nods slowly before smirking at me "oh I'm sorry maybe next time" Kurt said walking away with his dad in the end of the hall.

I turned to Mike and he pulls me again by the waist "you really have jealous issues" I say wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him slightly closer. He tighten his grip bringing me even closer.

"I'm only jealous when I don't exactly have you as mine fully" I blush red by his words and pull him into a hug "then quit being jealous cuz" I Bite my lip "we're dating  aren't we?" He lifts me up making me yelp but laugh at the same time.

When he puts me down I kiss him softly on the lips "let's go get some breadsticks" he takes my hand and we start walking out the school and to my car.

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