BTS - BLACKPINK One-Shots [CL...

By Yoonworks

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A compilation of both Blackpink stories with any ship and BTS stories with any ship. This is not a Blacktan... More

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One-Shot In-house Writers
Rejecting You - Liskook
My One and Only Girl - JiRose
Pins and Needles - Kim Taehyung
Secret - Jin and Joy of RV
A BlackPink Birthday
Finding You - Jennie and Yoongi
I hate to love him - Yoonnie
Home - Chanrose (Noor7621)
혼례 (wedding) - Kim Namjoon
The One - ChanRose
It's You - Liskook
Perfect Life - Lizkook
Yours - TaeLice
Let's play tag a.k.a Unrequited Chasing - YoonRose
It's You (Lizkook) - Part 2
Last Breath - YoonRose
Lost and Found - JiRose
Hot's for you - TaeRose
A Hateful Love - Taennie
Long Flight - TaeRose (M)
Of Endings and Beginnings - TaeNnie
Untold Story - Hobi and Momo
Forbidden Love JiRosé
Hold On - Taennie
Keepsake - JinSoo
All of me - YoonRose
Just One More Night - TaeRosé
Regrets - JiRose
Seeing is believing - JinSoo
how NOT to be a good girlfriend - YoonNie
Perfect Strangers - RoseKook
leave me and don't come back pt 1- HopeRose
leave me and don't come back pt. 2 - HopeRose
The Barista - TaeRose
Hustle - RoseKook
Flowers for you - LisKook
Stupid Secret - JenKook
is this the part? - JiRose
Pleasure Assistant - TaeRose
Pandora's Secret - LisKook Part 1
Pandora's Secret - LisKook Part 2
Illusion - YoonNie (Epilogue)
Enemies - NamJen
Have a Good Day - JiRose
White Roses - Bp Rosé × Exo Sehun
Drunk Call - NamJen
The Most Beautiful Moment In Life - JinSoo
Today - JiRosé
The Vague Arranged Blind Date - rosekook
Miles Away From Loving You - TaeNnie
Consequence - LisKook
Never Again - JinSoo
Consequence Part Two: Permission - LisKook
Yoon's Appreciation
Consequence: The Final Part - LisKook
Complicated Choices - TaeNnie
Make Love - TaeRosé
My Model - RoseKook
Daddy's princess - ChanRose
Gummy Boy Next Door - YoonRose
Meaningful Kiss - TaeRose
Just a little bit of your heart - YoonRosé
Break Free - RoseKook
Sleepy - NamJen
March 28th, 2018 - JiRose
MY ANGEL | Suho and Jisoo
You Never Walk Alone - LisKook
Body - TaeRose
Fake Love - Min Yoongi
March 28th, 2018 - Clarity - JiRose
My Last Goodbye - JiRose
I'm Back - TaeRose
Perfectly Imperfect - JiRose
March 28th, 2018 - Closure - JiRose
My Star - YoonLice
Those tears - JiRosé
Toy - Rosékook
Mine - JinSoo
The Undelivered Truth - NamJen
Without You - Jinsoo
Ending Scene - Mingyu and Rosé
Window Shopping -LisKook
First Love - YoonNie
Next Time - YoonLice
Red - Rosekook
The Truth Untold - TaeLice
Remember - JinSoo
Our stars / Jisoo x Taehyung
The Last Luna

The Barista Part II - TaeRose

3.9K 116 31
By Yoonworks

This story is dedicated to  Lidialoredana67 and was written by  vxRosiePastaxv. Please check his profile and send his stories some love. :)

Author's note:

This is part two of 'The Barista'. I feel like I needed another chapter for this one-shot because... why not?



Taehyung's POV:

"Oh my god I'm so going to screw up tonight..." I let out a deep sigh as I ran my fingers on my hair. "I'll definitely going to embarrassed myself, I don't know what to do nor where to bring her tonight..." I'm panicking while muttering under my lips as my legs kept on pacing back and forth, hoping that this uneasiness feelings I've been having will fade away but it's not even working.

So to summarize today's occasions, I was left to work alone at the café, then an Angel named Park Chaeyoung showed up and we've talked for a little while and now I'm going on a date with her tonight. This is all too sudden... way too sudden, I think I'm having a severe anxiety attack...

"S-should I call Jimin and ask him what to do?" I said to myself as I dialed his number. I remained hesitant for a few minutes, contemplating whether to give my friend a call or leave him alone as he might be busy. "Oh god this is so frustrating..." I whined as I rest my forehead on the counter.

As my mood was glooming and my confidence dropped to its lowest point, that's when the images of her face, peacefully filling up my mind. Her warm gentle smile, her cute chuckles, they kept on repeating itself inside my head.

The thought of her, was enough to curve a smile on my face, it was enough to lighten up my gloomy mood, just like that. Is this... Is this what they called...

Love at first sight?

"Taehyung, this is your chance... Jimin's right, I can't stay single forever, I want to love, I want to be someone's hope and dream... someone who she can be safe with... someone who can give her all the love there is in this world..." I whispered to myself with my head still fixed on the counter.

"I can do this..." I said as I turned around and tapped my cheeks gently repeatedly. "Let's do this!" I raised my voice for encouragement and it's working.

"Umm, excuse me?" I heard another voice before turning around, to see a few customers waiting at the other side of the counter and it looks like I've made a fool out of myself. Well what do you expect from Kim Taehyung...

"S-sorry about that, Welcome to Café Bistro, w-what can I get for you?"


Chaeyoung's POV:

The moment I stepped my feet outside of the Café, my cheeks just couldn't stop themselves from blushing. I just asked the barista who I just met like half an hour ago on a date and he said yes...

I don't know what's happening with me back there, usually I would rather have a man asking me out rather than me asking a guy out, but that Kim Taehyung... His presence... it's so calming...

Maybe being single after 7 years since my ex-boyfriend dumped me in college, made me lonely fee; inside despite being happy on the outside.

I admit, I missed being in someone's arms, being told that he loves me every day and night, showered with kisses and hugs... being told that you meant the world to him...

I missed it so much...

For years I've been holding myself from falling in love ever again. I'm afraid of getting hurt all over again, so I forced myself to believe that true love never exists...

Until I met him... Kim Taehyung...

His boxy smile, his shyness, his humble personality... him in general... it feels like he managed to awaken the part of my heart that I've been locked away for years... the part of my heart where I learned how to love...

This familiar feeling... it's...

Love at first sight... or probably the correct term for it would be


(n.) the euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love

I'm walking my way back to my apartment when I took my last sip of the drink he made. "I want more..." I whined to myself as my feet kept on marching forward. As much as I want to go back to the café and 'get another drink', I have to just wait for tonight.

So I went back to my apartment safely and went to my floor. Upon reaching inside I plunged myself on my couch. "I can't wait for tonight" I curved a wide smile at the thoughts of him and our date tonight.


Taehyung's POV:

"Okay... Okay Jimin calm down man, y-yes yes I'm going on a dat- "I couldn't even finish my sentence as my friend kept on talking gibberish and fast on the other side of the line. "Don't you try to lie to me man, you are going on a date for real now!?" My talkative friend asked, his tone was clearly filled with excitement and anticipation.

"Well... y-yeah I guess so... well actually she only asks me to show her around Hongdae tonight as she's not from around here... don't know if that's considered as dat- "And for the second time, he cut me off again.

"Did she asked you that or did you volunteered to do it, wait what am I kidding, of course she asked you, there's no way you would do such thing as volunteering let alone for a girl" I heard he laugh lightly behind the line and that made me chuckles silently. "You know me too well, yeah she asked me"

"Then it's obviously a date smarty pants! Jennie did the same to me before. And let me tell you, when a girl asked you out instead of yourself, that means she's already into you. Trust me." Jimin confidently said as he emphasized the word 'trust me'.

"But Jimin, I'm... I'm not confident with myself, what if I screw up so bad? What if I embarrassed myself or more importantly, her..."? I let out a light sigh of frustration as I'm running my fingers on my hair.

"Dude, it's going to be alright, you just need to be yourself, and it's all good" I heard Jimin trying to calm me down but this uneasiness feelings still there. "I'm going to need your help man; I don't want to disappoint her more than I don't want to disappoint myself."

"I'm more than happy to help you brother, now where should we start?" Jimin asked eagerly. "The perfect place I can take her tonight; you have somewhere in mind?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Hongdae's shopping street needs to get a mention, let me tell you, woman always liked it there, there's plenty of stores, lots of booths to visit, lots of food, she'll love it for sure." – Jimin

"Will she like it? I mean when I said she's not from around here, I meant she's a Korean that came from Australia..." I asked as I wrote down what Jimin said on a little note.

"A lot of people love Hongdae's shopping street, I'm sure she will too. You just go with the flow Taehyung, take her around, don't just simply walk along the street, pass by some booth, buy some street foods, and try to see what she likes and what she dislikes" Jimin calmly explained his point so I just nodded my head as I'm writing his point.

"How about my outfit...? Should I just wear this barista uniform or do I need to change." I asked. "There's not much time to change Taehyung, just wear them, it looks good on you actually, you know, white polo shirt and black man leggings. Like I said you're an attractive man" He said and now I really wanted to puke for real.

"Can you not say that...? I feel like you and I are both gay now..." I said as my body cringed to its peak and my friend just laughs it off on the other side of the line. "Well anyways man, good luck and remember that this is your golden chance... so fingers crossed and may the cupid be with you two tonight." Jimin immediately hang up and that actually put a smile on my face.

"Just be yourself Kim Taehyung..."


Chaeyoung's POV:

Tick Tack, the clocks went round and round and now I have about two hours to prepare myself. This is my fist date in years so I'm actually quite nervous yet I'm excited at the same time. My preparation began with me taking a nice and warm shower, I took all the time I need, cleaning and freshen myself up to my satisfaction.

In my bathrobe, I went to my makeup table and now drying my hair carefully and thoroughly. After that done, now it's time for the most difficult task... choosing what to wear for tonight... It's very important to carefully choose your outfit for a date, because impressing your date is essential, I don't want him to see that I'm not even trying or putting in effort nor I don't want to look desperate by putting too much effort in my outfit.

Calmly, I went to wardrobe and my eyes began roaming followed by my hands, scanning through stack of clothes of mine. This is actually harder than it looks like...

After minutes and minutes of deciding and contemplating, I decided to wear something that can make him feel comfortable, since Kim Taehyung is a barista, so I'm thinking of wearing something that matches with him, and white seems to be the perfect color. I picked my white oversize polo shirt and my black leggings with my black coat as the final touch. Yeah tonight's theme is barista it seemed...

After getting dressed, I went back to my makeup table and put on some light makeup as usual before spraying my perfume around my neck. Satisfied with everything, I grabbed my pouch and took one last look at the body sized mirror. "Perfect" I said in satisfaction and immediately I exited my apartment.

"I'm going to see him again... fingers crossed..."


Author's POV:

"Thank you, please come again" Taehyung thanked the last customers as he bowed down. As soon as they exited the café, Taehyung flipped the sign on the door to 'closed' before grabbing a broom on the corner and casually sweeping the floor of the café.

Chaeyoung was brisk walking in her sneakers until she saw Café Bistro's neon light sign at the corner. A smile immediately curved on her face as she walked to the door. "Oh... it's closed?" She asked in confusion as her eyes landed on the door sign.

She leaned her face closer to the glass door and took a peek inside and her smile widened as her eyes landed on Taehyung's back figure as he's wiping the table near the corner. Her hands spontaneously placed on the door handle and gently she pushed the door opened. The familiar sound of soul music immediately greeted her ears.

"Annyeong~" Chaeyoung softly greeted him which made Taehyung stopped whatever he's doing and turning his body to her direction. Upon landing his eyes on her, they widened as the towel on Taehyung's grip fall down to the floor.

"C-Chaeyoung ssi? Y-you're early..." Taehyung let out an awkward chuckle as he picked the towel up quickly.

"Told you I'll be here an hour earlier right? Am I... Am I interrupting or anything?" She asked as her figure still standing on the door.

"Oh no, no please, take a seat, we always closed an hour earlier as we need to do some cleaning before closing" Taehyung said as he quickly turned his body around and resuming in wiping the table.

"Oh my god, what should I do? I didn't expect her to be here so early... oh no, I'm absolutely finished..." Taehyung mentally slapping himself as he doesn't know what to do other than wiping the tables.

" Come on Taehyung... think..." Taehyung took a glance at her before looking back at the table. "Umm... y-you look good t-tonight Chaeyoung ssi" Taehyung bravely said to her as he stuttered a bit. Chaeyoung heard him and her cheeks were now tomato red. "T-thank you" She said to him.

Finished with the cleaning, Taehyung instantly made his way to the other side of the counter. "Welcome to Café Bistro, what can I get for you?" Taehyung asked as he flashed his boxy smile. Chaeyoung let out a light giggle as she rests her elbows on the counter and placed her chin on the surface of her hand.

"Caramel Macchiato, iced, please" She said before flashing her smile. "Very well, this way please" Taehyung suddenly pointed at the empty spot next to him. "Hmm?" She cocked her eyebrows in confusion. "I'll teach you how to make a macchiato, if you're okay with that?" He said with a smile.

"Oh my of course! Are you serious?" She immediately got off her seat and excitedly made her way to the back side of the counter as Taehyung nodded his head. "Here" Taehyung crouched down and grabbed a black apron. He helped her on wearing it before tying it for her.

"Now I really look like you, like a barista" She said with a chuckles. "Y-yeah I just realized our clothes... kind of matching" Taehyung awkwardly chuckles as he ran his fingers on his hair.

"Alright, where should I start?" She said with enthusiasm. Taehyung handed her a coffee basket. "Here is where you put the coffee beans" He said as he picked up a lid from a container where the beans were placed.

"Oh alright, so I just filled it up?" She asked as she scoop a handful of coffee beans into the basket. "For me, I always place about eight grams" Taehyung then hold onto her hand as he pours some of the beans back, while Chaeyoung just remained there, froze and just focusing on her side profile.

"There, that should do it, now after that, to the grinder" Taehyung stepped back and pointed at the grinder machine next to him. "Where should this go now?" She asked while the basket still in her grip. "Here, you just place the basket on the grinder and twist" He said before guiding her hand for her again, then pressed the grind button.

"Oh the smell... I love coffee" She said which made the two laugh lightly. "After that, maybe I should do the next step, as it's very hard" He said and she just nodded her head before handing him the basket.

He reached for the tamper and easily, he began tamping the crushed coffee.

Chaeyoung's eyes never retreated from his face. Seeing him focus at doing what he loves, it made her feel soft and every little details about him, she's already liking it. It's like the shy Kim Taehyung was now replaced by a charismatic yet elegant Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung turned his head towards her direction and their eyes eventually met. Chaeyoung widened her smile as her eyes squinted which made him did the same reaction as her before continuing until he's satisfied with the end results. "There, this should be fine" He placed the basket away before placing the espresso into a small glass.

"You really enjoyed doing this job aren't you?" Chaeyoung asked and Taehyung just nodded his head. "At first it was hard, but the more I do my job, the more I realized that what I did here, sometimes bring smiles onto someone's face so I enjoyed it now"

"Well it's surely does put a smile on my face" She replied with her smile. "I'm glad it did, y-you actually looked cute when smiling" Taehyung whispered before he went to the fridge. "I could say the same for you..." Chaeyoung whispered to herself as Taehyung came back with a glass of milk and vanilla syrup.

"Right now for the best part." Taehyung grabbed a cup and placed it next to her. "Alright first, the vanilla syrup goes in and then followed by this milk" He explained and Chaeyoung nodded her head as she did as Taehyung instructed.

"Then the main gem, in goes the espresso" Taehyung slowly pour the espresso in. "Now it looks more like a macchiato" Chaeyoung clapped her hands slowly in amazement which widened the smile on Taehyung's face. After adding ice into the mix, time for the main ingredient.

"Here, you want to drizzle the caramel on top?" Taehyung grabbed a jar of caramel. "Oh yes please" She let out a light squeal as she grabbed a spoon, scoop some caramel and start drizzling it around her drink. "Can I add more?" She asked which made him chuckle as he nodded his head. "Yay"

"Don, go ahead, try it" Taehyung place a straw into her cup. Instantly, the straw went into her mouth and she took a quick sip before a squeal came out from her lips. "Wow, it's really good, really really good." She emphasized the word 'really' as she couldn't stop sipping in the Caramel Machiatto.

"That's a relief" Taehyung heaved out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you liked it."

"Thank you so much for this Taehyung ssi. It's five dollars fifty right?" She asked but Taehyung just shook his head. "Don't worry, it's on the house." Taehyung said with a smile as he took his apron off and clean the counter in a swift.

"You're a kind man, you know that?" She asked as she took another sip. "Thank you. S-shall we?" Taehyung asked and she smiled as she nodded her head.


Taehyung's POV:

"You should try the Korean Fish Cake, it's delicious" I pointed at the mentioned booth as I shove another rice cake into my mouth. "I still haven't finished my tteobokki" I heard her whined and made me chuckles silently under my lips.

"There's a lot of food here, I'm quite surprised. I wanted to try them all, but I can't even finish this rice cakes..." She pouted her lips before she ate another piece.

"You're so cute when you eat... I wanted to pinch that chipmunk cheeks of yours..." I said in my head as my eyes never retreated her side profile until she looked at me and our eyes met for the nth time tonight and immediately I looked away.

"Y-you want to see something nice?" I asked as I looked away. "What is it?" She turned her body facing me. "Let's go" I said and I flinched a bit as she suddenly clung her arm on mine casually. "Where~" She asked in a cute tone.

"Y-you'll see..." I said as we both walked our way forward until we reached a tall building. "Here? what's in here?" She asked as her eyes scanned the building from top to bottom. I remained silent all the way until we reached the elevator and pressed the highest floor.

Upon arriving, we found ourselves now at the rooftop of the building. The refreshing wind blew our hair back, and her scent greeted me which got me addicted to it. "It sure is refreshing up here, but why here Taehyung ssi?" She asked as she's confused.

I gathered up some courage before covering my eyes with my palms. "What is it a surprise? I'm not really good with surprises..." I saw her lips pouted and if I hadn't controlled myself.... I would've kissed her...

"You'll like it" I said as I carefully brought her to the fence. "Taehyung ssi, you're not going to push me off this building are you?" She said clearly worried and that made me laugh lightly. "You're ready?" I asked and she just nodded her head but then she shook her head as well. "I'm not ready... just do it..."


Chaeyoung's POV:

"Ready?" He asked me and I just nodded/shook my head. "Just do it Tae..." I said as my nervousness roses to its peaks.

Slowly I could feel his hand retreated from my face and I opened my eyes slowly. I gasped as my eyes widen when they landed on the view of Seoul City which showered with glittering lights and shining decorations through the whole city. The sparkling star complimented the scene even more, it's beautiful... too beautiful...

"I always come here after work, it's where I can calm my mind down after a tiring day at work." He said. "It's beautiful Taehyung ssi, thank you" I turned myself and stare at him who's staring up onto the sky.

I caught a glimpse of his eyes. His eyes lit up even brighter than the starry night sky and the shining city of Seoul as they reflected the shining stars which complimented those ethereal orbs of his. I could stare at those precious eyes all night...

Without realizing, a gentle smile formed on my lips as I mesmerized myself, staring and observing his perfect side complexion. Then he suddenly turned his face, meeting eyes with mine that's already staring back at him. This is the nth time our eyes met but at that moment... a spark of unconditional admiration ignites insides of me.

My heart raced so fast as I could see him leaning his head slowly towards mine. All rational thoughts I had, all gone but one, I want him to be mine...

I closed my eyes as my head spontaneously leaned forward until I could feel his warm breath collided on the surface of my lips and the next second his lips softly met with mine, the soft warm feeling of his lips, gently melting with my own.

It felt awkward at first, but the more I leaned in the easier it is for me to kiss him back properly, his head slowly titled to the side and mine beside his. Thousands of emotions, surged into that slow gentle kiss at once, ecstasy, it's like this is what I've been missing my whole life.

I could now feel his gentle fingers placed on my chin and in no time, his lips deepened the kiss, wanting to lose himself deeper into the kiss. I rested my palms on his nape as he's now taking control of my lips like he owned it.

He slowly retreated his lips with his fingers still on my chin and my hands still on his nape. The two of us panting lightly, catching our breaths as he rested his forehead on mine. No words being said for a minute or so, just him staring deep into my eyes that's filled with admiration for him, and only him.

"C-Chaeyoung ssi.." He broke the silence and I just hummed gently in response.

He breathed out lightly. "I-I think... I've fallen in love with you..."

The euphoria that filled my whole body, I formed my widest smile as tear imminently fall off my cheek, couldn't contained the mixed emotions I'm having. "Me too... Taehyung... me too..."

I know you're the one for me, I will cherish you, love you with all of me, and I will stay by your side through thick and thins which I knew you will do the same for me.

"I Love you."

"I Love you too Chaeyoung"

I immediately pressed my lips back against his, this time with happiness and joy and love.

He's mine... and I'm his... Our fate has crossed with each other and now it brought us together.

"Let me walk you home. It's already late." He said to me and I nodded my head.

Now it doesn't feel awkward when I'm holding his hand anymore, and his shyness completely faded around me. We took all the time we need as we're walking towards my apartment.

As we reached the front gate of the apartment I lived in, I stopped which made him halted. "We're here. This is where I live" I turned my head to look at him and he seemed surprised as his eyes widened while looking at apartment.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked him as I'm worried. "I-Is this where you live, Chaeyoung?" He asked as he looked at me and I just nodded my head. "Yeah, why? Is there something wrong?" I asked again, and now I'm suspicious.

"N-no no, it's not that, it's just that... I live in this apartment too..." He said and my eyes widened as my mouth gasped.

"Oh my..."

Author's note:

There's so much more I wanted to write... but I had to end it at there... well who knows, this may turn into a book... just a possibility... anyways. Thank you for reading and spending you time in this one-shot. Leave a comment on how it was. Thank you, I appreciate it. Thank you again!

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