The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates...

By Chick_ennugget

1.5M 60.2K 28.1K

"Soulmate? Fated pair??" Eli scoffed, "There is no such anymore." "They exist!" "Not anymore. Because that's... More

Sweet Smell
The test
Back to the Academy
Wild nature
Worse scenarios
The feeling of unease
Search for Food
Make Love?
Cats out of the bag
Unexpected things
School play
Unexpected actions
Rehearsal and play
The one who's making me feel weird
Carnal desires
I hate you
What if?
What have I done?
Turning point
You're mine
Why now?
Bad Tidings
My sister and my friend
We're Even
Our past
The beginning of my sins
The beginning of my sins pt 2
Trouble stirs
Naked truth
Filling the blanks
End it all

My Mom

26.7K 1.2K 634
By Chick_ennugget


My mom is a beautiful person. She's an omega like my sister and me, so naturally, she was pretty and attractive. However, that does not give the right for anyone to abuse her.

Just because she can't speak up for herself doesn't mean you can have your way with her.

The majority of the people can't understand her so when she wanted to escape, there was no one there to help her. She was a little naive, and didn't know better but exactly the kind of person people take advantage of.

I ran through the forest on my twos, if I was a normal werewolf, I would have let my wolf take over but now I can't find the courage to do that. I can't believe there was a time when I used to run on all fours like crazy, but that time was very short-lived.

Still, that didn't stop me from running like crazy. I had too much stuff pent up inside of me. I ran till a cottage came into view. It was a well-furnished house in the forest where a guard, Nolan, sat on the veranda. He didn't move even when he saw me and I ran past him. The door was open and I darted inside where I saw my mom, my real mom, sitting in the lounge on the single-seater sofa.

I fell into my mother's lap and buried my face there as I sat on the wooden floor. She was startled at my sudden appearance at first but she relaxed the next second and her body eased, then she caressed my hair gently, letting me know that it was all alright now.

Her gentle strokes made my nose and eyes sting and tears automatically came out. My shoulders began to shake as I cried in her lap. She didn't stop me, she let me wet her lap with my sorrows and I cried for about twenty minutes straight. All the while she kept caressing my head softly.

After I was done, I raised my head and looked at her. There was a line of snot that extended from her lap to my nose as I created the distance and although she had a pained expression on her face, the moment she saw my face she ended up chuckling and shook her head at me.

She took a part of her dress and wiped my nose with the cloth as I kept my eyes on her. After she was done I sniffled and cleared my throat.

"Mom..." She looked at me lovingly, then placed her hands on my cheeks, wiping my tears away. I placed my hands on top of hers and leaned my face into the palm of her hand on the right side.

I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of her hands and the love in her gaze.

"Mom," I said with my eyes still closed, "I love you and Amara more than anything else in the world," I confessed and I felt her lips on my forehead.

And I finally felt at peace. A soft smile spread across my face as I felt her love. I felt calmer as my anxiety got lower.

Coming here was the right choice.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked at my mom.

But I can't stay... I have to go back to the academy, it's still a weekday, and being absent without notice will get me expelled. And I know more than anybody else that I can't afford that, especially because I have Amara to take care of.

I took a deep breath and stood up from the ground with my hands now extending downwards, intertwined with hers.

I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave this place where I find my peace. And I certainly didn't want to go back to pretend to be something I'm not.


"I have to go now." I smiled at her, trying my best to give her a good grin, "I'll come to visit for a longer time on the weekend if I can."

She nodded and stood up with me to see me out but before that, she pulled me into a long meaningful hug that she knew I needed.


This was unexpected.

I had followed Mael into the forest purely out of curiosity because he seemed disturbed but I had no idea there was a cottage here, practically in the middle of nowhere.

I hid behind the trees when I noticed the guard and watched from there as Mael disappeared inside the house. My wait was about thirty minutes long before he came out but there was a woman behind him who was holding his hand.


They parted at the porch stairs and the guard stood up from his place as well. Mael kissed the woman's cheek and went into the forest while the woman stood to stare at his disappearing back.


What is happening here? This looks so suspicious. I doubt this is a secret affair with an older woman. The interaction was too soft for that.

The guard then tapped the woman's shoulder and pointed in a direction as he said something. She nodded at his words and he began to leave as well.

As the guard disappeared from the place, I let myself out of my hiding spot and walked towards the house.

"Um," I felt a bit awkward, I did sort of follow Mael here so what was I supposed to say? , "Hello?" I waved my hand toward the woman and caught her attention but she silently stared back at me. When she saw my waving hand, she raised hers and waved back at me with a warm smile.


I could tell at one glance, she was an omega, definitely a dominant one since she was beyond pretty. She seemed like a really nice person but perhaps she lacked a sense of defense because she gestured for me to come over without any question.

I walked to the porch and she smiled.


One glance and something hit me.

Mael looks a lot like this woman.

I gulped, feeling a little nervous.

"I-uh," I pointed in the direction where Mael left and briefly looked in that direction too, "A friend of Mael's." As I was looking at the forest trail, I felt her hands on my cheek which made me flinch. I clearly wasn't expecting that but there was another thing I wasn't expecting at all.

She gently cupped my face and made me look at her again. There was a worried expression on her face and she was looking at my lips but I was equally confused.

What was she doing?

She nodded her head at me as if asking for something but I just frowned. I had no idea what to do and her action was a little uncomfortable. After seeing my visible dislike she panicked and let go of my face. She stepped back in fear and raised her hands, she waved them in front of me as if shaking them for a 'no'

I just observed her without saying anything.

She raised a finger to her mouth, then pointed to her ears, and then shook her head as she made a cross with her hands.

It clicked immediately.

Ah, shit!

My eyes went wide as I felt like an idiot.

She deaf...

And she can't speak either.

I raised my hands in my defense and waved them for a, 'It's alright.' Then I pursed my lips feeling a little overwhelmed.

She calmed down and smiled again. Just then I heard the footsteps of another person and the chance that it was the guard made me alert.

"I have to go," This time I spoke so she could see me, "I'll come again." I backed away and she shook her head. She raised her hands to sign for me but I couldn't understand her.

"I'm sorry," I told her, "I can't understand you..." I got it that she could read my lips because as I finished, I saw visible sadness on her face and her hands slumped down lifelessly by her sides. She was clearly heartbroken.


This is making me feel bad.

I scratched the back of my head but I had no time to stay. So I turned around and sprinted into the forest before the guard came back.

As I made my way back, I thought about it a lot.

And no matter how I look at her. Mael is a copy of that woman and he doesn't resemble his father or mother.


No way.

I smirked.

It looks like there's more I need to study before I attack.


>> Mike (Mael's father)

"Mael went to see his mom today." Nolan, the guard I assigned to Lana, Mael's mother, came to report to me

"It's fine," I was in the company office.

"Are you sure sir? He didn't let us know in advance."

"As long as he doesn't cause any trouble, he can go meet her." I looked out the window where I saw my wife stepping out of the car, "Just make sure Rachel, my wife, doesn't find out."

"Yes sir."

I sighed.

This is all complicated because of my son...

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