In My Mind

By WrenSpellman

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I used to be normal. I had a good life, kick-ass friends, and teachers hated me. Now, I'm stuck going to a sc... More

The Monster Within
Chapter I: The Day Before
Chapter II: Just a Dream
Chapter III: Sienna
Chapter IV: Mate's the Word
Chapter V: Lulu
Chapter VI: Think Human
Chapter VII: Putain
Chapter VIII: Non-Independance's End
Chapter IX: Seperation
Chapter X: Mates All Around
Chapter XI: Day One, Part One
Chapter XII: Day One, Part Two
Chapter XIII: Day Two, Part One
Chapter XIV: Day Two, Part Two
Chapter XV: Day Three, Part One
Chapter XVI: Day Three, Part Two
Chapter XVII: Day Four
Chapter XVIII: Day Five
Chapter XIX: Day Six
Chapter XX: Goodbye
Chapter XXI: Operation
Chapter XXII: Secrets
Chapter XXIII: Cars
Chapter XXIV: Bite Me
Chapter XXV: Bun in the Oven
Chapter XXVI: Hurting Hearts
Chapter XXVII: Occupancy
Chapter XXVIII: Breathe
Chapter XXX: Caught In The Act
Chapter XXXI: The Guest
Chapter XXXII: Hard as Stone

Chapter XXIX: Shift In Power

348 9 1
By WrenSpellman

Lucien gave me a confused look.

"Make me change." I demanded again.

"I-I can't."

My heart dropped. I turned to face my siblings. "Get me mad."

They shrugged, as if they had nothing better to do. Stone jumped up from the couch and pulled my hair, making me instinctivly hit at him. All four of them did something that usually sends me over the edge, my anger quickly increased. Dad just added to it, yelling at us all to stop. Since Dad wasn't listening to Mom, she stormed off into their bed room, causing him to follow her, even though he really didn't want to. Lucien was going to change after I did. I told him that he would be taking me to the school. He didn't argue.

Something in me was pushing me away, as if I was losing control of my body. That was when my stomach twisted painfully. My body tingled with heat. My muscles tightened and became sore. The pain slowly started to fade before hitting me full blast. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor. Lucien tried holing my hand, but quickly let go when my arm broke at an odd angle. I screamed in pain as more bones broke. Lucien tried everything he could to comfort me, but every place he touched would be the next place something sparked with unbelivable pain. He eventually stopped and just sat there, staring at me with regret filled eyes. Stone and the twins patted him on the back a few times, telling him everything would be okay.

After that, I could care less what was happening. My back broke, and I lost it. It was ten times worse that when I brake my leg. Losing my baby was less painful that this was. The scream that escaped my lips scared me. It sounded like I was dying. Hell, it felt like I was dying. Tears flowed down my cheeks and dripped onto the floor. No one dared touch me. The last thing I saw before I blacked out, was Sienna. She had a calculating expression, meaning she was forming some sort of plan.

I opened my eyes to see my dad's angry face. When I tried speaking, a wierd grumbling sound came out, making me jump to my feet in surprise. Why was I so short? I twisted enough to see a tail. To make sure it was mine, I spun in a circle a few times.

"She's already chasing her tail! Mom, I told you she already had brain damage!" Stone said.

I stopped in my tracks, facing him. I lowered my head and growled threateningly. Someone bumped my shoulder. I looked to see the same wolf that had bitten me. Lucien barked in his way of telling me to follow him.

"Serenity, don't you dare!" Dad yelled.

"Vicky--" Mom started.

"It's still dangerous for you to be away from us!"

"Vicky--" Mom tried again.

The front door opened and grandpa walked in. He left it wide open. Perfect. We ran for the opening.

"As Alpha, I order you to stay here!"

I literally couldn't move. I collapsed to the floor, tears shimmering my eyes. I can't believe my dad. I don't even know the man anymore. I thought him using my middle name was bad, but this was worse. He was taking away my free will, something he swore over the years he would never do. I never really understood it then, but I do now. The boys, including grandpa, started yelling at dad for what he did.

Mom left the room again, not able to handle all of the noise. She's always had more sensitive ears then everyone. Sienna stood, effectivly silencing everyone in the room. Lucien whinned, letting me know he was still there for me, it seemed. She stood right in front of Dad, her face expressionless.

"As Next Alpha, I relieve you of your position for the safety and well-being of the pack and all its members."

I had no idea what had just happened, but everyone else did. The twins' jaws dropped. Stone clapped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide. Grandpa rubbed the back of his neck, something he did when he didn't know what to say, which was rare. Dad's expression was one of terror. He looked like Sienna had just said she was going to commit suicide because of him.

"Sienna... baby, no." Dad breathed, collapsing to his hands and knees.

"I'm not a baby anymore, Dad." She looked at him seriously. "I'm tired of being treated like one. It's time I took control."

I could finally move. I rose to my feet and sprinted out the door. Lucien caught up and led the way. Usually, I wouldn't like for Sienna to be taking over, but for some odd reason, I didn't care. I was glad she finally broke off and found her independence. It seemed like I already had, since I wasn't as dependent on my siblings as I used to be. Stone had, also. It was noticable that we had grown apart some, not much, but some.

Lucien came to a sudden stop, almost making me run into him. I heard the sound of skidding tires. There were screams of "Wolves!" and "They might have rabies!". The people around us went into a frenzy, all trying to run in different directions. We tried to stay away from them, but no matter where we turned, there was a wall of panicked people. My ears flattened on my head when I heard loud sirens. There was some more skidding of tires as animal control showed up. If we didn't get away now, we would be taken away and put down. This town had had so many run-ins with rabid animals, that they stopped taking chances and just shot the poor things, infected or not.

I grew tired of  being trapped, so I started growling and snapping at people to get them to move out of my way. Lucien followed my lead. We soon had a path cleared for us. There were a few people standing in the way of animal control so they wouldn't shoot us. Those were the animal-lovers. They got arrested a lot for getting in the way of things like this. We eventually made it through the large crowd and ran like our lives depended on it. Because they did. Oncoming cars screached to their stops, trying not to hit us. It took a while to get away from town, because of all of the traffic and people.

As soon as we entered the forest, we were surrounded. Lucien forced me under him before I could even protest. I was able to see the people around us. They weren't anyone we had to worry about. Raelande Jo, Erin, Kes, and Toby were standing in a half circle around us. Lucien let me up and I snapped my jaws at him. He ignored me.

"Want a ride?" Toby asked.

Lucien tilted his head to the side.

"We have orders from the Alpha." Raelande Jo said.

They all shared knowing smirks.

...:::At The School:::...

Erin took me to a room she said was mine and Sienna's. It took me a while to change back to human. After much coaching from Erin's part, I was back to myself. Only a pair of black jeans, a shirt that seemed to belong to a guy, and my combat boots were left, other than my sisters clothes, but I didn't want to wear them, although I did steal a bra. I stayed commando, becuase I didn't want to borrow a thong. The girl may act innocent at times, but she only owned thongs and I didn't feel like having my ass flossed at the moment. I left my hair to hang around my shoulders, not bothering to brush out the nasty knots. Something about the room seemed familar, but I just brushed it off and let Erin take me to the lunch room. Lucien was already there, dressed and ready for whatever came next. So were the rest of my friends.

When he saw me, a smile spread across his face. "That's my shirt."

"You want it back?" I asked, lifting it to my bust line.

His face became seriouse. "Don't."

I snorted and dropped it back into place. "Okay, so who's in charge here?"

"Mr. Benton; he should be in his office." Kes told me.

"Let's go, then." I said.

Lucien led the way. When we got there, he didn't knock. He swung the door open and let me in first. The man Kes said should have been in here, wasn't the only one in the room. There was a other man and, what seemed to be, his wife.

Lucien walked right up to the man next to his wife. "As Next Beta, I relieve you of your position for the safety and well-being of the pack and all its members."

The man fell to his knees. "Son..."

"What do you think you are doing?!" The other man demanded. "And why are you here, Serenity? I have specific orders saying you are not allowed here."

"There's been a shift in power, as you can see." Erin said. "They're in charge until our new Alpha arrives."

"New Alpha?" The woman asked.

"Alpha Sienna Sin." I said proudly. "My baby sister."

"Benton," Erin said. The man behind the desk looked at her. "Its good manners to let higher ranking wolves sit."

As if he'd been pushed, Benton moved away from his seat. Lucien sat in the chair and gestured for me to follow. I stood slightly behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Benton, summon everyone to the field. Parents included." Raelande Jo said.

"But, everyone is training--"

"Don't argue." Lucien snapped, making my heart flutter. I guess guys with power is a turn-on. He glanced up at me, smirking. He turned seriouse again. "It is time for everyone to take their rightful place."

"Son, you don't know what you're doing!" Lucien's father--just a guess--said.

"Yes I do." Lucien said.

"You haven't finished your training and you're still too young to have so much resposibility."

"Dad, our generation was made for one reason, and its about time we fulfill our purpose in life."

The man nodded once and walked out of the room. The woman  came around the desk and hugged Lucien. She did the same with me, except she pecked my cheek.

"I know you are going to do great, possibly better than I did." She walked out and didn't look back.

Even though I didn't know her, what she said still meant a lot. I didn't get much time to dwell on it, because Sienna walked in then. She had an air of authority surounding her. Oddly, everyone in the room got down on one knee and bowed their heads. After standing, Lucien and I just lowered our heads. When I looked up, a deep blush was crawling its way up her neck. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Alpha, everyone is being gathered in the field, just as you asked." Raelande Jo told her.

"Thank you." She turned to Lucien. "I saw your parents in the hall. I take it you're already Beta?"

"Yes ma'am." 

"What is an Alpha and a Beta?" I asked, not able to continue to pretend to know what they were.

"Alpha is the boss and Beta is the second in command." Kes said. "There's also the Centra and the Delta, who are the people that take the place of the Alpha and Beta if they both happen to die and their children, who are next in line, are not able to take their places."

Erin rolled her eyes. "She didn't ask about them."

"But its still good to know. She is the mate of the Beta."

"Anyway," Sienna said, stopping their escalating argument. "I think it is time that we go out to the field. Everyone is probably already there."

Erin sighed. "i really don't want to see Cooper yet. His nasty ass is thinking some gross things right now."

"You can read his mind?!" I exclaimed.

"No. Werewolves reading each other's minds is stupid. We can feel our mates emotions, though. I really wish we couldn't. That boy needs some serious sex addict counciling." She shivered with, what I could only name as, disgust.

I looked at Lucien. "Why can't I feel your emotions then?"

"I'm guessing its because you lost your memory."

"Can we go yet?" Sienna questioned.

Pretty much everyone in the room shrugged.

"Its up to you." Toby said.

"Yeah, you're the Alpha." I added teasingly.

She lighty punched me when I got close enough, making me laugh. We all began the walk out to the field. Lucien put an arm around my shoulders as we went. Everything was happening too fast. I had barely gotten a grip on the fact that werewolves existed when the craziness started. I must be insane to be able to handle all of this so well.

"Where are our not-so-lovely brothers?" I asked Sienna.

"Making sure the parents don't skip out on the gathering." She told me.

Lucien snorted. "Never thought I'd hear that before."

"Me neither." Sienna and I agreed in unison.We shot each other matching smiles.

Sienna's smile faultered. I drew my eyebrows together. She rubbed at her stomach for a moment before acting as if nothing ever happened. I let it go. She would tell me what was up when she was ready.

"I can't decide whether or not I should start calling you Lulu." I told Lucien.

He smiled. "You can call me anything you want."

"Alright, shit-dick."

"Exept for that."

Everyone laughed, and was still laughing as we entered the giant circle of students and parents. We instantly put all joking aside. This was a seriouse matter and would be treated as one. But, I couldn't help of thinking of all those times I wished kids would rule and parents would have to take orders from us. It made me smile the tiniest bit. At least one of my wishes came true.

"Good afternoon." Sienna started, taking the hand of some boy I didn't know. "I have called you all here for one reason, and that reason is for our generation to take our place as worriors and do what we were created to do: take down our enemy."

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