Don't Go...-Corey Seager *com...

By louies9101

89.1K 896 364

Janine Marley, a sophomore is dating Corey Seager who's a senior in Northwest Cabarrus High School. They've b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 21

2.5K 24 8
By louies9101

Janine's P.O.V

It's been weeks since Corey have been avoided me lately after the family reunion. I am getting frustrated and confused. Why is he doing this? Why can we just get over it? Jesus. I need a drink.

Sighed. I need to call my best friend Mariana. Not Vicente haha. The other one. My childhood friend. I picked my phone and dialed her. I stared at the clock in the living room. She must be in her dorm already or busy with her boyfriend.

"Hey girlll it's been a while! What's up!?" Mariana said in excitement.

"Hey . Nothing much. A lot of drama." I sighed.

"Why????? What's wrong??? Who ever messed around with you , I am gonna come and beat their ass." She said in a angry voice. Oof.

"Babe. Relax . I'll tell you what happen." I said. I explained it to her what happen with everything in four months.

"Wow...Corey still loves you..." Mariana said in shocked.

I sighed. "That's not the point Mariana...."

"Babe. I'm sorry. I wish I was there for you. I wish I can help." She said in a sad tone.

I looked down. "It's ok. I'll call you later ok?"

"Alright babe. If you need anything I am always here for you." She said

I nodded."Ok thank you. Love you bye." I said.

"Bye love." She hung up.

I lay down on the couch and went on twitter. I scrolled down and saw a picture of Cody kissing Sabrina. My heart began to beat. No. This is not what happen. I tried not to panic and scrolled down more.

There was a rumor between Cody and Sabrina. I see tons of picture of Cody and Sabrina together. Oh my god. I can't believe it. Corey is right. I thought Cody truly loves me. What is this? This is bullshit.

My eyes began to watering as I throw my phone in the couch and ran upstairs. I slammed the door and threw myself on the bed as I started crying. How could he do this to me? Why? Am I not good enough for Cody? I'm done with him.

After 2 hours of crying, I finally fell asleep. It hurts so much. My heart hurts. Corey is right. I should have listen to him. But I guess I didn't to. I was too stubborn.

I woke up from the ringing of my phone. I checked to see who it is and it was Corey. I picked up the phone answered."Hi.." I said in a weak voice. "Hey ok?" He said. I sighed. "I'm fine ...what is it?" I said in annoying voice. I can feel him roll his eyes. "I'm on my way to drop off Chase." He said.

"Alright. Text me when you're here." I said as I hung up the phone. Gosh. Why am I rude to him? I felt so bad now. Smh. I'm such in a bad mood. I looked at the mirror and felt ugly. Oh my god. My make up is messed up. My mascara and eyeliner is everywhere. Sighed. I gotta fix my makeup.

20 minutes later. I finally fix my makeup. Still ..I looked horrible. My eyes are red and I have a runny nose. Smh. I can't do anything now.

There was a ding on my phone. I checked and it was Corey. I jogged downstairs and sighed. I opened the door and see Corey carrying sleeping Chase. "Hey..." Corey said. I nodded letting him come inside my home.

I showed him Chase room and watched Corey put Chase down on his bed. He gave a kiss on his forehead and whispered. "Daddy loves you..." Chase stirred. Corey turned off the light and followed me behind as he close the door.

I avoided him as I cleared my throat. "Um..thank you for dropping him off." I said in a sad tone. Corey nodded as he walked away. I stopped. "Corey...I..." I sighed. He stood there as he stared at me.

"I know... you said not to come crying at you,'re right. Cody..." I sighed. "He's cheating on you?" He asked. I closed my eyes. "Before you say 'I told you so'. Yes he did. I'm sorry. I should have listen to you. You know him more than I do. It's my fault." I said in tears.

He sighed as he hugged me. I hugged him back as I cried on his chest."Corey...I'm so sorry.." I said. He shook his head. "'s ok.. it's not your fault...I'm sorry too.." He whispered. I shook my head and hugged him.

We hugged for 2 minutes. It felt good. I haven't hug him for years. I missed it. Its brings back memories. I closed my eyes as I smell his scent. I love smelling his scent. He smell sooo good. I felt safe with him.

He kissed my forehead as we pulled away our hugs. I looked up to him and stared at him. Those green eyes....I missed them. It's so glory and beautiful. I felt like..I am falling in love with him again. He made me feel so weak. God. Why is he doing this to me?

*Warning smut*
He stared at my lip as he leaned in. I leaned in as well and captured his lip. I closed my eyes as he slowly kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

We kissed passionately. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I never felt this way before. No one made me feel special like Corey. Of course..he's my high school sweetheart. Never stop loving him. Yes. I got to admit that I am still in love with Corey Drew Seager aka my baby's daddy.

His hand roamed my body as I moaned. I tugged his hair a bit as he bit my lip. "Shh ...Chase is in the room..." He whispered as he tapped my thighs. I jumped as he caught me. I wrapped my leg around his waist as he slowly walked to my room.

He carefully closed the door and locked it as he continue kissing me. He lay my down,not breaking the kiss. I tugged his shirt to take it off. He stopped the kiss and took off his shirt as he threw it on the floor. I took off my shirt as well.

He leaned in and kissed my neck. I close my eyes as I moaned quietly. He slowly kissed and nipped down my neck and found my spot. He licked and sucked on it as he made a huge purple bruise. I bit my lip to keep my moan inside.

He kissed down to collarbone as he unclasped my bra. He threw it on the floor and kissed my breast. I gasped. He looked up to me as he sucked one of my breast. I arched my back as he pushed me down. He kissed down to my jean and unzip.

He took of my jean along with my panty and kissed inside my thighs. "Mm...i love you....i still do...I never stop loving you.." Corey said as he looked up. I bit my lip and hold my tears.He got up and pecked me.

" I miss you.... take me back baby...." He whispered as he closed his eyes. I bit my lip and kissed him. He was surprised as he kissed him back. "I love you too...I can't stop loving you. You're still my number 1 boyfriend..." I said in tears.

He smiled as he wiped my tears away. "I want to make love to you. This night is going to be special for us.... this is our moment." He whispered. I nodded as I pecked him. He went down and kissed my clit. I bit my lip trying not to moan loud because of Chase.

He licked and kissed around my clit. He slowly entered me with his finger while he continuing kissing my clit. My eyes roll in back of my head as I grabbed his hair. "Corey....babe....." I moaned.

He entered me with second finger as he pumped in and out. I gasped as he hit my g-spot. He pumped in faster as he add another finger. I grabbed the sheet as I arched my back. He stopped and pulled his finger out.

He took off his jeans along with his boxer. He spit on his hand and rub it on his member. I open my leg wide as he gets closer. His member rubbed around my vagina before entering. He slowly entered me as I gasped. He closed his eyes and went on top of me.

He kissed me as he thrusted in slowly. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He groaned. "You're so beautiful......the most beautiful woman I ever seen in my life." He whispered. I blushed as I moaned. "Corey...."

"Your hair is so long and beautiful. I love it. I don't ever want you to cut it." He said as he thrusted in and out little fast. I hold his face as I moaned. "Babe.... faster..." He smiled as he pecked me. "You have beautiful and sexy body. This body is mine. No one gets to touch what's mine." He growled as he pumped in and out faster.

I gasped as he hit my g-spot. My mind is full of craziness. I'm here making love with Corey. He made me forget about Cody. He forgave me and tells me that he loves me. I'm with my baby daddy. This is crazy. Please lord. Please tell me this is a dream. Oh my god.

He closed his eyes as he continue hitting my g-spot."" I licked my lip as I kissed his neck. My wall tighten around his member. He gasped as he felt tightness around him."Fuck baby....I love you so fucking much." He groaned. I grabbed his face and smashed my lip against his lip.

I moaned on his lip as my climax came. Corey groaned as his thrust became sloppy."Babe...I'm gonna..." He moaned. "Cum baby..." I whispered. "Ahh!! Janine!! " He came in me as he panted. I had my hand on his chest as I stared at him.

He unwrapped my leg as he slowly pulled out his member. I licked my finger as I rubbed my clit. He sighed as he got up and walked to the bathroom. Min later he came back with a towel. He cleaned himself and helped me.

He lay down next to me as he spooned me. We lay there silence. There was no words or anything. His breath hits my shoulder as I felt chill in my spine. He chuckled and kissed my shoulder.

"Corey...we can't tell anybody about this...I'm not ready..." I said as I was concerned. He nodded. "Of course baby. We'll tell whenever we're ready." He said. I smiled as I turned around. "Corey...I want our relationship back. I missed us. ..." I said as my finger move around on his chest.

"Me too baby.....I never stop loving you...whatever you see me with Madisyn...I didn't date her. Her parents forced me to date her. I didn't want to...." He sighed. I stared at him and took his face. "It's ok....I'm here now.... ." I said.

He smiled. "So...will you take me back...?" He asked in a cheesy way. I laughed and nodded. He wiggled his eyebrows and kissed me. "Yayy...." I giggled as I kissed him back.

*next morning*

I slowly woke up and yawned. I looked around and see Corey snoring. I chuckled. He's so cute....I can't believe we're back together. This is crazy. I never thought we will be back together until last night. He's right. He made me feel special that night. Dang. How does he know everything? Haha.

He interrupted my thoughts. "Why are you staring at me?" I raised my eyes brows. He smiled and leaned in to hugged me. "Eww ....don't kiss me...I have a bad morning breath." I said in disgust. He laughed and pecked me.

"Corey!" I whispered. He laughed and snuggled in my neck. I giggled. "Morning baby..." He said in a deep voice. I chuckled. "Morning..." He smiled. "How do you feel right now?" I played with his hair. "Oof..I'm little sore,but it's felt amazing." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him. He chuckled and pulled away as he stretched. "Urrrggggg..." He took a big sighed. I giggled. " have to go..before Chase sees us." He pouted. "But I wanna stay.... " I smiled. "No you can't..." I said. He groaned. "Fine.... " He got up and put on his boxer.

He sat in the bed and yawn as he rubbed his eyes. I got up with my blanket covering me as I leaned on his back. I wrapped my arms around his chest as he smiled.

I kissed on his back of the neck. "Don't worry baby...I'll see you at the game." I mumbled. He raised his confusion. "You coming to my hame...?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Yes for Chase's sake." I said. He laughed. "Of course." I laughed along with him.

"Alright ...I'll see you tonight...." He turned to his left and pucker his lip. I laughed and roll my eyes as I pecked him. He got up as I lay down. I watches him as he put on his clothes. He put on his shoes and walked towards me.

He bend down as he kissed me. "Love you..." He mumbled against my lip. I hold his face with my hand and kissed him back. "Love you too.." He smirked as he leaves. I watched him leaves the room.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling.Wow. I am falling in love again. I'm such a happy woman. I am lucky to have him again. Without him there is no way that a man can love me the way Corey loves me. He is just too perfect for me. He belongs to my heart and this family.

My thoughts were interrupted again by my phone. I picked my down and see a message from Cody. I growled. This bastard...what does he want?

Cody💗 - Hey baby....

Me - what so you want?

Cody💗 - woah baby...grumpy huh? Haha...i just want to say I love you .

Me - Cody ..we need to talk...

Cody💗 - what's wrong baby?

Oh my lord. He needs to stop calling me that.

Me - it's better if we can grab a lunch...

Cody💗 - sure no problem babe...

Me - ok ...see you soon..

I growled. This bastard is gonna get this hands. How dare can he do this to me? He made a blind lover. I am gonna get him so bad. Watch me Cody. Be prepare because you don't know what's going to happen next. .......

Hi guys. Oh my god. I know . Finally updated huh? Sorry guys. I've been busy for a while and I had a writer's block. I had no motivation at all,but now I do because of my friend Nessa 💙.

I just turn 17 two weeks ago. Sadly I got sick after my birthday. I'm kind of sick,but It's finally spring break! Woo! Oh my god! Opening day is in 6 days! Ahhh! I can't wait! This is great!

Thank you guys for being patient. I apologize for not updated. I had a rough week. My grandpa passed away and my mom was gone to visit for 2 weeks. It sucks,but he's no longer suffering. He's now up in heaven with my family.

I love you guys so much and again thank you. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter. Peace 💙

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