G/T One-Shots

By unfortunatelysage

38.8K 672 119

Giant/Tiny stories!! (Different characters with each story, gender/sexuality/race inclusive) More

Forest (Part 1)
Fairy Tale
Confident (Part 1)
Confident (Part 2)
Confident (Part 3)
Cold (part 2)
Ask the Characters
Golden (Part 1)
Golden (Part 2)
Honeymoon (part 2)

Forest (Part 2)

2K 34 4
By unfortunatelysage


It looked... human... but only about 4 inches tall, if that. I turn off the flashlight and the small creature tries to run away, to which I block it off with my hand. I scoop it up in my hands and bring it closer to me, inspecting that he's a boy, about my age, with platinum blonde hair. He looks absolutely terrified.

I try to calm him. "No, it's okay, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to see what you look like." Out of no where, he pulls out something small from his pocket and I feel something poke my hand. He grabs it back out and coils in with wide eyes when I obviously shriek and probably become angry. I try to maintain my calm, but it's becoming increasingly hard.

"Please put me down!" he yells, frantically looking over the edges of my hands to find a drop, I assume. I listen and lower myself closer to the ground. He hops off and immediately breaks for it, but I stop him once again, with my arms this time.

"Why do you want to go so fast?" I ask, though it was really obvious why.

"Why do you want me here so bad?" he asks back to me, and I can feel the anger and fear he has combined in his voice.

"I just want to know what you are, you're like, really tiny."

"I'm 100% positive I'm not the one with a size issue. Every other human I've met could at the very least fit into one room of a house!" He shrinks back down after, clearly still scared. A human?

"How are you a human? I'm a human," I reply, scooping up the boy again. He's a bit calmer and doesn't stab me this time, but still shows clear panic.

"Then where are the other humans that look like you?" he questions. Without saying anything, I stand up to my full height (which freaks him out a lot) and carry him to the place where I can go back and forth.


I'm in the hands of a giant. What the fuck. I'm going to die. I'm going to die! What's gonna kill me first? The possibilities are endless! I could be dropped from this height, I could totally be stepped on after being dropped, I could be straight up eaten, I could be stuffed in a pocket until I suffocate, I could be taken to wherever he lives and stuffed in a cage until I starve and dehydrate. It's like spinning a wheel, it could land on anything.

"We're here," he declares. I peek over his cupped fingers to see a sudden dark entrance, contrasting the rest of the sky.

"I don't get it," I say.

"Neither do I, it just brought me here."

"Like a dimension thing?" I suggest. "It could be the same as here, just bigger."

"Maybe. I don't want to cross over with you, it's not safe at night," he says. I turn back and my eyes meet his. His are incredible, wide and deep brown, almost black, that go really well with his hair of the same color, and toned, olive skin.

"What's your name?" I ask, completely surprised I did it first.

"Alex, you?" he replies back.

"Cameron. You can stay for a while, I guess. I'd just stay hidden if I were you. We can help each other find out what that thing is."

"Only if you're willing, I know you're not really okay with this yet," Alex says.

"I can be, you've kind of shown that you don't want me to die yet."

"I hope so, I'm just as scared of myself as you are right now," he chuckles.

-I need help with an ending. How did the portal/dimension/whatever thing get there, and can anyone else see it? Can Cameron go through it? Comment shit, I'll credit you if you want when the next part comes out.-

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